Title | Summary | Citation | URL | Religious Tradition | Type of Disabilities | Tags | Publication Type |
Prayer for People Who Can’t Sit Still | Ten types of kinesthetic prayer that involve the body and senses. | Tenny-Brittain, William. Prayer for People Who Can’t Sit Still. Nashville: Chalice Press, 2005. Kindle | https://www.amazon.com/Prayer-People-Who-Cant-Still/dp/0827230036 | Christianity | Kinesthetic prayer, body and senses, prayer | Book | |
Bibles in Special Media | This website gives links for finding Bibles and other sacred texts in special media- including Braille, audio, and large print. | http://www.loc.gov/nls/reference/circulars/Bibles.html | None Specified | Scared texts, media, Bible | Website | ||
Dear Friend in Heaven: Prayers for Children and Adults | This prayer book contains prayers in various forms in 17 topical areas that can be used by both children and adults, including those with Cognitive disabilities. | Dear Friend in Heaven: Prayers for Children and Adults. Waukesha: Northwestern Publising House. | http://online.nph.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?10418&productID=386918. | None Specified | Intellectual | Prayer, children, Cognitive | Book |
Worship and Devotional Resources in Braille | A number of different resources are available, including the Heidelberg Catechism, the Psalter Hymnal, and a number of devotional resources | Worship and Devotional Resources in Braille. Faith Alive Christian Resources. | http://www.faithaliveresources.org/disability. | Christianity | Sensory | worship, devotion, braile | |
Expressing Faith in Jesus: Church Membership for People with Cognitive Impairments | A newly revised book and new resource kit designed to help church leaders and friends with Cognitive impairments as they journey through the process of church membership | Vredeveld, Ronald. Expressing Faith in Jesus: Church membership for People with Cognitive Impairments. Friendship Ministries. | https://friendship.org | Christianity | Intellectual | Faith, Jesus, Church | Book |
Awakening Spiritual Dimensions: Prayer Services with Persons with Severe Disabilities | Provides tools and opportunities for persons with severe Mental and Physical disabilities and their caregivers to awaken the spirit of God within them. | Gillum, William. Awakening Spiritual Dimensions: Prayer Services with Persons with Severe Disabilities. Author House. | https://www.authorhouse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/806136-mcguire-memorial-awakening-spiritual-dimensions | None Specified | Intellectual, Physical | God | |
Noteworthy article on “Participation in Religious Services for People with Developmental Disabilities | In this qualitative study we look critically at the opportunity for participation in religious services for people with developmental disabilities from three perspectives: house managers (n = 4), church leaders (n = 6), and people with developmental disabilities residing in group homes (n = 25). Observations were also made at several church services attended by the group home residents. Results suggest that people with developmental disabilities want to go to church and enjoy religious worship. Their full inclusion in activities and developing friendships, however, appears to be quite limited due to the conflicting expectations of house managers and church leaders, the lack of transportation or support staff, and the stereotypical attitudes towards people with developmental disabilities | Minton, Carol, and Richard Dodder. “Participation in Religious Services for People with Developmental Disabilities.” AAIDD 41, no. 6 (2003): 430-439. | https://meridian.allenpress.com/idd/article/41/6/430/8463/Participation-in-Religious-Services-by-People-With | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Religion | Journal Article |
Feature Issue on Faith Communities and Persons with Developmental Disabilities | Newsletter with a variety of articles from Christian, Jewish, and other perspectives. Resources, ideas, ministry models, and more. Several articles about worship and helping people participate in worship | “Feature Issue on Faith Communities and Persons with Developmental Disabilities.” Institute on Community Integration, 2001. | http://ici.umn.edu/products/newsletters.html | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith | Book |
The Liturgy Documents, Vol. II | This collection of official church documents governing the celebration of Roman Catholic Liturgy includes the U.S. Bishop’s document “Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities,” which is preceded by an overview written by Mary Therese Harrington, a staff member of Special Religious Development (SPRED) of the Archdiocese of Chicago. | Lisk, David. “The Liturgy Documents.” Liturgy Training Publications. | https://www.amazon.com/Liturgy-Documents-One-Essential-Worship/dp/1616710624 | Catholic | church, Catholic, sacraments | ||
Access to Sacraments of Institution and Reconciliation for Developmentally Disabled Persons | This book contains Cardinal Bernardin’s 1985 statement regarding the celebration of baptism, confirmation, first eucharist and reconciliation with persons with Developmental disabilities. | Bernardin, Joseph. Access to Sacraments of Institution and Reconciliation for Developmentally Disabled Persons. Liturgy Training Publications, 1985. | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | baptism, reconciliation | Book | |
How to Start a Rejoicing Spirits Ministry | An inclusive, meaningful and ecumenical worship service and fellowship environment delivers God’s message of love to individuals with Developmental disabilities, their families, friends, caregivers and other supportive community members. The guidebook provides practical information to equip and empower churches, of all faiths, to reach out to individuals with Developmental disabilities and encourage them to become part of a faith community. | How to Start a Rejoicing Spirits Ministry. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. | http://www.rejoicingspirits.org. | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | worship, God, faith, community | |
Creative Ideas for Worship with All Abilities | Drawing on the vast experience of the L’Arche community that fully includes and centers those with intellectual disabilities, this practical guide offers ideas for imaginative worship to engage people with all abilities. It gives suggestions for enabling participation and building familiarity while keeping worship fresh and varied, with ready-to-use themed service outlines that are appropriate throughout the Christian year. It includes a compendium of resources for creating your own acts of worship, including prayers, blessings, stories, quotes, a directory of online resources, ideas for what to keep in a “liturgy box,” ideas or seasonal decoration of the worship space, and many more resources from L’Arche. | Hazel Bradley and Jim Cargin. Creative Ideas for Worship with All Abilities. London: Canterbury Press Norwich, 2019. | https://www.churchpublishing.org/creativeideasforworshipwithallabilities | Christianity | Intellectual | worship | Book |
Emmaus Eyes. Worship with the Mentally Challenged | Creative worship strategies for use in the “whole” congregation. | Ann, Lo, and David Trembley. Worship with the Mentally Challenged. Eden Publishing, 1996. | https://www.biblio.com/book/emmaus-eyes-worships-mentally-challenged-lo/d/1244186138 | Christianity | Intellectual | worship | Book |
Welcome the Child: A Child Advocacy Guide for Churches | Sections on worship and liturgical awareness, and a separate resource, a “Children’s Sabbath Flier.” With the 1999 Edition of the Children’s Sabbath Manual, you can also order a video which shows some of the ideas in use. | Welcome the Child: A Child Advocacy Guide for Churches. Children’s Defense Fund, 1999. | https://www.amazon.com/Welcome-Child-Advocacy-Guide-Churches/dp/0938008846 | Christianity | child, church, guide | Book | |
Gulbranser Portable Digital Hymnal | Accompaniment for thousands of songs. | Gulbranser Portable Digital Hymnal. Digital Hymnal. | http://www.digitalhymnal.net | Christianity | song, music | Website | |
My Confirmation Book, Volumes 1 and 2 | Designed to be used in helping persons with disabilities prepare for confirmation in the Lutheran church. Volume 1 covers the Ten Commandments, the Bible, God, and the Apostles’ Creed, while Volume 2 covers Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Prayer, and Confirmation day. | My Confirmation Book. Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services. | https://www.cokesbury.com/9781612613574-My-Confirmation-Book?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkZKNBhDiARIsAPsk0Wjy6DzCEDHRIWMRmD9zoUXX3X6eB-DhC5K3jqzg36u_ZPnzifHY2sEaAswSEALw_wcB | Christianity | confirmation, Bible, God | ||
Mystery, Meaning, and Community: Communion and Persons with Disabilities | Two sections of stories with a central section of theological reflections. | “Mystery, Meaning, and Community: Communion and Persons with Disabilities.” Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health 13, no. 3 and 4 (Fall 2009). | Christianity | mystery, community | Journal Article | ||
Guidelines for Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities | 1995 Pastoral Letter discussing criteria for reception of sacraments from U.S. Catholic Bishops. | Guidelines for Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities. USCCB Publishing, 1995. | https://www.usccb.org/committees/divine-worship/policies/guidelines-sacraments-persons-with-disabilities | Christianity | celebration, sacraments | Book | |
Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access: New Paradigms for Sacramental Encounter | Is a developmental disability an appropriate reason to bar a baptized person from the sacraments? This is the disturbing question that generated this book. The pastoral reality is that Roman Catholics with developmental disabilities are often barred from sacraments. Sometimes they are subject to discrimination or face unusual obstacles in the sacramental life of the Church. This volume, collaboratively written by pastoral theologians from Catholic Theological Union and the Special Religious Education Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago, addresses these issues. Punctuated with true stories of shame and triumph, this volume grapples with real issues that daily confront Catholics with developmental disabilities. With a breadth of scholarship that ranges from biblical perspectives to ethical and canonical issues, the authors demonstrate how people with developmental disabilities need to embraced by the Church and its sacraments, for they teach us something central about sacramental encounters. | Foley, Edward. Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access: New Paradigms for Sacramental Encounter. The Liturgical Press, 1994. | https://wipfandstock.com/9781725282322/developmental-disabilities-and-sacramental-access/ | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | community, foundation, children, disability, relationship | Book |
The Disabled God: Towards a Liberatory Understanding of Disability | Sections focus on seeing the Eucharist and worship through a disability perspective | Eiesland, Nancy. The Disabled God: Towards a Liberatory Understanding of Disability Abingdon Press, 1994. | https://www.abingdonpress.com/product/9780687108015/ | Christianity | god, liberation | Book | |
Self-Advocacy Through Participation in the Lord’s Supper For Persons Who Are Conceptually Non-Expressive | This article comes from a D.Min. dissertation. Roger produced a video on the inclusion of people from Selinsgrove Center in worship in community congregations. | Peters, Roger. “Self-Advocacy Through Participation in the Lord’s Supper For Persons Who Are Conceptually Non-Expressive.” Journal of Pastoral Care 41, no. 3 (Sept 1987). | https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/002234098704100305 | Christianity | non-expressive, video | Journal Article | |
Praying with Our Hands. 21 Practices of Embodied Prayer from the World’s Spiritual Traditions | Here are twenty-one simple ways of using our hands to speak to God, presented in word and image. These spiritual practices are from a broad range of religious traditions―from Anglican to Sufi, from Buddhist to Shaker. Some may be familiar, some new; all demonstrate the universal importance people of all faith traditions have given to embodied prayer. They teach us to experience the unique spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pray with our hands. | Sweeny, John. Praying with Our Hands. 21 Practices of Embodied Prayer from the World’s Spiritual Traditions. Vermont: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2000. | http://www.skylightpaths.com/page/product/978-1-893361-16-4 | Christianity | prayer, spirit | Book | |
Handbook for Multisensory Worship | Book and CD from congregations using media, drama, and music in contemporary worship services | Miller, Kim. Handbook for Multisensory Worship. Abingdon Press. | https://www.abingdonpress.com/product/9780687052035/ | Christianity | multisensory, drama, music, worship | Book | |
Praising God through the Lively Arts | Guides for drama, clowning, movement, art, choral readings, and more. | Goens, Linda. Praising God through the Lively Arts. Abingdon Press, 1999. | https://www.amazon.com/Praising-God-Through-Lively-Arts/dp/0687031133 | Christianity | guide, drama, art | Book | |
Practical Helps for Church Ushers | Guidelines for Church Ushers is provided by the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries with Mental Illnesses Ministries to assist churches in becoming a truly inclusive body, accessible to all. | “Practical Helps for Church Ushers.” United Church of Christ. | http://uccdm.org/417/guideli/#more-417 | Christianity | church | ||
Is Everyone Welcome? A Guide to Ministries with Persons with Disabilities | Blogs about accessibility from the United Church of Christ Disability Ministries | Is Everyone Welcome? A Guide to Ministries with Persons with Disabilities. United Church of Christ. | https://uccdm.org/category/accessibility/ | Christianity | guide, ministries | ||
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors | Collection of ideas for welcoming people with disabilities | Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Pathways Awareness Foundation. | https://pathways.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/embodyinginclusivevulnerablelove.pdf | None Specified | welcome, inclusion | Website | |
Believing, Belonging, Becoming. Stories of Faith Inclusion | A new 12 minute video by the DD Council of Wisconsin, focusing on four stories of congregational inclusion, with a short resource booklet and guide to accompany the video. An excellent resource for congregations | “Believing, Belonging, Becoming. Stories of Faith Inclusion.” DD Council of Winsconsing. | https://www.commonword.ca/ResourceView/82/15897 | Christianity | inclusion, congregation, booklet | Video | |
Ten Commandments for Communicating with People with Disabilities | 25 minute video on simple ways of respecting people with disabilities in introductions, conversations, and relationships. Excellent for ushers and youth/adult education in congregations. | “Ten Commandments for Communicating with People with Disabilities.” Program Development Associates. | https://www.jnf.org/blog/special-needs/10-commandments-for-communicating-with-people-with-disabilities | Christianity | respect, relationship, congregation | Video | |
Same Spirit…Different Gifts | 10 minute video done by AIM Ministries on including people with Developmental disabilities in Christian worship services and congregational services | “Same Spirit…Different Gifts.” AIM podcast 2-15. | https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-gibbon-baptist-church-31020812/episode/same-spirit-different-gifts-audio-41958182/ | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | worship, service, congregation | Video |
Blessed Be | 8 minute film depicting the Beatitudes as lived out in the lives of some young people with Developmental disabilities. For call to worship, Bible reading, etc. in worship service. | “Blessed Be.” Paulist Productions. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dCv2qIva9g | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | Bible, reading | Video |
Together Successfully: Creating Recreational and Educational Programs That Integrate People With and Without Disabilities | Rynders, John, and Stuart Schleien. Together Successfully: Creating Recreational and Educational Programs That Integrate People With and Without Disabilities. Arc of the United States. | https://mn.gov/mnddc/parallels2/pdf/90s/91/91-TS-RS.pdf | None Specified | recreational, educational, inclusion, integration | |||
A Guide to Family Devotions, Volume 1 and Volume 2 | This devotional guide from the Christian Reformed Church of North America includes devotionals for Disability Emphasis Week written by special education teacher Barbara Newman | Newman, Barbara. A Guide to Family Devotions, Volume 1 and Volume 2. Christian Reformed Church of North America. | http://www.crcna.org/pages/disability_worship.cfm. | Christianity | guide, family, devotion | ||
Mosaic Moments: Devotionals for the Chronically Ill | Created for persons living with Chronic, this book is a collection of devotionals written by people who also live with Chronic pain or illness | Copen, Lisa. Mosaic Moments: Devotionals for the Chronically Ill. Rest Ministries, Inc. | https://www.abebooks.com/Mosaic-Moments-Devotionals-Chronically-Lisa-Copen/30992611402/bd | Christianity | Chronic Illness | devotion | |
HopeKeepers Magazine | This magazine is designed to provide spiritual support to persons with Chronic pain or illness. HopeKeepers® is a bi-monthly publication of Rest Ministries, Inc | HopeKeepers Magazine. Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org/hk_mag/about.htm | Christianity | Chronic Illness | spirit | |
Time With God | 60 minute audiocassete with meditation and music for people with Mental impairments. | Time With God. Friendship Ministries | http://www.friendship.org. | Christianity | Intellectual | God, music | Movie |
Handbook for Worship: Christian Worship Experiences for Persons With Dementia | This is a resource designed to help in the planning and developing of Christian worship experiences for residents with Dementia living in long-term care facilities. | Handbook for Worship: Christian Worship Experiences for Persons With Dementia | https://worship.calvin.edu/resources/resource-library/christian-worship-experiences-for-persons-with-dementia/ | Christianity | Dementia | handbook, worship, experiences, Dementia | |
Audio tape recordings by the Bible Alliance of Aurora Ministries | Old and New Testaments on audiotape for people with visual impairments and other physical disabilities which prevent reading of regular printed material. | Christianity | Sensory, Physical | old testament, new testament, Blind | |||
