Book Chapters
Newhart, K. B., Hering, A. S., and Cath, T. Y. (2022) “Data science tools to enable decarbonized water and wastewater treatment systems,” in Pathways to Water Sector Decarbonization, Carbon Capture and Utilization, Publisher: IWA Publishing, pp. 275-302.
Hering, A. S. (2021) “Fault Isolation,” Book chapter in Statistical Process Monitoring using Advanced Data-Driven and Deep Learning Approaches, Authors: Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Hering, A. S., Madakyaru, M., and Dairi, A., Publisher: Elsevier, pp. 71-117.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Denotes Statistics Master’s or Ph.D. Student
- Denotes Graduate Student from Another Discipline
[67] Lee, J., Gallaugher, M. P. B., and Hering, A. S. (2025) “Clustering spatial data with a mixture of skewed regression models,” Technometrics, Now Online.
[66] Grimm, T. R., Newhart, K. B., and Hering, A. S. (2025) “Nonparametric threshold estimation of autocorrelated statistics in multivariate statistical process monitoring,” Journal of Chemometrics, 39:e70004.
[65] Chowdhury, D., Kuras, A., Cath, T. , Hering, A. S., Melin, A., Cath, T. Y., and Villez, K. (2025) “Autonomous online optimization of a closed-circuit reverse osmosis system,” Water Research X, 26: 100279.
[64] Grimm, T. R., Branch, A., Thompson, K. A., Salveson, A., Zhao, J., Johnson, D., Hering, A. S., and Newhart, K. B. (2024) “Long-term statistical process monitoring of an ultrafiltration water treatment process,” Environmental Science and Technology: Engineering, 4: 1492-1506.
[63] Weix, D., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2024) “Monitoring covariance in multivariate time series: Comparing machine learning and statistical approaches,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 40: 2822-2840.
[62] Mastin, N., Durell, L., Brooks, B. W., and Hering, A. S. (2024) “Advancing statistical treatment of photolocomotor behavioral response study data,” PLoS ONE, 19: e0300636.
[61] Newhart, K. B., Klanderman, M. C., Hering, A. S., and Cath, T. Y. (2024) “A holistic evaluation of multivariate statistical process monitoring in a biological and membrane treatment system,” Environmental Science and Technology: Water, 4: 913–924.
[60] Kuras, A., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2024) “Functional data analysis approach for detecting faults in cyclic water and wastewater treatment processes,” Environmental Science and Technology: Water, 4: 925–935.
[59] Klanderman, M. C., Lee, J., Villez, K., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2023) “Adaptive online multivariate signal extraction by locally weighted robust polynomial regression,” Data Science in Science, 2: 2200856.
[58] Durell, L., Scott, J. T., and Hering, A. S.* (2023) “Hybrid forecasting for functional time series of dissolved oxygen profiles,” Data Science in Science, 2: 1–15.
[57] Durell, L., Scott, J. T., Nychka, D., and Hering, A. S. (2023) “Functional forecasting of dissolved oxygen in high-frequency vertical lake profiles,” Environmetrics, 34: e2765.
[56] Hering, A. S., Durell, L., Morgan, G. (2021) “Illustrating randomness in statistics courses with spatial experiments,” The American Statistician, 75: 343-353.
[55] Burrow, A., Hering, A. S., Morton, D. P., and Newman, A. M. (2021) “Optimal design and operation of river basin storage under hydroclimatic uncertainty,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147: 04021055.
[54] Newhart, K. B., Goldman-Torres, J. E., Freedman, D. E., Wisdom, K. B., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2021) “Prediction of peracetic acid disinfection performance for secondary municipal wastewater treatment using artificial neural networks,” Environmental Science and Technology: Water, 1: 328-338.
[53] Mansouri, F., Winfield, Z. C., Crain, D. D., Morris, B., Charapata, P., Sabin, R., Potter, C. W., Hering, A. S., Fulton, J., Trumble, S. J., and Usenko, S. (2021) “Evidence of multi-decadal behavior and ecosystem-level changes revealed by reconstructed lifetime stable isotope profiles of baleen whale earplugs,” Science of the Total Environment, 757: 143985.
