Student Feature – Aly Mikesell

Enthusiasm for Leadership and Fitness

Aly Mikesell’s enthusiasm for fitness and health is clearly demonstrated by her remarkable achievement of running 37 half marathons in different states, with the goal of conquering one in every state. In addition to her running feats, she has discovered a love for weightlifting, and plans to compete in bodybuilding. Her dedication to personal fitness reflects a commitment to discipline, hard work, and self-improvement.

Aly’s impact extends beyond the gym. During her sophomore year, she took the initiative to establish the Network of Enlightened Women Chapter at Baylor, a women’s leadership, and political club. Under her leadership, the organization has flourished, growing to over 60 members, and hosting numerous speaker events and self-defense courses. Her efforts have created a thriving community of like-minded young women at Baylor, a testament to her leadership and ability to bring people together.

In Baylor ProSales, Aly embraces the philosophy of turning points of failure into opportunities for growth and learning. She recognizes that perfection is not always attainable, and she has learned to handle criticism gracefully and apply it to her future endeavors. Aly has translated these lessons into practice in her current job at a supplement store, where she excels in building relationships with customers and practicing solution-based selling. Her ability to understand customer goals clearly and tailor recommendations accordingly has not only boosted her sales but also fostered customer loyalty. Aly’s passion for service and helping people reach their goals is evident in her fitness-focused job and extends into her aspirations for her career. She envisions a future where she can continue to assist individuals in overcoming challenges and achieving their objectives, further emphasizing her dedication to making a positive impact on others.