Finding God in Autism: A 40-day Devotional for Parents of Autistic Children | inding no books with Biblical references to help her face the challenges of raising a child with special needs, Kathy did intense research to bring back her hope. Listening to the many preachers on TBN and doing Bible studies, she studied Scriptures to help her understand God’s plan for her child’s life. Doctors and teachers offered no hope and told her to brace herself for the long, dark road she was now on. Raised in a Christian home and active in her local church, she knew in her heart that the God she serves is a God of mercy. Here are Scriptures to restore your hope, strengthen your faith and show you that God has a plan for your child’s life. Scriptures to promise that God is listening to your every prayer, that He is watching the work and efforts being done on behalf of your children. Scriptures that will empower you to be strong and steadfast, reminding you that with God, nothing is impossible. | Medina, K. Finding God in Autism: A 40-day Devotional for Parents of Autistic Children. Tate Publishing Company, 2006. | https://www.abebooks.com/9781598865639/Finding-God-Autism-Forty-Day-1598865633/plp | Christianity | devotion, scriptures, hope, faith, God, child | Book | |
VSA Artists Registry Online | This is a computerized directory of 1,800 artists with disabilities working in the Blind, performing, and literary arts. Includes contact information for a number of artists. | “VSA Artists Registry Online” | https://www.semel.ucla.edu/nadc/artists | None Specified | Blind, performing, literary | Website | |
Outsider: The Life of Judith Scott | This 26-minute film takes us on an intimate journey into the life of an eccentric but talented and compelling individual who has Down Syndrome, is Deaf, and does not speak. She has flourished in the face of daunting odds and has created a name for herself as a gifted artist | Bayha, Betsy. Outsider: The Life of Judith Scott. Fanlight. | https://fanlight.com/catalog/films/453_otlojs.php | None Specified | Deaf/HoH, Genetic/Chromosomal, Intellectual | talent, Down Syndrome, Deaf, speak | Movie |
Autism: The Musical | This documentary features The Miracle Project, a theatre and film arts program for children with disabilities and their typically developing siblings and peers | Autism: The Musical | https://www.autismthemusical.com/index.php?session=myhomepage&id= | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, theatre | Art |
Palette and Pen | A book composed by a poet with MS and an artist with cancer, the poems and art illustrating one another | Mosley, Elizabeth, and Tarja Ahokas. Palette and Pen. Boolarong Press. | https://www.austlit.edu.au/austlit/page/C9328 | None Specified | cancer, illustration | Book | |
Images From Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental Illness | Renowned photographer Marc Hauser reveals the dignity and humanity of people working to overcome Mental. This beautiful photo book is not just for the coffee table. Images From Within presents stories that inform as well as inspire. It includes Alisa Hauser’s thoughtful and revealing interviews with the people of Trinity Services, a community-based program in Lockport, Illinois. The reader is introduced to people who share the same feelings, hopes and dreams as all of us | Hauser, Marc, and Alisa Hauser. “Images From Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental Illness.” Hightide Press. | https://cherryhillhightide.com/product/images-from-within/ | None Specified | Intellectual | art, images | Art |
The National Arts and Disability Center | Information, training, and resource center on arts programs, arts and disability related organizations, and resource library. Resource packets on a variety of arts related strategies and programs are available. | “The National Arts and Disability Center” | https://www.semel.ucla.edu/nadc | None Specified | training, resource, organization, library | Website | |
Freedom to Create | A book on stimulating creativity in the Blind arts for disabled students | Ludins-Katz, Florence, and Elias Katz. Freedom to Create. National Institute of Arts and Disabilities. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07421656.1990.10758899?journalCode=uart20 | None Specified | creativity, students, Blind art | Book | |
God Plays the Piano Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children | Use of arts in inclusive worship and religious education | Webb Mitchell, Brett. God Plays the Piano too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children. Chrossroads Publishers, 1994. | https://www.abebooks.com/9780824513740/God-Plays-Piano-Spiritual-Lives-0824513746/plp | Christianity | Intellectual, Autism Spectrum | God, piano | Book |
The Eyes of Raymond Hu | Brush paintings of animals by Raymond Hu, artist with Down Syndrome. Mariah Management. Program Development Associates also has a video about him. | Hu, Raymond. “The Eyes of Raymond Hu.” | https://www.abebooks.com/9781878529206/Eyes-Raymond-Hu-187852920X/plp | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning | Down Syndrome, artist | Art |
Thousand Words: Healing Through Art for People with Developmental Disabilities | Caprio-Orsini, Cindy. “Thousand Words: Healing Through Art for People with Developmental Disabilities.” Mariah Management. | https://www.abebooks.com/9781896230078/Thousand-Words-Healing-art-people-1896230075/plp | None Specified | healing | Book | ||
Songs of Anthony Tusler | Anthony Tusler has put together a comprehensive list of songs about disability or by disability activists or both | https://soundcloud.com/anthony-tusler | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | activist, music, song | Music | |
Tear Down Syndrome the Walls | Disability rights songs | Crescendo, Johnny. “Tear Down Syndrome the Walls.” | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPxVjpZs2wg | None Specified | disability rights | Music | |
Joy Dancing | Series of lessons to learn upper-torso liturgical dance, with focus on three curriculums: The Lord’s Prayer, The 23rd Psalm, and The Apostles Creed | Clark, Doris. Joy Dancing | https://books.google.com/books/about/Joy_Dancing.html?id=Wb5VAAAACAAJ | None Specified | dance, prayer | ||
Revel in the Light | 12 minute video and DVD about Rebecca Beayni and her spirit that “bursts in and through the seams of a Physical disability,” and her skills in creative dancing | Beayni, Rebecca. “Revel in the Light.” | http://www.rebeccabeayni.com/RevelintheLight.html | None Specified | creativity, dance | Video | |
Meditation in Motion | Collection of songs with movement suggestions. | Grim, Roberta. “Meditation in Motion.” | None Specified | songs, movement | Music | ||
The Lord’s Prayer In Motions | A Physically expressive way of saying and moving through the Lord’s prayer. | “The Lord’s Prayer In Motions.” AAIDD. | Christianity | God, lord, prayer | |||
The Lord’s Prayer in Sign | “The Lord’s Prayer in Sign.” Martin Luther Home Society. | Christianity | prayer, sign, God | ||||
Dancing Christmas Carols, Banners Without Words, Banners and Such | Dancing Christmas Carols, Banners Without Words, Banners and Such. Resource Publication. | https://www.abebooks.com/9780893900755/Banners-Words-Knuth-Jill-0893900753/plp | None Specified | dance, christmas | |||
The Amici Dance | video about an integrated dance theatre which includes people with Mental and Physical disabilities working as equals with professional partners | “The Amici Dance.” AAIDD. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awo_U1ulLno | None Specified | Intellectual, Physical | dance, | |
A Cry From the Clay | Poems, vignettes, pictures, and scripture from woman dealing with a life with Parkinson’s disease. | Bender, Esther. “A Cry From the Clay.” Herald Press. | https://www.amazon.com/Cry-Clay-Esther-Bender/dp/0836191005 | None Specified | Neuromuscular | poems, vignettes, pictures, scripture, Parkinson | Book |
Bus Girl | Book of poetry by woman who happens to have Down Syndrome. Excellent. Poems deal with her work, relationships, faith, family, nature, and other interests. | Josephson, Gretchen. Bus Girl. Boston: Brookline Books, 1997. | https://www.amazon.com/Bus-Girl-Gretchen-Josephson-1997-10-06/dp/B01K91LA4Y | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome | Book |
Portraits | Book of poem-pictures about people with Developmental disabilities. Excellent resource for sermons, meditations, study groups. | Stilma, Lize. Portraits. Mosaic Press. | https://www.pilgrimreaderbooks.com/products/author/Stilma,%20Lize./~product_title_asc/product_genre_asc | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | poem, sermons, meditations, study groups | Book |
In A Struggling Voice: The Selected Poems of Robert Williams | Poignant poems by current Executive Director of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. | “In A Struggling Voice: The Selected Poems of Robert Williams.” UCPA Materials Mailing Center. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | poems | ||
A Singular Dancer | Award winning book for poetry by author dealing with post-polio syndrome. | Minard, Murielle. A Singular Dancer. New York. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | dance, poetry, polio | Book | |
Toward Acceptance: Prayers for Dealing with Chronic and Disability | Toward Acceptance: Prayers for Dealing with Chronic and Disability. Anthony Messenger Press. | https://www.abebooks.com/9780867161670/Acceptance-Prayers-Dealing-Chronic-Illness-0867161671/plp | None Specified | Chronic Illness | acceptance, prayer | Book | |
Our Journeys Through Life and Words to Inspire You | Mickey, Stephen. Our Journeys Through Life and Words to Inspire You. Poetic Expressions. | None Specified | journey, life | ||||
On Soaring Wings | A unique book of photographs of children with disabilities in Taiwan with captions in English and Chinese, taken by an award winning Taiwanese photographer. Coffee-table quality book. | O’Connell, Brendan. On Soaring Wings. | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soaring-Wings-Father-Brendan-OConnell/dp/B0014CIZ0K | None Specified | photographs, children | ||
To Live with Grace and Dignity | Captures relationships between people with severe disabilities and those who help them to live independently. | Gans, Lydia. “To Live with Grace and Dignity.” LRP Publications. | https://www.biblio.com/book/live-grace-dignity-text-photographs-lydia/d/980046538 | None Specified | relationships, severe, independence | ||
Portrait of Spirit: One Story At A Time | Coming to know people with disabilities one story at a time. Pictures and text | “Portrait of Spirit: One Story At A Time.” Disability Today Publishing Group. | https://www.amazon.com/Portrait-Spirit-One-Story-Time/dp/0968066712 | None Specified | story, portrait | ||
Images From Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental | Hauser, and Hauser. “Images From Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental.” High Tide Press. | https://www.amazon.com/Images-Within-Portraits-Confronting-Illness/dp/1892696010 | None Specified | Intellectual | images, portraits | Book | |
The Band-Aid | This is an oil painting by Sister Mary Grace Thule, O.P., who created this beautiful painting after reading Kathleen Boldoc’s His Name is Joel: Searching for God in a Son’s Disability. Prints of this painting can be obtained from the National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministries. | Grace Thule, Mary. “The Band-Aid.” | None Specified | oil painting, God | |||
Beatitudes for Special People | Individual sentences from these beatitudes using eight Martha Perske drawings to illustrate the “Beatitudes for Special People.” The posters are excellent for a congregational bulletin board, or other awareness education activities. The phrasing of each beatitude teaches preferred ways of relating to people with special needs. From Archdiocese of Portland Office of Persons with Disabilities. Also available in Spanish. | “Beatitudes for Special People.” Archdiose of Portland Office of Persons with Disabilities. | Christianity | drawing, poster, congregation, bulletin, board, awareness, congregation, special needs | |||
Posters from the National Easter Seal Society | None Specified | poster | |||||
Creating a New Vision of the World | Winning Resources to Promote Positive Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities | “Creating a New Vision of the World.” Ohio Public Images. | None Specified | positive, attitudes | |||
Prints by Martha Perske | 16″ x 20″, on 80 lb. paper, suitable for framing, using for displays, gifts, and for public relations materials. | “Prints by Martha Perske.” Perske Prints. | None Specified | prints | |||
The Whole CRIP Catalogue | Number of excellent and provocative posters, videos, and other Blind aids, including the poster: “The Differences Are Obvious.” | “The Whole CRIP Catalogue.” Mouth Magazine. | https://www.mouthmag.com/ | None Specified | poster, video, Blind aids | ||
None of us is the same on the outside, all of us are the same on the inside | “None of us is the same on the outside, all of us are the same on the inside.” National Down Syndrome Society. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome | |||
The Church of 80% Sincerity | In this book, the author tells his story of life with Facial Disfigurement and his journey from shame to self-acceptance | Rohe, David. The Church of 80% Sincerity. Penguin Group. | https://www.biblio.com/book/church-80-sincerity-david-roche/d/1140220509 | Christianity | church, sincerity | Book | |
Nth Degree Catalogue | http://www.thenthdegree.com/catalogue.asp | None Specified | catalogue | ||||
The Ten Commandments for Communicating with Persons with Disabilities | Humor to build understanding and relationships | “The Ten Commandments for Communicating with Persons with Disabilities.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | commandments, communicating | |||
Look Who’s Laughing | Humor to build understanding and relationships | “Look Who’s Laughing.” Program Development Associates. | https://www.worldcat.org/title/look-whos-laughing/oclc/55121658 | None Specified | humor | ||
Able to Laugh | Six professional comics interpret the world of disability, the awkward ways that people with and without disability relate to each other, and ways that humor can remove barriers of fear and misunderstanding. | “Able to Laugh.” Fanlight Productions. | http://fanlight.com/catalog/films/105_atl.php | None Specified | comics, relate, humor, barriers | Book | |
The Dis-‘ability’ Joke Books | Cartoons and reflections by a humorist, husband, and grandfather who has muscular dystrophy | Warner, Frank. The Dis-‘ability’ Joke Books. | http://disabilityjokebooks.50megs.com/ | None Specified | Neuromuscular | cartoons, humorist, muscular dystrophy | Book |
Disability Humor: Moving Beyond ‘That’s Not Funny’ | They are collecting jokes and cartoons involving disability | Sapon-Shevin, Mara, and Robin Smith. “Disability Humor: Moving Beyond ‘That’s Not Funny’.” Syracuse University. | None Specified | humor, jokes, cartoons | Book | ||
A Practical Guide for Churches and Church Leaders | “A Practical Guide for Churches and Church Leaders.” Evangelical Covenant Church. | http://www.covchurch.org/resource/disability-resource-manual-a-practical-guide-for-churches-and- church-leaders | None Specified | guide, churches, leaders | |||
Presbyterians for Disability Concerns | A mission network within the Presbyterian Health Education and Welfare Association of the Presbyterian Church (USA), has developed an excellent packet for Access Sundays. | “Presbyterians for Disability Concerns.” Presbyterian Health Education and Welfare Association of the Presbyterian Church. | http://www.pcusa.org/phewa/pdc. | None Specified | concerns, packet | ||
Getting it Right: Etiquette Tips | This training program is designed to teach staff in any organization how to interact and relate to people with disabilities | “Getting it Right: Etiquette Tips.” Program Development Associates. | http://www.disabilitytraining.com/gird.html.. | None Specified | training, organization, interact, relate | ||
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors | Released by Pathways Awareness Foundation, this DVD set is appropriate for all denominations and is available in English, Spanish, Polish, captioned, and descriptive versions. This program features Joseph Cardinal Bernardin teaching about practical ways to include worshippers of all abilities, plus the full video of The Vulnerable Journey with Father Henri Nouwen sharing his personal journey of faith and experience of persons with disability. | “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” Pathways Awareness Foundation. | http://www.inclusioninworship.org/, | None Specified | worship, personal, journey, faith | ||
Opening Doors to All God’s People | A 50-page disability resource guide and companion brochure containing a disabilities checklist and litany. This resource provides guidelines for helping people with disabilities and is designed to assist local church leaders | Opening Doors to All God’s People. CRC Disability. | http://www.crcdisabilityconcerns.org. | None Specified | guide, brochure, checklist, litany, guidelines, church, leaders | ||
Opening Doors to Welcome and Justice to Parishioners with Disabilities: A Parish Resource Guide | This resource from the National Catholic Partnership on Disability is designed to help congregations evaluate and improve its hospitality toward persons with disabilities | Opening Doors to Welcome and Justice to Parishioners with Disabilities: A Parish Resource Guide. USCCB Publishing. | http://www.usccbpublishing.org. | None Specified | congregations, hospitality | ||
Welcoming Parishioners with Disabilities | This brochure is designed to help parishioners make their parish more welcoming and inclusive for people with disabilities | Welcoming Parishioners with Disabilities. USCCB Publishing. | http://www.usccbpublishing.org. | None Specified | brochure, parishioners, welcoming | ||
Accessibility Self Assessment: How Accessible is Our Church | For use in congregations | Accessibility Self Assessment: How Accessible is Our Church. Reformed Church in America. | None Specified | congregations | |||
Including Children with Disabilities in Your Spiritual Community | For use in congregations | Including Children with Disabilities in Your Spiritual Community. Reformed Church in America. | None Specified | congregations | |||
Manual from Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services | 80-page resource manual to assist congregations in planning the development of disability ministries. It includes chapters on developing a vision, recruiting leadership and volunteers, community evangelism/marketing, teacher training, and a “toolbox” of assessments, evaluations, and other helpful items | http://blhs.org/resources/spiritualResources/catalog | None Specified | manual, congregations, development, ministries, recruiting, community, volunteers, leadership | |||
The Community Connections Communicator | Offers helpful tip sheets, articles, and other resources to foster the participation of children with special needs in community settings—including congregations. Titles of past articles have included “Ten Ramps (Steps) to Accessibility for Spiritual Communities” and “General Tips for Spiritual Leaders.” | “The Community Connections Communicator.” University of Maryland. | http://www.communityconnections.umd.edu. | None Specified | children, community, congregations | ||
Program from the National Organization on Disability. | Resources, ideas, and certificate for your congregation to be one of the 2000+ congregations committed to fully accessible and inclusive congregations. Contact National Organization on Disability for packet of information or go to their web site: www.nod.org. This program has moved to the American Association of Persons with Disabilities | None Specified | congregations, community | ||||
