Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling Co-Hosts Global Sales Conference in Finland
Each year, scholars and industry leaders from around the world gather at the annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference to collaborate on leading issues and topics from the global sales landscape. This year’s conference, co-chaired and co-sponsored by Baylor University’s Center for Professional Selling and Turku University of Applied Sciences, takes place in Turku, Finland on June 13-15, 2012.
The 6th annual GSSI Conference, “Selling in a Fully-Participative Society,” features leading academic work from 96 global scholars representing 11 countries. Scholars participate in the conference program as presenters, co-authors and reviewers.
“The GSSI Conference is an important collaboration that extends beyond the purview of the academy,” said Andrea Dixon, executive director of Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling and co-chair of this year’s conference. “What a wonderful opportunity we have through the GSSI to engage with our academic and industrial colleagues from around the globe.”
Topics covered in this year’s conference range from cross-cultural impacts on training and entertainment, to value-based selling and creating value through meetings, and to global perspectives on sales compensation practices.
Senior sales officers from Canon Business and STX Finland (cruise lines) will present the practitioner perspective on B2B selling.
“It is an honor for Baylor University and the Center for Professional Selling to co-host this year’s conference,” Dixon said. “The opportunity to showcase and support sales research being done around the globe is an important part of Baylor’s leadership role in helping to shape the future of the sales profession.”
The Global Sales Science Institute is an international network formed in 2007 by academics and practitioners involved in sales & sales management. GSSI’s aim is to unite the study and practice of sales & sales management around the globe and brings together scholars and practitioners from across the world to further advance global collaboration in sales research, practice, and education. Previous conferences have been held in Greece, France, Poland and Italy. The 2013 GSSI Conference is scheduled to be held in the Netherlands.
About the Center for Professional Selling
Dedicated to excellence in sales education and based in the universityā€™s Hankamer School of Business, the Center for Professional Selling is recognized as one of the premier global information resources for the sales profession. For more information on the Center for Professional Selling, visit