The guitar, piano, bass, drums and voice form the backbone of the modern worship team, but what do we do with other instruments that may be available in our churches?
Alleluia Conference
Houston Children’s Chorus Concert (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The Houston Children’s Chorus is known throughout Houston and the State of Texas for their diversity in membership and repertoire. They perform…
Heather Potter – What Should I Be Teaching (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Defining goals for our teaching that are based on sequential musical growth and age-appropriate expectations.
Heather Potter – Can Music Literacy Be Caught (2016 Alleluia Conference)
We will investigate ways to introduce new songs to our singers that improve their musical awareness and lay a foundation for music-reading skills.
Nick Strimple – Using Music and Art to Establish Meaningful Interfaith (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Shortly after 9/11, the Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles recognized a need for increased dialogue and cooperation among the various faith communities in Los Angeles…
Joe Stobaugh – A Few Things We Didn’t Cover in Conducting (2016 Alleluia Conference)
oday’s worship artist must contend with the wide range of ever changing technology used in worship. This session will examine the employment of these technologies…
Joe Stobaugh – Enlivening the People’s Song with a Praise Band (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Enlivening the people’s song is the church musician’s primary task: come and learn strategies to improve congregational singing in a contemporary musical setting.
Heather Sorenson – When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Sometimes we forget why we do what we do. Sometimes service logistics {and fellow congregants} smother our worship. This session helps pianists (and other ministers) to take a step back and see the bigger picture in ministry.
Heather Sorenson – A Mixed Bag of Composition/Arranging Tips (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The art of composition goes beyond having a good idea for a song or arrangement. It is a craft in which writers never stop learning and growing. In this session, Heather discusses the things she has learned while in the music ministry.
Rory Noland – Worship As it is in Heaven (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Chances are, few people would include worship in their list of top spiritual disciplines. Yet, it is one of the most important of…
Rory Noland – Spiritual Formation for Artists (2016 Alleluia Conference)
If our ministry is the product of our relationship with Christ, it’s essential to nurture a vibrant intimacy with the Lord. Join us as we discuss…
Rory Noland – Artistic Temperament: Friend or Foe (2016 Alleluia Conference)
If we’re not careful, sometimes our greatest strengths can become our gravest weaknesses. This session will take an honest look at…
Pepper Choplin – Choral Techniques for the Real World (2016 Alleluia Conference)
A collection of practical ideas to immediately help the typical church choir sing with passion and a quality sound.
David Cherwien – Variety in Traditional Hymnody (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Hymns have come to us from a large variety of times and places, which gives us the opportunity to bring out this variety! How? Topics will include tempo…
David Cherwien – Ideas for Creative Hymn Introductions (2016 Alleluia Conference)
A list of quick and simple ideas other than playing the first and last line, with which hymns can be introduced…
Wednesday Worship Service (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Kerry Burkley, preacher: “When God Rejoices Over Us” (Zephanian 3:14-20)
Kimberly Ingram – Uniquely Wired for Singing and Praise (2016 Alleluia Conference)
So many ways to learn! So many ways to connect to music and praise! We’ll explore Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, and find songs, activities, and strategies to…
Kimberly Ingram – Praise Him, Praise Him, All You Preschool Children (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Let’s sing together as we help our youngest singers discover their voices and their faith! Learn classroom management, teaching tips, songs, resources, and games…
Kimberly Ingram – Portable Power Pack for the Elementary Choir Teacher (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Early Arrivers, Warm ups, Games, Songs, Energizers, Brain Breaks, Scripture Connections – you’ll leave with your own PORTABLE POWER PACK to keep you…
Kimberly Ingram – Live Wires (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Let’s spark children’s interest with fun, lively songs and games that teach Bible stories, Scripture memory, and choral skills. Serious fun for your little live wires! Bonus: Active Early Arriver Ideas!
Kimberly Ingram – Let’s Connect: Engaging Young Worshipers with God’s Holy Word (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The songs and lessons we learn in children’s choir can form lifelong connections to Scripture and faith! Learn how to CONNECT your students to Scripture with innovative…
Monique Ingalls – Understanding Your Congregations Unique Music Culture (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Each local congregation has its own unique history, geographical and social location, demographic makeup, and mission. As ministers of music, we need to understand each of…
Jo-Michael Scheibe – Vowels, Vowels, Vowels (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Let’s have a look at intonation and the role of consonants. Vowels are commonly the only focus in a choral rehearsal. This presentation will explore…
Jo-Michael Scheibe – Seating, Placement, and Vital Colors for Your Choir (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Placement of voices within an ensemble can greatly affect the overall sound. This presentation will look at schools of thought on choral sound and…
Jo-Michael Scheibe – Effective Rehearsal (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Everyone wants their rehearsal to be efficient and effective. This presentation will explore approaches to rehearsal planning to maximize the use of time and quality of that time spent with singers.
