Baylor Math Colloquium – Past Talks
(Baylor Math Home Page)

To see the schedule of upcoming Baylor math colloquium talks, please click here.

2023-2024 SCHEDULE:

October 19
Edmund Chiang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Recent development of complex function theory with respect to difference operators

November 2

Jussi Behrndt
Technical University of Graz
The Landau Hamiltonian with delta-potentials supported on curves


January 25

Gigliola Staffilani
The Schrödinger equations as inspiration of beautiful mathematics


February 1

Dmitry Ryabogin
Kent State University
Some problems related to floating bodies


March 14

Joe Conlon
University of Michigan
Some simple models of Ostwald Ripening


March 21

Seick Kim
Yonsei University
On elliptic and parabolic PDEs in double divergence form


April 18

Tiago Picon
University of Sao Paulo
Local Lebesgue solvability of elliptic and canceling linear differential equations with measure data


April 25

Helge Holden
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
On the Abel Prize – one of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics