We try to maintain a comprehensive and current list of all Baylor postdocs. Every semester, we update our mailing list by reaching out to individual departments.
If you already received emails from us, then take this page as just a convenient reminder. Errors happen, however, and it is possible that we missed you with our emails. If that’s the case, no worries, you’ve made it to the right place! All you have to do is join the WhatsApp social group and reach out to us with your name and department, so that we can add you to our mailing list and keep you in the loop.
It is a place to chat, stay connected, plan for drinks, tell each other about fun things happening in Waco, show off craft projects or vacation pics… whatever you feel like chitchatting about! It’s only between us – no PI, no administration, no pressure!
We decided to use WhatsApp since it’s an app that most of us probably already have. Below is a link to join the group and some instructions to follow when you do to make sure we keep it all legible. Please use the Contact Form if you have any question or need some help connecting!
1) What’s WhatsApp:
It is primarily a phone app, but it also has both a desktop app as well as an in-browser interface (though you will still need it on your phone either way). It routes calls – video or not – and texts through the internet.
So first, you need that installed! See: WhatsApp.com
2) Bring your virtual name tag!
Please make sure you fill in your name, in your profile’s settings. Here is how to do so.
Your name will only be visible within groups, not in one-on-one conversations. It is important you do this before you join the BUPA group, so that we all know who is talking – otherwise it will be a mess of nameless phone numbers!
3) Join us:
You’re now ready to join the group – you can just click on the link below.
When you enter the group, say hi and even give a short introduction, like what department you are from, if you don’t mind. It’ll make it nicer for all and easier to connect!
Link to join the group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BqASR282sqjCj2aBlMsSUY
We don’t use Slack as a social platform, but if you have any institutional question, use our server to talk to someone from the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars at Baylor.
Link to join the server: https://join.slack.com/t/thebupa/shared_invite/zt-u5b7fhvb-frKjlfLyQ3EyZ0HWtC386w
There are a couple ways to do this. If you use BUPA’s email address (bupa@baylor.edu) or the Contact Form, any of the officers can see it and get back to you. If you have a question for any of us in particular, our respective email addresses can be found on the BUPA Officers page and we are also active on WhatsApp, where you can feel free to use the social group or private message any of us.