Loving Justice: The ADA and the Religious Community | Explores implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act for congregations and religious institutions and organizations | Loving Justice: The ADA and the Religious Community. NOD. | None Specified | congregations, institutions, organizations | |||
Money and Ideas. Creative Approaches to Congregational Access | A new booklet from the National Organization on Disability. 36 pp. Drawn from stories from congregations participating in the Accessible Congregations Campaign, this booklet describes creative initiatives and fundraising strategies used by 50 congregations to become more accessible to people with all types of disabilities. These congregations, though limited in funds, serve as models of inclusion and hospitality | Money and Ideas. Creative Approaches to Congregational Access. National Organization on Disability. | None Specified | money, congregations, fundraising, hospitality, funds | Book | ||
Accessible Faith: a Technical Guide for Accessibility in Houses of Worship | 50-page national guide to help religious congregations navigate building-related code requirements for accessibility, identify design solutions for common Physical, auditory, and Blind barriers, and provide technical guidance on planning, financing, contracting and incorporating access into their houses of worship | Accessible Faith: a Technical Guide for Accessibility in Houses of Worship. Retirement Research Foundation. | http://www.rrf.org, | None Specified | faith, guide | Book | |
Accessible Faith in Illinois | Provides an overview of the State of Illinois requirements and how they pertain to Illinois houses of worship | Accessible Faith in Illinois. Retirement Research Foundation. | http://www.rrf.org, | None Specified | faith, worship | ||
The Equal Access Guide for Meetings, Large Assemblies, and Worship | The Equal Access Guide for Meetings, Large Assemblies, and Worship. National Council of Churches. | http://www.ncccusa.org/elmc/disabilitiesmanual.html. | None Specified | guide, meetings, assemblies, worship | |||
Space for Physically Impaired Persons | This pamphlet provides congregations with actual codes, standards, and specifications to be considered when it is in the process of becoming structurally accessible to wheelchairs. Also provide accessibility hints for other types of disabilities and for Deaf. | Norgren, Peter. Space for Physically Impaired Persons. Evangelican Lutheran Church in America. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | congregations, wheelchairs, Deaf | ||
How Accessible is Our Worship Space? | Pamphlet outlines the key issues a congregation should consider when planning to become structurally accessible. The pamphlet includes a church access checklist which can be easily used by any congregation | How Accessible is Our Worship Space? Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | http://www.elca.org/dcs. | None Specified | congregations, accessible, checklist | ||
Accessibility: A Manual for Churches | “50 inexpensive ideas” for enhancing accessibility and inclusion. | Accessibility: A Manual for Churches. Episcopal and Catholic Dioceses of Minneapolis, 1997. | None Specified | accessibility, inclusion. manual | Book | ||
A Barrier-Free Ministry: “Open Hearts and Open Doors.” | A practical guide for making your church accessible including an accessibility checklist. | “A Barrier-Free Ministry: ‘Open Hearts and Open Doors.’.” | None Specified | guide, church, accessible, checklist | |||
Becoming an Accessible Congregation: A program to help your congregation become inclusive of people who have Physical, Emotional, or Mental disabilities | This tool helps educate congregations about access, provides a means for congregational self-evaluation and ultimately assists congregations to remove barriers to participation in the faith community. The guidebook includes a sample congregational needs survey and checklists for evaluation of Attitude, Building, and Communication. | “Becoming an Accessible Congregation: A program to help your congregation become inclusive of people who have Physical, Emotional, or Mental disabilities.” Mennonite Mutual Aid, 2002. | None Specified | Physical, Psychiatric, Intellectual | accessible, congregations | Book | |
Accessibility Audit For Churches | Very comprehensive. An “Accessibility Mini- Audit” is also available from the United Methodists, General Board of Global Ministries, Health and Welfare Ministries. | “Accessibility Audit For Churches.” United Methodist Church. | None Specified | accessibility, ministries, welfare | |||
Accessible Church Buildings | Very helpful book with guidelines and designs | Accessible Church Buildings. United Church Board for Homeland Ministries. | None Specified | accessible, church, guide, design | |||
Accessibility: Attitudes and Architecture | Gabbert, Denise. Accessibility: Attitudes and Architecture. Brethren Press. | None Specified | accessibility, architecture | Book | |||
Making Sacred Places Accessible for People with Disabilities | “Making Sacred Places Accessible for People with Disabilities.” Sacred Places. | http://www.sacredplaces.org/newsletter-v1n3.pdf. | None Specified | sacred, accessible | |||
Resources from Easter Seal | None Specified | resource | |||||
ELCA Accessibility Guide: Planning an Accessible Meeting | ELCA Accessibility Guide: Planning an Accessible Meeting. ELCA, 2001. | None Specified | accessibility, meetings | Book | |||
A Guide to Planning Accessible Meetings | Issacson Kailes, June, and Darrell Jones. A Guide to Planning Accessible Meetings. Independent Living Resource Center. | None Specified | guide, accessibility, meetings | ||||
Building a Ramp: Consumer Manual on Accessibility | Step by step guide for building inexpensive ramps for homes and other locations. | Henson, John. Building a Ramp: Consumer Manual on Accessibility. Independent Living Resource Center. | None Specified | ramp, manual, accessibility | |||
Creation of the Barrier Free Interior | For individual with disability or facility design. Ramps, doorways, traffic patterns, stairways, home areas, offices, and more. Design Publishing. They also publish a variety of other resource listings on barrier free design and products that make homes and other buildings more accessible. | Creation of the Barrier Free Interior | None Specified | design, ramps, doorways, traffic patters, stairways, home areas, offices | |||
The Spirit of Inclusion | Attitudinal and architectural accessibility | “The Spirit of Inclusion.” Diocese of Milwaukee, and Green Bay. | None Specified | architecture, accessibility | |||
The Ramp of Hope | A short video on how-not-to approach an accessibility project in a community setting. | “The Ramp of Hope.” | None Specified | video, community, accessibility | |||
Surprising Grace: People, Disabilities, Churches | 15-min. video showing people with variety of disabilities actively serving their churches, interviews on how people feel welcomed. While from a Presbyterian source, it is useful for many Christian congregations | “Surprising Grace: People, Disabilities, Churches.” PDC Video. | None Specified | video, churches, congregations | |||
The Lighthouse Catalogue | “The Lighthouse Catalogue.” Lighthouse International. | None Specified | lighhouse | ||||
UCC Disavilities Ministries resource | Congregational study, education and a decision for the church to declare itself an A2A church. | http://www.uccdm.org. | None Specified | ministries congregations | |||
Church Access to Persons with Disabilities: Catholic Theological Information and Practical Advice | This website has been created by Dennis McNulty, Director of Catholic Charities Disability Services of Cleveland OH. It details the Church’s teachings on people with disabilities and offers practical suggestions for ways that congregations can integrate people with disabilities into the life and work of the church. This is an excellent resource for people with disabilities, parents, priests, teachers, and others. While it is focused on Catholic teachings, this website is very applicable and helpful to other Christian and non-Christian traditions. | Church Access to Persons with Disabilities: Catholic Theological Information and Practical Advice | http://www.catholicdisabilityteachings.com. | None Specified | church, accessibility, teachings, congregations | ||
DRM Webcatcher | A list of links to sites about planning accessible meetings | http://www.disabilityresources.org/CONFERENCE-ACCESS.html. | None Specified | accessibility, meetings | |||
THE most extensive guide to planning accessible meetings | http://www.hawaii.gove/health/cpd/aac/cpd-aat1.htm. | None Specified | guide, planning, accessibility | ||||
G.L.U.E. (Giving, Loving, Understanding, Encouraging) Manual | Newman, Barbara, and Kimberly Luurtsema. G.L.U.E. (Giving, Loving, Understanding, Encouraging) Manual. CLC Network. | http://www.clcnetwork.org. | None Specified | manual | |||
Living into the Body of Christ: Toward Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities | A resolution and study guide by the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Study guide includes material for four adult education study sessions | Living into the Body of Christ: Toward Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities. The Office of the General Assembly. | http://www.amazon.com/Special-Needs-Ministry-Group- | None Specified | christ, inclusion, education | ||
Let All The Children Come To Me: A Practical Guide For Including Children With Disabilities In Your Church Ministries | This book blends theory and research with practical ideas and strategies for teaching children with special needs and places it in a spiritual and Christ-centered context. | M. Breeding, D. K. Hood, and J. Whitworth. Let All The Children Come To Me: A Practical Guide For Including Children With Disabilities In Your Church Ministries. Cook Communications Ministries. | http://www.amazon.com/Let-All-Children- Come-Disabilities/dp/0781444047/ref=pd_sim_b_img_3 | None Specified | guide, inclusion, strategies, spirit | ||
The Special Needs Ministry Handbook | This book contains step by step instructions on establishing a special needs ministry for children preschool through middle school | Rapada, Amy. The Special Needs Ministry Handbook. Booksurge Publishing. | http://www.booksurge.com/The-Special-Needs-Ministry-Handbook-A/A/1419665472.htm. | None Specified | ministry, instructions, ministry, children, preschool | Book | |
So You Want to Start a Chronic/Pain Ministry | This book is designed to equip congregations to engage in better outreach and ministry with people struggling with Chronic pain or illness. | Copen, Lisa. So You Want to Start a Chronic/Pain Ministry. Real Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org/comfortzone/item26.htm. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | congregations, ministry, Chronic pain, Chronic | Book |
So My House Will Be Full: A Guide to Including People with Disabilities in the Church | Dicken, Paul, Young, Jane, and Sheena Baird. So My House Will Be Full: A Guide to Including People with Disabilities in the Church. | None Specified | guide, inclusion, church | ||||
All Things Possible: Calling Your Church Leadership to Embrace Disability Ministry | Hubach, Stephanie. All Things Possible: Calling Your Church Leadership to Embrace Disability Ministry. | None Specified | church, leadership, ministry | ||||
Practical Pathways: Reaching and Training Volunteers for Ministry with Special Needs Children | Verbal, Pat. Practical Pathways: Reaching and Training Volunteers for Ministry with Special Needs Children. | None Specified | Intellectual | volunteers, ministry, special needs, children | |||
Giving Them Jesus: Evangelizing Children with Special Needs | Verbal, Pat. Giving Them Jesus: Evangelizing Children with Special Needs. | None Specified | Jesus, evangelizing, children, special needs | ||||
Incurably Human | Simultaneously personal and philosophical, this book is both a celebration of and call for inclusive communities and schools. Micheline Mason shares some of her experiences growing up and living with a disability in London | Manson, Micheline. Incurably Human. Inclusive Solutions, 2000. | http://www.inclusive- solutions.com/bookdetails.asp?ID=39 . | None Specified | philosophy, inclusion, community, schools | Book | |
Breaking Barriers | This is the newsletter produced by Disability Concerns, Christian Reformed Church in North America. The newsletter includes stories of people with disabilities, helpful information on ministry with people with disabilities, and encouragement to the Church to include ALL of its members in its life and ministry | “Breaking Barriers.” CRC Disability Concerns. | http://www.crcdisabilityconcerns.org. | None Specified | ministry, church | ||
Disability is Natural | This is a website sponsored by BraveHeart Press and dedicated to encouraging new ways of thinking about disability. Learn about people first language, subscribe to their newsletter, and explore the books and other items available in their online store. | “Disability is Natural.” | http://www.disabilityisnatural.com. | None Specified | natural | ||
Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Family Supports | Policy brief | “Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Family Supports.” National Center on Cultural Competence. | http://www11.georgetown.edu/research/gucchd/nccc/documents/FamilySupports.pdf. | None Specified | linguistic, support | ||
Disability Awareness: Do It Right! | Johnson, Mary. Disability Awareness: Do It Right! Advocado Press. | http://www.advocadopress.org | None Specified | awareness | Book | ||
Strange Land: People with Dementia and the Local Church | Goldsmith, Malcolm. Strange Land: People with Dementia and the Local Church. 4M Publications. | http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/Dementia. | None Specified | Dementia | Dementia, church | ||
Opening Doors of Welcome and Justice to Parishioners with Disabilities. A Parish Resource Guide | Opening Doors of Welcome and Justice to Parishioners with Disabilities. A Parish Resource Guide. National Catholic Partnership with Disability and USCCB Publishing. | None Specified | guide, parishioners | ||||
Confidence and Capacity. Parish Communities Knowing and Supporting People with Disability | Confidence and Capacity. Parish Communities Knowing and Supporting People with Disability. Brisbane Catholic Education. | None Specified | confidence, parish, community, support | ||||
How to Start a Rejoicing Sports Ministry | Information on reaching out to individuals with Developmental disabilities and encourage them to become part of a faith community | “How to Start a Rejoicing Sports Ministry.” RejoicingSpirits. | http://www.rejoicingspirits.org. | None Specified | community, faith | ||
How People with Developmental Disabilities Can Access the Faith Community of Their Choice | A resource book and guide to help agencies and congregations bridge the gap, from both directions | Fitzgerald Sieck, Terry, and Rebecca Hartvigsen. How People with Developmental Disabilities Can Access the Faith Community of Their Choice. San Diego Regional Center. | None Specified | resource, guide, agencies, congregations | Book | ||
Inclusion Awareness Workbook | A booklet with resources for use by congregations. | “Inclusion Awareness Workbook.” Archdiose of Chicago. | http://www.pathwaysawareness.org, | None Specified | resource, congregations | Book | |
Accessible Congregations Campaign | Resources, ideas, and certificate for your congregation to be one of the 2000 + congregations committed to fully accessible and inclusive congregations | “Accessible Congregations Campaign.” AAPD. | http://www.aapd.com | None Specified | resource, congregations, accessibility | ||
From Barriers to Bridges: A Community Action Guide for Congregations and People with Disabilities | Photographs and illustrations | From Barriers to Bridges: A Community Action Guide for Congregations and People with Disabilities. AAPD. | http://www.aapd.com | None Specified | community, guide, congregations, photographs, illustrations | ||
Impact Newsletter | Articles from Christian, Jewish, and other perspectives. Resources, ideas, ministry models, and more | “Impacts.” Institute on Community Integration. | http://ici.umn.edu/products/newsletters.html. | Inter-Religious | resources, ideas, ministry | ||
The Body of Christ: A Place of Welcome for People with Disabilities | This booklet is an excellent, clear, and helpful guide to a difficult topic facing many people in families and parishes everywhere. A resource from a theologian and parent in the Greek Orthodox tradition | Chryssasvgis, John. The Body of Christ: A Place of Welcome for People with Disabilities. Light and Life Publishing Company. | None Specified | guide, christ, family, greek orthodox | Book | ||
With Open Hands: The Project Homecoming Guidebook for Faith Communities. Extending Hospitality and Receiving the Gifts of People Leaving Northern Wisconsin Center | Clare Carlson, Mary. With Open Hands: The Project Homecoming Guidebook for Faith Communities. Extending Hospitality and Receiving the Gifts of People Leaving Northern Wisconsin Center. Project Homecoming. | None Specified | guide, faith, community, hospitality | ||||
Brain Injury: When the Call Comes. A Congregational Resource | Gaventa, Bill, and Wendy Berk. Brain Injury: When the Call Comes. A Congregational Resource. The Boggs Center. | http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/boggscenter/ | None Specified | Brain Injury, congregation, resource | |||
Ministries with Persons with Disabilities | This brochure contains stories of congregations which have been inviting to and inclusive of persons with disabilities. It also contains facts on disabilities and suggests to congregations that want to be inclusive of persons with disabilities. | “Ministries with Persons with Disabilities.” Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | http://www.elca.org/dcs. | None Specified | inclusive, congregations | ||
A Place Called Acceptance. Ministry with Families of Children with Disabilities | Deyer Bolduc, Kathleen. A Place Called Acceptance. Ministry with Families of Children with Disabilities. | None Specified | acceptance, ministry, family, children | ||||
His Name is Joel: Searching for God in a Son’s Disability | Deyer Bolduc, Kathleen. His Name is Joel: Searching for God in a Son’s Disability. | None Specified | God | ||||
No Disabled Souls: How to Welcome a Person with a Disability into Your Life and Your Church | Pierson, Jim. No Disabled Souls: How to Welcome a Person with a Disability into Your Life and Your Church. Standard Publishing, 1998. | None Specified | soul, welcoming, church, life | Book | |||
Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition | Pohl, Christine. Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition. Daybreak Publications. | None Specified | hospitality, christian | ||||
Resource Packet on Disability, Spirituality, and Healing | Collection of articles, workshop handouts and formats, resources. 181 pp. Excellent resource for people leading workshops, courses, or portions of courses. | Lane, Nancy. Resource Packet on Disability, Spirituality, and Healing. Center on Human Policy, 1999. | None Specified | resource, spirituality, healing | Book | ||
