Spring 2021 Outstanding ProSales Student Coach: Josh Palermo

Josh Palermo

Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling (ProSales) is pleased to announce that Josh Palermo is the Spring 2021 Outstanding ProSales Student Coach. Baylor ProSales sponsors student involvement in four internal and six external sales competitions each year. In addition to competing, ProSales students serve as student coaches, providing rich learning opportunities for both student competitors and student coaches while building student-peer relationships and the collaborative ProSales culture.

Josh’s peers nominated him based on his coaching for the National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC) team as well as for several internal competitions. One of his peers, Hannah de la Torre noted, “Josh Palermo is the literal reason I made it so far in my NCSC competition. Josh always encouraged and pushed me to be the best (even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear). Josh spent countless hours outside of the competition practice times to help me succeed.”

According to ProSales Senior, Abby Haan, “Josh Palermo went above and beyond for every practice and each competition day. Josh was always the first to volunteer as the buyer in practice role plays, give competitors his available hours for extra feedback, and show up hours early on competition days to ensure competitors were ready. He even brought the team some much-needed donuts and kolaches on his own dime. I have personally never seen a student coach go this above and beyond for others knowing he would get little recognition or personal gain – simply put, Josh led with a servant heart and excelled as a coach.”

Another colleague, Austin Greene shared, “Josh dedicated his time to learning how to coach different personality styles in the most effective way. He spent his time coaching not only showing us how to do something but teaching us how to do it in our own style. This adaptability in a coach is vital in management and shows how mature Josh has become in the business world.”

In congratulating Josh Palermo as the Spring 2021 Outstanding ProSales Student Coach, the ProSales program also congratulates another student coach for his Honorable Mention: Brian Galbraith coached for the University of Toledo Invitational Sales Competition (UTISC).

About the Center for Professional Selling
Dedicated to excellence in sales education and based in the university’s Hankamer School of Business, the Center for Professional Selling is recognized as one of the premier global information resources for the sales profession. For more information on the Center for Professional Selling, visit https://hankamer.baylor.edu/prosales.