Camp Registration

Pre-Camp Songwriting

Saturday, July 19th – Monday, July 21st
Join us early this summer for a songwriting intensive Saturday-Monday.

Registration fees include:

Pre-camp instruction
Lodging & Meals
Notebook & writing utencils


Provided meals start with dinner on Saturday and go through lunch on Monday. Dorm rooms are shared between 2 campers. Students can request a specific roommate during the registration process.

Individual Registration

Monday, July 21st – Friday, July 25th
The on-campus camp experience with all of the amenities Worship Lab has to offer.

Registration fees include:

Camp instruction
Lodging & Meals
T-Shirt & Water Bottle


Provided meals start with dinner on Monday and go through lunch on Friday. Dorm rooms are shared between 2 campers. Students can request a specific roommate during the registration process.

Commuter Registration

Monday, July 21st – Friday, July 25th
The same experience available to those locally that wish to not stay on campus.

Registration fees include:

Camp instruction
T-Shirt & Water Bottle


Provided meals start with dinner on Monday and go through lunch on Friday. Student may be picked up and dropped off at the beginning and end of each day’s sessions.

Register Online 

Use the link below to submit your registration for the 2025 Worship Lab at Baylor. Please select the appropriate instrument, voice part, and track during registration. There is a space on the form for you to indicate a roommate. Please know that we will make every effort to honor roommate requests, but the other individual must also register and request the same student. Students must be within the following age range to attend camp: incoming 9th grade freshmen through May 2025 high school graduates. New this year, consider the optional pre-camp songwriting experience. You must add this pre-camp during registration. In order for the pre-camp to take place, we must have a minimum of 15 students sign up.

0 – Vocalists (Waitlist is Turned On) – Please register and join the waitlist to be considered for added spaces.
7 – Acoustic Guitars
1 – Pianos
7 – Keys
8 – String Players & Other Instrumentalists
13 – Electric Guitars
5 – Bass Guitars
8 – Drummers
16 – A/V Techs

We will evenly fill 8 bands for this summer’s camp with instrumentalists and vocalists. Once a position has been filled, additional registrations will be placed on an official waitlist. We will fill vacant spaces from this list as they are available throughout the spring.

Camp Scholarships

Financial assistance is available for our camp at varying levels. If you are interested in this option, please complete the Scholarship Application BEFORE you complete the online registration form. Submissions will be reviewed and awards will be notified by email within two weeks of submission. Recipients will receive a code to enter on the payment screen of the registration process. At this time, scholarships are only available for Worship Lab (Mon-Fri), not the songwriting pre-camp.

Grant Participating Churches

Churches who have partnership agreements with Baylor University will be allowed an allotment of student registrations at a reduced rate. On the registration payment screen enter the code provided to your church. Partner church students check into camp an hour earlier to attend a partner lunch provided by Baylor.

If you have any questions about the registration process please use our contact us form OR call our office at (254) 710-1355.