[52] Klanderman, M. C., Newhart, K. B., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2020) “Case studies in real-time fault isolation in a decentralized wastewater treatment facility,” Journal of Water Process Engineering, 38: 101556.
[51] Quay, A. N., Hering, A. S., and Mauter, M. S. (2020) “Mapping and quantifying uncertainty in groundwater depth from sparse well data in the California Central Valley,” Environmental Research Letters, 15: 084029.
[50] King, M. L., Galbreath, D. R., Newman, A. M., and Hering, A. S. (2020) “Combining regression and mixed integer programming to model counterinsurgency,” Annals of Operations Research, 292: 287-320.
[49] Klanderman, M. C., Newhart, K. B., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2020) “Fault isolation for a complex decentralized waste water treatment facility,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 69: 931-951.
[48] Taylor, R. B., Djomte, V. T., Bobbitt, J. M., Hering, A. S., Chen, S., and Chambliss, K. (2020) “Effects of environmentally relevant concentration exposure profiles on Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) sampling rates,” Environmental Science and Technology, 54: 8848-8856.
[47] Newhart, K. B., Marks, C. A., Rauch-Williams, T., Cath. T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2020) “Hybrid statistical-machine learning ammonia forecasting in continuous activated sludge treatment for improved process control,” Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37: 101389.
[46] Yu, Y., Gorman, B. P., and Hering, A. S. (2020) “Objective identification of local spatial structure for material characterization,” Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 13: 377-393.
[45] Krupskii, P., Harrou, F., Hering, A. S., and Sun, Y. (2020) “Copula-based monitoring schemes for non-Gaussian multivariate processes,” Journal of Quality Technology, 52: 219-234.
[44] Taylor, R. B., Hill, B. N., Bobbit, J. M., Hering, A. S., Brooks, B. W., and Chambliss, K. (2020) “Suspect and non-target screening of acutely toxic Prymnesium parvum,” Science of the Total Environment, 715: 136835.
[43] Hering, A. S. and Cooley, D. (2019) “Twenty years of statistics at the National Center for Atmospheric Research,” CHANCE, 32: 40-43.
[42] Tang, Y., Wang, H. J., Sun, Y., and Hering, A. S. (2019) “Copula-based semiparametric model for spatio-temporal data,” Biometrics, 75: 1156-1167.
[41] Kazor, K. and Hering, A. S. (2019) “Mixture of regression models for large spatial data sets,” Technometrics, 61: 507-523.
[40] Newhart, K. B., Holloway, R. W., Hering, A. S., and Cath, T. Y. (2019) “Data-driven performance analyses of wastewater treatment plants: A review,” Water Research, 157: 498-513.
[39] Lujan, H., Criscitiello, M., Hering, A. S., Sayes, C. M. (2019) “Refining in vitro toxicity models: Comparing baseline characteristics of lung cell-types,” Toxicological Sciences, 168: 302-314.
[38] Kostadinova, E. G., Liaw, C. D., Hering, A. S., Cameron, A., Guyton, F., Matthews, L. S., and Hyde, T. W. (2019) “Spectral approach to transport in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with substitutional disorder,” Physical Review B, 99: 024115-1-024115-13.
[37] Manago, K. F., Hogue, T. S., Porter, A., and Hering, A. S. (2019) “A Bayesian hierarchical model for multiple imputation of urban spatio-temporal groundwater levels,” Statistics and Probability Letters, 144: 44-51.
[36] Odom, G. J., Newhart, K. B., Cath, T. Y., and Hering, A. S. (2018) “Multi-state multivariate statistical process control,” Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 34: 880-892.
[35] Porcu, E., Bevilacqua, M., and Hering, A. S. (2018) “The Shkarofsky-Gneiting class of covariance models for bivariate Gaussian random fields,” Stat, 7: 1-10.
