Alex Beaujean graduated from Cedarville University with majors in Psychology and History and a concentration in Secondary Education. He worked for a year at the Engineering Psychology Laboratory at Wright State University, and in 2000 moved to Columbia, Missouri to work in a dual-track Ph.D. in School Psychology (APA-Accredited) and Educational Psychology (Statistics/Measurement/Evaluation) at the University of Missouri.
In 2006, he completed an APA-Accredited internship at Applewood Centers, Inc. After completing my degrees, he came to work in the Educational Psychology Department at Baylor University. While there, he created the quantitative methods specialization in the department’s doctoral and master’s programs. In addition, he contributed to the school psychology program and served as the program coordinator for two years where he helped developed the doctoral specialization. In 2017, he moved to the Psychology & Neuroscience department, where he teaches courses in psychological assessment and data analysis.
He holds licensure for the independent practice of psychology in Texas, and was awarded a diplomate in Assessment Psychology from the American Board of Assessment Psychology.