Baylor ProSales Announces Results of the Baylor Business Selling Outside (BBSO) competition

Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling revealed the final results of the Baylor Business Selling Outside (BBSO) competition on February 14 as students and faculty gathered to celebrate. The BBSO is designed to engage students in a realistic sales situation with business executives. This year, students focused on selling BMC Software’s Control-M product which integrates workflows to simplify application and data workflows across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments. These in-person role-play sales meetings provided students with the opportunity to engage, face-to-face, with twelve executives from BMC, a Platinum Elite corporate partner for Baylor ProSales.

Student competitors were judged virtually by 138 business executives from around the country, offering students a chance to gain valuable feedback from the Center for Professional Selling’s Corporate Partners, Advisory Board members, Ambassador Board members, and alumni. This year’s competition consisted of 147 competitors (individual and two-person-teams) and the top ten individual finishers included:

1.  Ashleigh Stuck
2. Rocky Holloway
3. Kate Sralla
4. Emily Muehl
5. Cullen Slattery
6. Benj Nopper
7. Tyler Robinson
8. Clay Kellejian
9. Diego Chavez
10. Zach Hills

First-place finisher, Ashleigh Stuck, shared this about her competition experience: “ProSales 1 sharpened my ability to interpret a case from the lens of providing a viable and impactful solution for the buyer. In preparation for the meeting, I focused on word economy to make my statements bold, powerful, and empathetic. The biggest lesson I have learned through ProSales competitions, such as the BBSO, is that I must have a deep care for my buyer, my product, and the value to have a productive conversation that results in positive change!”

Students in the advanced sales class must compete in the BBSO as individual competitors and as part of a two-person team, thereby gaining understanding of the team sales process. The top performing team for this competition included Wilson Feezel and Kate Sralla. As Kate noted about their team-selling experience, “Two talented individuals are not effective unless they understand how to work together. In preparation for this competition, Wilson and I spent some time predicting objections and understanding the case but even more, preparation diving into how we could utilize our strengths to work as one unit. I am thankful for this program and its people who constantly push each other to reach their full potential.”

All of the ProSales competition materials are developed and executed in partnership with the ProSales Corporate Partners. In serving as the ProSales Platinum Elite partner, BMC Software serves as the context for the two Spring sales competitions: the Baylor Business Selling Outside (BBSO) and the Baylor Business Value Analysis (BBVA) competitions. “We are blessed with a truly integrated partnership with BMC, working to ensure the success of both parties. BMC provides the key expertise needed for the development of the BBSO competition materials,” according to Dr. Andrea Dixon, Executive Director of the Center for Professional Selling. “The complexity of the BMC sales context truly pushed our students to develop strong conceptual thinking needed for the real complexities of today’s business world.”

The BBSO allows Baylor students to see how they stack up against their peers and allows the center’s Corporate Partners to view Baylor talent as they prepare to enter the job market. In addition, top individual performers are awarded cash prizes.

About the Center for Professional Selling
Dedicated to excellence in sales education and based in the university’s Hankamer School of Business, the Center for Professional Selling is recognized as one of the premier global information resources for the sales profession. For more information on the Center for Professional Selling, visit