Student Feature – Nicole Lindsay

Photo of Nicole Lindsay

ProSales senior Nicole Lindsay loves to travel. Always adventurous, she recently decided to take her professional skills around the globe. Nicole travelled to Lusaka, Zambia, on a business consulting mission trip and presented personal and professional selling skills to high school graduates transitioning to the next stage of life. While often taken for granted back home, the Zambian students found the resume building, customer service, and business success skills to be an invaluable addition to their education. For Nicole, ProSales has taught her many things. Most significantly, Nicole learned the value of self-awareness and following your passion. By knowing her strengths – and matching them with her passions – Nicole has found many unexpected opportunities and branched outside of her comfort zone while remaining confident of her success. Thankful for the many lifelong friendships she has gained through the program, Nicole looks forward to beginning a career in sales with IBM following graduation.