Student Feature – Olivia Van Der Reijden

Positive Sales Enthusiast

Olivia Van Der Reijden shines as an individual known for her unwavering positivity and her ability to find the silver lining in every situation. She firmly believes that maintaining a positive attitude can significantly impact the outcome of any circumstance. Olivia’s commitment to focusing on solutions and opportunities, even in the face of challenges, sets her apart. Olivia’s outlook on life energizes her, driving her towards personal and professional fulfillment, and she consistently approaches each experience as an opportunity for growth.

As a member of Baylor’s Professional Development Program (PDP), Olivia has had the opportunity to host an event featuring the founder and former CEO of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Group, Horst Schulze. This experience and others have allowed her to broaden her professional network, hone her communication and leadership skills, and stay motivated and focused on her career aspirations. Olivia considers her participation in PDP a rewarding journey that has contributed significantly to her personal and professional development.

Olivia’s journey in the Professional Selling Program has been equally transformative. Through her ProSales experience, she has honed essential skills such as active listening, effective questioning, and understanding people’s needs and desires. These skills have not only strengthened her personal relationships but also propelled her to success in professional settings. Olivia highlights the importance of community within ProSales, emphasizing the collective motivation, inspiration, and support that students and faculty provide to one another.