(Baylor Math Home Page)
The Baylor University analysis seminar meets on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30PM-4:30PM in Sid Richardson 344. For questions about the analysis seminar or to be added to the seminar mailing list, please contact Paul Hagelstein, Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein, Tao Mei, Marius Mitrea, or Brian Simanek (all email addresses can be found on the Baylor math department website).
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Erlangen |
The spectral localizer: a universal new tool for index theory The talk will give an introduction to and overview of new numerical techniques to compute topological invariants stemming from pairings of K-theory with cyclic cohomology. This has numerous applications in the field of topological materials.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Texas A&M |
(Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
University of Alabama |
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
2:00 PM SDRICH 208 |
Rice University |
Twisted Bilayer Graphene in Commensurate Angles Graphene is an exciting new two-dimensional material. Though it was considered theoretical for a long time, it was isolated about 20 years ago. Since then, it has drawn much attention due to its numerous exciting properties. More recently, it was discovered that when twisting two layers of graphene with respect to each other, at certain angles called “magic angles”, exotic transport properties emerge. The primary tool for studying this thus far is the famous Bistritzer-MacDonald model, which relies on several approximations.
This work aims to build the first steps in studying magic angles without using this model. Thus, we study a model for TBG without the approximations mentioned above in the continuum setting, using two copies of potential with the symmetries of graphene, sharing a common origin and twisted with respect to each other (so-called TBG in AA stacking). We describe the angles for which the two twisted lattices are commensurate and prove the existence of Dirac cones for such angles. Furthermore, we show that for small potentials, the slope of the Dirac cones is small for commensurate angles that are close to incommensurate angles. This work is the first in a series of works to build a more fundamental understanding of the phenomenon of magic angles. In this talk, I will introduce the main phenomena of twisted bilayer graphene and state our main results. (Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
Universidad de los Andes |
Complete nonselfadjointness of dissipative Schrodinger operators We will discuss the extension theory of dissipative operators of the form S+iV where S is a closed symmetric operator and V is a bounded nonnegative operator. Additionally, we will explore a technique to determine whether these extensions are completely nonselfadjoint. Specifically, we will examine the case where S+iV is a Schrodinger operator with dissipative potential on the interval. For this case, we will provide a full description of the dissipative extensions in terms of boundary conditions, and we will study their corresponding reducing self-adjoint subspaces, if they exist.
(Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Baylor University |
An application of Bernstein’s inequalities to Fourier series This talk will review some basic facts on Fourier series on the torus to later present a convergence theorem of rearrangements due to Révész, the main tools to prove it, and a C*-algebraic analog.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Homogenization of critical-contrast PDEs leading to models of double-negative metamaterials I will discuss the mathematics of homogenization theory in application to periodic composites with high material contrast between their individual components.
In a nutshell, homogenization theory in mathematical physics and materials science seeks to establish effective, or homogenized, values of material parameters of a fine-periodic composite as the period of the latter vanishes. It has been well-understood for over 30 years that if the contrast between the material parameters of the components is moderate (i.e., as in the differential setup of the form -∇·A(x/ε)∇, where the matrix A, encoding the material properties, is assumed to be periodic and uniformly bounded together with its inverse), the solutions of the corresponding PDEs are closely related to those of a PDE with a constant symbol A0. This result is available in a number of different contexts, most notably in both the static setup and that of wave propagation. The situation where the contrast is itself dependent on the period of the composite is much more delicate since the PDEs considered are no longer uniformly strongly elliptic. I will present our results obtained in this area, in particular, in the so-called double porosity case, which yield as complete an answer to the problem as the one available in the moderate contrast case. I will discuss in some details the underlying analysis, which is based upon the convergence of generalized resolvents (equivalently, solution operators of impedance boundary value problems) and draws upon classical results of M.A. Neumark. The major difference between our approach and the established one, based on the notion of two-scale asymptotic expansions, is that our analysis yields convergence of solutions and fluxes in the uniform norm-resolvent topology. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss some physical implications of the above-mentioned results, in particular, towards establishing double-negative metamaterial properties of the effective medium. I will argue that, firstly, the main order of the asymptotics only allows for “classical” dispersive behavior of the effective medium, thus leaving no room for double-negative properties (the latter must, if present, manifest themselves in frequency regions giving rise to the negation of group velocity). However, unlike the mentioned two-scale asymptotic approach, our technique can be utilized to recover further-order terms of asymptotic expansion of the resolvent, and I will demonstrate that already in essentially explicitly solvable setups (akin to those found in doped graphene) this leads to the emergence of asymptotically vanishing frequency bands supporting negative group velocities. Arguably the main message here is that the effective model for the medium must be formulated as a matrix PDE even in the case where the original setup was scalar (e.g., acoustic). This corresponds to taking into account the so-called hidden degrees of freedom in the analysis of time-dispersive media and thus bridges the gap between homogenization and the named area of research. (Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Temple University |
Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Differential Operators in Vanishing Chord Arc Domains One of the most effective methods for solving boundary value problems for basic equations of mathematical physics in a domain is the method of layer potentials. Its essence is to reduce the entire problem to an integral equation on the boundary of the domain which is then solved using Fredholm theory.
Until recently, this approach has been primarily used in connection with second order operators for which a sophisticated and far reaching theory exists. This stands in contrast with the case of higher order operators (arising for instance in plate elasticity) for which the theory is significantly less developed. In this talk I will discuss recent results aimed at extending the method of singular integral operators (of layer potential type) and the Fredholm theory approach to the higher order case, in vanishing chord arc domains. (Contact: Marius & Dorina Mitrea) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Temple University |
Multilayer Potentials for Δ3 in Infinitesimally Flat Ahlfors Regular Domains in R3 Much remains to be understood and structurally addressed in the employment of the layer potential method for the treatment of boundary value problems for higher-order elliptic operators.
In this talk I will discuss boundary-to-boundary double multilayers associated with Δ3 in domains in R3. The focus is on identifying a double multilayer that is sensitive to the flatness of the domain under consideration, thus opening the door for the employment of Fredholm theory in the study of the Dirichlet problem for Δ3 in bounded infinitesimally flat Ahlfors Regular domains in R3. This is an ongoing work with Irina Mitrea (Temple University), Dorina Mitrea (Baylor University), and Marius Mitrea (Baylor University). (Contact: Dorina Mitrea) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
University of Texas at Arlington |
Orthogonal Polynomials and Early State Exclusion We detail the applications of the theory of Orthogonal Polynomial Sequences to the characterization of quantum systems which undergo “perfect state transfer”. That is, systems which transmit quantum states from an initial position to a final position with perfect fidelity. The fact that the time evolution of these quantum systems is encoded within mirror symmetric tridiagonal matrices allows us to fully characterize times of perfect state transfer. The main focus of the talk is on developing the concept of “Early State Exclusion”, where the initial state is fully excluded before the time of perfect state transfer, and proving the existence of arbitrarily large matrices which possess this property.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Baylor University |
Weighted Bergman kernels, weak-type estimates, and Schur’s test on non-smooth domains in Cn We will discuss tools for studying the Bergman kernel and projection, a fundamental singular integral operator in complex analysis, on generalized non-smooth domains in C2 and C3. To obtain the weak-type regularity and a sharp range of Lp boundedness for the Bergman projection, we use proper holomorphic mappings and apply Schur’s test using asymptotic results on the polydisk. In particular, we show that in our non-smooth setting, the Bergman projection satisfies a weak-type estimate at the upper endpoint of Lp boundedness but not at the lower endpoint.
(Contact: Adam Christopherson) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
University of Houston |
Noncommutative function theory via projections Our approach to noncommutative function theory is via replacing closed sets by closed projections. We begin by discussing the noncommutative (C*-algebraic) variant of peak interpolation sets in function theory, on which several profound results in that theory rely. We find appropriate ‘quantized’ versions of some of these classical facts. Through a delicate generalization of a theorem of Varopoulos, we show that, roughly speaking, sufficiently regular interpolation projections are peak precisely when their atomic parts are. As an application, we give alternative proofs and sharpenings of some recent peak-interpolation results of Davidson and Hartz for algebras on Hilbert function spaces. In another direction, given a convex subset of the state space, we study the associated Riesz projection. This is then applied to various important topics in noncommutative function theory, such as the F. & M. Riesz property, the existence of Lebesgue decompositions, the description of Henkin functionals, and Arveson’s noncommutative Hardy spaces (maximal subdiagonal algebras). Our approach to noncommutative function theory is via replacing closed sets by closed projections. A common theme in the talk is noncommutative generalization of the profound role that ‘A-null sets’ play in function theory. Joint with Raphael Clouatre.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Graz University of Technology |
Weak Coupling and Spectral Instability for Neumann Laplacians We prove an abstract criterion on spectral instability of nonnegative self-adjoint extensions of a symmetric operator and apply this to self-adjoint Neumann Laplacians on bounded Lipschitz domains, intervals, and graphs. Our results can be viewed as variants of the classical weak coupling phenomenon for Schrödinger operators in L2(Rn) for n=1,2.
This talk is based on joint work with Fritz Gesztesy and Henk de Snoo. (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of Wyoming |
Structures of crossed product C*-algebras Consider a minimal and free action of a discrete amenable group on a compact metrizable space. Then the crossed product C*-algebra is simple unital amenable separable C*-algebra which is stably finite and satisfy the universal coefficient theorem of the KK-theory. In this talk, I will explore structures of this C*-algebra such as regularity property (Jiang-Su stability), comparison property, and the stable rank.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
The Ohio State University |
Introducing the regularization index for Sturm-Liouville operators We introduce a new finer limit point/limit circle classification for Sturm-Liouville equations by defining the regularization index. The results rely on first assuming the integrability of the product of the principal and nonprincipal solutions near a singular endpoint. This allows one to construct a spectral parameter power series (i.e., a Taylor series in the spectral parameter z) for solutions of the Sturm-Liouville problem. The regularization index at the singular endpoint is then defined by comparing the growth in x of the coefficients of the power series.
One immediate implication is that normalizations which are typically used at limit circle endpoints can be extended to limit point endpoints. Furthermore, the regularization index allows one to quantify how far certain limit point endpoints are away from being Darboux transformed to a limit circle endpoint. This shows that the known Weyl asymptotics that hold for regular and quasi-regular problems also hold for certain problems with limit point endpoints. These results will be motivated by multiple examples. This talk is based on current joint work with Mateusz Piorkowski. (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
10:00 AM SDRICH 340 |
Claremont Graduate University |
Theory of Machine Learning Revisited Although the fundamental problem of machine learning is often posed as one of function approximation, classical approximation theory has played only a marginal role in machine learning. We present new tools which enable us in theory to solve the problem of estimating a function on an unknown manifold based on noisy data. In contrast to existing solutions to this problem, which require first finding some further quantities related to the manifold, such as an atlas or eigen-decomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, our method is a simple one shot approach, and provided guaranteed rates of approximation.
We argue that the problem of classification can be viewed as the problem of separating the supports of the probability distributions corresponding to various classes. The problem of super-resolution is a special case, where the distributions are point masses. The tools which we have developed for the problem of function approximation can be used in a dual manner to solve this problem. (Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Texas A&M University |
An operator valued Haagerup inequality for hyperbolic groups Operator valued Haagerup inequality (on discrete groups) is a Khintchine type inequality that bound the norm of convolution by operator-valued functions by certain norms of finite matrix with operator coefficients. The operator valued Haagerup inequality for free groups was first proved by Buchholz in 1999. This type of inequalities has been generalized in many directions, including reduced free product algebras, q-Gaussian algebras,graph product, and Hecke C* algebras. We will talk about the cases of Gromov hyperbolic groups and explain how the hyperbolic condition naturally provides us a family of finite matrices for the Haagerup inequality. As an application, we will give a direct proof of the well-known fact that hyperbolic groups are exact. This is joint work with Ryo Toyota.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
How Fourier and Schur idempotents look alike? What happens to an Lp function when one truncates its Fourier transform to a domain? This question is in the root of foundational problems in harmonic analysis. Fefferman’s celebrated theorem for the ball (1971) imposes that the boundary of such domain must be flat. What if we truncate on a curved space like a Lie group? We ignore a priori what means “boundary flatness” in that case. And if we truncate on a matrix, what happens with the singular numbers of it? These apparently unrelated questions are interestingly connected and have led us to unexpected results in harmonic analysis and operator algebras. This is based in a joint work with Mikael de la Salle and Eduardo Tablate.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
Basque Center for Applied Math |
Carleson’s theorem on the real line via spatially central tiles Carleson’s theorem is a central result in Fourier analysis. It says that every square integrable function on the torus can be recovered almost everywhere as the limit of its partial Fourier sums.
