Matt Ochall

Matt Ochall
Growth Sales Representative
BMC Software

Matt Ochall currently holds the position of Growth Sales Representative at BMC Software. He has been in this role for four months and works in the Enterprise Service Management & IT Operations Management space, helping companies discover issues and proactively remediate them.

In his current role, Matt is responsible for assisting with account management for current accounts, generating pipeline for new business, and gaining a comprehensive understanding of BMC’s offerings.

Matt initiated his career in the software space as an intern at BMC and has continued to progress in the same industry.

He pursued his education at Baylor University, majoring in both Professional Selling and Management Information Systems. Among his favorite classes were ProSales 2, which delved deep into sales methodology and its practical application, and Advanced Python, which laid a strong foundation for his passion for the IT and tech space.

In terms of personal accomplishments, Matt mentions running the Bearathon as a significant achievement, reflecting his love for pushing his limits and supporting good causes. Professionally, he received the Bright Spot award in his first three months at BMC, which is awarded by top leaders to sellers who have accomplished or supported an initiative that benefits the entire organization.

Matt encourages individuals to not be afraid to ask for help, emphasizing that the fastest way to learn and grow is by seeking assistance when needed.