Faith Communities and Inclusion of People with Developmental Disabilities | Faith Communities and Inclusion of People with Developmental Disabilities. Center on Human Policy. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith, inclusion | |||
Different Members, One Body. Welcoming the Diversity of Abilities in God’s Family | Kutz-Mellem, Sharon. Different Members, One Body. Welcoming the Diversity of Abilities in God’s Family. Witherspoon Press, 1999. | None Specified | diversity, ability, God | Book | |||
Parables of Hope: Inspiring Truths From People with Disabilities | 24 chapters each highlighting a person or group and their contributions to Christian community. | Jay Hoogewind, Allen. Parables of Hope: Inspiring Truths From People with Disabilities. Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. | Christianity | hope, truth | Book | ||
Human Disability and the Service of God: Reassessing Religious Practice | Edited volume of papers from a number of theological disciplines at a conference at Candler School of Theology in 1996 on “Human Disability and the Service of God.” | L. Eisland, Nancy, and Donald E. Saliers. Human Disability and the Service of God: Reassessing Religious Practice. Nashville: Abingon, 1998. | None Specified | God, religious, discipline, conference | Book | ||
The Disabled Disciple: Ministering in A Church Without Barriers | How to minister to people with disabilities but also how they contribute to congregational ministries and life. | Browne, Elizabeth. The Disabled Disciple: Ministering in A Church Without Barriers. Ligouri Publications, 1997. | None Specified | disciple, ministry, church | Book | ||
Dancing with Disabilities: Opening the Church to All God’s Children | Imagining what the church could be if those who are “disabled” and those who are “able-bodied” understand themselves as equal partners in the faith community. | Webb Mitchell, Brett. Dancing with Disabilities: Opening the Church to All God’s Children. United Church Press, 1996. | None Specified | dance, church, God, children | Book | ||
Unexpected Guests at the Banquet: Welcoming People with Disabilities Into the Church | Using the parable of the banquet feast, a practical call for faith communities to become more inclusive. | Webb Mitchell, Brett. Unexpected Guests at the Banquet: Welcoming People with Disabilities Into the Church. Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994. | None Specified | church | Book | ||
A Committed Mercy. You and Your Church Can Serve the Disabled | As many as one out of every seven Americans face disabilities. Stan knows what it’s like – he has a son with Down’s syndrome and he suffered a disabling accident himself. In A Committed Mercy he helps us understand the mind set of disabled individuals and their families in order to value them, welcome them and serve them. This book provides a place to begin when ministry to a disability arises. | Carder, Stan. A Committed Mercy. You and Your Church Can Serve the Disabled. 1995 | https://www.amazon.com/Committed-Mercy-Church-Serve-Disabled/dp/0801090040 | None Specified | church, disabled | Book | |
The Courage to Care: Seven Lives Touched By Disability and Congregational Caring | The author tells the stories of seven remarkable persons and their families. Woven into the stories are the experiences of congregations and individuals who were significant in the lives of these people with disabilities. Courage To Care provides the reader with superb insight to the need for community support to the primary caregivers…Common sense and innovative caregiver’s hints and behavior management techniques. | Ransom, Judy. The Courage to Care: Seven Lives Touched By Disability and Congregational Caring. The Upper Room, 1994. | https://cpcmc.org/store-2/Courage-to-Care-The-Seven-Families-Touched-by-Disability-and-Congregational-Caring-p103495129 | Christian | congregation | Book | |
We Don’t Have Any Here: Planning for Ministries with People with Disabilities in Our Communities | Good planning guide for a congregational task force. | Anderson, Winifred, Gould, Toby, and James Paul. We Don’t Have Any Here: Planning for Ministries with People with Disabilities in Our Communities. Discipleship Resources. | None Specified | ministry, community | |||
The Careless Society: Community and Its Counterfeits | Collection of many of John McKnight’s classic essays on the importance of community. | McKnight, John. The Careless Society: Community and Its Counterfeits. Basic Books, 1995 | None Specified | society, community | Book | ||
The Company of Strangers: Christians and the Renewal of America’s Public Life | An exploration of Biblical and modern understandings of hospitality to the stranger as a basis for formation of community | Palmer, Parker. The Company of Strangers: Christians and the Renewal of America’s Public Life. Crossroad Publishing Company. | Christian | christian, life, Bible, hospitality, stranger | |||
Reaching Out to Special People: A Resource for Ministry to Persons who Have Disabilities | Pierson, Jim, and Robert Korth. Reaching Out to Special People: A Resource for Ministry to Persons who Have Disabilities. Standart Publishing, 1989. | None Specified | Special needs, disability | Book | |||
Special Ministries for Caring Churches | Korth, Robert. Special Ministries for Caring Churches. Standart Publishing. | None Specified | Church | ||||
Under His Wings: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of the Mentally Disabled | Bittner, Robert. Under His Wings: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of the Mentally Disabled. Crossawya, 1994. | None Specified | spiritual, Mental | Book | |||
Circles of Friends | Perske, Bob. Circles of Friends. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | Friendship | Book | |||
All God’s Children: Ministry with Disabled Persons | Organizing ministries with persons with disabilities | Eareckson Tada, Joni. All God’s Children: Ministry with Disabled Persons. Zondervan Publishing, 1987. | None Specified | Minitries, Church, disablility | Book | ||
When Disability Makes You Feel Left Out | “When Disability Makes You Feel Left Out.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | feel, left, out | Book | |||
Caring At Home For Someone Ill or Disabled | “Caring At Home For Someone Ill or Disabled.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | Home, disability | Book | |||
Celebrate and Challenge | Celebrate and Challenge. National Partnership on Disability. | None Specified | challenge | ||||
Tips for Leaders Planning Meetings | “Tips for Leaders Planning Meetings.” National Council of Churches. | None Specified | meetings | ||||
A Guide for Including the Whole Community of Faith | Booklet by Carolyn Schmidt and Ruth Fowler on guidelines for including persons with disabilities. | Schmidt, Carolyn, and Ruth Fowler. A Guide for Including the Whole Community of Faith. National Council of Churches. | None Specified | community, faith | Book | ||
The Caring Congregation | A short planning and action guide | “The Caring Congregation.” Christian Reformed Church. | None Specified | congregation | |||
Friendship Unlimited | Guide on how to be a friend to persons with disabilities | Eareckson Tada, Joni. Friendship Unlimited. Harold Shaw Publishers. | None Specified | friendship | |||
The Ministry to Persons with Disabilities | Krafft, Jane. The Ministry to Persons with Disabilities. The Liturgical Press. | None Specified | ministry | Book | |||
Religion and Disability | “Religion and Disability.” Advocado Press (Fall 1993). | None Specified | Religion | ||||
Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities | “Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities.” USCCB Publishing. | None Specified | justice | ||||
Welcoming People with Disabilities | “Welcoming People with Disabilities.” National Pastoral Life Center. | None Specified | welcoming | ||||
Welcoming Children with Disabilities | Carter, Pat. “Welcoming Children with Disabilities.” National Pastoral Life Center. | None Specified | welcoming, children | ||||
Worship and People with Disabilities | Nuzzi, Ronald. “Worship and People with Disabilities.” National Pastoral Life Center. | None Specified | worship | ||||
Missing Persons: Ministry with Persons Who Have Special Needs | Ohsbert, Oliver. Missing Persons: Ministry with Persons Who Have Special Needs. Wood Lake Books. | None Specified | ministry, special needs | Book | |||
One Body, One Head, One Mission. Suggestions for Christian Ministries with Disabled Persons in the Local Congregation | One Body, One Head, One Mission. Suggestions for Christian Ministries with Disabled Persons in the Local Congregation. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | Christian | christian ministries, congregation | ||||
Resource Materials for Your Ministry with Disabled Persons | “Resource Materials for Your Ministry with Disabled Persons.” Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | None Specified | ministry | ||||
The Right to Grow Up | Services with adults with Developmental disabilities. Chapter on religious services and ministries. | Summers, Jean. The Right to Grow Up. Brookes Publishing Company. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | developMental, learning | ||
Creating the Caring Congregation | Wilke, Harold. Creating the Caring Congregation. Abindgon Press, 1980. | None Specified | congregation | Book | |||
A Humanizing Ministry | A new direction for ministry with persons who are Mentally retarted | Estes, Tim. A Humanizing Ministry. Herald Press. | None Specified | Intellectual | ministry | Book | |
The Untapped Resource: Volunteers with Cognitive Disabilities | “The Untapped Resource: Volunteers with Cognitive Disabilities.” Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation. | None Specified | Intellectual | ||||
Friendship Program Guide | This is a resource for leaders who are beginning programs in congregations. Includes information on getting organized, choosing materials, defining volunteer roles, and more | “Friendship Program Guide.” | http://www.friendship.org. | None Specified | congregations, volunteer | ||
What Friendship Mentors Need to Know | This is a free Down Syndromeloadable resource guide for new and seasoned mentors in Friendship Programs. | “What Friendship Mentors Need to Know.” | http://www.friendship.org/support. | None Specified | mentors, friendship | ||
People with Disabilities and Our Church | Provides a variety of materials to educate the faith community about the experience of people who have disabilities. Activities for individuals and groups, worship resources, introduction to terminology, and other resources are included | “People with Disabilities and Our Church.” Mennonite Mutual Aid. | None Specified | church | |||
Reaching Individuals with Disabilities for Christ | A packet of information, surveys, etc. for beginning a disability ministry in the local church | “Reaching Individuals with Disabilities for Christ.” | None Specified | ministry, church | |||
Intentional Outreach. A Systematic Approach to Welcoming and Including Individuals with Disabilities In Your Congregation | Resource manual developed by American Baptist Churches in Massachusetts. Also available in Spanish. | “Intentional Outreach. A Systematic Approach to Welcoming and Including Individuals with Disabilities In Your Congregation.” TABCOM Special Needs Ministries. | None Specified | welcoming, congregation | |||
The Church and Persons with Disabilities | “The Church and Persons with Disabilities.” United Church Board-Homeland Ministries. | None Specified | Church | ||||
Resource Packet of Accessibility Materials | “Resource Packet of Accessibility Materials.” Episcopal Disability Network. | None Specified | packet, accessibility | ||||
Opening Doors to People with Disabilities | “Opening Doors to People with Disabilities.” National Catholic Partnership on Disability, 1995. | Catholic | Book | ||||
A Parish Awareness Packet | Fact Sheets, liturgy suggestions, language guidelines, bulletin inserts, prayers, and articles | “A Parish Awareness Packet.” National Catholic Partnership on Disability. | None Specified | packet | |||
That All May Enter: Responding to People with Disability Concerns | “That All May Enter: Responding to People with Disability Concerns.” Presbyterian Church USA. | None Specified | concern | ||||
Disability Awareness Study Guide | “Disability Awareness Study Guide.” JAF Ministries. | None Specified | awareness | ||||
Disability Etiquette | “Disability Etiquette.” National Easter Seal Society. | None Specified | etiquette | ||||
Myths and Facts About People Who Have Disabilities: A Resource Guide for People Without Disabilities | Awareness building programs | “Myths and Facts About People Who Have Disabilities: A Resource Guide for People Without Disabilities.” National Easter Seal Society. | None Specified | myths, facts, guide, resource | |||
Special Gathering Manual | Resources, suggestions for starting local ministries within the Mentally challenged community. Video included | “Special Gathering Manual.” Special Gathering. | None Specified | manual, packet | |||
Study Packet Supporting Congregations in Ministries with Persons Who Have Disabilities | Variety of checklists, models of ministry, planning process, bibliography, sermon ideas. | “Study Packet Supporting Congregations in Ministries with Persons Who Have Disabilities.” National Ministries, American Baptist Churches. | None Specified | packet, congregations, ministries | |||
Welcome the Child: A Child Advocacy Guide for Churches | Not explicitly related to issues around disabilities, but an excellent resource for congregations working with children. Includes worship and awareness materials, programs, information, etc | “Welcome the Child: A Child Advocacy Guide for Churches.”Children’s Defense Fund Publications. | None Specified | child, guide, church | |||
Opening Doors to All God’s People: A Disability Resource Guide | Opening Doors to All God’s People: A Disability Resource Guide. Committee on Disability Concerns. | None Specified | God, disability, guide | ||||
Body and Soul: Diana & Kathy | Video that Chronicles the lives of two women, one with Down Syndrome and one with Cerebral Palsy, who have been living together and supporting each other for 35 years | Elliott, Alice. “Body and Soul: Diana & Kathy.” The Collector on Bedford St. | http://www.welcomechange.org. | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning, Neuromuscular | Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy | |
The Potato Video: A Look at Misguided Effort | This popular 3-minute video looks at Misguided Efforts in working with people with disabilities and delivers a powerful message on how attitudes about “difference” drive interactions and services for people with disabilities. This video is perfect orientation and ongoing staff training for human service professionals, support staff, as well as residential and vocational service organizations and congregations | “The Potato Video: A Look at Misguided Effort.” Program Development Associates. | http://disabilitytraining.com/pvad.html | None Specified | difference, service, disability, organization, congregation | Video | |
The Eighth Day | This is a film about a relationship between a young adult with Down Syndrome and a corporate salesman/trainer type whose personal life is in shambles. Their lives literally collide, and the movie is about friendship, grief, transformation, and much, much more | “The Eighth Day.” Amazon. | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning | relationship, Down Syndrome | ||
Opening Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors | Nouwen, Henri, and Cardinal Bernadin. “Opening Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” Pathways Awareness Foundation. | None Specified | |||||
Merging Two Worlds | Presentation at 1987 Conference in Rochester, New York on hospitality, welcoming the stranger, and the challenges of “strangers” with Developmental disabilities | Palmer, Parker. “Merging Two Worlds.” AAIDD, 1987. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | hospitality | ||
Ten Commandments of Communicating with Persons with Disabilities | 25 min. The best introductory video on attitudes and simple yet profound ways of welcome and relationship | “Ten Commandments of Communicating with Persons with Disabilities.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | attitudes, welcome, relationship, communication | |||
The Collector of Bedford St | Wonderful 28 minute video about Larry and his community on Bedford St. in New York City, and the way the community rallies to make sure he is included and supported to be part of the community. Excellent for thinking about issues of intelligence, community, and service to others. | Elliot, Alice. “The Collector of Bedford St.” Welcome Change Productions. | None Specified | inclusion, support | |||
The Widening Circle | “The Widening Circle.” Ecu-Film. | None Specified | inclusion | ||||
Everyone Counts | “Everyone Counts.” Anabaptist Disabilities Network. | None Specified | inclusion | ||||
Claiming the Promise | “Claiming the Promise.” Ecu-Film. | None Specified | |||||
Our Invisible Neighbors | “Our Invisible Neighbors.” Augsburg. | None Specified | |||||
We Are One Flock | “We Are One Flock.” National Catholic Partnership on Disability. | None Specified | |||||
Spirit of Inclusion | “Spirit of Inclusion.” Archdiose of Milwaukee. | None Specified | inclusion | ||||
I Belong Out There | “I Belong Out There.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | inclusion | ||||
Enhancing Religious Supports for People with Disabilities and Their Families | On interfaith | Thornburth, Ginny. “Enhancing Religious Supports for People with Disabilities and Their Families.” The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | interfaith, faith | |||
Same Spirit…Different Gift | “Same Spirit…Different Gift.” AIM. | None Specified | |||||
To Whom Shall We Go? | “To Whom Shall We Go?” Missouri Synod Board of Human Care. | None Specified | |||||
Interdependence: The Route to Community | Condeluci, Al. Interdependence: The Route to Community. CRC Press. | http://www.crcpress.com. | None Specified | ||||
Enhanced DVD versions of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors | Released by Pathways Awareness Foundation, this DVD set is appropriate for all denominations and is available in English, Spanish, Polish, captioned, and descriptive versions. This program features Joseph Cardinal Bernardin teaching about practical ways to include worshippers of all abilities, plus the full video of The Vulnerable Journey with Father Henri Nouwen sharing his personal journey of faith and experience of persons with disability. | http://www.inclusioninworship.org/, | None Specified | inclusion, worship, faith | |||
When People Care Enough to Act | This is a practical guide to putting Assed Base Community Development to work in your own community | Green, Mike, Moore, Henry, and John O’Brien. When People Care Enough to Act. Inclusion Press. | http://www.inclusionpress.com. | None Specified | guide, community | Book | |
