Student Feature – Matt Temple

A Healthy Competitor
Passionate about competition, Matt Temple has played sports his whole life which has motivated him to give his all to whatever he does. Translating this passion to his work, he strives to do his best while exceeding expectations. Grateful to ProSales, Matt appreciates the relationships he has formed with his peers where he sees a healthy balance of camaraderie and competition.
Through ProSales, Matt has learned how to network with business executives and establish connections with people from all walks of life. He has learned how to handle rejection, while also learning how to turn a no into a yes. His biggest takeaway from ProSales has been mastering time management. With this skill, he can maximize his days without feeling overwhelmed.
Outside of the program, Matt is an active member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon where he has served as Social Chair and on the executive board in risk management. In his free time, he enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking. Matt believes there is nothing better than the peace gained from enjoying nature. With the skills he has learned and his competitive spirit, he looks forward to a career in sales.