During the talk, which is based on a joint project with M. Mirek and T.Z. Szarek, we shall sketch the proof of the real line version of Carleson’s theorem. Precisely, we shall show the uniform strong type boundedness of the associated time–frequency operators introduced for arbitrary finite convex families of spatially central tiles. The proof is largely inspired by a few earlier works, including breakthrough papers by C. Fefferman, M. Lacey and C. Thiele, V. Lie, and P. Zorin-Kranich. The main novelty lies in using spatial centrality, which is both intuitive and effective in extracting orthogonality between distinct tiles. Thanks to this we obtain the postulated strong type inequality directly, by using only the triangle inequality, strong type estimates for maximal operators, and explicit orthogonality arguments, while avoiding any kind of interpolation or even the Cotlar–Stein lemma. (Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Texas A&M University |
Spectral minimal partitions on unbounded graphs and domains We introduce spectral minimal partitions and their relations to eigenvalue problems. Recently, we proved existence and non-existence of spectral minimal partitions on unbounded metric graphs, where the operator considered on each of the partition elements is a Schrödinger operator of the form -Δ + V with suitable (electric) potential V, which is taken as a fixed, underlying “landscape”.
We show that there is a strong link between spectral minimal partitions and infimal partition energies on the one hand, and the infimum λess of the essential spectrum of the corresponding Schrödinger operator on the other, which recalls a similar principle for the eigenvalues of the latter: for any k∈N, the infimal energy among all admissible k-partitions is bounded from above by λess, and if it is strictly below λess, then a spectral minimal k-partition exists. We illustrate our results with several examples of existence and nonexistence of minimal partitions. We conclude our talk with some recent ideas on generalizations on domains. (Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Singular Integrals and Boundary Problems on Weighted Morrey Spaces and Their Pre-duals This dissertation is an expanded version of the monograph Weighted Morrey Spaces: Singular Integrals and Boundary Problems, which is scheduled to appear in DeGruyter’s Studies in Mathematics series, by Marcus Laurel and Marius Mitrea. The principal aim of this dissertation is to solve a variety of boundary value problems for weakly elliptic systems in rough domains with boundary datum in Muckenhoupt- weighted Morrey spaces as well as their pre-duals. This is a multifaceted problem which requires tools from a myriad of mathematical disciplines including geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis, and functional analysis. We build a functional analytic framework for Muckenhoupt-weighted Morrey spaces on Ahlfors regular sets and notably prove an extrapolation result involving this scale of spaces. This leads to the development of a Calderon-Zygmund theory involving this brand of Morrey space. In addition to identifying weighted Block spaces as the pre-dual of a weighted Morrey space, we also build from the ground up a Calderon-Zygmund theory for these Block spaces. An important feature which goes beyond the standard Calderon-Zygmund theory is small-norm estimates involving the BMO seminorm of the outward unit normal for Calderon-Zygmund operators that have an integral kernel with a chord-dot-normal structure. Such small-norm estimates become relevant as we use the method of layer potentials to solve our boundary problems. The crux of this method relies on solving an integral equation, which can be done by inverting a particular operator via a Neumann series, something that requires a sufficiently small operator norm for the boundary-to-boundary double layer. We obtain well-posedness results for the Dirichlet, Neumann, (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) Regularity Problem, and the Transmission Problem in the class of δ-AR flat domains for weakly elliptic, second-order, homogeneous, constant coefficient systems that can be written in a way so that their double layer potential has a chord-dot-normal structure.
(Contact: Marcus Laurel) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Penn State University |
Lipschitz estimates in Schatten Lp-spaces for 0<p<1. The Schatten ideal Lp(H) of compact operators A with Tr(|A|p)<∞ is a Banach space for p≥1, but merely a quasi-Banach space when 0<p<1. The failure of the triangle inequality adds significant difficulty to the analysis of these spaces. I will discuss some joint work with F. Sukochev where we studied the continuity of the functional calculus in the Lp-quasinorm and obtained surprising and unexpected results.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Kent State University |
On Ulam’s problem 19 from the Scottish book We will discuss Ulam’s problem 19 from the Scottish book: if the body of uniform density D∈(0,1) floats in equilibrium in every orientation (in water, of density 1), does it follow that it is a Euclidean ball?
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Distinguished Coefficient Tensors and Poisson Kernels: Essential Conditions for the Well-Posedness of Boundary Problems in the Plane It was observed by A. Bitsadze in the 1960’s that the classical Dirichlet boundary value problem for ∂2, the square of the Cauchy-Riemann operator, fails to be well-posed in the unit disk. I. Gelfand attempted to explain this unexpected phenomenon in terms of the nature of the roots of the characteristic equation for ∂2. In this talk, we indicate that the real answer lies in a completely different direction, and we identify all pathological systems in the plane.
At the heart of it all is the issue of the existence of a Poisson kernel. Fundamental work of Agmon, Douglis, and Nirenberg in the 1950’s guarantees that any Legendre-Hadamard elliptic system possesses one. Surprisingly, we show that Legendre-Hadamard ellipticity is not essential and identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Poisson kernel associated with second-order, homogeneous, constant real coefficient, weakly elliptic $2\times 2$ systems in the plane. This is joint work with Marius Mitrea. (Contact: Jesus Cruz) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Texas A&M University |
A Bellman function with no Bellman We discuss a work in progress, joint with Guillermo Rey (Universidad Madrid) and Kristina Skreb (Zagreb University), about some Bellman functions for sparse operators — with the long term goal of obtaining a weighted bound. I will discuss a possible new avenue to obtain such Bellman functions without any Bellman methods.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
2:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Autonoma de Madrid |
Weak-type maximal function estimates on the infinite-dimensional torus We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak-Lp boundedness (for p strictly between 1 and infinity) of a maximal operator on the infinite-dimensional torus. In the endpoint case p= we obtain the same weak-type inequality enjoyed by the strong maximal function in dimension two. Our results are quantitatively sharp.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Donetsk University |
Functional models of symmetric and selfadjoint operators Let A be a closed simple symmetric operator with equal defect numbers acting in a Hilbert space, and let A0= A0* and A1 = A1* be two its disjoint extensions. We will discuss unitary equivalent representations of the triple {A, A0, A1} in different functional Hilbert spaces. The first functional model is realized in the space L2(Σ,H) where A0= A0* and A are realized as a multiplication operator Q:f(t)→ tf(t) and its certain restriction. Here Σ is a certain operator-valued measure with values in an auxiliary Hilbert space H. The second model of the triple {A, A0, A1} is realized in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space with the kernel Kω(z):=(M(z)-M(ω)*)/(z-ω) where M is the Weyl function of an appropriate B-generalized boundary triple for A*. Applications to the theory of additive and singular perturbations of selfadjoint operators is given. The results are based on joint work with Sergio Albeverio (Bonn, Germany) and Mark Malamud (Donetsk).
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of New Mexico |
Lieb-Thirring inequalities for finite and infinite gap Jacobi matrices In this talk I will present Lieb-Thirring bounds (i.e., eigenvalue power bounds) for discrete eigenvalues of perturbed periodic/almost-periodic Jacobi matrices with finite and more generally infinite gap essential spectrum.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Odessa Polytechnic Institute |
Deep Digital Control and M-stable Polynomials (Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Current Topics in the Theory of Differentiation of Integrals – or – How Norbert Wiener Spent His Summer Vacation In this talk we will highlight recent developments in the theory of differentiation of integrals. In particular, we will discuss the Halo Conjecture and a recent result with Alexander Stokolos that any homothecy invariant basis in R2 consisting of convex sets is a density basis if and only if it differentiates Lp(R2) for every
1 < p ≤ ∞. (Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Polyakov formulas for conical singularities in two dimensions We investigate the zeta-regularized determinant and its variation in the presence of conical singularities, boundaries, and corners. Specializing to finite circular sectors and cones and via two independent methods we obtain variational Polyakov formulas for the dependence of the determinant on the opening angle. Although these formulas look quite different, we prove that they are indeed equal. We further obtain explicit formulas for the determinant for finite circular sectors and cones.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Krein-Legendre Orthogonal Polynomials and the Riemann-Hilbert Problem for Krall orthogonal Polynomials In the first part of the talk, we analyze the first left-definite space associated with the one-dimensional Krein Laplacian operator. We show results regarding polynomial density in the space, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a sequence of orthogonal polynomials (OP) in the space, and present some properties of the sequence.
For the second part of the talk, we give some background on the Riemann-Hilbert problem (RHp) for OP, and the Krall-Legendre OP sequence, which is known for satisfying a fourth order differential equation. Then, we formulate the RHp for the Krall-Legendre OP, we prove the existence and uniqueness of its solution, and show how to obtain the first order matrix ODE, and the second order ODE for the Krall-Legendre OP, as a first approach to find the fourth order ODE from the Riemann-Hilbert formulation. (Contact: Alejandro Quintero Roba) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Interlacing and Monotonicity of zeros of multiple orthogonal polynomials The so-called Angelesco-Jacobi polynomials (generalizing classical Jacobi polynomials) are an instance of the multiple or Hermite–Pade orthogonal polynomials, and they depend on four real parameters, α, β, γ>-1, and a<0. Their zeros are known to be real and simple. In the first part of the talk, the behavior (monotonicity and interlacing) of their zeros as functions of these parameters is addressed, showing that classical tools allow us to extend some known results in a non-trivial way.
The second part of the talk deals with the newly discovered applications of the notion of the free finite convolution of polynomials (that is being developed in the framework of free probability theory) to the study of properties of zeros of some hypergeometric polynomials. In particular, we will discuss possible applications to multiple orthogonal polynomials.
(Contact: Rafael Morales) |
4:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of Memphis |
The apportionment problem for the U S House of Representatives Every ten years, starting in 1790, the U S has decided how many representatives h should be in the House of Representatives, representing the s states. In 1790, h=90 and s=15. Today h=435 and s=51. (Yes, 51.). The fair share, or quota, for state i, q_i, is calculated using the census done every 10 years. The sum of the s values of q_i is equal to h. Thus, after the 2020 census, Tennessee might deserve 7.843972… representatives. But the Constitution demands that Tennessee gets an integral number of representatives. An apportionment is a function (or rule) which assigns a positive integer a_i of representatives to state i, such that these ai‘s sum to h. In our history we have used many apportionments. “Mathematicians” contributing to this theory included G. Washington, J. and J. Q. Adams, T. Jefferson, B. Franklin, J. von Neuman, G. Birkhoff, M. Morse, and T. van Karmann. Some of these “mathematicians” made valuable contributions, while others did not. Can you guess who were the good ones and who were otherwise? Would you be shocked to learn that the current apportionment method used is unconstitutional? These and other questions will be raised, and some will be answered. This talk should be accessible to undergraduates as well as professors in any departments (who understand at least some calculus).
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of Memphis |
Instantaneous blowup on Euclidean space and the Heisenberg group Let du/dt = Au be the heat equation for t>0 and x in Rn involving a potential V(x) that is singular in some sense. Fix the initial value u(x,0) = f(x) ≥0, f not zero. Let Vn(x) be an increasing sequence of bounded potentials converging pointwise to V(x), so that dv/dt = An v, v(0)=f, and v(x,t) exists for all n, x, t. Instantaneous blowup (IBU) refers to the case when v(x,t) goes to infinity as n does for all x in Rn and t>0. The 1984 result of P. Baras and J. Goldstein established IBU for V(x) being the inverse square potential: V(x) = c/r2, where r is the length of x and c> [(n-2)/2]2. We published two proofs of this result. A third proof, based entirely on scaling, was published recently. The IBU result with Rn replaced by the Heisenberg group Hn, was published recently in the Annali di Pisa by G. Goldstein, J. Goldstein, A. Kogoj, A. Rhandi, and C. Tacelli. But the proof is like the 1984 paper, being based on the DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser theory recently adapted to Hn. Our efforts to find a “scaling proof” have not yet been successful. We also mention some related results (involving the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation, etc.).