Autism and Faith: A Journey into Community | This is a 56 pp. booklet with interfaith perspectives and strategies, family stories, resources and more, meant to be a resource for congregations who are seeking to include children and adults with Autism | Beth Walsh, Mary, F. Walsh, Alice, and Bill Gaventa. Autism and Faith: A Journey into Community. Boggs Center. | http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/boggscenter. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | interfaith, faith, strategies, resources, children, Autism | |
The Company of Others: Stories of Belonging | This is the story of five individuals with disabilities who demonstrate the essential place of friendship and community in their lives | Shields, Sandra, Campion, David. The Company of Others: Stories of Belonging. Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network. | http://www.plan.ca/Resources_Products_company.php. | None Specified | disability, friendship | ||
Everybody’s Different: Understanding and Changing our Reactions to Disabilities | 384 pp. This book openly discusses the ways which the personal thoughts, feelings and questions about disabilities can obstruct effective communication between people with and without disabilities. It offers ways to become more at ease with the concept of disability and opens the door to better professional and social relationships | None Specified | disability, communication, concept, professional, social, relationship | Book | |||
Part of the Community: Strategies for Including Everyone | 320 pp. Creating communities with extensive natural supports rather than separate inclusion programs enable individuals with disabilities of all ages to be fully included in community life. These experts from the Institute on Disability in New Hampshire show how to do just that. Issue-focused chapters give specific examples of inclusion in the community and individuals with disabilities, their peers, families and professions share the lessons they learned in their attempt to achieve full community inclusion | Nisbet, Jan, and Hagner David. Part of the Community: Strategies for Including Everyone. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | communities, inclusion, programs, disability, community | Book | ||
Vision of Community: Supporting One Person at a Time | This book shares the individual support stories of five individuals. Administrators and support staff will learn the philosophy and support strategies required to assist people to live and work in communities of their choosing. The focus is on what people can do, assisting people to contribute their gifts and talents to the community | Vision of Community: Supporting One Person at a Time. Community Vision. | None Specified | support, strategy, community | Book | ||
Breaking Bread, Nourishing Connections: People with and without Disabilities Together at Mealtime | Handbook that helps parents, friends, and professionals foster pleasurable, fully inclusive mealtimes for people with disabilities | Melberg Schwier, karin, and Wein Schwier Stewart. Breaking Bread, Nourishing Connections: People with and without Disabilities Together at Mealtime. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | parents, professionals, disability, meal | Book | ||
Involving All Neighbors: Building Inclusive Communities in Seattle | Documents lessons learned from an award-winning program focusing on the inclusion of people with disabilities | Involving All Neighbors: Building Inclusive Communities in Seattle. | None Specified | inclusion | |||
On the Road (Again) to Community Inclusion: It’s About Time! | Second collection of stories and strategies on community building in New Jersey, organized around different kinds of “time:” work time, volunteer time, personal time, sacred time, moments, etc | On the Road (Again) to Community Inclusion: It’s About Time! Boggs Center. | None Specified | collection, community | |||
On the Road to Community Inclusion | Stories, strategies, and resources from the Community Building Partners Project, an action reflection Learning process | Gaventa, Bill, and Sue Henshaw. On the Road to Community Inclusion. Boggs Center. | None Specified | stories, strategies, Learning | |||
Discovering Connections. A Guide to the Fun of Bridging Disability Differences | Workbook and guide for friends and supporters and persons with disabilities to use together in community activities | Hill, Linda. Discovering Connections. A Guide to the Fun of Bridging Disability Differences Building Bridges Consulting. | None Specified | workbook, guide, community | |||
Members of Each Other | Book on building friendships and community. Book expands earlier monograph by them with the same title | O’Brien, John, and Connie Lyle O’Brien. Members of Each Other. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | friendship, monograph, community | Book | ||
Who Cares? Rediscovering Community | Excellent discussions on the philosophical and programmatic challenge of moving towards community inclusion | Schwartz, David. Who Cares? Rediscovering Community. Perseus Westview Books, 1996. | None Specified | philosophy, challenge, community, inclusion | Book | ||
Crossing the River: Creating a Conceptual Revolution in Community and Disability | Excellent discussions on the philosophical and programmatic challenge of moving towards community inclusion | Schwartz, David. Crossing the River: Creating a Conceptual Revolution in Community and Disability. Brookline Books. | None Specified | philosophy, challenge, community, inclusion | Book | ||
Everyone Has A Gift. Building Communities of Capacity | Video of presentation by John McKnight at conference on inclusion and community sponsored by Inclusion Press. 60 min. | McKight, John. “Everyone Has A Gift. Building Communities of Capacity.” Inclusion Press. | None Specified | inclusion, community | Book | ||
Community Building: What Makes It Work? | Matttessich, Paul,. and Barbara Monsey. Community Building: What Makes It Work? Amherst Wilder Foundation, 1997. | None Specified | community | Book | |||
Collaboration: What Makes It Work? | Collaboration: What Makes It Work? Amherst Wilder Foundation. | None Specified | collaboration | ||||
Collaboration Handbook | Collaboration Handbook. Amherst Wilder Foundation. | None Specified | collaboration | ||||
Building Community: Christian, Caring, Vital | Weaves together insights from psychology, group theory, and theology | Sofield, Loughlan, Hammett, Rosine, and Carroll Juliano. Building Community: Christian, Caring, Vital. Daybreak Publications. | None Specified | psychology, theology | |||
Ministry of Hospitality | Guidelines for an effective ministry of hospitality | Deck, Sylvia. Ministry of Hospitality. Sheed and Ward Publishers. | None Specified | Religion, community | |||
Building Communities From the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing A Community’s Assets | Section on working with the religious community | Kretzman, John, and John McKnight. Building Communities From the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing: A Community’s Assets. ACTA Publications. | None Specified | Religion, community | |||
From the Institution and Service System to the Community | McKight, John. “From the Institution and Service System to the Community.” Veranda Communications. | None Specified | institution, community | ||||
Remembering the Soul of Our Work: Stories by the Staff of Options in Community Living | Stories by staff to reflect on values and mission at the heart of their work | O’Brien, John, and Connie Lyle O’Brien. Remembering the Soul of Our Work: Stories by the Staff of Options in Community Living. Options in Community Living. | None Specified | community | |||
Celebrating the Ordinary. The Emergence of Options in Community Living as a Thoughtful Organization | O’Brien, John, Lyle O’Brien, Connie, and Gail Jacob. Celebrating the Ordinary. The Emergence of Options in Community Living as a Thoughtful Organization. Inclusion Press, 1999. | None Specified | community, organization | Book | |||
Community and Growth | Vanier, Jean. Community and Growth. Paulist Press. | None Specified | community, growth | Book | |||
Beyond Difference | Why difference, how it occurs, beyond difference and pity to kindness, hospitality, generosity, compassion, and forgiveness | Condelucci, Al. Beyond Difference. St. Lucie Press, 1996. | None Specified | kindness, hospitality, generosity, compassion, forgiveness | Book | ||
The Courage to Teach | Book, Video, and Reflection Guide based on work and continuing education retreats which Parker Palmer has done with the Fetzer Institute for teachers. Applicable to a broad range of people who care about teaching in community, and integrating spirituality in public life | “The Courage to Teach.” Josey Bass Publishers. | None Specified | courage, teach, institute, teacher | Book | ||
Personal Relationships and Social Networks: Facilitating the Participation of Individuals with Disabilities | Resource packet with articles and annotated bibliography | “Personal Relationships and Social Networks: Facilitating the Participation of Individuals with Disabilities.” Center on Human Policy. | None Specified | relationship, participation | |||
Building Relationships: A Training Manual for Those Who Provide Support to People with Developmental Disabilities | Dillman, Jenny, Karan, Orv, and James Granfield. Building Relationships: A Training Manual for Those Who Provide Support to People with Developmental Disabilities. A.J. Pappanikopu Center on Special Education and Rehabilitation. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | relationship | |||
Making Friends: Using Recreation Activities to Promote Friendship Between Children With and Without Disabilities | manual | Heyne, Linda, Schleien Stuart, and Leo McAvoy. Making Friends: Using Recreation Activities to Promote Friendship Between Children With and Without Disabilities. Institute on Community Integration. | None Specified | recreation, friendship, children | |||
In My Shoes: The Friendmaking Game | 2-3 hr. curriculum and staff training on community connections. | “In My Shoes: The Friendmaking Game.” The Tool Box. | None Specified | community | |||
The Friendmaking Files | Series of nine one page articles for newsletters, training, etc. | “The Friendmaking Files.” The Tool Box. | None Specified | friendship | |||
The Friends Manual | Amado, Angela. The Friends Manual. | None Specified | friends | ||||
Friendships and Community Connections between People with and without Developmental Disabilities | Amado, Angela. Friendships and Community Connections between People with and without Developmental Disabilities. Brookes Publishing House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | friendship, community | Book | ||
The Variety of Community Experience: Qualitative Studies of Family and Community Life | Taylor, Stephen, Bogdan, Robert, and Zana Marie Lutfiyya. The Variety of Community Experience: Qualitative Studies of Family and Community Life. Baltimore: Paul Brookes, 1995. | None Specified | community, family, life | Book | |||
A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life | Explores way for people to work with each other in small groups. | Palmer, Parker. A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life. | None Specified | group | |||
Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A Guide for Facilitators | This new illustrated and user-friendly guide is designed for individuals interested in gaining greater knowledge around person-centered planning for children from preschool through early teens | “Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A Guide for Facilitators.” Insitute on Disability. | None Specified | guide, illustration, friends | |||
Essential Lifestyle Planning for Everyone | This book provides information to accompany facilitator training courses provided by accredited trainers. Current training in essential lifestyle planning entails two days of training in ‘person centered thinking, two days of ‘facilitator’ training and one or more follow-on days. This book is not a substitute for training. A book cannot replace the experiential exercises, practical demonstrations and opportunities to practice and get feedback that are provided in training. | Smull, Michael, and Helen Sanderson. Essential Lifestyle Planning for Everyone. Boggs Center. | http://www.Learningcommunity.us/store.html. | None Specified | planning, training, lifestyle | ||
Make a Difference: A Guidebook for Person-Centered Direct Support | This is a great resource for provider agencies who are taking seriously person centered planning and the “spirit” of direct support staff and the people they serve. Instructor’s manual and materials are available | O’Brien, John, Mount, Beth, Leidy, Peter, and Bruce Blaney. Make a Difference: A Guidebook for Person-Centered Direct Support. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | guidebook, support | Book | ||
How to Make Positive Changes for Your Family Using Group Action Planning | How to Make Positive Changes for Your Family Using Group Action Planning. Beach Center on Disability. | None Specified | family, group | ||||
Positive Profiles: Building Community Together | Exercises to help people learn about the individual characteristics and strengths of people they support. | Pancsofar, Ernest. Positive Profiles: Building Community Together. Training Resources Network. | None Specified | community | |||
A Little Book About Person Centered Planning | Includes essays by many of the leaders and designers of person-centered planning tools: Beth Mount, Herb Lovett, Michael Smull, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, others | O’Brien, John, and COnnie Lyle O’Brien. A Little Book About Person Centered Planning. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | leaders, designers, tools, planning | Book | ||
Essential Lifestyle Planning | There are a wide variety of resources about ELP on their website, www.elpnet.net. ELP easily integrates issues and activities that are important to individuals. | http://www.elpnet.net. | None Specified | resources, activities | |||
It’s My Meeting! The Family/Consumer Pocket Guide to Participating in Person-Centered Planning | “It’s My Meeting! The Family/Consumer Pocket Guide to Participating in Person-Centered Planning.” | None Specified | family, guide | ||||
Reach for the Dream! Developing Individual Service Plans | A widely used, reader friendly, manual on person-centered planning. | DiLeo, Dale. Reach for the Dream! Developing Individual Service Plans. TRN. | None Specified | manual, planning | |||
A Good Life for You and Your Relative With a Disability | Book which combines person-centered planning with long range legal and financial issues. Great workbook for families | Etmanski, Al, and Vicki Cammack. A Good Life for You and Your Relative With a Disability. Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network. | None Specified | planning, financial issues, families | |||
Learning to Listen. Positive Approaches and People with Difficult Behavior | Lovett, Herb. Learning to Listen. Positive Approaches and People with Difficult Behavior. Brookes Publishing Company. | None Specified | behavior, difficult | ||||
What Are We Learning About Bridgebuilding? | What Are We Learning About Bridgebuilding? The Community Place. | None Specified | support, community | ||||
What Are We Learning About Circles of Support? | What Are We Learning About Circles of Support? The Community Place. | None Specified | support, community | ||||
One Candle Power: Building Bridges to Community Life for People with Disabilities | One Candle Power: Building Bridges to Community Life for People with Disabilities. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Imperfect Change | Imperfect Change. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Dare to Dream | Dare to Dream. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Person-Centered Development: A Journey in Learning to Listen to People with Disabilities | Person-Centered Development: A Journey in Learning to Listen to People with Disabilities. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Tending the Candle: Handbook for Circles Facilitators | Tending the Candle: Handbook for Circles Facilitators. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Stories of the Heart: Inclusion at Work in Connecticut | Stories of the Heart: Inclusion at Work in Connecticut. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Ways of Welcome | Ways of Welcome. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
Capacity Works | Capacity Works. The Community Place. | None Specified | community | ||||
The Whole Community Catalogue | The Whole Community Catalogue. Communitas. | None Specified | community | ||||
Community Connections Manual | Community Connections Manual.. Communitas. | None Specified | community | ||||
All My Life’s A Circle: Using the Tools: Circles, MAPS, and PATHS | All My Life’s A Circle: Using the Tools: Circles, MAPS, and PATHS. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | tools, inclusion | Book | |||
A Little Book About Person-Centered Planning | Includes essays by many of the leaders and designers of person-centered planning tools: Beth Mount, Herb Lovett, Michael Smull, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, others | O’Brien, John, and Connie Lyule O’Brien. A Little Book About Person-Centered Planning. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | designers, tools, planning, inclusion | Book | ||
Reflections on Inclusive Education | Mackan, Patrick. Reflections on Inclusive Education. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | reflections, inclusion | Book | |||
Behind the Piano | Pearpoint, Jack. Behind the Piano. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | piano, inclusion | Book | |||
What’s Really Worth Doing | Snow, Judith. What’s Really Worth Doing. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | inclusion | Book | |||
The Path Workbook | The Path Workbook. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | inclusion | Book | |||
It’s Never Too Early, It’s Never Too Late | Focused on families with children | It’s Never Too Early, It’s Never Too Late. Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | inclusion | ||
Read My Lips. It’s My Choice | Read My Lips. It’s My Choice. Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | inclusion, | |||
Circle of Friends | Circle of Friends. Abingdon: Perske Books. | None Specified | friends | Book | |||
New Life in the Neighborhood | New Life in the Neighborhood. Abingdon: Perske Books. | None Specified | neighborhood | Book | |||
Never Too Early, Never Too Late | A book on personal futures planning, a process for involving neighbors, friends and others in a circle around a person or family with a disability. | Never Too Early, Never Too Late. Minnesota Developmental Disabilities Council. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | planning, family | Book | |
Stories of Circles: Circles of Stories | Book with stories about circles of friends | Clare Carlson, Mary. Stories of Circles: Circles of Stories. Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Friends | Book | ||
Mental Health Mission Moments | This is an ecumenical DVD resource from Mental Health Ministries. Includes 2-3 minute clips taken from other resources on VHS. These clips include “Coming Out of the Dark,” “Mental and Families of Faith,” “Where is God in the Darkness?” and “Creating Caring Congregations.” | “Mental Health Mission Moments.” Mental Health Ministries. | http://www.Mentalhealthministries.net. | None Specified | Mental health, faith, God | Video | |
Gahanna Bill | This documentary presents the life of Bill Withrow, a middle-aged man with disabilities, and his relationship with his community. Bill’s story is a classic example of how community inclusion benefits both people with disabilities and the community they live in | Withrow, Bill. “Gahanna Bill.” Program Development Associates. | http://disabilitytraining.com/gbid.html | None Specified | relationship, community, benefit | Documentary | |
Circles of Support: Building Inclusive Communities | Wertheimer, Alison. Circles of Support: Building Inclusive Communities. Communitas. | None Specified | support, inclusion, community | ||||
Whole Life Planning: A Guide for Organizers and Facilitators | “Whole Life Planning: A Guide for Organizers and Facilitators.” Institute for Community Inclusion. | None Specified | planning, organizers, facilitators, community, inclusion | ||||
Dreams Coming True | Video on 12 circles of support, and citywide celebration for circle members, in Philadelphia. 55 min | “Dreams Coming True.” Networks for Training and Development. | None Specified | training | |||
Dream Catchers | 16 1/2 min. video. Stories of three young people and their circles of support | “Dream Catchers.” Institute on Disability. | None Specified | support | |||
Circles of Friends: Parts I and II | Two part video on establishing a community support network | Forest, Marsha, and Jack Pearpoint. “Circles of Friends: Parts I and II.” Center for Ministry with People with Disabilities. | None Specified | community, support | |||
Friendship | Program tells the story of the friendship between two boys, Joel and Bryce. Bryce has Cerebral Palsy, while Joe is a typical boy who has not been labeled. When they meet, the boys play and hang out, watch movies, fight bad guys, swim in the pool, and have fun. In between meetings, they talk on the phone and exchange emails. This video offers a presentation by Joel and insightful observations and commentary by noted inclusion experts Dr. Marsha Forest and Jack Pearpoint, and by Darryl and Janet Thomas, Bryce’s parents. | “Friendship.” Comforty Media Concepts. | http://www.inclusionseries.com | None Specified | Neuromuscular | friendship, Cerebral Palsy | |
Planning for Life | Five vignettes on self directed, person centered planning and its results in the lives of five people with various disabilities. One segment features Clarence and the importance of his participation in his African American congregation | “Planning for Life.” Boggs Center. | None Specified | participation, congregations | |||
Waddie Welcome | Video about a man in Savannah, GA, who, after much help from his circle of support, is able to move out of a nursing home into a community home | “Waddie Welcome.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | community, nursing | |||
Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend | This is a helpful resource for supporting a person with Chronic. Includes helpful suggestions for listening, avoiding euphemisms and things that should not be said, and being there in multiple kinds of ways | “Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend.” Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org | None Specified | Chronic Illness | support | |
The Caregiver’s Book | Resource for hospices, hospitals, congregations | The Caregiver’s Book. Willowgreen. | http://www.willowgreen.com. | None Specified | hospice, hospitals, congregations | ||
When You’re the Caregiver | When You’re the Caregiver. Willowgreen. | http://www.willowgreen.com. | None Specified | caregiver | |||
Bringing Respite to Your Community: A Start-Up Manual | Besides this manual, the resource center has lots of other fact sheets and publications on issues related to respite care, information on programs and services around the country, and other resources. | Hardin, Belinda, Howe, Eleaenor, and Nancy Smith. Bringing Respite to Your Community: A Start-Up Manual. ARCH. | None Specified | respite care, community | |||
A Practical Guide to Respite for Your Family | Dellinger-Wray, Molly, and Monica Uhl. A Practical Guide to Respite for Your Family. Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | family | ||||
Helping Yourself Help Others | A book for caregivers | Carter, Rosalynn, and Susan Golant. Helping Yourself Help Others. Times Books, 1994. | None Specified | caregivers | Book | ||
Helping Someone with Mental | Carter, Rosalynn. Helping Someone with Mental. Times Books. | None Specified | Intellectual | Book | |||
Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others | Hover, Margot. Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others. Twenty-Thirt Publications. | None Specified | caring | ||||
Take Care! | Take Care! Amherst Wilder Foundation. | None Specified | care | ||||
Resource packet on Respite Care as Congregational Ministry | Booklets, bibliography, program descriptions, guides, etc | From Boggs Center | None Specified | congregation, ministry | Book | ||
Respite Care: A Packet on Starting a Program in Your Church | “Respite Care: A Packet on Starting a Program in Your Church.” Christian Reformed Church. | None Specified | care, program, church | ||||
A Respite Care Manual | A Respite Care Manual Covenant Women. | None Specified | care, covenant, women | ||||
Sharing Care: The Christian Ministry of Respite Care | Murphy, Judith. Sharing Care: The Christian Ministry of Respite Care. United Church Press. | None Specified | care, christian, ministry | ||||
Share the Care | A model of developing a caring group around a family that is caring for a member with disabilities or Chronic | Capossela, Cappy, Sheila Warnock. Share the Care. Fireside Books, 1995. | None Specified | care, group, family | Book | ||
And God Rested | A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life focused on Biblical and spiritual understandings of rest and the Sabbath | And God Rested | None Specified | alzheimer, God, Journal, biblical, spiritual | |||
Alzheimer’s: Caring for Loved One, Caring for Yourself | Fish, Sharon. Alzheimer’s: Caring for Loved One, Caring for Yourself. Harold Shaw Publishers. | None Specified | Dementia | care, Dementia | |||
God Never Forgets | McKim, Donald. God Never Forgets. Westminster: John Knox Press. | None Specified | Dementia | God, Dementia | |||
The Resourceful Caregiver: Helping Family Caregivers Help Themselves | Wilburt, Elaine. The Resourceful Caregiver: Helping Family Caregivers Help Themselves. Mosby Lifeline, 1996. | None Specified | care | Book | |||
Preventing Caregiver Burnout | Preventing Caregiver Burnout. Mosby Lifeline. | None Specified | care | ||||
Creative Caregiving | Creative Caregiving. Mosby Lifeline. | None Specified | humor, care | ||||
The Magic of Humor in Caregiving | The Magic of Humor in Caregiving. Mosby Lifeline. | None Specified | magic, humor, care | ||||
Positive Caregiver Attitudes | Positive Caregiver Attitudes. Mosby Lifeline. | None Specified | care, positive, attitude | ||||
A Special Kind of Love. For Those Who Love Children with Special Needs | Titus Osborn, Susan, and Janet Lynn Mitchell. A Special Kind of Love. For Those Who Love Children with Special Needs. Broadman and Holman Publishers. | None Specified | love, special needs, children | ||||
A Guide to the Spiritual Dimension of Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia: More than Body, Brain and Breath | Shamy, Eileen. A Guide to the Spiritual Dimension of Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia: More than Body, Brain and Breath. JKP. | http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php?isbn=1-84310-129-7. | None Specified | Dementia | guide, spiritual, care, alzheimer, Dementia | ||
Finding Meaning in the Work | Ten exercises to encourage reflection on direct support, including a guide for facilitators, powerpoint files, handouts, and more | O’Brien, John, and Connie Lyle O’Brien. Finding Meaning in the Work. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | reflection, guide | Book | ||
May I Walk You Home | Courage and Comfort for Caregivers of the Very Ill | Hutchinson, Joyce, and Joyce Rupp. May I Walk You Home. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | caregiver | Book | ||
Who Cares? Simple Ways You Can Reach Out | Who Cares? Simple Ways You Can Reach Out. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | reach | Book | |||
Growing Strong in the Broken Places | Growing Strong in the Broken Places. Ave Maria Press | None Specified | grow | Book | |||
Praying our Goodbyes | Praying our Goodbyes. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | pray | Book | |||
Walking with Those Who Hurt | Walking with Those Who Hurt. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | hurt, | Book | |||
When Your Spouse Dies and When Your Parent Dies | When Your Spouse Dies and When Your Parent Dies. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | spouse, parent | Book | |||
Planning for Life: The Role of Direct Support Professionals in Self-Directed Supports | This video is designed to assist those responsible for designing and implementing self-directed supports. It is also addressed to people with disabilities and families to help them Blindize what supports can look like when they are the ones in control. | “Planning for Life: The Role of Direct Support Professionals in Self-Directed Supports.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | planning, support, disabilities, family | |||
Touching the Soul | Video on the Human Service Alliance, and its volunteer care-giving programs and relationships. | “Touching the Soul.” Mosher Productions. | None Specified | volunteer, relationship | |||
A Prescription for Caregiving | Lustbader, Wendy. “A Prescription for Caregiving.” Terra Nova Films. | None Specified | prescription, caregiving | ||||
When Chronic Enters Your Life | Copen, Lisa. When Chronic Enters Your Life. Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org | None Specified | Chronic Illness | |||
Spiritual Care for the Weary | Vanderzalm, Lynn. Spiritual Care for the Weary. Harold Shaw Publishers. | None Specified | spirit, care, weary | ||||
North American Resource Directory of Jewish Agencies Assisting Persons Who Have Disabilities | 80-page directory with agencies, schools, camps, community centers, residential, and vocational programs, and others. Arranged by state and province. | North American Resource Directory of Jewish Agencies Assisting Persons Who Have Disabilities. Council for Jews With Special Needs. | Jewish | agency, school, camp, community, center, program, Jewish | |||
Jewish Customs and Practices: A Resource Guide for Residential Staff | Published in 1994, this is a valuable resource for residential staff in community residences, particularly when the staff are not Jewish | Jewish Customs and Practices: A Resource Guide for Residential Staff. Jewish Family Service, 1994. | Jewish | residential, community, residence, Jewish | Book | ||
How Smudge Came | A “kid’s book” about a young woman with Down Syndrome who smuggles a puppy into her group home, the ensuing chaos, and resolution | Gregory, Nancy. How Smudge Came. Walker and Company. | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning | Down Syndrome, group, home, chaos, puppy | ||
PASSING: A Tool for Analyzing Service Quality According to Social Role Valorization Criteria | Wolfersberger, Wolf. PASSING: A Tool for Analyzing Service Quality According to Social Role Valorization Criteria. Syracuse University: Training Institute for Human Service Planning Leadership and Change Agentry, 2007. | None Specified | tool, service, criteria | Book | |||
Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment | Charlton, James. Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment. University of California Press. | http://www.ucpress.edu. | None Specified | disability, empowerment | Book | ||
Take a Look at Me Portfolio | Available in versions for young children, school-aged children, and adults, helps individuals of all ages look at their strengths, interests, hopes and needs and seeks to avoid deficits focused practice. | Rugg, Mary. Take a Look at Me Portfolio. Take a Look at me Portifolio. | http://www.takealookatmeportfolio.com/. | None Specified | children, adult, individual, strength, interest, hope | ||
Wake Up Call | Developed as a staff training video, this film addresses the ways that people with disabilities want their caregivers to treat and interact with them | “Wake Up Call.” United Cerebral Palsy of New York City. | http://www.ucpnyc.org/publications/ucpvideos.cfm#1. | None Specified | training | ||
Resources from the Institute of Abundant Living | Series of booklets written by adults with Developmental disabilities in cooperation with staff. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | adult, cooperation | |||
Common Vision: Workshops that Build Leadership From the Inside Out | Common Vision workshops build knowledge and create sustaining leadership within the disability community. Common Vision connects participants to the history of people with disabilities, to broader disability rights movements, and to other civil rights struggles, developing the knowledge base and skills needed for both individual advocacy and systems change organizing. | “Common Vision: Workshops that Build Leadership From the Inside Out.” Common Vision. | None Specified | leadership, community, civil rights | |||
Self-Advocacy Start-Up Tool Kit | Assembled by the Self-Advocacy Development Committee, this kit pulls together some of the most useful materials from all over the country. It includes “tool collections” on Starting Groups, Working on Issues, Self Advocates and Self-Determination, Advisor Issues, etc. Includes videotape, audiotapes, and booklet. Video is 35 minutes and close- captioned. | “Self-Advocacy Start-Up Tool Kit.” Center for Human Policy, Syracuse University. | http://soeweb.syr.edu/thechp/. | None Specified | kit, material, advocates, determination | Book | |
My Voice, My Choice | What You Need to Know About Participant Driven Supports. Curriculum for self-advocacy groups and people who are involved in self-determination and participant-driven services. Human Services Research Institute. 8 modules, pages easily made into overheads. Also distributed by Program Development Associates. | “My Voice, My Choice.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | advocacy, group, determination, service | |||
To Ride the Public’s Buses: The Fight to Build a Movement | Johns, Mary, and Barrett Shaw. To Ride the Public’s Buses: The Fight to Build a Movement. ADAPT. | None Specified | public, movement, fight | ||||
Beliefs, Values, and Principles of Self-Advocacy | Beliefs, Values, and Principles of Self-Advocacy. Brookline Books. | None Specified | beliefs, values, principle, advocacy | ||||
Tools for Change | Self-Advocacy Curriculum includes videos, facilitator’s guides, interactive exercises, planning guides, overhead transparencies, handouts, and more. | “Tools for Change.” Advocating Change Together, Inc. | None Specified | tool, change, guide | |||
Self-Advocacy: Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All | Explores self-advocacy as self- determination builder and growing social movement. Using archival footage, photographs, music, and interviews, this module shows the goals and beliefs of self-advocacy while documenting its history as a social change movement. | “Self-Advocacy: Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All.” Advocating Change Together, Inc. | None Specified | advocacy, freedom, equality, justice, movement, belief | |||
Shaking Off Stereotypes | Allows participants to see and experience the value of self-esteem | “Shaking Off Stereotypes.” Advocating Change Together, Inc. | None Specified | stereotypes, participants, self-esteem | |||
Self-Advocacy for Self Advocates. A Leadership Guide | To assist self advocates to teach other self advocates | Self-Advocacy for Self Advocates. A Leadership Guide. Univeersity of Maine Center for Community Inclusion. | None Specified | advocacy, guide, leadership | |||
Read My Lips. It’s My Choice | Read My Lips. It’s My Choice. Minessota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | |||||
Making Your Case | Guidelines for self- advocates when doing public advocacy. | Making Your Case. Minessota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | advocates, guide | |||
I Am Independent Series | A faith based 8 volume workbook series for people with Developmental disabilities that was co-authored by 6 ladies who live with Developmental disabilities. It was designed “to help them develop into competent, culturally aware, and mature individuals.” Instructor’s guide and guidebooks I Can Help Myself, I Can Live Safely, I Like Who I Am, I Like to Cook Good Food, I Want Money, I Can Live On My Own, I Like Learning More. Students who are interested in a Higher Education Degree can achieve this from the Institute of Abundant Living through extension Classes. | I Am Independent Series. Institute of Abundant Living. | None Specified | faith, independent | |||
Count Us In: Growing Up with Down Syndrome | Kingsley, Jason, and Mitchell levitz. Count Us In: Growing Up with Down Syndrome. Harcourt Brace. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome | |||
New Voices: Self-Advocacy by People with Disabilities | Dybwad, Gunner, and Hank Bersani Jr. New Voices: Self-Advocacy by People with Disabilities. Boston: Brookline Books, 1996. | None Specified | disability, advocacy | Book | |||
No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement | Shapiro, Joseph. No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement. Time Books. | None Specified | disability, rights, movement | Book | |||
The Self-Advocacy Movement by People with Developmental Disabilities: A demographic study and directory of self-advocacy groups in the United States | The Self-Advocacy Movement by People with Developmental Disabilities: A demographic study and directory of self-advocacy groups in the United States. Washington: AAIDD, 1994. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | advocacy, study, group | Book | ||
We Can Speak for Ourselves | Williams, Paul, and Bonnie Schoultz. We Can Speak for Ourselves. Boston: Brookline Books. | None Specified | speak | Book | |||
Disabled We Stand | Sutherland, Allen. Disabled We Stand. Boston: Brookline Books. | None Specified | Book | ||||
One Person at a Time: Citizen Advocacy for People with Disabilities | Sharing true stories of the ways that citizen advocates are helping to change lives. | Hildebrand, Adam. One Person at a Time: Citizen Advocacy for People with Disabilities. Citizen and Advocacy Home. | http://citizenadvocacy.home.comcast.net. | None Specified | citizen | ||
Waiting for Ronald | This film tells the story of a 34-year-old man with a Developmental who leaves the institution where he has spent most of his life and ventures out into the world to start a new life. | “Waiting for Ronald.” Program Development Associates. | http://disabilitytraining.com/wfrd.html | None Specified | associates, development | ||
