Baylor ProSales is dedicated to developing ProSales students into tomorrow’s sales leaders. With our small class sizes, students receive personal coaching from top sales and industry experts and travel across the U.S. to compete in sales competitions.
How Do I Apply?
Acceptance to the Professional Selling program is selective and limited to students who demonstrate the aptitude, leadership, and work ethic necessary for success.
All prospective applicants must:
- Visit the Baylor ProSales website to learn more about the Professional Selling program
- Attend a ProSales Information Session (first Wednesday of each month in Foster 218 at 4:00 pm)
- Interview three current ProSales students to get a student’s perspective about the program
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.20 (average GPA of students in the program is currently 3.60)
- Watch a background video (The Science of Sales) before completing the application essays
- Complete the Professional Selling Application
- Solicit three references (two faculty members, one work supervisor) to complete the Professional Selling Recommendation Form (references submit directly)
- Participate in the admissions interview
Students may be admitted to ProSales as early as their Freshman year.
A $200 Professional Development Fee covers ProSales identity materials (business cards, jacket, backpack, polo, etc.) and professional development activities.

[Based on] my performance in the role plays over the course of training, I currently rank at the top of our entire class. At a communication workshop, my team presented in Dallas and received the award for the best presentation from a panel of executives, and I’m in the running to receive the top prize for a video interview. Without the wonderful ProSales program, absolutely NONE of my recent successes would have happened, and I know that for a fact. I consistently get feedback that I have such a solid foundation. The comment never fails to remind me of where I got that foundation.
Sam Azide | BU ’17 | Samsara