The Psalms of David Imitated was a groundbreaking work of congregational song and the source of such hymns as “Joy to the World” and “Jesus Shall Reign.” This session will include discussion of Watts’s

The Psalms of David Imitated was a groundbreaking work of congregational song and the source of such hymns as “Joy to the World” and “Jesus Shall Reign.” This session will include discussion of Watts’s
This session focuses on current music ministry practices outside of the Anglo-American…
The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project at Baylor University is the world’s largest initiative toidentify, acquire, catalogue, digitize and eventually…
Liturgical inculturation seeks to cultivate worship that is meaningful in the church’s context by joining texts and rites with the cultural pattern surrounding the church. This study begins with a brief investigation of historical influences on Baptist liturgical theology and music. It then introduces the study of liturgical inculturation, describing principles and methods developed by Catholic and Protestant liturgists. These principles and methods serve as a basis for application of liturgical inculturation among Baptists in the United States…
The primary objective of the United States Air Force Academy is to produce quality leaders that serve as officers in the United States Air Force. Many programs at the Academy help accomplish this goal, one of which is the Chapel Music Program. This paper will explore the musical institutions at the Academy by researching and studying the work of various music directors including James Roger Boyd, Edmund L. Ladouceur, and Joseph M. Galema, the music of the worship services, and related concerts at the United Sates Air Force Academy Chapel from 1954-1984. Primary…
An introduction to the English Cathedral musical tradition, its history, its music its choirs and its organs as well as its theology. What can it teach us as church musicians in different settings?
Dr. Brian Wren is Emeritus Professor of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia. He is a writer, preacher, worship and workshop leader, and…
Isaac Wardell lectures in Baylor Chapel on the mistakes of contemporary Christian worship.
That the landscape of corporate worship among Southern Baptist churches in America has changed drastically in the last fifty years is an inescapable fact…
This presentation will explore the life and works of E.E. Ayres.
William (Singing Billy) Walker, 1809-1875: A Bicentennial Tribute.
This presentation will provide a historical overview and assess the current status of women involved in Baptist music ministry.
Early hymnody within the emerging Baptist churches in Scotland was influenced, primarily, by the relatively recent events of the Scottish Reformation…
This discussion concerns the hymns of the Baptist presidents. While it has much interesting material, this session can only be completely understood as supplemental…
Description: The newly-constituted United States of America experienced the second great religious revival during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Because of its magnitude as a revival movement and its pervasive influence on the future of American...
Daniel Brink Towner stood at the center of the development of Southern Baptist music education in the early part of the twentieth century…