Self-Determination in New Jersey: It Makes Life Worth Living | This 14-minute video and resource manual comprise a collection of resources that have been developed or collected from other sources which are of great value in the self-determination process. Topics include quality, fiscal intermediary, staffing, materials, budgeting, support brokers, person-centered planning, the New Jersey process and the history of self-determination. The video is a collection of interviews about people’s experiences with Self-Determination in New Jersey | “Self-Determination in New Jersey: It Makes Life Worth Living.” Boggs Center. | http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/boggscenter/products/order.htm. | None Specified | determination, living, manual, value, support | Video | |
Lasting Leadership | 22-minute video featuring actor Christ Burke of the television series “Life Goes On.” This video and booklet explain the role of the facilitator in using Popular Education to develop self-advocacy skills. With the help of educators, organizers, and activists, Chris Burke describes how to facilitate valuable Learning experiences and build lasting leadership in self-advocacy. Through this model, everyone teaches and everyone learns. | “Lasting Leadership.” Advocating Change Together, Inc. | http://www.selfadvocacy.com. | None Specified | leadership, education | Video | |
My Choice, Your Decision | Illustrates the often hilarious difference between new fads in providing services to people with disabilities and what people really want for themselves. Includes actors with and without disabilities. Helps staff and professionals set goals, make decisions, and work through conflict. 30-minute video, interviews with the cast and director, a facilitator’s manual, tips for trainers, and more | “My Choice, Your Decision.” Interact Theatre | http://www.hightidepress.com. | None Specified | honor, disability, decision, work | Video | |
Disability, Identity, and Culture | 22-minute award-winning video uncovers the issues that set our souls on fire: freedom of choice, disability pride, independent living, the power of language and images, sexuality, community and the right to live with dignity | “Disability, Identity, and Culture.” Advocating Change Together. | http://www.selfadvocacy.com. | None Specified | identity, culture | Video | |
Sticks and Stones | This award-winning 30-minute video documents the origins of the self-advocacy movement in Minnesota and is perfect for the classroom and workshop | “Sticks and Stones.” Advocating Change Together. | http://www.selfadvocacy.com. | None Specified | change, advocate, workshop | Video | |
Getting Organized | 29-minute video connects personal experience to collective action. In 1994 a group of activists with disabilities discovered an institution cemetery with numbered graves. They were deeply upset. From this experience a project evolved, seeking to honor and remember those who died anonymously as wards of the state. Across the country, this issue and its method for organizing has motivated hundreds of people to take action | “Getting Organized.” Advocating Change Together. | http://www.selfadvocacy.com. | None Specified | advocate, personal, experience, action | Video | |
Body Talk: The New Video From Cheryl Marie Wade | Marie Wade, Cheryl. “Body Talk: The New Video From Cheryl Marie Wade.” | None Specified | body, talk | ||||
This is Your Right | Staged as mock TV show, with satirical commercials, with reporters being people with disabilities, including people with Cognitive impairments. Two 30-minute tapes | “This is Your Right.” | None Specified | satire, commercial, reporter, disability | Video | ||
Fred’s Story | Award-winning video of a man telling about the forty years he spent in a state institution in Connecticut (now closed) and his current life. 28 min | “Fred’s Story.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | institution | |||
What is Self Determination and How to Make It Work | Two-part video featuring Tim Harrington and John O’Brien. With 22 pp. of reproducible resources. | “What is Self Determination and How to Make It Work.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | associate, development, reproducible | |||
Resources from Mouth Magazine | There is usually a catalogue in the back of each issue and also from the Nth Degree | http://www.nthdegree.com | None Specified | catalogue, mouth magazine, magazine | |||
See How Far We’ve Come | CD, retrospective on the last quarter century of progress in the disability rights movement. The debut collection of spoken word and music incorporates the oratory of Justin Dart, often called “the father of the disability rights movement” and the songs and poetry of Jeff Moyer, songwriter, musician, and disability rights activist | “See How Far We’ve Come.” TASH. | http://www.tash.org/. | None Specified | disability, rights, movement | ||
Respect | Songs of the Self-Advocacy Movement. Members of SABE (Self Advocates Becoming Empowered) with Karl Williams | Williams, Karl. “Respect.” SABE. | None Specified | movement,advocacy, song | |||
News and Views | Magazine by and for people with Down Syndrome, published by the National Down Syndrome Society. Articles and photos by people with Down Syndrome are welcome | “News and Views.” National Down Syndrome Society. | http://www.ndss.org. | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning | news, Down Syndrome | |
Community Advocacy Press | “Community Advocacy Press.” Self Advocates Becoming Empowered. | None Specified | community, advocacy | ||||
Ragged Edge Magazine | Formerly The Disability Rag Magazine. Advocado Press. Jule Shaw Cole, 339 S. Bayly, Louisville, Ky 40205. (502) 452-9665. 1993 issue focused on Religion and Disability. Copies available from AAIDD Religion and Spirituality Division. See order form in back | Shaw Cole, Jule. “Ragged Edge Magazine.” Advocado Press. | None Specified | magazine, disability, advocacy | Book | ||
Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability | This is a transformational work designed to renew our minds to think biblically about disability in order that our lives, our relationships, and our congregations might wholly reflect Christ | Hubach, Stephanie. Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability. P&R Publishing. | http://www.prpbooks.com, | None Specified | Bible, relationship, christ | ||
The John Dossetor Center for Ethics at the University of Alberta | Website devoted to their Disability Ethics Initiative. | http://www.eerdmans.com/shop/product.asp?p_key=9780802862327. | None Specified | ethics,initiative, disability | |||
This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies | The essays in this volume explore the use of the conceptual category “disability” in biblical and Near Eastern texts and examine how conceptions of disability become a means of narrating, interpreting, and organizing human life | Avalos, Hector, Melcher, Sarah, and Jeremy Schipper. This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies. Society of Biblical Literature. | None Specified | Bible, essay , life | |||
The Blemished Body: Deformity and Disability in the Qumran Scrolls | Dorman, Johanna. “The Blemished Body: Deformity and Disability in the Qumran Scrolls.” PhD diss. University of Gronigen. | http://dissertations.ub.rug.nl/faculties/theology/2007/j.h.w.dorman/?pPrintOnDemand=ON | None Specified | disability, qumran, scroll | |||
Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity | Crafting both a theology of disability and a theology informed by disability, Yong presents a Christian theology that not only connects with our present social, medical, and scientific understanding of disability but also one that empowers a set of best practices appropriate to our late modern context | Yong, Amos. Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity. Baylor University Press. | http://www.baylor.edu/baylorpress/index.php?id=25827&Book_ID=126. | Christian | Genetic/Chromosomal, Developmental/Learning | Down Syndrome, theology | Book |
Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality | By bringing disability literature into conversation with philosophical, theological, and sociological resources, Reynolds challenges Christians to think and act differently toward people with disabilities, with the aim of nurturing communities of hospitality. | E. Reynolds, Thomas. Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality. Brazos Press. | http://www.brazospress.com. | None Specified | communion, theology, hospitality | Book | |
Brokenness and Blessing: Towards a Biblical Spirituality | Frances Young is a patristic scholar, combining in this book lessons from the ancient fathers with insights from her own journey as a parent of a son with multiple disabilities and insights from L’Arche and others | Young, Frances. Brokenness and Blessing: Towards a Biblical Spirituality. Baker Academic, 2007. | None Specified | Bible, spirit, lessons, insights | Book | ||
Only Human: Christian Reflections on the Journey Towards Wholeness | In this book, Gushee, an award-winning ethicist, pastor, and writer draws on contemporary and ancient discussions of human nature, as well as the Christian tradition, to consider what it means to be human | Gushee, David. Only Human: Christian Reflections on the Journey Towards Wholeness. Jossey Bass. | http://www.josseybass.com. | Christian | christian, journey | ||
The Human Person in Theology and Psychology | Beck, James, and Bruce Demarest. The Human Person in Theology and Psychology. Kregel Publications. | http://www.kregelpublications.com. | None Specified | human, theology, psychology | |||
Genetics, Theology, and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Conversation | Sowle Cahill, Lisa. Genetics, Theology, and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Conversation. Crossroad Publishing, 2005. | http://www.CrossroadPublishing.com. | None Specified | genetics, theology, ethics | Book | ||
Raging with Compassion: Pastoral Responses to the Problem of Evil | Can we defend God’s love, goodness, and power in a world scarred by violence and suffering? Do we need to? Swinton reminds readers that the experience of evil and suffering precedes pontification on its origin, and seeks to inspire fresh Christian responses and modes of practice n our broken, fallen world | Swinton, John. Raging with Compassion: Pastoral Responses to the Problem of Evil. Eerdmans Press. | http://www.eerdmans.com. | None Specified | compassion, pastoral | ||
Inclusion: Making Room for Grace | Law, Eric. Inclusion: Making Room for Grace. CBP21. | http://www.cbp21.com. | None Specified | grace | |||
Theology, Disability and the New Genetics: Why Science Needs the Church | Edited collection of papers from a conference focused on these issues. | Swinton, John, and Brian Brock. Theology, Disability and the New Genetics: Why Science Needs the Church. London: T and T Clark, 2007. | http://www.continuumbooks.com. | None Specified | theology, genetics, church | Book | |
Choosing Naia: A Family’s Journey | This is the story of Greg and Tierney Fairchild, a happily married, interracial professional couple who went for the usual prenatal screenings and came away knowing that the fetus carried a major heart defect that could signal Down Syndrome. Up against Connecticut’s 24-week deadline for elective abortions, the couple struggles with complicated ethical and practical concerns, since the newborn would have to undergo major open-heart surgery and face lifelong disabilities. In the end, they decide this will simply be one more challenge they’ll face together | Zuckoff, Mitchell. Choosing Naia: A Family’s Journey. Beacon Press. | http://www.beacon.org/searchproducts.cfm. | None Specified | journey, prenatal | Book | |
Deconstructing Miracles : From Thoughtless Indifference to Honouring Disabled People | Monteith, Graham. Deconstructing Miracles : From Thoughtless Indifference to Honouring Disabled People. Glasgow: Covenanters’ Press, 2005. | None Specified | disabled | Book | |||
Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology, and Ethics | E. Bishop, Marilyn. Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology, and Ethics. Sheed and Ward. | http://www.amazon.com/Religion-Disability-Essays-Scripture- | None Specified | Religion, disability, essays | |||
The Theological Voice of Wolf Wolfensberger | Collection of Wolfensberger’s essays on theology and disabilities, with three responders, and a response by Wolf Wolfensberger | Gaventa, Bill, David Coulter. The Theological Voice of Wolf Wolfensberger. | None Specified | theology | |||
The Pastoral Voice of Robert Perske | A collection of the Robert Perske’s essays from the 1960’s, when he was a chaplain at the Kansas Neurological Institute. Essays include some of the first written materials on theology and ministries with people with disabilities. Responders include Steve Eidelman, Executive Director of The Arc, Quincy Abbot, former Arc President and parent, and Robert Voorhees | Gaventa, Bill, and David Coulter. The Pastoral Voice of Robert Perske. | https://www.routledge.com/Pastoral-Voice-Of-Robert-Perske-The/Gaventa-Coulter/p/book/9780789022561 | None Specified | pastoral | ||
Spirituality and Intellectual Disability. International Perspectives on the Effect of Culture and Religion on Healing Body, Mind, and Soul | Collection of papers from the first Disability and Spirituality strand at the IASSID 2000 Conference in Seattle. Includes theoretical papers, research, practice, and perspectives from a variety of religious viewpoints. | Gaventa, Bill, and David Coulter. Spirituality and Intellectual Disability. International Perspectives on the Effect of Culture and Religion on Healing Body, Mind, and Soul. | None Specified | Intellectual | spirituality, Intellectual | ||
Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability | Volume focused on strategies for inclusion of issues related to disability in seminaries and theological education. Forthcoming in another issue, a volume focused on Jewish theological education and disability | Anderson, Robert. Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability. | None Specified | theology, education, experience | |||
Disability in Asian Culture and Beliefs: History and Service Development | Gaventa, Bill, and David Coulter. “Disability in Asian Culture and Beliefs: History and Service Development.” Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health 6, no. 2/3. | None Specified | asian, culture, history, development | Journal Article | |||
Outback to Outfront: Voices in Disability and Spirituality from the Land Down Syndrome Under | Collection of essays from scholars, practioners, and others in Australia. | Newell, Christopher, Andy Calder. Outback to Outfront: Voices in Disability and Spirituality from the Land Down Syndrome Under. | None Specified | voice, spirituality | |||
A Look Back: The Birth of the Americans with Disabilities Act | R. C. Anderson. A Look Back: The Birth of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1996. | None Specified | birth, Americans | Book | |||
Exclusion and Embrace: Conversations and Spirituality and Disability | Newell, Christopher. Exclusion and Embrace: Conversations and Spirituality and Disability. 2002 | None Specified | exclusion, embrace, conversation, spirituality | Book | |||
Exclusion and Embrace | Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | embrace, exclusion | Book | |||
A Christian View of Mental | Written to help ministry and individuals determine appropriate ways to respond and support those dealing with Mental. Written by Crystal Horning, MS, NCC, the resource is based on her own experiences with depression and her clinical knowledge. It provides background on the church’s historic response to Mental and outlines a Christian response based on Scripture | Horning, Crystal. A Christian View of Mental. Mennonite Mutual Aid, 2000. | http://www.adnetonline.org. | Christian | Intellectual | Book | |
Blindsided By Grace: Entering the World of Disability | Active pastor who became paraplegic after a hit and run accident reflects on his experience of disability as a cross cultural adventure | Molsberry, Robert. Blindsided By Grace: Entering the World of Disability. Augsburg Press. | http://www.augsburgbooks.com. | None Specified | Sensory | Blind, grace | Book |
Through the Whirlwind. Te Puta I Te Tai-awhiowhio. Disability, Spirituality, and Faith Conference. | Through the Whirlwind. Te Puta I Te Tai-awhiowhio. Disability, Spirituality, and Faith Conference. 2003. | None Specified | spirituality, faith, conference | ||||
The Accessible Church: Toward Becoming the Whole Family of God | “The Accessible Church: Toward Becoming the Whole Family of God.” Massachusetts and Rhode Island Council of Churches, 2001. | http://www.masscouncilofchurches.org/docs/accessibility.htm. | None Specified | church, family, God | Book | ||
A Loving Justice: The Moral and Legal Responsibilities of the U.S. Catholic Church unde the Americans with Disabilities Act | A Loving Justice: The Moral and Legal Responsibilities of the U.S. Catholic Church under the Americans with Disabilities Act. National Catholic Partnership on Disability. | Christian | moral, legal, responsibility, church, Catholic, american | ||||
The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society | Questions the influence of genetic research on understandings of disability. Also gives attention to parents who have seen raising a disabled child as an enriching experience, challenging concepts of success and control. Critique of contemporary bioethics | S. Reinders, Hans. The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society. University of Notre Dame Press. | None Specified | society, future | Book | ||
Theology Today | Theology Today 57, no.2 | None Specified | theology | Journal Article | |||
God’s Touch: Faith, Wholeness and the Healing Miracles of Jesus | Epperly, Bruce. God’s Touch: Faith, Wholeness and the Healing Miracles of Jesus. Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001 | None Specified | God, faith, wholeness, healing, Jesus | Book | |||
Intellectual Disability: The Response of the Church | Collection of essays from a variety of writers in the UK and US and beyond | Kelly, Brian, and Patrick McGinley. Intellectual Disability: The Response of the Church. Liesiux Hall Publications, 2001. | None Specified | Intellectual, church | Book | ||
Lessons from Emily | A husband and wife Chronicle their journey as the parents of Emily, a child born with Microcephaly, an underdeveloped brain. Describing their experience as “a journey of love with God,” this booklet will be useful to families, pastors, and friends of people who have disabilities who desire the church to be an inclusive family of faith | Lessons from Emily. Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1999. | None Specified | aid, lessons | Book | ||
Blessed is the Meadow | Series of vignettees, personal portraits, and stories by the former chaplain at the Indian Creek Foundation, arranged in the framework of the Beatitudes | Esch Shisler, Barbara. Blessed is the Meadow. Creek Foundations, 1999. | None Specified | blessed, stories | Book | ||
Faith Encounters Disability | “Faith Encounters Disability.” Theology, News and Notes, Dec. 1998. | None Specified | faith, theology | Book | |||
No Disabled Souls | Pierson, Jim. No Disabled Souls. Standard Publishing, 1998. | None Specified | soul | Book | |||
The Power of the Powerless | Reflections by a man on lessons of life, love, and faith learned from his brother who cannot see, walk, or communicate | Devink, Christopher. The Power of the Powerless. Zondervan Publishing. | None Specified | power, love, faith | |||