[34] Yu, Y., Workman, A., Grasmick, J. G., Mooney, M. A., and Hering, A. S. (2018) “Space-time outlier identification in a large ground deformation dataset,” Journal of Quality Technology, 50: 431-445.
[33] Pfluger, A. R., Hahn, M. J., Hering, A. S., Munakata-Marr, J., and Figueroa, L. (2018) “Statistical expose of a multiple-compartment anaerobic reactor treating domestic wastewater,” Water Environment Research, 90: 530-542.
[32] Gilleland, E., Hering, A. S., Fowler, T., L., and Brown, B. G. (2018) “Testing the tests: What are the impacts of incorrect assumptions when applying confidence intervals or hypothesis tests to compare competing forecasts?”, Monthly Weather Review, 146: 1685-1703.
[31] Tarvin, A., Sipeki, L., Newman, A., and Hering, A. S., (2018) “Lessons learned from a company dealing with big data,” Interfaces, 48: 147-155.
[30] Rodriguez-Jeangros, N., Hering, A. S., and McCray, J. E. (2018) “Analysis of anthropogenic, climatological, and morphological influences on dissolved organic matter in Rocky Mountain streams,” Water, 10: 1-46.
[29] Rodriguez-Jeangros, N., Hering, A. S., Kaiser, T., and McCray, J. E. (2017) “SCaMF-RM: A fused high-resolution land cover product of the Rocky Mountains,” Remote Sensing, 9: 1-27.
[28] Genton, M. G. and Hering, A. S. (2017) “Comment on: Spatiotemporal models for skewed processes,” Environmetrics, 28:e2430.
[27] Goodall, G., Hering, A. S., and Newman, A., (2017) “Characterizing solutions in optimal microgrid procurement and dispatch strategies,” Applied Energy, 201: 1-19.
[26] Sun, Y., Hering, A. S., and Browning, J. M. (2017) “Robust bivariate error detection in skewed data with application to historical radiosonde winds,” Environmetrics, 28:e2431.
[25] Rodriguez-Jeangros, N., Hering, A. S., McCray, J. E., and Kaiser, T. (2017) “Fusing multiple existing space-time land cover products,” Environmetrics, 28:e2429.
[24] King, M., Hering, A. S., and Aguilar, O. M. (2016) “Building predictive models of counterinsurgent deaths using robust clustering and regression,” Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 13: 449–465.
[23] Lohmann, T., Hering, A. S., and Rebennack, S. (2016) “Spatio-temporal hydro forecasting of multireservoir inflows for hydro-thermal scheduling,” European Journal of Operational Research, 16: 243-258.
[22] Kazor, K., Holloway, R., Cath, T., and Hering, A. S. (2016) “Comparison of linear and nonlinear dimension reduction techniques for automated process monitoring of a decentralized wastewater treatment facility,” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30: 1527-1544.
[21] Kenwell, A., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Prugue, R., Spear, J. R., Hering, A. S., Maxwell, R. M., Carroll, R. W. H., and Williams, K. H. (2016) “Using geochemical indicators to distinguish high biogeochemical activity in floodplain soils and sediments,” Science of the Total Environment, 563-564: 386-395.
[20] Hering, A. S., Porcu, E., and Bevilacqua, M. (2016) “Comment on `Statistical modelling of citation exchange between statistics journals,'” by Varin, Cattelan, and Firth in JRSSA, 179: 51.
[19] Anderson, A. N., Browning, J. M., Comeaux, J., Hering, A. S., and Nychka, D. (2016) “A simulation study to compare statistical quality control methods for error detection in historical radiosonde temperatures,” International Journal of Climatology, 36: 28-42.
[18] Kazor, K. and Hering, A. S. (2015) “The role of regimes in short-term wind speed forecasting at multiple wind farms,” Stat, 4: 271-290.
[17] Condon, L. E., Hering, A. S., and Maxwell, R. M. (2015) “Quantitative assessment of groundwater controls across major US river basins using a multi-model regression algorithm,” Advances in Water Research, 82: 106-123.
