Student Feature – Nicholas Garza

Nicholas Garza Photo

Nicholas is always on a mission, always pursuing a specific goal. When he reaches one, he sets another. Some of his goals have included building more relationships, expanding his network, working out, and healthy eating. Nicholas knows the important role motivation plays in successfully reaching a goal. He says that when he has struggled with motivation, someone always stepped in to provide encouragement and to challenge him to keep going. Because of the positive influence this encouragement has had on him, he strives to make the same impact in others’ lives by motivating and encouraging them.

In addition to pursuing a dual major in ProSales and in Marketing, Nicholas is also a member of Delta Sigma Pi and the American Marketing Association. Nicholas credits the ProSales program with teaching him to be proactive, developing his time management skills, and practicing good business etiquette. These skills enable him to intelligently converse with business leaders, prepare well for interviews and career fairs, and will help Nicholas to continue to be successful as he joins AT&T.