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Roosevelt University |
On Gaussian Singular Integrals In this talk we will review the development of Gaussian Singular from the Gaussian Riesz transforms until the recent development of the generalized Gaussian singular integrals and from boundedness on Lebesgue Lp spaces until variable Lebesgue Lp(.) spaces.
(Contact: Andrei-Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of Memphis |
Soficity, Amenability, and LEF-ness for topological full groups Topological full groups, as an algebraic invariant, were introduced to study continuous orbit equivalence relations by Giordano, Putnam, and Skau. Then, these groups have been found applications to geometric group theory by providing interesting examples with certain properties such as simple-ness, soficity, amenability, and LEF-ness. In this talk, we will show new methods of establishing the soficity and LEF-ness for topological full groups. Moreover, we will explain how can one obtain amenability from the sofic approximations when the acting group is amenable and the action is free and distal.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of Mississippi |
Reproducing kernels and orthogonal polynomials in weighted Bergman spaces The weighted Bergman space A2h for a weight h on the unit disk D:={z:|z|<1} consists of all functions f analytic in D such that
∫D |f(z)|2h(z)dA(z)<∞, where dA is the area measure. The reproducing kernel Kh(z,ζ) of A2h is a function analytic in z and ζ, uniquely determined by the property f(z)=∫D f(ζ)Kh(z,ζ)h(ζ)dA(ζ), z∈ D, f∈ A2h. The first part of this talk discusses a canonical formula for the reproducing kernel corresponding to a weight of the form h(z)=∏1≤k≤s|(z-a_k)⁄(1-akz)|mk, with mk>-2 and |ak|<1 for all 1≤k≤s. These weights are of importance, in part, because the canonical divisor of the Bergman space Ap for a finite zero set a1,…, as (ak repeated mk times) can be directly expressed via the reproducing kernel for the weight above. The second part of this talk concerns the sequence (pn)n≥0 of polynomials orthonormal over D with respect to a weight w of the form w(z)=|v(z)|2h(z), with v analytic and free of zeros in D, and h as in the above equation. Equipped with the canonical formula for the kernel Kh(z,ζ), we will be able to derive an integral representation for pn that allows for a fine description of its asymptotic behavior as n→∞. (Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Texas A&M University |
Finite free probability and the limiting root distributions of polynomials after differentiation We will introduce the finite free additive and multiplicative convolutions of two polynomials, and explain how it is related to free probability in the limit. We will provide several equivalent ways to define or rephrase this convolution, Some of these definitions include taking the expected characteristic polynomial after conjugating by orthogonal, unitary or signed permutations, as well as precise formulas in terms of the coefficients of the polynomials. We will also study some elementary combinatorial tools such as the finite free cumulants. We will then explain how finite free probability is a very effective tool to study the effect of differentiating a sequence of polynomials several times and then looking at the resulting limiting root distribution.
(Contact: Andrei-Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
Kutaisi International University |
On Sjölin-Soria-Antonov type extrapolation for locally compact groups and almost everywhere convergence of sequences of convolution operators A Sjölinâ-Soria-Antonov type extrapolation theorem for locally compact σ-compact non-discrete Hausdorff groups is proved.
Applying the extrapolation result it is shown that the Fourier series with respect to the Vilenkin orthonormal systems on the Vilenkin groups of bounded type converge almost everywhere for functions from the class L log+L log+log+log+L. Another application deals with the halo conjecture in the theory of differentiation of integrals which states that if the maximal operator MB corresponding to a translation invariant differentiation basis B in a locally compact group is of restricted weak type ϕ, then the basis B differentiates the integrals of functions from the class ϕ. Namely, the result has been established that gives an approximation to the conjecture for functions ϕ(u) close to u, while for the case of ϕ(u)=u, this implies the validity of the conjecture. (Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Georgia Southern University |
Polynomial geometric complex analysis and stability in discrete dynamical systems I will talk about an intriguing connection between geometric complex analysis and a problem of stability in discrete dynamical systems. The talk will be accessible to graduate students and non-experts.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Baylor University |
Torsional Rigidity of Planar Domains The torsional rigidity of a region in the complex plane quantifies the resistance to twisting of an infinite beam with that region as cross-section. The approximate values of torsional rigidity for some common shapes are well-known, while the exact value is known for only a small number of regions. We are interested in the effect of symmetrization on torsional rigidity and how this can be used as a tool in some related extremal problems. I will present several mathematical models for torsional rigidity and indicate directions for future research with these extremal problems in mind. We will expand on the earlier work of G. Pólya, A. McNabb, and others.
(Contact: Adam Kraus) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Baylor University |
Weak-Type Boundedness of Maximal Operators Maximal operators are central objects in harmonic analysis and their boundedness on different spaces of functions may be used to prove differentiation theorems such as the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem. With this motivation, in this talk I will present a couple of tools involving covering properties that will help us to obtain weak-type estimates of the Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Operator, the Lacunary Maximal Operator, and the maximal operator associated with a collection B. This is part of my Ph.D. thesis, under the guidance of Dr. Paul Hagelstein.
(Contact: Blanca Radillo-Murguia) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
University of Warsaw |
Painleve and Quasi-Painleve Equations Painleve equations are second order nonlinear differential equations solutions of which have no movable critical points (algebraic singularities). They appear in many applications but in disguise. How to find a transformation to the canonical form? This is known as the Painleve equivalence problem. The so-called geometric approach may help in many cases. In this talk I shall present some recent results on the geometric approach for the Painleve and quasi-Painleve equations.
(Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
University of California, Irvine |
The Area Law for XXZ Quantum Spin Systems The scaling behavior of the entanglement entropy of a state ψ contains information about the correlation structure of a quantum mechanical system when in state ψ. We present results on the XXZ model in higher dimensions, and discuss in particular which states satisfy a logarithmically corrected area law.
(Contact: Christoph Fischbacher) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Baylor University |
Boundary Problems, Herz-type Hardy Spaces, and Functions of Bounded Central Mean Oscillations In this talk we present recent results in the direction of solving boundary value problems for general second-order systems on rough domains with boundary data taken in non-standard function spaces, thus expanding the scope of the work of B. Dahlberg, E. Fabes, and C. Kenig, among others, going back to the early 1980’s. More specifically, we study the Neumann problem with boundary data in Herz-type Hardy spaces, and the Dirichlet problem with boundary data in the space of functions of bounded central mean oscillations (in the spirit of the John-Nirenberg BMO space, with a twist). We develop a comprehensive Calderón-Zygmund theory for the relevant class of singular integral operators acting on (and from) these brands of spaces, and succeed in employing the method of boundary layer potentials to establish solvability results for the aforementioned boundary problems. This is part of my Ph.D thesis, under the guidance of Professor Marius Mitrea.
(Contact: Pedro Da Silva) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Baylor University |
A Sharp Divergence Theorem I will discuss a version of the Divergence Theorem for vector fields which may lack any type of continuity and for which the boundary trace is taken in a strong, nontangential pointwise sense. These features of our brand of Divergence Theorem make it an effective tool in dealing with problems arising in various areas of mathematics, including Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, Potential Analysis, and Partial Differential Equations.
(Contact: Dorina Mitrea) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Balanced Fourier truncations and Xp inequalities We investigate Lp-estimates for balanced averages of Fourier truncations in group algebras, in terms of differential operators acting on them. Our results extend a fundamental inequality of Naor for the hypercube (motivated by its consequences in metric geometry) to discrete groups. As application, we establish new forms of metric Xp inequalities in group von Neumann algebras. Joint work with I. Cano-Marmol and J. Conde-Alonso.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Baylor University |
Continued Fractions: An Arithmetic and Analytic Study Continued fractions have a long history of use in number theory and analysis. In this honors thesis defense, we provide many of the historical theorems that made them important to mathematics, along with some more recent developments. Specifically, the results from Edward Burger’s article “A Tail of Two Palindromes” are made analogous to spectral m-functions. The main theorem characterizes all discrete m-functions whose Jacobi parameters are eventually doubly palindromic.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Baylor University |
Rank Inequality Done by Free Probability and Random Matrices Abstract (Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics |
Effects of a nontrivial vertex coupling in the spectra of quantum graphs Abstract (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 225 |
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
Strict Domain Monotonicity of the Principal Eigenvalue and a Characterization of Lower Semiboundedness for the Friedrichs Extension of Four-Coefficient Sturm–Liouville Operators Using the variational characterization of the smallest eigenvalue below the essential spectrum of a lower semibounded self-adjoint operator, we prove strict domain monotonicity (with respect to changing the finite interval length) of the principal eigenvalue of the Friedrichs extension TF of the minimal operator for regular four-coefficient Sturm–Liouville differential expressions. As a consequence of the strict domain monotonicity of the principal eigenvalue of the Friedrichs extension in the regular case, and on the basis of oscillation theory in the singular context, in our main result we characterize all lower bounds of TF as those λ∈R for which the differential equation τu = λu has a strictly positive solution u > 0 on (a,b).
This talk is based on joint work with Fritz Gesztesy.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Texas State University |
Thin spectra for limit-periodic Dirac and CMV operators We show that Dirac and CMV operators with limit-periodic coefficients generically have spectra that are Cantor sets of zero Lebesgue measure. The proof relies on a perturbative construction due to Avila for discrete Schr\”odinger operators together with a new argument based on analyticity and noncommutation. [Joint work with Benjamin Eichinger, Ethan Gwaltney, and Milivoje Lukic]
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
UC Irvine |
Complete Non-Selfadjointness for Schrödinger Operators on the Half-Line We investigate complete non-selfadjointness for all maximally dissipative extensions of a Schröodinger operator on a half-line with dissipative bounded potential and dissipative boundary condition. We
show that all maximally dissipative extensions that preserve the differential expression are completely non-selfadjoint. However, it is possible for maximally dissipative extensions to have a one-dimensional reducing subspace on which the operator is selfadjoint. We give a characterization of these extensions and the corresponding subspaces and present a specific example. (Joint work with Sergey Naboko and Ian Wood) (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Georgia Southern University |
Selected problems of nonlinear science I will consider problems of stability in discrete dynamical systems. The talk will be accessible to non-experts and graduate students.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Auburn University |
Maslov index and Spectral Flow In this talk, we will discuss a relation between the Maslov index, a topological invariant counting signed intersections of paths of Lagrangian planes with a fixed reference plane, and the spectral flow, the net number of eigenvalues of a path of Fredholm operators crossing zero in the positive direction. Applications will be given to several parameter-dependent boundary value problems ranging from Rohleder-type inequalities for Robin Laplacians to Hadamard-type formulas for quantum graphs. In addition, we will discuss second order Taylor expansions for reslovents, spectral projections, and eigenvalues of one-parameter families of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Texas A&M |
Interplay between quantum automorphism groups and non-local games Suppose that M is a finite-dimensional C*-algebra, equipped with its Plancherel trace. A lot of study has gone into the “quantum automorphism group” Aut+(M) of M, and what kinds of properties it has. For example, if M is abelian and with dimension n, then Aut+(M)=Sn+ is the quantum permutation group on n letters. The latter object has received recent attention in quantum information, due to a specific class of two player, non-local games related to graphs. In this talk, we will explore this link between quantum information and quantum groups, and see some new results about Aut+(M) that were inspired by a new example of a graph-related non-local game. In particular, we’ll see that the von Neumann algebra L∞(Aut+(M)) always satisfies Connes’ embedding problem, and is not isomorphic to any free group factor when dim(M) is a perfect square. (This is based on joint work with Michael Brannan, Floris Elzinga and Makoto Yamashita.)
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo |
Galois Theories and Orthogonal Polynomials Differential Galois Theory is the Galois Theory in the context of linear differential equations. In this talk we present some links between the theory of orthogonal polynomials and classical/differential Galois theory. Some results involve integrability of differential equations in a similar sense as for solvability of polynomials. This talk is based on my previous papers available on arxiv: arXiv:1906.09764, arXiv:1012.4796 and arXiv:1008.3445.
(Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
Waterloo |
Zappa-Szep product, self-similar action, and equivalent groupoids In group theory, the Zappa-Szep product generalizes the semi-direct product by encoding a two-way action between two groups. Similar constructions have appeared in the context of semigroups and self-similar action on graphs. In this talk, I will briefly survey these constructions and their applications in operator algebras. The focus is on the self-similar actions on groupoids and Fell bundles, which generalizes the semi-direct product constructions. This leads to a way of constructing equivalent groupoids and Fell bundles from certain symmetric actions, generalizing several imprimitivity theorems arising from semi-direct products. This is a joint work with Anna Duwenig.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 344 |
IST Austria |
Lp-Lq Fourier multipliers on locally compact quantum groups Let G be a locally compact quantum group with dual Ĝ. Suppose that the left Haar weight a and the dual left Haar weight â are tracial, e.g. G is a unimodular Kac algebra. We prove that for 1<p≤ 2 ≤ q<∞, the Fourier multiplier mx is bounded from Lp(Ĝ,â) to Lq(Ĝ,â) whenever the symbol x lies in Lr,∞(G,a), where 1/r=1/p-1/q. Moreover, we have
||mx:Lp(Ĝ,â)⟶ Lq(Ĝ,â)||≤ cp,q ||x||Lr,∞,(G,a)), where cp,q is a constant depending only on p and q. This was first proved by Hörmander (Acta. Math. 1960) for Rn, and was recently extended to more general groups and quantum groups. Our work covers all these results and the proof is simpler. In particular, this also yields a family of Lp-Fourier multipliers over discrete group von Neumann algebras. A similar result for Sp-Sq Schur multipliers is also proved. The talk is based on arXiv:2201.08346. (Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
Kansas State University |
The Neumann problem in graph Lipschitz domains in the plane We present new aspects of the solvability of the classical Neumann boundary value problem in a graph Lipschitz domain in the plane. When the domain is the upper half-plane and the boundary data is assumed to belong to weighted Lebesgue or weighted Lorentz spaces, we show that the solvability of the Neumann problem in these settings may be characterized in terms of Muckenhoupt weights and related weights, respectively. For a general graph Lipschitz domain Ω, as proved in an unpublished work by E. Fabes and C. Kenig, there exists εΩ>0 such that the Neumann problem is solvable with data in Lp(∂Ω) for 1<p<2+εΩ; we show that the Neumann problem is solvable at the endpoint 2+εΩ with data in the Lorentz space L2+εΩ,1(∂Ω). We present examples of the results in Schwarz-Christoffel Lipschitz domains and related domains.
(Contact: Dorina Mitrea) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
University of Alabama Birmingham |
Deficiency Indices for ODEs Without the Unique Continuation Property This talk is about the spectral theory associated with the differential equation Ju’+qu=wf on the real interval (a,b) when J is an n×n constant, invertible skew-Hermitian matrix and q and w are n×n matrices whose entries are distributions of order zero (local measures) with q Hermitian and w non-negative. Under these hypotheses it may not be possible to uniquely continue a solution from one point to another, thus blunting the standard tools of spectral theory. Despite this fact, we are able to show that the deficiency indices of the corresponding minimal relation are still bounded by n.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of Houston |
A conjecture on type I locally compact groups The notion of type I, hailing from the very origins of operator algebras and representation theory, can be seen as a rigorous way to define the class of groups for which unitary representations can be classified in any meaningful manner. By a celebrated result of Thoma, a discrete group is type I if and only if it is virtually abelian. In the non-discrete case, the current state of the art is not nearly as complete, despite numerous results ensuring that various important families of groups (e.g. every connected semisimple Lie group) are type I. What is completely lacking, in contrast to Thoma’s theorem, is a definite structural consequence of type I. This talk is around the following conjecture: Every second countable locally compact group of type I admits a cocompact amenable subgroup. We motivate the conjecture, provide some supporting evidence for it, and prove it for type I hyperbolic locally compact groups admitting a cocompact lattice.
This is joint work with Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace and Nicolas Monod. **This is a joint seminar with the Baylor Quantum Information Theory seminar.** |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
Texas A&M University |
Index theory and Gromov’s conjectures on positive scalar curvature I will talk about my recent work on solutions to some Gromov’s conjectures and open questions on positive scalar curvature. These include positive solutions to Gromov’s cube inequality on positive scalar curvature, and Gromov’s open question on λ-Lipschitz rigidity of positive scalar curvature metrics on hemispheres or more generally spheres with certain subsets removed. If time permits, I will also talk about my recent joint work with Jinmin Wang and Guoliang Yu on an index theoretic proof for Gromov’s (strict) cube inequality on positive scalar curvature with the optimal constant.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of Houston |
Complete Log-Sobolev inequalities Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities (LSI) were first introduced by L. Gross in 70’s, and later found rich connections to geometry, graph theory, optimal transport and information theory. In recent years, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for quantum Markov semigroups attracted a lot of attention in quantum information theory and quantum many-body system. For a classical Markov semigroup, an important advantage of log-Sobolev inequalities is the tensorization property that if two semigroups each satisfy an LSI, so does their tensor product semigroup. Nevertheless, the tensorization property fails in the quantum cases. In this talk, I’ll present some recent progresses on tensor stable log-Sobelev inequalities for finite dimensional quantum Markov semigroups. This talk is based on joint work with Cambyse Rouze.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
Baylor University |
Boundary Value Problems in Weighted Morrey Spaces in Ahlfors Regular Domains In this talk I will report on recent progress in the direction of employing boundary layer potential operators in proving the unique solvability of boundary value problems in general rough settings, best described in the language of geometric measure theory. Using a blend of techniques from Harmonic Analysis, Calderon-Zygmund Theory, Functional Analysis, we succeed in proving well-posedness results in the case when the boundary data is arbitrarily prescribed in Muckenhoupt weighted Morrey spaces. This work is part of my Ph.D. thesis, carried out under the guidance of Professor Marius Mitrea.
(Contact: Marcus Laurel) |
3:30 PM Zoom |
Rice University |
Ballistic transport for limit-periodic continuum Schrodinger operators in one dimension In this talk, I will discuss recent work examining the transport properties of a subclass of uniform limit-periodic, continuum Schrodinger operators, specifically those operators whose potentials are approximated exponentially quickly by a sequence of periodic functions. Specifically, for H one of these operators and XH(t) the Heisenberg evolution of the position operator, we show the limit of t-1XH(t)ψ as t→∞ exists and is nonzero for ψ belonging to a large subspace of initial states localized in position and momentum. Since this implies these operators exhibit a particularly strong form of ballistic transport, and it is known that operators in the subclass considered have absolutely continuous spectrum, this work provides more examples of almost periodic operators for which there is absolutely continuous spectrum and ballistic transport in this sense.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
4:00 PM Zoom |
University of South Florida |
A free boundary problem associated with electrified droplets A droplet of perfectly conducting fluid is placed into an external electric field. If the droplet is not annihilated, the forces of pressure and surface tension will balance with the field, and the droplet will come to equilibrium, resulting in a free boundary problem. This problem was first addressed by E.B. McLeod (1955), who found a single solution to the equation describing equilibrium. The problem was readdressed by D. Khavinson, A. Solynin, and D. Vassilev (2005), where some progress was made, but no new `physical’ solutions were discovered. In this talk, I will discuss some recent work of myself and F. Wang, where we found a new 1-parameter family of physical solutions, using methods of quadratic differentials.
(Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
4:00 PM Zoom |
University of Delaware |
Applications of Matrix-Valued Clark Theory to Differential Operators
In this talk, we will utilize Clark theory to obtain spectral information about symmetric differential operators. This will begin with describing the self-adjoint extensions of a symmetric differential expression using two methods. Then, various tools of Clark Theory will be established. Lastly, we will compute (Clark) spectral measures for the self-adjoint extensions of specific examples of symmetric differential expressions.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
4:00 PM Zoom |
Auburn University |
Asymptotic perturbation theory for extensions of symmetric operators This talk concerns asymptotic perturbation theory for varying self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators. First, we will discuss a symplectic version of the celebrated Krein formula for resolvent difference. Then we will switch to an asymptotic analysis of resolvent operators via first order expansion for the path of Lagrangian planes associated with perturbed operators. This asymptotic perturbation theory yields an Hadamard–Rellich-type variational formula for multiple eigenvalue curves bifurcating from an eigenvalue of the unperturbed operator. Applications will be given to quantum graphs, periodic Kronig–Penney model, elliptic second order partial differential operators with Robin boundary conditions, and heat equations with thermal conductivity. This talk is based on various joint projects with G. Berkolaiko (Texas A&M) and Y. Latushkin (Missouri/NYU).
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
4:00 PM Zoom |
University of Illinois |
Decay estimates of open quantum systems The generators of finite dimensional self-adjoint quantum systems are fully characterized as Lindblad operators. I will use the geometric approach to prove the entropy decay for semigroups generated by such Lindblad operators. I will also mention some related open problems (classical and quantum) that I am currently working on. This is joint work with Marius Junge and Li Gao.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
4:00 PM Zoom |
Louisiana State University |
Besov classes and Sobolev inequalities in Dirichlet spaces In this talk, I will introduce a theory of heat semigroup based Besov spaces in abstract Dirichlet spaces which include Riemannian manifolds, sub-Riemannian manifolds and some fractals like Sierpinski gasket. I will then discuss its applications on Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities with sharp exponents. The talk is based on joint works with Patricia Alonso-Ruiz, Fabrice Baudoin, Luke Rogers, Nageswari Shanmugalingam and Alexander Teplyaev.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
Texas A&M |
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
SDRICH 324 |
3:30 PM WEBEX |
Baylor |
Paley inequality on ordered group The classical Khintchine inequality implies that the L1 norm of the function Σk ak z2^k on the torus is equivalent to the l2 norm of its Fourier coefficients. Paley’s inequality is an improvement of the classical Khintchine inequality, which says that the Fourier coefficients of the the function in the Hardy space on torus is square summmable on the support of the lacunary set. We will introduce a similar result for the countable ordered nonabelian group, e.g. free group.
TU Graz |
Schrödinger operators with prescribed spectral properties The main objective of this talk is to illustrate how one can construct Schrödinger operators on a bounded interval with predefined essential and discrete spectra. The required structure of the spectrum is realized by a special choice of a sequence of δ-interactions. Our construction is inspired by a celebrated paper [R. Hempel, L. Seco, B. Simon, J. Funct. Anal. 102 (1991), 448-483] and its sequel [R. Hempel, T. Kriecherbauer, P. Plankensteiner, Math. Nachr. 188 (1997), 141-168], where a similar problem was treated for Neumann Laplacians on bounded domains.
This is joint work with Jussi Behrndt (TU Graz). |
3:30 PM Video Seminar |
Texas A&M |
Quantum Markov semigroup, logarithmic Sobolev inequality and nonnegative Ricci curvature Quantum Markov semigroups models the time evolution of dissipative open quantum systems. Mathematically, they are noncommutative version of Markov semigroups where the underlying function space is replaced by matrix or operator algebras. For a Markov semigroup, the modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality (MLSI) describes the convergence property in terms of relative entropy. It was a famous result by Bakry and Emery that the heat semigroup on a compact Riemannian manifold satisfies MLSI if the Ricci curvature admits a strictly positive lower bound. Recently Carlen and Maas introduce the notation of Ricci curvature lower bound for quantum Markov semigroup and show that a positive Ricci lower bound implies MLSI in the noncommutative setting. In this talk, I will present an approach to MLSI for quantum Markov semigroup via Ricci curvature bounded below but not necessarily positive. We will show that “central” semigroups on groups and quantum groups admits nonnegative curvature and MLSI. This approach gives new examples of MLSI in both operator algebras and quantum information theory. This talk is based on joint work with Michael Brannan and Marius Junge.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Texas A&M |
A complex analytic approach to mixed spectral problems We consider the Schroedinger operator on a finite interval with an L1-potential. Borg’s two spectra theorem says that the potential can be uniquely recovered from two spectra. By another classical result of Marchenko, the potential can be uniquely recovered from the spectral measure or Weyl m-function. After a brief review of inverse spectral theory of one dimensional Schroedinger operators, we will discuss a complex analytic approach to the following problem: Can one spectrum together with subsets of another spectrum and norming constants recover the potential?
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
University of New Mexico |
Bounds on Extremal Polynomials In this talk I will discuss upper and lower bounds on the norms of monic Lp-extremal polynomials. In particular, I will present a sharp universal lower bound for the extremal polynomials with respect to a probability measure on a compact subset of the complex plane and its improvement for the orthogonal polynomials with respect to the equilibrium measure of a compact subset of the real line.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 324 |
Temple University |
Singular Integral Operators of Layer Potential Type One of the most efficient approaches to solving boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential equations is the method of boundary layer potentials.
