The Nano-Optics & Advanced Health Sensing (NOAHS) Lab is located on the second floor at Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC) and has a total footprint of 4,000 square feet (sf). The NOAHS Lab consists of three research rooms totaling more than 2,000 sf of lab space: Semiconductor and Photonics Lab, Biomaterials Lab, and Prototyping Lab, which is equipped with state-of-the-art commercial and custom-built instruments to synthesis bio-photonic materials, fabricate and characterize various photonic devices, sensors, and systems.

Materials Characterization:
Lakeshore Hall system
Woollam ellipsometer

To be updated
Optoelectronic Device/System Characterization:

- Optical Tables
- One Newport (12’×6’) floating optical tables with vibration isolation
- Two Newport (8’x4’) floating optical breadboard tables
- One Thorlabs optical table workstation (8’x4’) with active vibration isolation
- One optical workstation (4.5’x3’)
- Optical Coupling Systems
- Customer-built waveguide grating coupling systems with different titled angles
- Thorlabs APT NanoTrak Auto-alignment Controller
- Thorlabs Max311D 3-Axis NanoMax Stage, Closed-Loop Piezos
- Surface-normal optical coupling system for silicon photonics
- Multiple Thorlabs and Newport 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis alignment stages
- Lasers & Light Sources
- Carlmar femtosecond pulsed fiber laser: 0.1ps pulse, 20mW
- Santec tunable lasers: TSL710, TSL510 O-band, and TSL210
- HP 8168A tunable laser
- Newport 5-channel DWDM laser array at C-band
- Thorlabs broadband IR ASE diode laser: 1.5-1.6 μm
- Mellis-Griot HeNe laser: 632.8 nm, 5mW
- SDL CW high power CW fiber laser: 1112nm, 10W
- LSI DLM-220 dye laser: 514nm, 3ns pulse
- Two Nd:YAG lasers: 1064 nm and 512 nm, 10W
- Avantes white light source: vis-IR
- Intralux fiber optic illuminator
- Various visible wavelength Coherence solid state lasers
- Various semiconductor laser diodes and LEDs
- Optical Amplifiers
- Thorlab S9FC1004P semiconductor optical amplifier
- Thorlab polarization maintaining Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA-100)
- Optical Spectrum Analyzers and Photodetectors/Power Meters
- Thorlab OSA203 Optical spectrum analyzer (1.0-2.6μm)
- HP70951 optical spectrum analyzer (0.6-1.7 μm)
- Ocean-optics USB2000 and USB4000 UV-VIS spectrum analyzer
- Chromex scanning monochromator
- Newport PMKIT power meter: 0.1nW-2W
- VIC silicon photomultiplier
- Two Thorlab InGaAs fixed gain photodetectors
- Thorlab BP209-IR beam profiler (900-1700nm)
- Newport PMKIT power meter: 0.1nm-2W
- Thorlab fiber-optic power meter: 800-1700nm
- Thorlab USB PM100 power and energy meter with Si and Ge detectors
- PbSe Photodetector
- PbS Fixed Gain Detector
- InGaAs Amplified Detector with TEC
- High-Speed Optoelectronics Characterization
- Keysight M8196A arbitrary waveform generator (92GSa/s)
- Keysight N1000A digital communication analyzer (DCA) wide-banwidth oscilloscope with N1030A optical receiver (65GHz bandwidth)
- Agilent 86100A digital communication analyzer with 86109A optoelectronic module (30GHz optical and 40GHz electrical bandwidth)
- Thorlabs 818-BB-35 12.5GHz photodetector & APD310 high gain detector
- HP 83595C RF generator 26.5GHz
- HP 8562 microwave spectrum analyzer (up to 26.5GHz)
- Fluke 1GHz function generator
- Multiplex Tektronix function generators
- Tektronix digital oscilloscopes
- Dual channel Wavetek synthesized arbitrary waveform generator
- Princeton lock-in amplifiers
- Cascade microtech RF probe station and 40GHz Infinity probes
- Broadband SHF amplifier
- 10GHz LiNbO3 intensity modulator

Biomaterials Synthesis and Biosensors Characterization:
- General Wet-Lab Equipment:
- To be updated
- Biomaterials Incubator:
- Distek BIOne 1250 dual controller bioreactor
- Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy:
- Horiba XploreaPlus confocal Raman/photoluminescence microscope
- BWTek i-Raman plus portable Raman spectrometer
- CM110 optical spectrograph