Teresa Granger – Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin On (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Preschoolers are always on the move. This session features simple songs with movement and instrument activities to keep the preschool child movin’, groovin’…
Teresa Granger – Making Every Minute Count (2016 Alleluia Conference)
This session focuses on early arriver activities, classroom management techniques, and rehearsal strategies to help make your next children’s choir rehearsal…
Jonathan Rodgers – The Keys to Success (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The essence of youth choir involves making music and leading people. In this tool-sharpening session, we will unpack these four areas…
Jonathan Rodgers – The Heartbeat of Youth Choir (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Together we will discover some of the invaluable benefits of youth choir ministry. These things really are the heartbeat and lifeblood of any great youth choir program, but…
Jonathan Rodgers – Youth Choir: Behind the Veil (2016 Alleluia Conference)
In this session we will seek to answer questions about the students that are in our youth choirs: Who are they? What challenges do they face?
Heather Potter – I’m Only a Volunteer (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Ideas to help the volunteer or part-time director efficiently manage a choir and plan interesting rehearsals.
Marcell Steuernage – Between Kantor and Frontman (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Many worship practices of today’s Evangelical Christian churches are influenced by contemporary Christian music. This worship culture is sometimes at odds with more traditional…
Teresa Granger – Let the Story Times Roll (2016 Alleluia Conference)
This workshop offers hands-on experiences in creating sound stories for children. You will use instruments, sound effects, props, and found sounds to create…
Teresa Granger – Implementing Growing in Grace (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Discover strategies and ideas in this session to help you make the most of Growing in Grace in a choir setting containing a wide age span of children.
Heather Sorenson – Playing Well With Others (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Many music ministries are transitioning. How does this affect the pianist? What new tools do we need to serve in this changing dynamic? This session will discuss the pianist’s changing role in ministry, and how to read charts.
David Cherwien – Creative Registrations for Congregational Singing (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The organ is an instrument full of a variety of colors, uniquely able to evoke a wide range of expression in the singing. Ideas for keeping registration…
David Cherwien – Improvisation (2016 Alleluia Conference)
For many improvisation feels out of reach, yet everyone is capable! Where to begin, and how to gradually (and slowly) build this ability. We will…
David Cherwien – Helping Congregations Sing (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Simple ways the organist can encourage (or inadvertently discourage) robust singing. The basics include pulse, breathing, reliable downbeat, and finding the “right” tempo.
Randall Bradley – Music & Cross-Cultural Engagement (2016 Alleluia Conference)
This session will explore cross-cultural engagement involving music. Best practices and philosophical…
Robert Karns – Focusing Identity Through Song (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The objective of this session is to examine the congregational song of a single, local evangelical church whose congregation numbers between…
Stephen Heyde – Orchestra Speak for the Church Musician (2016 Alleluia Conference)
A session devoted to suggestions on how to work and communicate effectively with instrumentalists
Jo-Michael Scheibe – Purpose Driven Warm-Ups (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Well-crafted warm-ups are a crucial tool in planning an effective and productive rehearsal. This presentation will explore the purposes of…
Heather Potter – Singing in Parts (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Singing in harmony doesn’t just happen. We will examine the steps along the way that make part-singing accessible for children.
Heather Potter – Hymns for Children (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Suggested titles, arrangements, and teaching techniques for encouraging hymn singing with children.
YouthCUE National Honor Choir (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Location: Truett Seminary, Baylor University - Waco, Texas.
Brant Adams – Instrumental Arranging (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The session will offer suggestions and possible approaches for creating instrumental components to music that…..
Mark Edwards – Choosing Gratitude Through Life’s Low Places (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Mark Edwards, retired Minister of Music at First Baptist Church, Nashville, and advisor to Celebrating Grace publishing, explores the sustaining power of hymn texts. Using as example his..
2015 Alleluia Conference – Session Handouts
Session handouts from the 2016 Alleluia Conference are available for download at the following link. These handouts are also listed on the individual recording pages within this website. VIEW SESSION HANDOUTS
Susan Eernisse – My Favorite Things (2015 Alleluia Conference)
A veteran teacher/choir director shares some of her all-time favorite management tips, activities, songs, anthems, and more. Some of these may become your favorites, too.
Susan Eernisse – Keep Them Coming Back (2015 Alleluia Conference)
Training, enlisting, valuing, and retaining great volunteers can be challenging. Let’s look at ways to support and retain our most valuable resource.