We are currently recruiting participants for a research study that will address an urgent need to prevent the dramatic rise in early-onset colorectal cancer. We are seeking to enroll 40 participants from the Waco area. Anyone 18 or older can participate – students, staff, faculty, non-Baylor community members – and they will receive a report of the their gut microbiome, vitamin D levels and body composition as compensation at the end of the study.

The study aims to help better define the relationship between vitamin D intake and the bacteria that live in the gut. Specifically, the team will assess if there is a clear connection between vitamin D intake and changes in the gut bacteria that are associated with risk of colorectal cancer. Healthy adults without a history of GI disease may qualify for the trial. which is expected to last for 2 weeks. Participants will be asked to consume a vitamin D supplement or placebo, provide biospecimen samples (stool and blood) and complete a series of questionnaires.

See the flyer below!

Study Recruitment Flyer

For more information, including eligibility criteria, email:

Dr. Leigh Greathouse: Leigh_Greathouse@baylor.edu

Dr. Erika Abel: Erika_Abel@baylor.edu

Baylor IRB# 1845028-2