Dr. Keith Richards Awarded Top Honor for Research

Dr. Keith Richards

Dr. Keith Richards, Associate Professor of Marketing and Sales Coach for Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling, received the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (JPSSM)’s 2016 James M. Comer Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory. Dr. Richards and his co-authors (Dr. Wyatt Schrock-University of West Virginia, Dr. Yanhui Zhao-University of Nebraska-Omaha and Dr. Douglas E. Hughes-Michigan State University) were honored for their work “JPSSM Since the Beginning: Intellectual Cornerstones, Knowledge Structure, and Thematic Developments.”

The researchers identified key JPSSM themes around relationship marketing, sales force technology, sales force control systems and salesperson role-stress and gained a better understanding of salesperson motivation and the drivers of salesperson performance.

“It is such an honor to receive the 2016 James M. Comer Award for Best Contribution to Selling and Sales Management Theory in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management,” said Richards. “By examining the history of all we have published in JPSSM, we were able to uncover several themes that should help future researchers in their efforts to explore new sales topics.”

The James M. Comer Award was established in honor of the memory of Dr. James Comer of the University of Cincinnati, who was an Associate Editor of JPSSM at the time of his death. The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management publishes high-quality contributions that deal with new issues, topics, methodologies, theories, concepts, tools, models or applications in sales and selling. The aim of JPSSM is to increase understanding of selling and sales management, contribute to fostering education in the domain, encourage knowledge transfer between science and practice, and the identification of issues and shaping of ideas associated with sales and selling as a company’s single most important revenue-generating function.

About the Center for Professional Selling
Dedicated to excellence in sales education and based in the university’s Hankamer School of Business, the Center for Professional Selling is recognized as one of the premier global information resources for the sales profession. For more information on the Center for Professional Selling, visit https://hankamer.baylor.edu/prosales.