Ferguson will explore the “nature” of the organ, especially considerations relevant to accompanying…
Alleluia Conference
David Music – The Efficient Choir Rehearsal (2017 Alleluia Conference)
The greatest enemy of the choir director is time. This session will give suggestions on…
Keith Pate – Sing it To Me: Get on the One-Way Train to Beautiful Singing (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Efficient Listening = Efficient Singing: Helping the “underdeveloped singer” gain confidence through…
Janeal Krehbiel – Creating the Rehearsal: An Adventure Part 2 (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This 2 part session will focus on ways to make the rehearsal fun for the children as well as fun for the director. You…
John Dickson – Creative Programming (2017 Alleluia Conference)
How much thought do you give to your concert and worship service programming? What responsibility do we have to connect our…
Cindy Berry – Communication at the Keyboard (2017 Alleluia Conference)
In this session from the 2017 Alleluia Conference Cindy will discuss a number of tips on leading in worship and not just playing notes.
Joyce Blakesley – Repurposing Your Youth Choir: Taking Your Show on the Road (2017 Alleluia)
Using technic, repertoire, and leadership training to help your teens grow from singers to …
Randall Bradley – Singing Ourselves Into Belief: Song Leading’s Best Practices (2017 Alleluia Conference)
While we lead songs every Sunday with the band, from the pulpit, or from the organ bench, reflection on best practice…
Lee Gwozdz – Recruiting: Keeping and Maintaining All Choirs from Child to Adult (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session will offer practical methods of recruiting, keeping, and…
John Dickson – The Influence of Style on Choral Tone (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Historical, compositional, and individual style influence tonal color. Attention to stylistic issues ensures a tone whose…
John Ferguson – Improvisations in Hymn Playing Part 2 (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session is a continuation of part 1, with specific emphasis on the improvisation of creative introductions.
Keith Pate – Beach Ball Drumming (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Grab a 5 gallon bucket, beach ball, and sticks—then let the fun begin! This class explores the use of drumming in a creative way for…
John Ferguson – Improvisations in Hymn Playing Part 1
An exploration of simple improvisational techniques useful in providing variety while responding to themes in…
Janeal Krehbiel – Creating the Rehearsal: An Adventure Part 1 (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This 2 part session will focus on ways to make the rehearsal fun for the children as well as fun for the director. You should…
Mary McDonald – Serving in the Trenches (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Offering encouragement, support, and solutions to reignite your passion for the call of service through music…
Joyce Blakesley – Creating a Soundtrack for Life (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Using technic, repertoire, and leadership training to help your teens grow from singers to ministry…
Bruce Benedict – Incorporating the Organ in Contemporary Worship (2017 Alleluia Conference)
In this workshop we will examine a few congregations that regularly…
Keith Pate – Keep Things Moving (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Hula Hoops, Stories, Nursery Rhymes, Props and Movement Games – all combine to create an active, exciting…
Lee Gwozdz – The Singing Child: Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice (2017 Alleluia Conference)
This session will explore today’s singing child. Types of children’s singing voices will be…
Keith Pate – Move ‘Em or Lose ‘Em (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Movement is a necessary part of every rehearsal. The class will feature Body Energizers, Movement Activities, Games…
Lee Gwozdz – The Singing Children: From Toys, Tone to Text (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Explore the use of visual aids, such as toys, to enable children, even adults, the ability to sing musically. This session…
John Ferguson – The Art of Playing (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Ferguson will explore concepts and techniques for efficient and productive practice drawing upon over 40 years of teaching organ.
John Dickson – The Expressivity of Language in Choral Music (2017 Alleluia Conference)
How much importance do we ascribe to text, and how much of this understanding do we communicate to…
Joyce Blakesley – Audacious Hospitality and Your Own Version of Normal (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Is your youth choir ministry building a Christian community where non and nominally religious youth are becoming…
Janeal Krehbiel – Tuning the Tonsils (2017 Alleluia Conference)
We will talk about pitch sensitivity, pitch challenges, ear exercises and preventive suggestions to encourage pitch-matching ability. Imagery for helpful…
Cindy Berry – Hymnprovisation (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Create your own arrangements of hymns.
