Student Feature – Alex Ingold

Headshot of Alex Ingold

For most, car trouble means a trip to the mechanic. For Alex Ingold, car trouble meant the chance to develop a brand new hobby. When Alex’s car broke down the summer before starting college, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Using a detailed manual and YouTube videos, Alex learned what she needed to know about cars and completely rebuilt her 1989 Jeep Wrangler’s engine.

Alex says the Professional Selling program has helped her learn about herself – who she is and what she is about. Combined with the sales skills she has acquired and relationships she has formed, Alex said she looks forward to using her sales skills as she navigates her career. An automotive internship with 3M provided Alex with the chance to use the steps of the sales process in her day-to-day work.

Following graduation, Alex plans to use her love of cars in the Automotive Aftermarket Division at 3M. And she hopes to continue driving her Jeep Wrangler as long as possible.