Constance Cherry -Moving Worshipers (2014 Alleluia Conference)
Passive worship can be a problem in worship today regardless of worship style. Learn how to move your congregation from spectators to participants. Discover such things…
Passive worship can be a problem in worship today regardless of worship style. Learn how to move your congregation from spectators to participants. Discover such things…
Participants will discover the importance of evaluating musical choices for congregational song to ensure theological, musical, and lyrical integrity….
The organ can be one of the most inspiring, colorful, and expressive instruments for leading worship when we maximize its potential. This class will demonstrate how to make the most…
Is the session title a little frightening?! There’s no need to fear! Learn to use digital projection software and equipment in your choir room. It’s less expensive, easier, and more fun than you imagine!
Who are our children’s heroes? Let’s share some strategies and resources that will help us grow lifelong worshippers, and help children learn to filter the negative influences of popular culture.
Whether we realize it our not, our role as worship pastors and worship leaders is one of a guide. In that sense we guide our people from place to place, point to point, and moment…
Finding your own heart of worship, even in the midst of being in “work mode” on Sunday mornings.
What does God expect in corporate worship? This session will identify several non-negotiable, scriptural mandates for…
Comparing the work of a worship leader to that of an architect, this session offers a blueprint for designing worship services through various phases…
At its core, worship is a relational encounter between people and God (vertical) and persons in community (horizontal). The structure of worship must facilitate…
Make every minute count! Let’s play some fantastic musical games that engage children in instant learning fun, anytime and anywhere.
Coordinators, how does it all fit together? Let’s review materials and curriculum that will build the foundation for a lifetime of musical and spiritual growth in our children. You will also take home ideas for your Advent and Christmas programming…
Learn tricks of the trade from a veteran composer and arranger.
Learn tricks of the trade from a veteran composer and arranger.
There is no more affirming setting for developing musicians than the church. By God’s design, it is a place where persons young and old can…
In this session Joe and Lloyd will discuss a number of practical ideas for arranging and composing for choral ensembles. They bring decades of experience to this topic.
The role of the church keyboard player is far more than merely filling a slot on the music schedule or a spot on a Sunday morning bench. In this session we…
Go behind the scenes to observe a strategy that begins with score study and ends with the ringers’ ability to make music that becomes worship.
Handbells continue to evolve as an instrument of worship. While this session will “start at the very beginning”, up to date tips…
Bells Outside the Box shares creative ways to use your bells in conjunction with magazines, empty paper towel rolls…seriously?
Critical listening represents an area of essential skills that directors and ringers navigate together in order to become a stronger team.
In this session we’ll focus on some ideas for image creation, websites, and digital signage to improve your communication and…
In this session we’ll take a look at two great user-friendly tools for worship ministries: presentation software ProPresenter…
Preschoolers love to move! Come to this session for some tips on how to guide preschoolers in purposeful, beat-full movement…
Can preschoolers sing in tune? Absolutely! This session will focus on techniques for developing the preschoolers…
Tips for Beginners to Advanced players. Whether this is a scary or no-sweat concept for you, this session will include tips and technique for every level!
We will explore the ways the pianist/organist can best support, inspire, and express inherent meaning in the music in worship/performance.
No matter the ability level of the choirs with which we collaborate, the artist at the keyboard has many opportunities to hasten the choir’s progress in rehearsal as…
Younger Children’s leaders, it’s your turn! Be ready to move, sing, and play instruments with materials and curriculum that will engage your younger children and…
Older Children’s directors, let’s sing some great music for older children and review some wonderful resources and materials. We will also explore ideas for planning your…
This session will provide a kit full of tools to help you start or restart a children’s music ministry. Do you currently have a strong, ongoing program? Come to this session and…
You will leave this session with all the inspiration and detailed information you need to plan an incredible music camp for the children in your church and community.
Combined Children’s leaders, you can make it work! Be ready to move, sing, and play instruments with materials and curriculum that will engage children of all ages in laying….
Understanding the Impact (“Why is choir so ‘touchy-feely’?) What is it that makes music so universally transformative? How…
What system can I use to teach my singers style? What is possible for “once-a-week’ singers as they attempt different kinds of music?
A review of the principles of clarity and communication required of our hands.
Using various choral, vocal solo and duet publications, as well as recent instrumental publications as references, this will be…
Here, we will tackle some of those essential components of every gathering of youth choir directors–ideas for recruitment…
An exploration of what it takes to achieve holistic success for the youth choir, including Chris’ three keys to producing a great sound and practical tips on conducting gesture, warm ups, rehearsal planning, and…
Come experience this unique teaching method in which the entire music class is in the dark using black…
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it….
Need a set! Help! I need to cast a musical! Help! I need to teach a musical! This class has it all…
Get up and move! Join Pam as she shares with you new ideas for worship with your children. She will…
Following Part I, this class will examine some more advanced techniques as well as allow the opportunity for class participants to try out some techniques.
The word “improvisation” frightens many organists, but in reality, the best improvisers have their own “bag of tricks” to use in creating a new song.
This session will offer information on how to select accompaniments that fit your congregation’s voice and…