A hands-on session and experience focusing on both the spiritual and musical nourishment of young singers.
Alleluia Conference
James Stevens – Hymn Improvisation for the Church Pianist (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Learn different practical techniques of improvisation of traditional hymns with examples of different styles and on the spot discussing of selected hymns.
Zac Hicks – Planning Worship like a Dietician (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Worship planning is all too often enslaved to the tyranny of the urgent. In this session, we will look at planning through the helpful metaphor of a “theological dietician,” exploring the…
Josh Stewart – Live Band Rehearsal (2018 Alleluia Conference)
One of the best ways to learn how to work with a praise band is to see a real life example. In this session we will walk through a live rehearsal with a band of church musicians preparing for…
Ron Mallory – Handbells in Contemporary Worship (2018 Alleluia Conference)
More and more churches are switching to contemporary worship styles, and there’s no reason handbell musicians can’t participate. Come explore…
Thursday Conference-Wide Worship Gathering (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Thursday Worship Gathering led by Baylor Church Music Alum. Scott Davis.
Ron Mallory – Composing and Arranging for Handbells (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Learn methods of creating your own arrangements and original compositions for advanced handbell choirs, from hymn settings to processionals and beyond.
Josh Stewart – Understanding the Band’s Language (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Musicians have their own language and at times volunteers don’t understand the language a band uses to communicate. Sometimes we as leaders need refreshers or don’t know…
Zac Hicks – The Lord Will Fight For Us: Worship as War (2018 Alleluia Conference)
When we enter into gathered worship, we step into a battlefield where a spiritual war is taking place. How does Scripture tell us to arm ourselves? What are our chief weapons? How are…
Zac Hicks – God is Actually in the Room: Worship as Encounter (2018 Alleluia Conference)
When we gather for worship, do we really believe that God will be present in a unique way? In this session, we will…
Ron Mallory – Techniques for Handbell Ringers and Conductors (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Good technique provides a foundation for good musicianship. We’ll explore advanced techniques for both handbell ringers and conductors, and along the …
Jonathan Rodgers – Demolition Derby: Buildilng, Renovating, Reimagining Student Choirs (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Many churches have given up on student choir and realized the error of their ways. They are seeking to go back and start their student choir ministry over from scratch. Some are stepping into new ministry positions and need to make…
Terrie Preskitt Brown – Special Needs, Special Worship (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Almost three years ago, at Highland Park UMC in Dallas, we created an All-Inclusive Choir and a service with the Special Needs Community. what we do, how we do it, and the Holy Spirit at work!
Michael Burkhardt – Stepping Stones to Part Singing (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A hands-on session and experience focusing on sequential planning for and development of part singing skills.
Jack Mitchener – Bach Chorale Preludes for the Organ (2018 Alleluia Conference)
J. S. Bach was one of the greatest church musicians in history. This session will be a discussion and demonstration of Bach’s art of “preluding” on a chorale tune. The approach will include a chronological journey through Bach’s chorale-based works.
Terry Taylor – Music Reading Games for Grades 1-6 (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Let’s explore a variety of fun resources, materials, games, and music for Grades 1-6 with an emphasis on music reading and singing skills.
Michael Burkhardt – The Three R’s: Really Rehearsing Repertoire (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A hands-on session and experience focusing on score study, rehearsal planning and rehearsal strategies.
Terrie Preskitt-Brown – Musicians, Conductors, Herders of Cats (2018 Alleluia Conference)
When we step in front of a group of children, we become Herders of Cats. How to keep the Musician & Conductor inside us happy as…
Jonathan Rodgers – The Missing Link: Fostering Non-Musical Connections (2018 Alleluia Conference)
In the pursuit of making excellent music, one can often overlook intangible elements of the music-making process. These elements often include shared experiences, goals, student/conductor interaction, and purposeful activities associated with the choral…
Michael Burkhardt – Children in Worship (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A hands-on session and experience focusing on engaging children in worship and children leading worship.
Terrie Preskitt-Brown – Plan the Music, Work the Plan (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A continuation of “Plan the Work – Work the Plan” in which we’ll look at specific anthems and discover the keys to the beautiful singing that is locked inside each one.
Terry Taylor – Music Outreach and Ministries for Children (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Are you involved in or interested in music ministry to refugee, immigrant, unrepresented, or underserved children? Let’s gather and discuss experiences and ideas. We will look at the Children’s Freedom Choir in Nashville and other innovative initiatives.
Wednesday Conference-Wide Worship Gathering (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Thursday Worship Gathering led by Baylor School of Music students.
