
Book Chapters

Newhart, K. B., Hering, A. S., and Cath, T. Y. (2022) “Data science tools to enable decarbonized water and wastewater treatment systems,” in Pathways to Water Sector Decarbonization, Carbon Capture and Utilization, Publisher: IWA Publishing, pp. 275-302.
Hering, A. S. (2021) “Fault Isolation,” Book chapter in Statistical Process Monitoring using Advanced Data-Driven and Deep Learning Approaches, Authors: Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Hering, A. S., Madakyaru, M., and Dairi, A., Publisher: Elsevier, pp. 71-117.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Denotes Statistics Master’s or Ph.D. Student
  • Denotes Graduate Student from Another Discipline

Conference Proceedings