Consult, Compete, Win

National Collegiate Consulting Championship


Get ready for the inaugural National Collegiate Consulting Championship, a prestigious event celebrating the brightest minds and promoting integrity in business consulting. Integrity is at the core of this competition, reflected in our evaluation criteria and the inspiring messages from our keynote speakers. Students from around the country will gather to showcase their expertise, competing for more than just recognition—they’ll prove their readiness for top professional roles nationwide. Join us on this exciting journey to transform the field of business consulting, driven by exceptional student talent and a commitment to integrity.


march 31-april 1, 2025

Baylor University – Waco, TX

Individual students and their schools will each be ranked and recognized. The championship will be awarded to the team with the highest ranking performances across each event. Each team is comprised of 1-5 students. A school may field up to 2 teams.

Undergraduates currently enrolled in a U.S college or university are eligible.


The premier event of the championship is Presentation Pro. Each team of up to 4 students will submit an executive summary of a completed consulting project. This submission will be scored and used to assign seeding in a March Madness®-style tournament bracket. In this thrilling competition, students from each school in a matchup will deliver captivating presentations back-to-back. Judges, who include consulting experts, determine which team moves on in the bracket.

Participation: Up to 2 for the tournament. Solo for the marathon.

Challenge your knowledge and wits in a competition where you’ll face questions spanning various subjects, including ambiguity management, critical thinking, hypothesis-driven research, AI, strategic models, and communication skills in consulting contexts. How quickly can you conquer questions in a race against students across the map?

ParticipationSolo only

Engage in an electrifying showdown in a consulting simulation. Unearth your strategic brilliance as you tackle unforeseen challenges, pitting your human ingenuity against the surprising dilemmas for the ultimate victory.

Participation: Solo only

Explore your proficiency in consulting while others make decisions around you. In each round of Viral, competitors enter a dark room with a line down the middle. A question will be placed on a screen with two answers, one on each side of the screen and corresponding with the line on the floor. A timer starts on-screen and participants stand on the side of the room of the correct answer. After the time is up, the correct answer is shown. Those on the correct side of the room stay, and those on the other side are eliminated. How confident are you in making unpopular decisions?