Terry Taylor – Fruit of the Spirit: Younger Children (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Leaders of younger children’s choirs will explore the Fruit of the Spirit theme and attributes from Galatians 5:22-23 through engaging music, activities, and …
Terrie Preskitt-Brown – Plan the Work, Work the Plan (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Beautiful singing isn’t easy, but with the right tools, your rehearsals can become the conduit through which praising God through song becomes an act of …
Jack Mitchener – Healthy Playing Techniques for the Organist (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Have you ever felt tired or even exhausted after practicing the organ or playing a church service? Come and hear some ideas of ways to alleviate tension in playing. Renew your love for playing the organ!
Terrie Preskitt-Brown – Amp It Up @ Music Camp (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A guide for producing a fun, musical, spiritual week of summer camp for children using Orff-Schulwerk as the guiding principal.
Terry Taylor – Fruit of the Spirit: Older Children (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Leaders of older children’s choirs will explore the Fruit of the Spirit theme and attributes from Galatians 5:22-23 through engaging music, activities, and colorful resources. This session features Growing in Grace, a …
Jonathan Rodgers – Culture and Choir: Friends or Foes? (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Are these two entities really in conflict with one another? Some say yes. Some say no. In this more interactive, discussion-based session, we will exchange ideas and…
Michael Burkhardt – Working with the Child Voice (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A session focusing on understanding the child voice and developmental experiences for singers of all shapes and sizes (speech-like singer…
PIE TALK – Engaging Children Through Music: Why It Matters (2018 Alleluia Conference)
We all agree that musical engagement should begin at an early age, but why does it matter so much? Join these children’s music leaders, advocates, and innovators as…
David Music – The Beginning Church Choir Director (2018 Alleluia Conference)
This session is designed for musicians with little background or training in choral directing who find themselves leading a church choir. Questions…
PIE TALK – As I See It: Where Church Music is Heading (2018 Alleluia Conference)
With growing repertoire choices, countless resources, and major cultural shifts, church musicians are faced with many decisions that will impact the direction of their congregations…
Alleluia 2018 – Michael Burkhardt – Hearts, Hands, and Voices (2018 Alleluia Conference)
A hands-on session and experience focusing on whole person and learning style awareness in working with children’s choir singers.
James Stevens – Chord Chemistry 101 (2018 Alleluia Conference)
Learn the exact meaning of chord symbols from the most basic to the most complex and how to accurately and practically form them for playing.
John Ferguson – The St. Olaf Choir Tradition (2017 Alleluia Conference)
College choirs enjoy a different “life style” from church choirs. Ferguson will…
Maria Monteiro – The Double Minority Status of Hispanic Baptists in San Antonio (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session focuses on current music ministry practices outside of the Anglo-American…
James Abbington – Rethinking the Christian Funeral (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Perhaps the most important thing that churches must understand is that a Christian funeral is a service…
Samuel Eatherton – Church Music for Children (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Most would agree that music is a powerful conveyor of truth and can thus be instrumental in…
Lift Every Voice and Sing: A Celebration of Black Gospel Music (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Dr. James Abbington walks the congregation through a collection of Black Gospel music from throughout history. This event was presented at…
Terry York – Writing the Words (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Learn this writer’s approach to writing anthem lyrics, hymn texts, and chorus lyrics. Turn the disciplines of…
Ben Johansen – Sound Easy: A Non-overwhelming Shepherding Through Audio Tech (2017 Alleluia Conference)
In this session, Dr. Johansen will unpack the more technical side of audio technologies (live sound reinforcement and recording) …
Janeal Krehbiel – Teaching Tone: Unhinge the Jaw, Unleash the Sound (2017 Alleluia Conference)
I will give you many ideas for creating beautiful sounds and give you visualizations for promoting excellent tone. This is one of…
Randall Bradley – Worship Gathering Talkback Session
Location: McCrary Music Building, Baylor University - Waco, Texas
James Abbington – The Negro Spiritual in Worship and Concert Performance (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session will examine the differences between the Negro folk, or congregational spiritual and the concert, or arranged spiritual in worship and…
Bob Avant – Ringing Skills & Techniques for Levels 3-5 (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session will focus on the skills required to perform music that is more challenging. This will…
Bruce Benedict – Contemporary Worship for the Church Calendar (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Contemporary worship has a lot to offer if we can direct it through a liturgical framework. In this session we…
Janeal Krehbiel – Preparing the Singer (2017 Alleluia Conference)
You will be given over 100 exercises to use throughout the rehearsal. Exercises will include physical sensations, intellectual activities…
Cindy Berry – My Accompanist is a Mind Reader (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Tips for being the best accompanists we can be.
James Abbington – Worship Planning Using the POW’R Model (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session will examine various methods and resources for worship planning and their effectiveness. Using…