Student Feature – Taylor Dixon
“I love the creative element of producing something meaningful, and social media allows me to help an organization directly engage customers with their product, service or brand,” said Taylor Dixon, a senior ProSales and marketing double major from Cincinnati, OH.
Taylor describes herself as “creative and driven to add value to an organization.” Using those attributes, Taylor is exploring the responsibility and roles of entry-level sales associates and their relation to social media through an independent study course which is set in the context of the global innovation leader, the 3M Corporation. This independent study is helping Taylor prepare for her corporate marketing position with 3M after graduation.
Taylor gives credit to the Baylor ProSales program for helping her accomplish her goals. “You have to immerse yourself in ProSales here at Baylor. You’ve got to be committed to the team and be prepared to give and receive value through critical feedback. We want to help everyone in ProSales to succeed,” said Dixon.