
Alex Beaujean elected president of APA Division 5


The mission of the Baylor Psychometric Laboratory (BPL) is the study of individual differences and their  measurement in psychology and related disciplines.


Email: Alex_Beaujean [at] Baylor.edu

Phone: (254) 710-2252


The BPL is located on the third floor of the Baylor Sciences Building in A.332.

Header Quote

“Die mathematischen Hilfsmittel muls man zwar besitzen, aber aufserdem eine gründliche Kenntnis der betreffenden Tatsachen [You have to have the mathematical tools, but you also have to have a thorough knowledge of the relevant facts]” is taken from Krueger and Spearman (1906, p. 61).

Krueger, F., & Spearman, C. E. (1906). Die Korrelation zwischen verschiedenen geistigen Leistungsfähigkeiten [The correlation between different mental abilities] Zeitschrift f{\’u}r Psychologie/ Journal of Psychology, 44, 50-114.