In this talk I will survey some of the recent progress made in understanding the nature of integral operators of boundary layer type in optimal geometrical settings. (Contact: Dorina Mitrea, Marius Mitrea) |
2:50 PM SDRICH 324 |
University of Delaware |
Singular parts of matrix-valued Aleksandrov—Clark Measures To obtain matrix-valued Aleksandrov–Clark (AC) measures, fix a matrix-valued pure contraction b on the unit disk D. Here b may be non-inner and/or non-extreme. For each unitary matrix α, the linear fractional transformation (I+b(z))α*)(I-b(z))α*)-1 has non-negative real part. So, Herglotz’s representation theorem associates a matrix-valued measure μα*. The collection {μα: α unitary} forms the family of matrix-valued AC measures, which stand in bijection with matrix-valued pure contractions. A description of the measures’ absolutely continuous parts is easily obtained in terms of non-tangential boundary values of b.
The singular parts μαs are harder. We present a matrix-valued version of Nevanlinna’s result relating non-tangential boundary limits with the measures’ point masses. The connection to Carathéodory angular derivatives is more subtle than in the scalar setting. Aleksandrov spectral averaging yields restrictions on the singular parts. We have a directional version of the mutual singularity of μαs and μβs, α≠β both unitary. This presentation is based on joint work with R.T.W. Martin and S. Treil. |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
Baylor University |
Summary of Spring 2019 Research Leave
This will be a summary of my research activities undertaken during my research leave in Spring 2019.
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
Baylor University |
Spectral Zeta Functions, Conformal Transformations, and Gluing Formulas Let M1 and M2 be two Riemannian manifolds each of which have theboundary N. Consider the Laplacian on M1 and M2 augmented with Dirichlet boundary conditions on N. A natural question to ask is if there is any relation between spectral properties of the Laplacian on M1, M2, and the Laplacian on the manifold M (without boundary) obtained gluing together M1 and M2, namely M=M1∪M2. Using spectral zeta functions, a partial answer is given by the Burghelea-Friedlander-Kappeler-gluing formula for zeta-determinants. This formula contains an (in general) unknown polynomial which is completely determined by some data on a collar neigh-borhood of the hypersurface N. I will use conformal transformations to understand the geometric content of this polynomial. The understanding obtained will pave theway for a fairly straightforward computation of the polynomial (at least for low dimensions of M). Furthermore it leads to a partial understanding of the heat invariant for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, that is for the Steklov problem.
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of South Florida |
Stahl’s theorem on a Riemann surface H.Stahl’s theorem on convergence of Pade approximats for analytic functions with branch points [St86-1]- [St86-1] is one of the fundamental results in the theory of rational approximations of analytic functions. It is also one of the basic facts in the theory of orthogonal pokynomilas. Denominators of Pade approximats are complex (nonhermittian) orthogonal polynomilas and Stahl’s created an original method of investigating asymptotics of complex orthogonal polynomials based directly on complex orthogonality.
The method has been further developed by A. Gonchar and E. Rakhmanov in [GR87] for the case of orthogonality with varying weight which is equivalnt to introduction of external field in associated equilibrium problem. Incorporation of the external field in the method makes circle of its application essentially larger. The GRS-method may be applied to general rational interpolation, Hermite – Pade approximants (systems of interpolation conditions) and other constructions of free-pole approximation by rational functions. Also the geometry of the problem in the presence of the external field becomes much more sophisticated. We generalize the method for the case of interpolation by meromorphic functions on a closed Riemann surface R which are, hence, algebraic functions. It turns out that basic results on zero distribution of poles of interpolating functions remain valid in essentially the same form. (Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of Vienna |
Discrete and continuous Dirac-type systems on the semi-axis: spectral and scattering problems Both discrete and continuous Dirac-type systems play an important role in several domains of mathematics. We discuss Weyl theory, the corresponding direct and inverse spectral problems, and their explicit and general solutions. There is also a close connection between spectral and scattering problems.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
2:30 PM SDRICH 325 |
University of Michigan |
A nonlocal-nonlinear PDE for the limiting distribution of the periodic TASEP Many interacting random particle systems, in a suitable limit, can be described in terms of integrable systems. For instance, it is now a classical result that the one-point fluctuations of the height function in the TASEP (with step initial data) converge, in a suitable scaling, to the Tracy-Widom distribution F2. In addition to remarkable universality features of F2, appearing in dozens of different models that are seemingly unrelated, this distribution also enjoys several nice different characterizations, for instance it can be given interms of a somewhat simple Fredholm determinant for an integral operator, or yet in terms of a solution to the Painléve II differential equation.
If, on one hand, one can learn about the particle systems by studying the corresponding integrable system,on the other hand these different characterizations have intrinsict operator-theoretic value on their own, and a large class of integral operators can actually be connected to integrable systems in a nice systematic and, somehow, easy way via Riemann-Hilbert problems. In this talk, we plan to discuss how this general methodology recently produced a nice connection between the limiting distribution for the periodic TASEP and a nonlocal-nonlinear PDE. This is based on work in progress with Jinho Baik (University of Michigan) and Zhipeng Liu (Universityof Kansas). (Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH 213 |
Lund University |
Chebyshev polynomials A classical problem that goes back to Chebyshev and his study of mechanisms is to find the best uniform approximation of a continuous function f: [a,b]→R by algebraic polynomials of degree ≤n. It is well known that the monic degree n polynomial that deviates the least from zero on [-1, 1] is given by
Tn(x)=2-n+1cos(nθ) with x=cos(θ). This polynomial oscillates for x between -1 and 1 and grows faster than any other monic polynomial of the same degree outside [-1, 1]. But how can we describe the monic polynomials of least deviation from zero on E⊆R when E is the union of, say, k intervals or a Cantor-type set?
In the talk, I shall discuss the theory for these polynomials that also bear the name of Chebyshev. Since explicit representations are rare, I’ll focus on their asymptotic behavior and the asymptotics of the approximation error. One may ask how this depends on the size and geometry of E. As we shall see, potential theory enters the field and part of the analysis relies on studying the zeros in gaps of E. Towards the end, I shall also explain how relatively little is known when E is a closed region in the complex plane and discuss some open problems in the field. The talk is based on joint work with B. Simon (Caltech), P. Yuditskii (JKU Linz), and M. Zinchenko (UNM). |
3:30 PM SDRICH 213 |
Baylor University |
Self-adjoint boundary conditions for singular Sturm-Liouville problems and the computation of m-functions for Bessel, Legendre, and Laguerre operators We extend the classical boundary values for (general, three-coefficient) regular Sturm-Liouville operators on compact intervals to the singular case as long as the associated minimal operator is bounded from below, utilizing principal and nonprincipal solutions of the underlying differential equation.
We derive the singular Weyl-Titchmarsh-Kodaira m-function and illustrate the theory with the examples of the Bessel, Legendre, and Laguerre (resp., Kummer) operators. This is based on joint work with Lance Littlejohn and Roger Nichols. |
3:30 PM SDRICH 213 |
University of Cape Town |
Zeros of Laguerre Polynomials
The sequence of Laguerre polynomials {Ln(α)(x)}n=0∞ is orthogonal on (0,∞) with respect to the weight function e-x xα provided α > -1. The classical result that for each natural number n, the zeros of Ln-1(α)(x) interlace with the zeros of Ln(α)(x) can (and has) been extended by several authors in various ways. In 2014, we proved that for each natural number n, the zeros of Ln(α)(x) and Ln-k(α+t)(x) are interlacing for each t with 0 < t ≤ 2k and the t-interval 0 < t ≤ 2k is sharp in order for interlacing to hold for every k in {1,2,…, n-1} and each natural number n. Recently, this was extended to zeros of Laguerre polynomials of equal degree, namely, for each natural number n, the zeros of Ln(α)(x) and Ln(α+t)(x) are interlacing for each t with 0 < t ≤ 2 and the t interval 0 < t ≤ 2 is sharp in order for interlacing to hold for every natural number n. For α in the parameter range -2 < α < -1, the polynomial Ln(α)(x) has n real zeros with n-1 positive zeros and 1 negative zero. However, for α lying in this range -2 < α < -1, the sequence {Ln(α)(x)}n=0∞ is NOT orthogonal with respect to any positive measure and, for each natural number n, the zeros of Ln-1(α)(x) DO NOT interlace with the zeros of Ln(α)(x) for any natural number n. However, for each natural number n, the zeros of xLn-1(α)(x) interlace with the zeros of Ln(α)(x). The aim of the talk is to give some background to these results and raise open problems and questions that arise naturally.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Williams College |
Random Unitary Matrices and Matrix Models for the Circular Beta Ensemble We consider various families of random unitary band matrices (CMV and Joye) and study their spectral properties. In particular, we investigate the distribution of the eigenvalues of these matrices and use them to construct matrix models for the circular beta ensemble. We also study spectral properties of these matrix models for beta approaching zero and infinity.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Louisiana State University |
Nodal sets of Robin and Neumann eigenfunctions We investigate the measure of nodal sets for Robin and Neumann eigenfunctions in the domain and on the boundary of the domain. A polynomial upper bound for the nodal sets is obtained for the Robin eigenfunctions. For the analytic domains, we show a sharp upper bound for the nodal sets on the boundary of the Robin and Neumann eigenfunctions. Furthermore, the sharp doubling inequality and vanishing order are obtained.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Universidad Carlos III Madrid |
On a construction of some rational approximants to ζ(n), n=2,3,… An approach based on a Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to a simultaneous rational approximation problem involving the Riemann zeta function will be discussed. As a consequence of the proposed approach infinitely many rational approximants (Diophantine approximations) to ζ(3) proving its irrationality can be generated. Moreover, this approach unifies the most famous “independent” proofs of the irrationality of ζ(3). In addition, rational approximants for ζ(5), ζ(7),…, ζ(41),… will be presented.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Numerical Ranges, Blaschke Products, and Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials This talk will focus on the location of zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. We will begin with an introduction of some basic results and then briefly review some more recent results of Nevai-Totik and Mhaskar-Saff. We will conclude with new results connecting the zeros of orthogonal polynomials to the zeros of paraorthogonal polynomials and highlight some interesting connections with complex function theory and even algebraic geometry. Some open problems will be discussed along the way. This talk is based on joint work with Barry Simon and Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of New Mexico |
A tourist in the land of Hardy spaces (Equivalent definitions of Hardy spaces on product spaces of homogeneous type) In this talk I would like to give you a glimpse into the history of the Hp Hardy spaces starting from its origins in complex analysis, moving into the realm of real analysis first on Euclidean space, then into one-parameter spaces of homogeneous type, and finally into two-parameter spaces of homogeneous type. The tools we will need are “dyadic cubes” and orthonormal “wavelets” in these exotic settings that will allow us to introduce appropriate square functions used in the definition of the Hardy spaces. To show independence of these Hardy spaces on the reference wavelets and dyadic grids, we will introduce atomic Hardy spaces (defined independently of wavelets and their reference grids) and use a crucial tool in the multi-parameter world, a Journé-type lemma adapted to this setting. We are following in the foot steps of R. Coifman, G. Weiss, R. Fefferman, and J. Pipher to mention just a few. This is work in progress joint with Yongsheng Hahn, Ji Li, and Lesley Ward.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Michigan |
Products of Coupled Random Matrices Products of random matrices have been introduced in the literature a long while ago, but only in the past few years they received attention from the mathematical physics’ community, much in virtue of the development of new techniques that can be applied to their study.
In this talk we plan to briefly explain some motivations on why we should care about these products, discuss some recent developments when the matrices in the product are independent, and share some of the most recent findings, amongst others by the speaker together with Lun Zhang (Fudan University), in a model when the matrices being multiplied are not independent, but instead coupled in a useful way. We will focus on asymptotic results obtained when the size of the matrices involved gets large, discussing both universal and non-universal features of the model, and in particular the emergence of the recently found Meijer-G kernel. Some key elements in our analysis are a family of mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to Bessel weights, and their zero asymptotic distribution which is described in terms of a constrained vector equilibrium problem. (Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Fourier Multipliers on Free Groups along a Geodesic Path The topic of Fourier multipliers has been studied for many years since the late 19th century in order to understand the convergence of Fourier series. Following the success in this field, the study of harmonic analysis has been expanded to the class of abelian groups. Recently, there has been a lot of new progress in the area of non-commutative harmonic analysis. As a result, much effort has been made to generalize all the theory into the realm of non-commutative groups. In this talk, we will discuss about non-commutative version of Fourier multipliers on free groups and some results and questions regarding it.
3:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
Texas A&M and IITP, Moscow |
Virtual levels, zero-energy resonances, properties of virtual states, and the limiting absorption principle near thresholds The virtual levels, also known as the threshold resonances and zero energy resonances, admit several equivalent definitions:
(1) there are corresponding virtual states from the space slightly larger than L2; (2) absence of the limiting absorption principle in the vicinity of the threshold point; (3) bifurcation of eigenvalues from thresholds under a small perturbation. We prove the equivalence of these definitions and study properties of corresponding virtual states. Once there is no virtual level, we study the limiting absorption principle near the threshold points, proving that, in the vicinity of a threshold, the resolvent is uniformly bounded in particular weighted spaces. We apply the theory to the Schroedinger operators, although the approach works for general non-selfadjoint operators (and in arbitrary dimension).
This is a joint work with Nabile Boussaid (Besançon) and Fritz Gesztesy (Baylor). (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
2:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
University of Kent |
Embedding eigenvalues for periodic Jacobi operators using Wigner-von Neumann-type perturbations We consider a method of embedding eigenvalues in a band of absolutely continuous spectrum of a periodic Jacobi operator by adding a potential. We first discuss embedding a single eigenvalue and then show that the method can be extended to allow embedding infinitely many eigenvalues into the band.
4:30 PM SDRICH |
Cardiff University |
Spectral problems on star graphs In this talk we report on a two-step reduction method for spectral problems on a star graph with n+1 edges and a self-adjoint matching condition at the central vertex.
The first step is a reduction to the problem on a single edge, but with an energy depending boundary condition at the vertex. In the second step, by means of an abstract inverse result for m-functions, a reduction to a problem on a path graph with two edges, joined by continuity and Kirchhoff conditions, is given. All results are proved for symmetric linear relations in an orthogonal sum of Hilbert spaces. This ensures wide applicability to various different realisations, in particular, to canonical systems and Krein strings which include, as special cases, Dirac systems and Stieltjes strings. Employing two other key inverse results by de Branges and M. Krein, we answer the following question: If all differential operators are of one type, when can the reduced system be chosen to consist of two differential operators of the same type? This is joint work with Heinz Langer and Christiane Tretter. (Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Houston |
On the isomorphisms of Fourier algebras of finite abelian groups Can one distinguish groups by their group algebras? In this talk, I will try to convince you that the answer is yes, for infinite Vilenkin groups of bounded exponents.
We prove that if G1 and G2 are two infinite Vielenkin groups of bounded exponents such that G1 is not a subgroup of G2 then there are finite dimensional invariant convolution subalgebras of L1(G1) distant from any invariant convolution subalgebras of L1(G2). We show that the norm of certain class of algebraic isomorphims between them grows to infinity with the dimension. (Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Cambridge Center for Analysis |
The Kissing Polynomials
Motivated by the numerical analysis of highly oscillatory integrals, we discuss a family of polynomials known as the Kissing Polynomials, which satisfy a non-Hermitian orthogonality condition on the interval [-1,1]. We first discuss how these polynomials can be used to bridge the gap between traditional numerical methods, such as Gaussian quadrature, and the asymptotic methods that are commonly used to handle oscillatory integrals. Next, we discuss various types of asymptotics of these polynomials, where the connection with the asymptotic theory of highly oscillatory integrals becomes apparent. We will end with numerics of the zeros (part of an ongoing work with Guilherme Silva at the University of Michigan) and some open problems concerning the Kissing Polynomials.
(Contact: Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Strathclyde |
On a theory for nonlocal homogenisation problems The theory of nonperiodic homogenisation problems for elliptic type equations in divergence form has been conveniently described by the notion of (local) H-convergence for multiplication operators as coefficients. In this talk, we introduce the notion of “nonlocal H-convergence”, which serves as an abstract description of divergence form homogenisation problems, where the coefficients are allowed to be nonlocal. This new notion is a direct generalisation of local H-convergence. The topology induced by nonlocal H-convergence is both compact and Hausdorff. It turns out that this topology is weaker than the strong operator topology and cannot be compared with the weak operator topology. Time permitting, we shall sketch an application to electromagnetic theory. This will lead to new homogenisation results for nonperiodic, nonlocal, fully 3D time-dependent Maxwell’s equations. The talk is based in arXiv:1804.02026.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:300 PM SDRICH |
St. Petersburg State |
Operator error estimates for homogenization of elliptic and parabolic systems We consider a matrix strongly elliptic second order differential operator acting in a bounded domain with the Dirichlet boundary condition. The operator is self-adjoint. Coefficients are periodic and oscillate rapidly. We study the behavior of solutions of the corresponding elliptic and parabolic systems in the small period limit. The results can be written as approximations of the resolvent and the semigroup in L2→L2 and L2→H1 operator norms. So, the estimates of this type are called operator error estimates in homogenization theory. The talk is based on a joint work with T. A. Suslina.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Kentucky |
Alternation points, orthogonal polynomials and cubature We say that m+1 decreasing numbers h0, h1, …, hm are alternation points for a finite sequence p0, p1, …, pm of orthogonal polynomials if
pm-n(hj)=(-1)jpn(hj) for all j,n=0,…,m. For example, the Chebyshev points hj=cos(jπ/m), for j=0,…,m are alternation points for the Chebyshev polynomials T0, T1,…,Tm.
In this talk, we show that every finite decreasing sequence is a set of alternation points for some finite sequence of orthogonal polynomials and apply this to construct Lagrange polynomials and cubature formulas for the even and odd nodes of the Cartesian product of the points. (Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Houston |
Introduction to Quantum Information I will give a general introduction to quantum information science and, in particular, to quantum information theory (which are not the same!). No prior knowledge of quantum mechanics, computer science, information theory is necessary, although the enthusiasm to hear about them is needed. The talk will be accessible to a graduate student and will be aimed at a general audience. Three main questions will be discussed: “What is a quantum computer?” “Why don’t we yet have one? Or do we?” and “How does one build a quantum computer?”. Everyone who is eager to glimpse into the future of science and our society is welcome to attend.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Illinois |
Uncertainty Relation via Noncommutative Lp-Space The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to prepare a quantum particle for which both position and momentum are sharply defined. A natural measure of uncertainty is entropy. The first entropic formulation of uncertainty principle was proved by Hirschman in 1957 and since then entropic uncertainty relations have been obtained for many scenarios, including some recent advances with quantum memory. In this talk, I will present an approach to entropic uncertainty relations using noncommutative Lp norms. We prove a general entropic uncertainty relations for two quantum channels (completely positive trace preserving maps). We will also discuss the connection between noncommutative Lp Spaces and Renyi information measure sand show how this gives a quantum information approach to von Neumann algebra index. This talk is based on joint works with Marius Junge and Nicholas LaRacuente.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Tennessee Chattanooga |
The Limiting Absorption Principle for the Massless Dirac Operator In 1999, Iftimovici and Mantoiu proved a global limiting absorption principle for massive Dirac operators in three dimensions. The first limiting absorption principle for the three-dimensional massless Dirac operator was given by Saito and Umeda in 2008. In this talk, we establish a global limiting absorption principle for the n-dimensional massless Dirac operator based on Kato’s inequality. The spectral theoretic consequences of the global limiting absorption principle for the Dirac operator will be explored.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Texas A&M |
Random Waves and Remainder Estimates in the Weyl Law on a Compact Manifold Let (M,g) be a compact smooth Riemannian manifold. I will discuss some recent off-diagonal estimates for the remainder in the Weyl Law and their applications to the study of random waves, a popular Gaussian model for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. This is joint work with Y. Canzani.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Constructing probabilistically compatible conditionals A binary operator c on an algebra of sets can be considered “a conditional” provided that it satisfies a number of plausible “logical” axioms, such as that A ∩ c(A,B) ⊆ B (if A and A–>B), then B) and c(A,B∩ C)=c(A,B)∩ c(A,C) (A–> BC iff A–> B and A–> C).
If the algebra of sets has a probability measure, a plausible further axiom on conditionals is the Adams Thesis connecting conditionals and conditional probabilities: P(c(A,B)) = P(B|A). There are a number of simple theorems showing that in the presence of various auxiliary assumptions, the Adams Thesis can only hold in trivial cases. I show, however, that there is a natural collection of logical axioms on conditionals such that any probability space can be extended to a probability space on which there is a conditional satisfying the axioms and the Adams Thesis. The proof uses deep results in measure theory from the middle of the last century: the Maharam classification theorem and the von Neumann-Maharam lifting theorem. (Contact: Alexander Pruss) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
What are noncommutative Lp spaces? This talk is a brief introduction on the so-called noncommutative Lp spaces. Two main examples will be those associated with matrices and discrete groups.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Delaware |
Rank d Perturbations The Kato-Rosenblum theorem and Aronszajn-Donoghue theory provide us with reasonably good understanding of the subtle theory of rank one d=1 perturbations. We will briefly discuss these statements. When d>1, the situation is different. While the Kato-Rosenblum theorem still ensures the stability of the absolutely continuous part of the spectrum, the singular parts can behave more complicated. We demonstrate this using simple examples. Nonetheless, some positive results prevail in the finite rank setting.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Alabama |
A similarity criteria for Cowen-Douglas operators There are operators such as the backward shift operator on various analytic function spaces that cannot be understood by spectral theory. M. J. Cowen and R. G. Douglas, in 1978, defined an important class of operators to study these kinds of operators. They introduced concepts from complex geometry to classify operators up to unitary equivalence. I will discuss some recent progress on the similarity problem of Cowen-Douglas operators. A well-known method of solving various versions of the corona problem is used to come up with a similarity characterization.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Washington University in St. Louis |
A new index theorem for monomial ideals by resolutions We will explain an index theorem for the quotient module of a monomial ideal. We obtain this result by resolving the monomial ideal by a sequence of Bergman space like essentially normal Hilbert modules. This is joint work with R. Douglas, M. Jabbari, and G. Yu.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Missouri, Columbia |
A Sharp Lower Bound for the First Eigenvalue of the Vibrating Clamped Plate under Compression We give a sharp lower bound to the fundamental frequency of a vibrating clamped plate under compression in the context of plates of different shapes of fixed area. Mathematically, the problem is that of bounding the first eigenvalue of a certain 4th-order partial differential operator with leading term the bi-Laplacian from below by a positive constant over the square of the area of the domain. We give a Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn-type result for this problem for small compressions. Thus, our lower bound is saturated for a disk, and the constant appearing in the inequality is that for the disk under the given compression. Our results apply only in two dimensions. Time permitting, possibilities and impediments for the analogs of our results in higher dimensions will be discussed.
This is joint work with Rafael Benguria (P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago) and Rajesh Mahadevan (Universidad de Concepcion, Chile). (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Birman’s Sequence of Inequalities and Their Relation to Generalized Continuous Cesaro Operators In 1961, Birman proved a sequence of inequalities In, for n∈N, valid for functions in C0n((0,∞))⊆ L2((0,∞)). In particular, I1 is the classical (integral) Hardy inequality and I2 is the well-known Rellich inequality.
In this talk, we give a proof of this sequence of inequalities valid on a certain Hilbert space Hn([0,∞)) of functions defined on [0,∞). Moreover, f∈Hn([0,∞)) implies f‘∈Hn-1([0,∞)); as a consequence of this inclusion, we see that the classical Hardy inequality implies each of the inequalities in Birman’s sequence. We also show that for any finite b>0, these inequalities hold on the standard Sobolev space Hn((0,b)). Furthermore, the Birman constants ((2n-1)!!)2/22n in these inequalities are sharp and the only function that gives equality in any of these inequalities is the trivial function in L2((0,∞)). We also show that these Birman constants are related to the norm of a generalized continuous Cesaro averaging operator. (Contact: Fritz Gesztesy & Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
What are the compact sets in Lebesgue spaces? We show an improvement of the classical Kolomogorov-Riesz theorem. This is joint work with Harald Hanche-Olsen and Eugenia Malinnikova (both at NTNU).