Lee Gwozdz – Musicality and Movement (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Connect body, mind, and feelings with these movement games for all ages-kids to adults. Elementary and middle schoolers especially love the…
CueConverge Youth Choir Concert (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Tuesday evening concert with YouthCUE’s CueConverge Ensemble led by Tim Lyles.
Mary McDonald – Playing with Power, Passion, and Purpose (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Helpful hints for a more dramatic, effective presentation from the piano.
Mark Moeller – Transformative Dialogues: Worship Planning that Celebrates the Conversational Nature of Worship
Because of differences in worship priorities and vocabulary used to…
Robert Sterling – 12 Principles of Quality Songwriting (2017 Alleluia Conference)
A dozen fundamental principles every songwriter should know.
John Dickson – Voicing the Choir: Blend by Acoustical Placement (2017 Alleluia Conference)
The consequence of constructing one’s choral tone from the collective blend of individual timbres with emphasis on…
Ed Wilmington – Six Qualifications of a 21st Century Worship Leader (2017 Alleluia Conference)
In practice, the role of the worship leader is often equated with being the lead…
Mary McDonald – Accompanying & Arranging (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Examining choral music from the pianists’ perspective and outlining some simple arranging techniques for better support from the bench.
John Ferguson – Leading Congregational Song from the Organ Bench (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Ferguson will explore concepts relevant to hymn playing including: leading from…
Robert Sterling – Arranging 101 (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Essential principles for the beginning arranger/orchestrator.
John Dickson – A Kinesthetic Approach to Conducting (2017 Alleluia Conference)
A Kinesthetic approach to the music requires a physical, bodily response to the music. When this approach is employed in rehearsal, the tone…
Bob Darden – The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project (2017 Alleluia Conference)
The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project at Baylor University is the world’s largest initiative toidentify, acquire, catalogue, digitize and eventually…
Tuesday Worship Gathering (2017 Alleluia Conference)
Description: Opening worship at the 2017 Alleluia Conference. Location: Truett Seminary, Baylor University - Waco, Texas
2016 Alleluia Conference – Session Handouts
Session handouts from the 2016 Alleluia Conference are available for download at the following link. These handouts are also listed on the individual recording pages within this website. View 2016 Session Handouts
Rory Noland – Re-imagining the Psalms for Private and Gathered Worship (2016 Alleluia Conference)
How can you avoid burnout in ministry? How can you continue to lead worship with passion? Discover what you can now to ensure that you’ll…
Rory Noland – How to Survive the Rigors of Ministry (2016 Alleluia Conference)
How can you avoid burnout in ministry? How can you continue to lead worship with passion? Discover what you can now to ensure…
Nate Myrick – Formative Power of Singing (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Explains how the congregational singing facilitates actual experiences of unity and emotional connection. Provides insight into how regular participation in the…
Thursday Worship Service (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Kerry Burkley, preacher: “Never Give Up Seeking Breakthrough” (Acts 11:19-23)
Michael Joy – WYSIWYG (2016 Alleluia Conference)
WYSIWYG is an acronym for “What you see is what you get.” David Davidson said that audiences and congregations often hear what they see. This hands on class examines the visual impact of…
Michael Joy – Moving Right Along (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Ringing handbells while moving in a processional can be a wonderful visual and musical experience. Many groups move with little regard to what is happening in the music with…
Michael Joy – Glide and Dab Your Way to Better Musicianship (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Whether you are a ringer or a director, everyone can benefit by finding new ways to improve their musicianship. Using ideas from Kim Strepka’s book “Handbell Artistry from…
Michael Joy – Developing Rhythmic Feeling (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Many ringers and directors spend too much time trying to decipher notation. Instead, as author Stanley Schleuter suggests, they need to be developing rhythmic feeling…
Greg Scheer – Worship Songs: A Balanced Diet (2016 Alleluia Conference)
The worship music planner plays both a pastoral and prophetic role in the life of the church. Join Greg Scheer in discussing the importance of a healthy song repertoire…
Greg Scheer – Blended Worship 2.0 (2016 Alleluia Conference)
Though the phrase “blended worship” is in some ways out of fashion, there is still a great need in local, inter-generational congregations to learn how to effectively put together different music ensembles and worship styles in their worship services.