[16] Bevilacqua, M., Hering, A. S., and Porcu, E. (2015) “On the flexibility of multivariate covariance models: Comment on the paper by Genton and Kleiber,” Statistical Science, 30: 167-169.
[15] Kazor, K. and Hering, A. S. (2015) “Assessing the performance of model-based clustering methods in multivariate time series with application to identifying regional wind regimes,” Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 20: 192-217.
[14] Goddard, S. D., Genton, M. G., Hering, A. S., and Sain, S. R. (2015) “Evaluating the impacts of climate change on diurnal wind power cycles using multiple regional climate models,” Environmetrics, 26: 192-201.
[13] Hering, A. S., Kazor, K., and Kleiber, W. (2015) “A Markov-switching vector autoregressive stochastic wind generator for varying spatial and temporal scales,” Resources, 4: 70-92.
[12] King, M., Hering, A. S., and Newman, A. M. (2014) “Evaluating counterinsurgency classification schemes,” Military Operations Research, 19: 5-25.
[11] Valovcin, S., Hering, A. S., Polly, B., and Heaney, M. (2014) “A statistical approach for post-processing residential building energy simulation output,” Energy and Buildings, 85: 165-179.
[10] Yoder, M., Hering, A. S., Navidi, W. C., and Larson, K. (2014) “Short-term forecasting of categorical changes in wind power with Markov chain models,” Wind Energy, 17: 1425-1439.
[9] Mitrano, D. M., Ranville, J. F., Bednar, A., Kazor, K., Hering, A. S., and Higgins, C. P. (2014) “Tracking dissolution of silver nanoparticles at environmentally relevant concentrations in laboratory, natural, and processed waters using single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS),” Environmental Science: Nano, 1: 248-259.
[8] Hering, A. S. (2014) “Comments on: Space-time wind speed forecasting for improved power system dispatch,” TEST, 23: 34-44.
[7] Hering, A. S. and Bair, S. (2014) “Characterizing spatial and chronological target selection of serial offenders,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 63: 123-140.
[6] Hering, A. S. and Kazor, K. (2013) “A permutation test to identify important attributes for linking crimes of serial offenders,” Stat, 2: 211-226.
[5] Teerlink, J., Hering, A. S., Higgins, C. P., and Drewes, J. E. (2012) “Site-specific fluctuations and variability of trace organic chemical concentrations in raw wastewater at three distinct sewershed scales,” Water Research, 46: 3261-3271.
[4] Hering, A. S. and Genton, M. G. (2011) “Comparing spatial predictions,” Technometrics, 53: 414-425.
[3] Hering, A. S. and Genton, M. G. (2010) “Powering up with space-time wind forecasting,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105: 92-104.
[2] Hering, A. S., Bell, C. L., and Genton, M. G. (2009) “Modeling spatio-temporal wildfire ignition point patterns,” Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Special Issue on Statistics for Wildfire Processes, 16: 225-250.
[1] Genton, M. G. and Hering, A. S. (2007) “Blowing in the wind,” Significance, 4: 11-14.
Conference Proceedings
[4] Chowdhury, D., Kuras, A., Weix, D., Cath, T., Melin, A., Polsky, Y., Hering, A., Cath, T., Villez, K. (2022) “Black-box optimization of a closed-circuit reverse osmosis system for desalination through extremum seeking control,” Proceedings of the 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2022), Beijing, China, October 17-21, 2022.
[3] Nissan, A. B., Findley, K. O., and Hering, A. S. (2011) “Extreme value statistical analysis to determine the endurance limit of a 1045 induction hardened steel alloy,” Proceedia Engineering, 10: 607-612.
[2] Wald, D. J., McWhirter, L., Thompson, E., and Hering, A. S. (2011) “A new strategy for developing Vs30 maps,” Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, University of California at Santa Barbara.
[1] Rothleutner, L. M., Hering, A., Van Tyne, C. J. (2011) “Property and microstructure variation in forging bar steels,” Proceedings of Forging Industry Technical Conference, Schaumburg, IL.