Vision for Developing Christian Leaders

“Baylor University remains a place where the Lordship of Jesus Christ is embraced, studied, and celebrated. We love God with our heart, so we are compelled to care for one another and to address the challenges of our hurting world. We love God with our soul, so we are called to worship Him and to serve Him in building His church. We love God with our mind, so we are called to instruction, research, scholarship, and creative endeavors that truth may be discovered and disseminated, beauty revealed, and goodness honored” (Pro Futuris, p. 11*).

As a result, we envision that Baylor Professional Sales students are:

  1. Being called to their discipline purposefully by God. Faculty and staff are called to prepare students to realize their highest vocation as human beings.
  2. Recognizing that they are a work-in-process and the Lord will work intentionally through their ProSales experience to mold them for His purpose.
  3. Operating as part of a masterful whole. ProSales is one discipline in the context of a diverse set of disciplines in the academy which collectively contribute to our understanding of the kingdom.
  4. Growing in their Christian worldview. ProSales students are to develop key virtues (justice, courage, temperance, humility, magnanimity, generosity, wisdom, prudence, understanding, and knowledge) which manifest in fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) in the process.
  5. Joining God in His work. Our work is for God’s purposes and so we are to honor God through our work.

*Thanks also to the statement on Christian Perspective adopted by the University General Education Committee

Pro Futuris