Baylor ProSales Junior Shines at National Collegiate Newspaper and Advertising Convention

Lindsey Reagan

Baylor ProSales junior Lindsey Regan and her team took top honors in the Pitch Perfect competition at this year’s College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers (CNBAM) annual convention in Austin, TX.

Regan, an Austin, TX native, and her team surpassed nine other groups, who were all given a scenario to pitch an advertising media campaign. The students were tasked with overcoming an objection given by a client. The students used their skills and training to win the sale with only 45 minutes of preparation.

“My previous work experiences and current studies at Baylor provide me with the capabilities that made me a strong dynamic competitor,” said Regan. “I attribute my success to the ability to properly apply skills learned in classes along with my competitive drive.”

In addition to winning the Pitch Perfect competition, Regan earned the opportunity to compete in CNBAM’s Sell Off Competition. Regan was one of only five students selected to compete in this prestigious event, which involved four minutes of preparation before individually sharing her sales presentation in front of 300 other students at the convention.

“I was blessed to be asked, and saw this opportunity to help me grow, and polish my selling skills,” said Regan.

Describing her drive and passion for sales, Regan commented on Baylor’s ProSales program being a differentiator. “I like that the program is dedicated to developing Christian business people and leaders who are prepared for the challenges of the workplace.”

“While we have been excited to watch Lindsey’s professional growth through the ProSales program, the response of one of our corporate partners confirms Lindsey’s transition into an excellent sales professional,” said Andrea Dixon, the executive director of the Center for Professional Selling. Dixon reported that the partner shared in an email, “Have to say…I’m especially proud of Lindsey. The lady has come a long way!”

About the Center for Professional Selling
Dedicated to excellence in sales education and based in the university’s Hankamer School of Business, the Center for Professional Selling is recognized as one of the premier global information resources for the sales profession. For more information on the Center for Professional Selling, visit