Student Feature – Melanie Wyman

Headshot of Melanie Wyman

For most college students, seeing a sunrise often only happens after a long night of studying. For Melanie Wyman, it’s a daily occurrence. Melanie makes it a point to wake up early, spend time with the Lord, exercise, and eat breakfast before her classes. She loves the feeling of accomplishing so much before most people wake up.

While at Baylor, Melanie’s expressed her devotion to the Lord by focusing on others. She served as a Young Life leader to local high school students and worked as a Line Camp leader for incoming Baylor students. Outside of Baylor, Melanie interned with OxyChem where she pushed herself to step out of her comfort zone on a daily basis.

Ultimately, Melanie’s passions – health and fitness, helping others, laughing every day, and most importantly her relationship with Jesus – play out in her daily life and provide her with great joy and meaning.

Melanie looks forward to beginning her career with Occidental Chemical Corporation after graduation.