- Dissertation/Thesis class: BaylorThesis.cls and documents to compile an example dissertation (zip). The class defines the spacing, margins, and general formatting according to the Graduate School’s 2017 guidelines and model dissertation/thesis. Here is an example (.pdf)
- Updated October 2014. This update of the cls file allows for a List of Abbreviations and a Preface, as well as changes to format to better comply with the Graduate School’s Guidelines
- Updated June 2017. This update of the cls file removed the amsthm style definition, since it can be loaded directly in the .tex file, as well as changes to format to better comply with the Graduate School’s Guidelines
- Baylor Beamer theme. I have been working on a Baylor theme for Beamer. It consists of two parts: (a) a color theme (bears) and (b) the template theme (BaylorTheme). If you want the Logo on the title page, you need the BaylorLogoH.jpg file. Here is an example (pdf, tex)
LaTeX Distributions
MacTeX (for Mac) MiKTeX (for Windows) TeXLive (for Linux, but it was likely loaded with your distribution)
Other Useful Links
- Getting your EndNote Bibliography to BibTeX
- for NIH Grant Applications
- knitr (R package to integrate R and )
BaylorEdPsych R Package
Updates to BaylorEdPsych package:
Current version on CRAN: 0.5 [index]
Current development version 0.5.3
- contains a function for the Schmid-Leiman transformation of factor loadings from a higher-order factor analsysis
Official Release
After installing R, install BaylorEdPsych package simply by starting up R, and typing
> install.packages(“BaylorEdPsych”)
To check if the installation was succesful, you can load the BaylorEdPsych package and try an example, e.g.
> library(BaylorEdPsych)
> example(LittleMCAR)
Installing a Development Version
If you are just curious to see the next version of BaylorEdPsych (or are a student required to do so), you can download the
development version of BaylorEdPsych from Baylor’s server. To do this, start up R and type
> install.packages(“BaylorEdPsych”, repos=””, type=”source”)