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Texas Tech University |
Image recognition, lemniscates, and quadratic differentials We will discuss several aspects of mathematical theory designed for recognition of two-dimensional images or “shapes.” An idea to use the so-called “finger-prints” to study two-dimensional ”shapes” goes back to a paper Kahler structure on the K-orbits of a group of diffeomorphisms of the circle of Alexander Kirillov published in 1987. But it was Eiten Sharon and David Mumford who turned this idea (in their 2004 paper 2d-shape analysis using conformal mapping) into a tool, which can be applied for recognition of planar shapes, such as shapes on TV screens and in pictures. After that this theory became quite a popular topic in recent publications on applications of complex analysis to problems in pattern recognition.
An interesting approach to fingerprint problem was suggested by Peter Ebenfelt, Dima Khavinson and Harold Shapiro in their paper Two-dimensional shapes and lemniscates published in 2011. In this paper, the authors have shown, in particular, that fingerprints of polynomial lemniscates (which, by a classical result due to David Hilbert, are dense in the space of all two-dimensional shapes) are generated by solutions of functional equations, which involve Blaschke products. A simpler proof of the main result of Ebenfelt, Khavinson and Shapiro and its generalization to the case of rational lemniscates was presented in a nice short paper Shapes, fingerprints and rational lemniscates by Malik Younsi published in 2016. The first goal of this talk is to discuss how methods of Complex Analysis can be applied to the problems of pattern recognition. In particular, I will discuss the main results on fingerprints obtained by Ebenfelt, Khavinson and Shapiro and by Younsi. In addition, I will also mention a different approach to fingerprints via circle packing which was used by Brock Williams. My second goal here is to present my recent results, which include as special cases the Ebenfelt-Khavinson-Shapiro characterization of fingerprints of polynomial lemniscates as well as Younsi’s characterization of rational lemniscates. My main intention here is to emphasize the role of quadratic differentials in this developing theory. (Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Hyponormal Toeplitz operators acting on the Bergman space In 1988 Carl Cowen completely characterized hyponormal Toeplitz operators acting on the Hardy space. In the Bergman space setting, similar studies have mostly focused on Toeplitz operators with harmonic symbols. In this talk, we will examine these results and give some new results on the hyponormality of Toeplitz operators acting on the Bergman space with non-harmonic symbols. This is joint work with Conni Liaw.
(Contact: Matthew Fleeman) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Fourier multipliers on Lp spaces — the Mikhlin conditions The boundedness of Fourier multipliers is a central topic in analysis. I will review the so-called Mikhlin condition for Fourier multipliers to be bounded on Euclidean Lp spaces in the first half of the seminar. In the second half, I will explain an extension of the classical Mikhlin multiplier theorem to Free groups (recent joint work with Q. Xu).
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
August 30 September 6 3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
A Short Course on Ap-weights This is a three-part series. The goal of the lecture series is to show that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on Lp(w) if and only if w lies in the Muckenhoupt Ap class, via the reverse-Holder inequality.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
2:30 PM SDRICH |
Odessa Polytechnical University |
Stabilization of Dynamical Systems and the Ranges of Complex Polynomials on the Unit Disk TBA.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Houston |
Stationary C*-dynamical systems We introduce the notion of stationary actions in the context of C*-algebras. As an application of this concept we prove a new characterization of C*-simplicity in terms of unique stationarity. This ergodic theoretical characterization provides an intrinsic and conceptual understanding of why C*-simplicity is stronger than the unique trace property. In addition it allows us to conclude C*-simplicity of new classes of examples, including recurrent subgroups of C*-simple groups. This is joint work with Yair Hartman.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Caen |
Hilbert transforms – old and new stories None
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
A Probabilistic Proof of the Vitali Covering Lemma The Vitali Covering Lemma states that, given a finite collection of balls in ℝn, there exists a disjoint subcollection that fills at least 3−n of the measure of the union of the original collection. We present classical proofs of this lemma due to Banach and Garnett. Subsequently, we provide a new proof of this lemma that utilizes probabilistic “Erdös” type techniques and Padovan numbers.
(Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
4:00 PM SDRICH |
University of Missouri |
The Maslov index and the spectra of second order elliptic operators In this talk I will discuss a formula relating the spectral flow of the one-parameter families of second order elliptic operators to the Maslov index, the topological invariant counting the signed number of conjugate points of certain paths of Lagrangian planes. In addition, I will present formulas expressing the Morse index, the number of negative eigenvalues, in terms of the Maslov index for several classes of second order differential operators. The talk is based on joint work with Yuri Latushkin.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:00 PM SDRICH |
Rice University |
Higher-order Szego theorems and related problems We study relations between probability measures μ on the unit circle and their sequences of Verblunsky coefficients (coefficients in the recurrence relation obeyed by orthogonal polynomials with respect to μ). The Szego theorem is a celebrated result proving that the logarithm of the absolutely continuous part of μ is integrable if and only if the sequence of Verblunsky coefficients is square-summable. We will discuss some recent results on higher-order Szego theorems, which are similar equivalence statements relating weaker integrability conditions on the measure to weaker decay, and bounded variation, conditions on the coefficients. We will also discuss a related problem of determining the asymptotic behavior of the weight at the critical point for power-law decaying coefficients.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Missouri |
On (Conditional) Positive Semidefiniteness in the Matrix Valued Context We extend Schoenberg’s classical theorem, which relates conditionally positive definite functions F:Rn → C, n ∈ N, to their positive semidefinite exponentials exp(tF), t>0, to matrix-valued conditionally positive semidefinite functions F:Rn → Cmxm, m ∈ N. Moreover, we study the closely related property that the multiplier operators exp(tF)(-i∇), t>0, is positivity preserving and its failure to extend directly to the matrix-valued context. If time permits, we will discuss some of the main tools used in the proofs. (Joint work with Fritz Gesztesy.)
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Boundary Conditions associated with the Left-Definite Theory for Differential Operators In the early 2000’s, Littlejohn and Wellman developed a general left-definite theory for certain self-adjoint operators which explicitly determined their domains. However, the description of these domains do not contain boundary conditions. We present characterizations of these domains given by the left-definite theory for all operators which possess a complete system of orthogonal eigenfunctions, in terms of classical boundary conditions.
(Contact: Conni Liaw) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Tennessee Chattanooga |
Krein’s Resolvent Identity and Boundary Data Maps for Regular Sturm–Liouville Operators This talk centers on Krein-type resolvent identities and boundary data maps associated to self-adjoint extensions of minimal three-coefficient Sturm–Liouville operators on a finite interval. We consider various parameterizations of the self-adjoint extensions, give the explicit form of Krein’s resolvent identity in terms of boundary conditions, and identify the Krein-von Neumann extension in the special case when the underlying minimal operator is strictly positive. Boundary data maps for general self-adjoint extensions, and their application to Krein’s resolvent identity, trace formulas, and symmetrized perturbation determinants, are discussed. This talk is based on joint work with Stephen Clark, Fritz Gesztesy, and Maxim Zinchenko.
(Contact: Fritz Gesztesy) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Texas A&M |
Radial multipliers and approximation properties for q-Araki-Woods algebras I will discuss a class of von Neumann algebras introduced by Hiai, called the q-Araki-Woods algebras. These operator algebras are constructed by combining two well-known deformations of free group von Neumann algebras: the q-Gaussian deformations of Bożejko and Speicher, and the type III deformations of Shlyakhtenko. The main focus of this talk will be on the problem of characterizing (and computing norms of) of a simple class of linear maps on these algebras, called completely bounded radial multipliers. I will describe some joint work with Steve Avsec and Mateusz Wasilewski in this direction. Although we are still very far from any sort of full classification of the cb radial multipliers on q-Araki-Woods algebras, our work on this problem allow us to establish an extremely useful finite-rank approximation property for these algebras: they always have the complete metric approximation property.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Northern Illinois |
Eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville Problems with Periodic Coefficients For h-periodic coefficients and any integer k>2 it is well known that the eigenvalues of some self-adjoint complex boundary condition on the interval [a,a+h] are the same as the periodic eigenvalues on the interval [a,a+kh]. For each k we identify explicitly which of the uncountable number of complex conditions generates these periodic eigenvalues. In addition, we prove an analogous result for semi-periodic eigenvalues.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Completely monotone functions, Markov semigroup generators, and functional calculus The story will be on a joint work with Brian Simanek and Tim Ferguson. I will review the meaning and connections between the three objects in the title and will explain the main result that every Markov semigroup generator satisfying Γ2 criterion has a bound H\infty calculus on BMO with an optimal angle.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of the Basque Country |
Asymptotic Estimates for Halo Sets and Applications (Contact: Paul Hagelstein) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Mississippi |
Asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal over a planar domain with holes Let D be a bounded domain of the complex plane and let {Pn} be the sequence of orthonormal polynomials over D, that is, for each n=0,1,2,… Pn has degree n and positive leading coefficient, and
∫D Pn(z)Pm(z)dA(z)=δn,m. The asymptotic behavior of Pn(z) as n→∞ has been investigated to a considerable extent, particularly when the region D is a simply connected domain bounded by a Jordan curve. In this work we investigate the situation when the domain of orthogonality is no longer simply connected but a multiply connected domain, trying to understand how the holes in the domain influence the asymptotic behavior of Pn inside D. Of particular interest is the canonical case of a circular multiply connected domain (CMCD) consisting of a disk with a finite number of mutually disjoint subdisks removed. We will also consider domains D that are conformally equivalent in a strong sense to a CMCD. This is a joint work with James Henegan. (Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Korean National University, visiting Texas A&M |
Hardy-Littlewood inequality in compact quantum groups Hardy and Littlewood studied Lp-lp multiplier on circle and there have been some progress in this direction. In particular, the inequality was studied on compact homogeneous spaces recently. In this seminar, I will talk about such inequalities on compact quantum groups, mainly on reduced group C* algebras and free quantum groups.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Dalhousie University |
Pseudo-Wronskians of Hermite polynomials In this talk we consider a certain class of identities involving determinants of Hermite polynomials. The prototypical example of such a determinant is the Wronskian of a finite set of Hermite polynomials. Remarkably, all such Wronskians may be re-expressed as an infinity of other determinants of a certain structure, determinants that we refer to as “pseudo-Wronskians”. The entire theory can be easily understood in terms of Maya diagrams and partitions. This approach allows us to find the optimal determinantal representation of any given Hermite Wronskian. Time permitting, we will also discuss applications to exceptional Hermite polynomials and to rational solutions of the Painleve IV equation.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Westminster College |
Differential Operators in Discrete Sobolev Spaces At the Fifth International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications, held in Patras, Greece, 1999, W.N. Everitt, K.H. Kwon, and L.L. Littlejohn presented ten open problems. Problem 10 called for a GKN-type theory for identifying self-adjoint operator representations of a Lagrangian symmetric differential expression in a Hilbert space L2([a,b];dμ) where dμ is a discrete Sobolev measure of the form
dμ = w + Σj=0n(αjδa(j)+βjδb(j)) αj,βj≥ 0; n ∈ N0. In particular Problem 10 asked for a ‘recipe’ for finding self-adjoint differential operators generated by a Bochner-Krall spectral differential expression having the associated orthogonal polynomial sequence as eigenfunctions.
In this lecture we will discuss the history and motivation of this question and present a new GKN-EM type theory that resolves this long-standing problem. (Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Oklahoma State University |
Equidistribution of Zeros of Random Orthogonal Polynomials We study the asymptotic distribution of zeros for the random polynomials Pn=ΣξkBk(z), where {ξk}k=0∞ are non-trivial i.i.d. complex random variables. The polynomials {Bk}k=0∞ are deterministic, and are selected from a standard basis such as Bergman or Szego polynomials associated with a Jordan domain G bounded by an analytic curve. We show that the zero counting measures of Pn converge almost surely to the equilibrium measure on the boundary of G if and only if the expected value of log+|ξ0| is finite. This talk is based on joint work with Igor Pritsker.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Monotone operators and nonlinear semigroups Many PDEs can be usefully rewritten as abstract ODEs of the form u’ = Au, where A is a typically unbounded operator on a Banach space. In the linear case, the Hille-Yosida theorem allows us to determine precisely when A generates a strongly continuous semigroup of operators, from which one can deduce that the PDE is well-posed. In the nonlinear case, an analogy to Hille-Yosida can be found for so-called “maximal monotone” operators. In this talk I will outline the theory of monotone operators and nonlinear semigroups, give important examples, and briefly describe how to apply the theory to certain nonlinear PDEs.
