Meet Your Graduate School: An Interview with Dana Matthews

We are nearly to the end of this series, but there are still a few more important members of the Graduate School team to hear from! Today we’re talking with Dana Matthews, who served as an Admissions Specialist. Dana assists Graduate Program faculty and staff...

Meet the Summer 2023 Dissertation Fellows!

The Baylor Graduate School is pleased to announce the fourth cohort of the Summer Dissertation Fellows. These Fellows receive support through a week-long Dissertation Lab in May as well as from writing groups (organized by the Graduate Writing Center and the Baylor...

Meet Your Graduate School: An Interview with Dr. Becca Cassady

Today we’re interviewing Dr. Becca Cassady. She joined the Graduate School in 2022 as the Dissertation, Thesis, and Graduate Writing Center Program Director. In her current role, she directs a team of graduate writing consultants from across disciplines as they...

Meet Your Graduate School: An Interview with Laura Sepanski

This week, we interviewed Laura Sepanski, who coordinates and supports Professional Development programs for graduate students, working alongside Dr. Sara Dolan. These programs include New Graduate Student Orientation, Teacher of Record training,  Grad Pathways for...

How Do I Know if I Should Drop Out of Graduate School? An Interview with Associate Dean Sara Dolan

This is not a popular topic of conversation, especially at a university that just hit R1 status in no small part due to strong graduate student statistics. But after wrapping up a whole series on prioritizing mental health, establishing work/life boundaries, and...