Sales Executive Shares Insights at ‘First Wednesday’ Event

AB - Nelson
Paul Nelson

Paul Nelson, Sales Executive for IBM and Baylor Center for Professional Selling Advisory Board Member, addressed students in Kayser Auditorium about the importance of leadership in business and sales for the Professional Development Program‘s “First Wednesday” event on November 7. Fifteen minutes before the event began, over half the auditorium was filled with students funneling-in right up until Nelson’s talk began.

Nelson, who has also guest-lectured in a number of sales courses at Baylor over the years, shared his overall thoughts on the topic of leadership.

“Leadership truly makes a difference. You see it everywhere from public institutions to athletics to corporate America; and good leadership usually transfers into great organizational performance.”

Nelson’s talk focused on what students could do to prepare for their careers and how to act as leaders when they enter the workforce. He shared his “Eight Characteristics of Exceptional Leaders” and provided general advice for Baylor students.

Senior Professional Selling Major Austin Roberson interned at IBM this past summer and helped organize the event.

“I really enjoyed setting up this First Wednesday event because it gave me the opportunity to network further with IBM after my internship this summer. It also allowed me the chance to bring in a terrific speaker and business person in Mr. Nelson who can teach young Baylor business people how to be leaders when we get in the business world.”

The next “First Wednesday” event will be January 16.

On November 14th, the Professional Development Program will host a Marketing and Professional Selling Career Fair from 4:00-6:00pm on the fifth floor of the Cashion Building.

Please visit the PDP website for a complete list of upcoming PDP events.

About the Professional Development Program
The Professional Development Program (PDP) prepares students for a successful college-to-career transition. Developed for Marketing and Professional Selling students within the Hankamer School of Business, the PDP is a student-run program with a series of events designed to facilitate learning opportunities for students outside of the classroom. Students enhance their understanding of different fields and build a solid understanding of different career opportunities.