(Contact: Jameson Graber) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
A brief survey of Hardy and Bergman Spaces Two of the most important spaces in modern function theory are the Hardy and Bergman spaces. In this talk, I will give a brief survey of some of the similar differences in the structure of these spaces, as well as the flavor of solving problems in these different settings. In particular we will look at the differences between the zeros of Hardy and Bergman functions, and look at the differences in the Invariant Subspace Problem in both Hardy and Bergman settings.
(Contact: Matthew Fleeman) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Extremal Problems for Analytic Functions and Their Connections to Other Topics In this talk, I will discuss extremal problems in spaces of analytic functions and connections between such problems and other areas of analysis. The main focus will be the problem of maximizing linear functionals on Bergman spaces, which are spaces of analytic functions of finite Lp norm. I will speak about the connections of this problem to topics in analysis such as partial differential equations, quasiconformal mappings, and uniform convexity.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Topological invariants of groups obtained by deformations An old problem that goes back to Halmos asked whether a pair of unitary matrices U and V that almost commute (in the sense that the operator norm of the commutator UV – VU is small) can always be slightly perturbed to obtain a pair of commuting unitary matrices. Voiculescu produced examples in the 80s that gave a negative answer, and commented that they seemed to depend on the cohomology of the two-torus. Later, Exel and Loring provided a direct link by giving a formula that related the K-theory of the two-torus to these almost commuting unitaries.
We will discuss previous and ongoing work with Marius Dadarlat that elucidates this connection further. In fact, regarded in the right light, the answer comes from an index theory calculation that relates deformations of the fundamental group Z2 of the two-torus with “almost flat” bundles over the two-torus. In this context, the theory generalizes to other surface groups, and beyond. (Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Bucknell University |
Compressions of the shift on two-variable model spaces There are many classical results about operator-theoretic properties of the compressed shift on one-variable model spaces, especially spaces associated to finite Blaschke products. In this talk, we will discuss generalizations of such results to the setting of two-variable model spaces associated to rational inner functions on the bidisk. Among other things, we will discuss characterizations and properties of the numerical range and radius of compressed shifts on two variable model spaces as well as when the commutator of a compressed shift with its adjoint has finite rank. This is joint work with Constanze Liaw and Pam Gorkin.
(Contact: Constanze Liaw) |
3:300 PM SDRICH |
University de Franche Comte |
Maximal Inequalities in Noncommutative Analysis (Contact: Tao Mei) |
4:00 PM SDRICH |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Applications of finite dynamic asymptotic dimension to algebraic K-theory The nth root asymptotic behavior of some discrete multiple orthogonal polynomials is presented. Two main ingredients of the proposed approach for the study of the aforementioned asymptotic behavior are discussed; namely, an algebraic function formulation for the solution of the equilibrium problem with constraint to describe their zero distribution and the limiting behavior of the coefficients of the recurrence relations for multiple orthogonal polynomials.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Texas A&M University |
Applications of finite dynamic asymptotic dimension to algebraic K-theory I will give a brief introduction of the notion of finite dynamic asymptotic dimension and its applications to algebraic K-theory. In particular, for a large class of groups, we prove the Farrell-Jones conjecture with coefficients in the algebra of Schatten class operators. It is based on joint work with Guoliang Yu.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Solyanik Estimates in Harmonic Analysis Let B be a collection of open sets in ℝn. Associated to B is the geometric maximal operator MB defined by
MBf(x) = supx ∈ R ∈ B∫R|f|. For 0 <α< 1, the associated Tauberian constant CB(α) is given by CB(α) = supE ⊆ ℝn : 0 <|E|< ∞|{x ∈ ℝn : MBχE(x)>α}|/|E|. A maximal operator MB such that limα → 1–CB(α) = 1 is said to satisfy a Solyanik estimate. In this talk we will prove that the uncentered Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator satisfies a Solyanik estimate. Moreover, we will indicate applications of Solyanik estimates to smoothness properties of Tauberian constants and to weighted norm inequalities. We will also discuss several fascinating open problems regarding Solyanik estimates. This research is joint with Ioannis Parissis. |
3:30 PM SDRICH 207 |
Cardiff University |
Uniqueness for an inverse problem in electromagnetism with partial data A uniqueness result for the recovery of the electric and magnetic coefficients in the time-harmonic Maxwell equations from local boundary measurements is showen. No special geometrical condition are imposed on the inaccessible part of the boundary of the domain, apart from that that the boundary of the domain is C1,1. The coefficients are assumed to coincide on a neighbourhood of the boundary: a natural property in many applications.
(Contact: Lance Littlejohn) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Utah |
Dirichlet graph partitions I’ll discuss a geometric approach to graph partitioning where the optimality criterion is given by the sum of the first Dirichlet-Laplacian eigenvalues of the partition components. This eigenvalue optimization problem can be solved by a rearrangement algorithm, which we show to converge in a finite number of iterations to a local minimum of a relaxed objective. I’ll give a consistency result for geometric graphs, stating convergence of graph partitions to an appropriate continuum partition. The model has a semi-supervised extension, provides natural representatives for the clusters, and is related to an interesting random process.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Cyclic vectors in Dirichlet type spaces and optimal approximants Dirichlet types spaces Dα, α∈R, are a well-studied range of spaces; each consisting of analytic functions f on the unit disk D with the property that a certain weighted sum of Fourier coefficients of f is bounded. These weights depend on α. The classical Hardy space furnishes the most prominent example.
A function f(z) is said to be cyclic in Dα if the sequence of forward orbits zk f(z), k∈{0,1,2,…}, has a dense span in Dα. Since the constant function g=1 is cyclic, we set out on an endeavor to learn about the approximation of the function 1 by functions of the form pn f for fixed f∈ Dα and polynomials pn of varying degrees n. |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Caen |
Hypercontractivity for Free Groups We look for hypercontractivity results for the Poisson semi-group associated to free groups. We rely mainly on probabilistic methods combined with a noncommutative two-points inequality.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Mississippi |
Spectral transformations in the theory of orthogonal polynomials One of the basic spectral transformations of orthogonal polynomials on the real line corresponds to the multiplication of the orthogonality measure dµ(t) by t provided that all orthogonal polynomials for the original and resulting measures exist. This transformation is called Christoffel transformation. Intuitively, the inverse transformation to Christoffel transformation can be gotten by dividing the measure by t and this is another basic spectral transformation. The latter one is known as Geronimus transformation. In fact, both of them are discrete versions of the famous Darboux transformations and it turns out that the consistency of Christoffel and Geronimus transformations leads to the discrete-time Toda equation, which is basically the qd-algorithm, one of the most important tools in numerical analysis.
In my talk I’m going to discuss some nonclassical situations in regard to spectral transformations of orthogonal polynomials on the real line. Namely, I’ll start with showing how spectral transformations help to deal with signed measures with one sign change and with the corresponding non-symmetric tridiagonal matrices. In particular, the theory of such matrices brings us to the context of Padé approximation and, more importantly, the behavior of spurious poles of Padé approximants at infinity for Cauchy transforms of signed measures with one sign change is fully characterized. Then, we’ll see that to get such results for signed measures with several sign changes and other singularities one needs to consider multiple Christoffel and Geronimus transformations. Finally, it’ll be demonstrated that multiple Geronimus transformations could lead to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. (Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Iterated Rank-One Perturbations and Absence of Extended States We construct an Anderson–type Hamiltonian in its spectral representation via the iterative introduction of rank one perturbations. We remain in control of the expected value for the total mass of the resulting operators’ absolutely continuous part.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Utah |
Random Geometry in the Spectral Measure of the Circular Beta Ensemble The Circular Beta Ensemble is a family of random unitary matrices whose eigenvalue distribution plays an important role in statistical physics. The spectral measure is a canonical way of describing the unitary matrix that takes into account the full operator, not just its eigenvalues. When the matrix is infinitely large (i.e. an operator on some infinite-dimensional Hilbert space) the spectral measure is supported on a fractal set and has a rough geometry on all scales. This talk will describe the analysis of these fractal properties. Joint work with Raoul Normand and Balint Virag.
(Contact: Brian Simanek) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Albany and Texas A&M |
Joint spectrum for noncommuting operators In multivariable operator theory, joint spectra are defined to gauge the interaction of operators. If a tuple of operators is commuting, then the Taylor spectrum, which is defined through a Koszul complex, played a fundamental role in the theory. However, for noncommuting tuples spectral theory remains a mystery. In 2008, the notion of projective joint spectrum was introduced by the speaker. It appears to be the simplest kind of spectrum one can define for non-commuting tuples. Yet, this simplicity turns out to be the very source of its richness.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Texas at Austin |
Inequalities in Fourier Analysis and Measures for Fractional Smoothing Geometric inequalities provide insight into the structure of manifolds. Our objective is to develop deeper understanding for how sharp constants for function-space inequalities encode information about the geometric structure of the manifold. Functional forms that characterize smoothness lie at the heart of understanding and rigorously describing the many-body interactions that determine the behavior of dynamical phenomena. Smoothing estimates provide new structural understanding for density functional theory, the Coulomb interaction energy and quantum mechanics of phase space.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
University of Houston |
Generalizing positivity techniques in Banach and operator algebras With Charles Read we have introduced and studied a new notion of (real) positivity in operator algebras, with an eye to extending certain C*-algebraic results and theories to more general algebras. We have continued this work together with Read, and also with Matthew Neal, and with Narutaka Ozawa we have investigated the parts of the theory that generalize further to Banach algebras. We describe some of this work, and the ideas behind it.
(Contact: Tao Mei) |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Riesz transforms associated with cocycles and Hormander Fourier multipliers on OUMD spaces Riesz transforms and Hormander Fourier multipliers are central objects in the classical Fourier analysis. I will explain recent work on Riesz transforms associated with group 1-cocycles. It is a new point of view of P. A. Meyer and D. Bakry’s Riesz transforms associated with Markov semigroups. From this viewpoint, all classical Hormonder Fourier multipliers are essentially Riesz transforms. The talk is based on a joint work with Junge and Parcet.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Glazman-Krein-Naimark Theory, Left-Definite Theory and the Square of the Legendre Polynomials Differential Operator As an application of a general left-definite spectral theory, Everitt, Littlejohn and Wellman, in 2002, developed the left-definite theory associated with the classical Legendre self-adjoint second-order differential
operator A in L2(-1,1) having the Legendre polynomials {Pn}n=0∞ as eigenfunctions. As a particular consequence, they explicitly determine the domain D(A2) of the self-adjoint operator A2. However, this domain, in their characterization, does not contain boundary conditions. In fact, this is a general feature of the left-definite approach developed by Littlejohn and Wellman. Yet, the square of the second-order Legendre expression is in the limit-4 case at each end point x = ± 1 in L2(-1,1) meaning that D(A2) should exhibit four boundary conditions. In this talk, after a gentle ‘crash course’ on left-definite theory and the classical Glazman-Krein-Naimark (GKN) theory, we show that D(A2) can, in fact, be expressed using four (separated) boundary conditions. In addition, we determine a new characterization of D(A2) that involves four non-GKN boundary conditions. These new boundary conditions are surprisingly simple – and natural – and are equivalent to the boundary conditions obtained from the GKN theory. |
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Thick distributions, asymptotic expansion of distributions, and spectral asymptotics I will briefly introduce the theory of thick distributions. I will also introduce the asymptotic expansions of distributions and of thick distributions. As an example, I will show how recent observations of Kolomeisky et al. fit into the established framework of the distributional asymptotics of spectral functions. A common tool in Casimir physics (and many other areas) is the asymptotic (high-frequency) expansion of eigenvalue densities, employed as either input or output of calculations of the asymptotic behavior of various Green functions.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
Extremal Polarization Configurations for Integrable Kernels We will use Smale’s 7th problem to motivate the polarization problem. This is a classic problem in potential theory that provides the crudest bounds on the effectiveness of a greedy algorithm for finding optimal energy configurations. I will mention some of my own recent work on this problem along with some directions for future research. Many open problems will be provided throughout this talk.
3:30 PM SDRICH |
Baylor University |
An Introduction to Minimum Energy Problems This will be an introduction to the research field of minimum energy problems. We will start by motivating the topic with some big open problems like sphere packing problems and Smale’s 7th problem for the 21st century. A large portion of the talk will focus on equilibrium measures and leading order asymptotic of minimal energies. This talk will be accessible to non-specialists and serve as a primer for the higher-level research talk on September 23.