Naked Before God. The Return of a Broken Disciple | Fictional story of Nathaniel, a disciple with a disability, written by a person who does have one | Williams, Bill, and Martha Williams. Naked Before God. The Return of a Broken Disciple. Morehouse Publishing, 1998 | None Specified | God, disciple | Book | ||
In Our Weakness | Reflections by woman dealing with Epilepsy | Lewis, Lorraine. In Our Weakness. Abundant Answers Publishing. | None Specified | Physical | Epilepsy, weakness | ||
Thematic Conversations Regarding Disability Within the Framework of Courses of Worship, Scripture, and Pastoral Care | “Thematic Conversations Regarding Disability Within the Framework of Courses of Worship, Scripture, and Pastoral Care.” NCC Committee on Disabilities. | None Specified | conversation, framework, worship, scripture, pastoral | ||||
Beyond the Ramp | Conference papers from second national conference on Spirituality and Disability in Australia | “Beyond the Ramp.” | None Specified | paper, spirituality | |||
Unexpected Guests at the Banquet: Welcoming People with Disability Into the Church | Using the parable of the banquet feast, a practical call for faith communities to become more inclusive. | Webb-Mitchell, Brett. Unexpected Guests at the Banquet: Welcoming People with Disability Into the Church. Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994. | None Specified | guest, banquet, church | Book | ||
society | Webb-Mitchell, Brett. God Plays Piano Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children. Crossroad Publishing, 1993. | None Specified | God, piano, spirituality, children | Book | |||
A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability | Excellent reflections on Biblical texts and issues | Black, Kathleen. A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. | None Specified | preaching | Book | ||
Strong at the Broken Places: Persons with Disabilities and the Church | Excellent exploration of Biblical themes | Govig, Stewart. Strong at the Broken Places: Persons with Disabilities and the Church. Westminster: John Knox Press, 1989. | None Specified | Bible | Book | ||
Face to Face: A Narrative Essay in the Theology of Suffering | Young, Frances. Face to Face: A Narrative Essay in the Theology of Suffering. Edinburgh: T and T Clark, 1990. | None Specified | essay, theology | Book | |||
And Show Steadfast Love: A Theological Look at Grace, Hospitality, Disabilities, and the Church | Merrick Lewis. And Show Steadfast Love: A Theological Look at Grace, Hospitality, Disabilities, and the Church. Presbyterian Publishing House, 1993. | None Specified | theology, hospitality, church | Book | |||
Special Education: A Biblical Approach | P. Sutton, Joe. Special Education: A Biblical Approach. Emerald House Group, 1993. | None Specified | Bible | Book | |||
Moving Violations: War Zones, Wheelchairs, and Declarations of Independence | Hockenberry, John. Moving Violations: War Zones, Wheelchairs, and Declarations of Independence. New York: Hyperion, 1995. | None Specified | violation, war, wheelchair, independence | Book | |||
New Voices: Self Advocacy by People with Disabilities | Dybwad, Gunner, and Hank Bersani. New Voices: Self Advocacy by People with Disabilities. Brookline Books, 1996. | None Specified | advocacy, people | Book | |||
The ADA: Pastoral Implications Guidelines | “The ADA: Pastoral Implications Guidelines.” Archdiose of Milwaykee. | None Specified | pastoral, guidelines | ||||
God’s Power and Our Weakness | Moede, Gerald. God’s Power and Our Weakness. COCU. | None Specified | God, weakness | ||||
Religion and Disabilities | “Religion and Disabilities.” The Disability Rag ReSource, (October 1993). | None Specified | Religion | ||||
Who Makes People Different? Jewish Perspectives on the Disabled | Carl Astor, Rabbi. Who Makes People Different? Jewish Perspectives on the Disabled. United Synagogue of America. | Jewish | Jewish | ||||
Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access | Excellent collection of essays dealing with theological and Sacramental issues | Foley, Edward. Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access. The Liturgical Press, 1994. | None Specified | essay, theology, SacraMental | Book | ||
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat | Sacks, Oliver. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1987. | None Specified | man, wife | Book | |||
An Anthropologist on Mars | Sacks, Oliver. An Anthropologist on Mars. | None Specified | anthropologist | ||||
To Know As We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education | An exploration of the importance of relationships, community, and spirituality in education, growth, and the pursuit of truth. A very good antidote to growth and education as seen primarily as the pursuit of objective goals | Palmer, Parker. To Know As We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education. San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers, 1983. | None Specified | spirituality, education | Book | ||
Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations Into Christian Ethics | Hauerwas, Stanley. Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations Into Christian Ethics. Notre Dame Press. | None Specified | christian, ethics | Book | |||
The Life and Death Dilemma: Families Facing Health Care Choices | Eareckson Tada, Joni. The Life and Death Dilemma: Families Facing Health Care Choices. Zondervan Press, 1995. | None Specified | death, family, health care | Book | |||
Like Trees, Walking. Biblical Reflections on Healing | Biblical studies on healing and disability | Moede, Gerald. Like Trees, Walking. Biblical Reflections on Healing. | None Specified | Bible, healing | |||
Unequal Justice | About people with mental disability on death row, and in the criminal justice and prison system | Perske, Robert. Unequal Justice. Abingdon Press, 1991. | None Specified | Intellectual | justice, death | Book | |
Convicting the Innocent: The Story of a Murder, A False Confession, and the Struggle to Free a Wrong Man | Essays on the Richard LaPoint Case, including one by Robert Perske | Coonery, Donald. Convicting the Innocent: The Story of a Murder, A False Confession, and the Struggle to Free a Wrong Man. Brookline Books. | None Specified | innocent, confession, struggle | |||
The Wholeness of the Family of God | “The Wholeness of the Family of God.” National Council of Churches. | None Specified | family, God | ||||
Suffering: A Test of Theological Method | McGill, Arthur. Suffering: A Test of Theological Method. Westminster Press, 1982. | None Specified | pastoral, church, God | Book | |||
Why, God? | Cooper, Burton. Why, God?. John Knox Press, 1988. | None Specified | God | Book | |||
When Bad Things Happen to Good People | Harold Kushner, Rabbi. When Bad Things Happen to Good People. | None Specified | good, people | ||||
Growing Through Pain and Suffering | Van der Poel, Cornelius. Growing Through Pain and Suffering. Twenty-third Publications. | None Specified | pain, suffering | ||||
Pride Against Prejudice: Transforming Attitudes To Disability | Morris, Jenny. Pride Against Prejudice: Transforming Attitudes To Disability. New Society Publishers. | None Specified | prejudice, attitudes | ||||
Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants | Brand, Paul, and Philip Yancey. Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants. Zondervan Publishing. | None Specified | pain | ||||
Mother Tiger, Mother Tiger | 10-minute film dealing with the question of “Why?” in the lives of one family coping with a diagnosis of disability | “Mother Tiger, Mother Tiger.” AAIDD. | None Specified | film, diagnosis | Video | ||
Blessings Out Of Brokenness | 4 video package dealing with spiritual/theological questions and discoveries | Eareckson, Joni. “Blessings Out Of Brokenness.” JAF Ministries. | Christian | spirituality, theology, discovery | |||
Unequal Justice: The Case for Johnny Lee Wilson | Perske, Bob. “Unequal Justice: The Case for Johnny Lee Wilson.” Temple University. | None Specified | justice | ||||
Look Who’s Laughing | 57-minute video featuring six nationally known comedians with disabilities. Both funny, and an excellent exploration of attitudes, assumptions, and what it means to be human | “Look Who’s Laughing.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | laugh, development, associates | Movie | ||
Disability Ministry: Perspectives on Disability | Video to stimulate group discussion and awareness | “Disability Ministry: Perspectives on Disability.” National Catholic Partnership on Disability. | Catholic | ministry, Catholic | |||
Ethics and Intellectual Disability | “Ethics and Intellectual Disability.” Network on Ethics and Intellectual Disabilities. | None Specified | Intellectual | ethics, Intellectual | |||
Befriending the Stranger | Vanier, Jean. Befriending the Stranger. Novalis Press, 2006. | Christianity | friend, stranger | Book | |||
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John | Vanier, Jean. Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John. Paulist Press, 2004. | Christianity | mystery, Jesus, gospel | Book | |||
Encountering ‘the Other’ | Vanier, Jean. Encountering ‘the Other’.John Garratt Publishing. | Christianity | other | Book | |||
Seeing Beyond Depression | Vanier, Jean. Seeing Beyond Depression. New York: Harper Collins Religious, 2001. | Christianity | Intellectual | depression | Book | ||
Becoming Human | Vanier, Jean. Becoming Human. Daybreak Publications, 1999. | Christianity | human | Book | |||
The Broken Body | Vanier, Jean. The Broken Body. Paulist Press. | Christianity | broken, body | Book | |||
Be Not Afraid | Vanier, Jean. Be Not Afraid. Paulist Press. | Christianity | afraid | Book | |||
Man and Woman He Made Them | Vanier, Jean. Man and Woman He Made Them. Paulist Press. | Christianity | man, woman | Book | |||
I Meet Jesus | Vanier, Jean. I Meet Jesus. Paulist Press. | Christianity | Jesus | Book | |||
An Ark for the Poor: The Story of L’Arche | Vanier, Jean. An Ark for the Poor: The Story of L’Arche. Novalis Press. | Christianity | story, L’arche | Book | |||
The Heart of L’Arche: A Spirituality for Every Day | Vanier, Jean. The Heart of L’Arche: A Spirituality for Every Day. Novalis Press. | Christianity | l’arche, heart | Book | |||
The Scandal of Service | Vanier, Jean. The Scandal of Service. Novalis Press. | Christianity | scandal, service | Book | |||
Our Journey Home | Vanier, Jean. Our Journey Home. Novalis Press. | Christianity | journey, home | Book | |||
One Bread, One Body | Vanier, Jean. One Bread, One Body. Novalis Press. | Christianity | bread, body | Book | |||
From Brokenness to Community | Vanier, Jean. From Brokenness to Community. Novalis Press | Christianity | community | Book | |||
The Heart Has Its Reasons | Video on the L’Arche Communities and Jean Vanier. | Vanier, Jean. “The Heart Has Its Reasons.” Palisades Home Video. | Christianity | heart, reasons, video | Video | ||
Journey of L’Arche | “Journey of L’Arche.” Daybreak Productions. | Christianity | l’arche, journey | ||||
Images of Love, Words of Hope | Vanier, Jean. “Images of Love, Words of Hope.” Daybreak Productions. | None Specified | love, hope | ||||
Healing Our Brokenness | Vanier, Jean. “Healing Our Brokenness.” Paulist Press. | None Specified | healing | Book | |||
More than Inclusion: Honoring the Contributions of People with Developmental Disabilities | Stories out of the L’Arche communities in Toronto and Canada | Porter, Beth. More than Inclusion: Honoring the Contributions of People with Developmental Disabilities. L’Arche Canada. | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | inclusion, contribution | ||
Jean Vanier and L’Arche. A Communion of Love | Spink, Kathryn. Jean Vanier and L’Arche. A Communion of Love. New York: Crossroad. | Christianity | communion, love, l’arche | ||||
A Blessed Weakness: The Spirit of Jean Vanier and L’Arche | Down Syndromeey, M.E. A Blessed Weakness: The Spirit of Jean Vanier and L’Arche. San Francisco: Harper and Row. | Christianity | spirit, l’arche | ||||
Flowers from the Ark: Stories of L’Arche | Buser, Christella. Flowers from the Ark: Stories of L’Arche. Paulist Press. | Christianity | l’arche | Book | |||
One Bread, One Body: The Ecumenical Experience of L’Arche | Vanier, Therese. One Bread, One Body: The Ecumenical Experience of L’Arche. Toronto: Novalis Press. | Christianity | experience, l’arche | Book | |||
L’Arche Scholarly Bibliography | Professor Cushing has done extensive work on and with L’Arche. She teaches in Social Justice and Peace Studies at King’s University College | Cushing. “L’Arche Scholarly Bibliography.” | http://www.pamelacushing.com/index2.html?larche-biblio.shtml. | Christianity | l’arche | ||
Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective | A book on core spiritual values and issues for everyone coming out of Nouwen’s life in the L’Arche communities. | Nouwen, Henri. Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective. New York: Doubleday and Company. | Christianity | intimacy, fecundity, ecstasy | |||
The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey | Account of his first year at the L’Arche Community, Daybreak, in Toronto | Nouwen, Henri. The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey. Doubleday. | None Specified | spiritual, journey | |||
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership | In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership. Crossroad, 1992. | Catholic | christian, leadership | Book | |||
Adam: God’s Beloved | Collins, Harper. Adam: God’s Beloved. 1997 | Christianity | God | ||||
Videotape of Henri Nouwen | Videotape of Henri Nouwen’s response to receiving COMISS Award, 1994, reflecting on the impact of L’Arche on his vocation and life. Veranda Communications. | None Specified | l’arche, communications | ||||
Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors | Bernardin, Joseph, and Henri Nouwen. “Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors.” | None Specified | open, mind, door, heart | ||||
Body Broken, Body Blessed: Reflections from Life in Community | Mosteller, Sue. Body Broken, Body Blessed: Reflections from Life in Community. Toronto: Novalis Press. | None Specified | reflections, life, community | Book | |||
The Henri Nouwen Society | http://www.henrinouwen.org. | None Specified | society | ||||
The Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives & Research Collection | None Specified | research, collection | |||||
The Henri Nouwen Literary Centre | http://www.nouwen.net. | None Specified | literary, center | ||||
Henri Nouwen Society | http://www.henrinouwen.org. | None Specified | society | ||||
Saints to Lean On: Spiritual Companions for Illness and Disability | Prompted by her own struggle with rheumatoid arthritis, the author writes about Christian saints and mystics who offer inspiration and spiritual companionship in times of illness and disability. | McGrane, Janice. Saints to Lean On: Spiritual Companions for Illness and Disability. Saint Anthony Messenger Press. | http://catalog.americancatholic.org/product.aspx?prodid=I16595&pcat=73. | None Specified | spiritual, companion, illness | Book | |
The Cinema of Isolation | Norton, Robert. The Cinema of Isolation. Rutgers University Press. | None Specified | cinema, isolation | ||||
Make Them Go Away: Clint Eastwood, Christopher Reeve, and the Case Against Disability Rights | Johnson, Mary. Make Them Go Away: Clint Eastwood, Christopher Reeve, and the Case Against Disability Rights. Advocado Press. | None Specified | right | Book | |||
Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity | Linton, Simi. Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity. NYU Press. | None Specified | knowledge, identity | Book | |||
Ed Roberts: Wheelchair Genius | This is a CD/Book for young people | Ed Roberts: Wheelchair Genius. Institute on Disability Culture. | None Specified | institute, culture, wheelchair | |||
God Knows His Name: The True Story of John Doe No. 24 | Story of a Deaf black teenager found on the streets in Illinois 1945 | Bakke, Dave. God Knows His Name: The True Story of John Doe No. 24. Southern Illinois University Press. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | God, Deaf | Book | |
The New Disability History | Longmore, Paul, and Lauri Umansky. The New Disability History. NYU Press. | None Specified | history | Book | |||
I Witness. History and a Person with a Developmental | Learn what it has meant to be “Developmentally disabled” from those who have carried the label for a long time | Hingsburger, David. I Witness. History and a Person with a Developmental. Cherry Hill: High Tide Press. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | history | Book | |
The Origin and Nature of Our Institutional Models | Wolfensberger, Wolf. The Origin and Nature of Our Institutional Models. Center on Human Policy. | None Specified | nature, institution, models | ||||
Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in the 16th Century. What Did He Write? What Did He Say? | Miles, M. “Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in the 16th Century. What Did He Write? What Did He Say?” Journal of religion, Disability, and Health 5, no. 4. | None Specified | childhood | Journal Article | |||
Disability in Asian Culture and Belief | Miles, M. Disability in Asian Culture and Belief. Binghamton: Haworth Press. | None Specified | asian, culture, belief | Book | |||
Without Apology | Documentary about the filmmaker’s (Susan Hamovitch) lifelong relationship with her brother and has recently been released on DVD. This film deals with the past fifty years in the history of mental disability from a very personal perspective. Issues of “blaming the mother” and sibling disaffection — and sibling devotion — as well as the institutional debacle are all brought home through the story of this all too “typical” family. A free study guide will soon be available to download on the film’s website | “Without Apology.” | http://www.withoutapology.com | None Specified | Intellectual | documentary, apology | |
Unforgotten | When severe neglect and abuse of people with Developmental disabilities at Willowbrook School were exposed in the early 1970’s, public outrage led to the end of institutional care and the beginning of community-based living. The memories remain vivid for many who were involved. VHS. 60 min | “Unforgotten.” Heartshare Human Services of New York. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | abuse, neglect | ||
A Little History Worth Knowing | On the history of attitudes and services faced by people with disabilities, and new perspectives on civil rights. Excellent | “A Little History Worth Knowing.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | history, attituted, perspective | |||
In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine | Studies the step-by-step process that led the medical profession in the Third Reich Down Syndrome the road to genocide | “In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | shadow, Nazi, medicine | |||
Abandoned to their Fate | A history of the social policy toward people with disabilities form the middle ages through the twentieth century. Drawn from records, archives, original photography, and popular media, Phil Ferguson traces the origins of social stereotypes and exclusionary policies. 30 min | “Abandoned to their Fate.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | social, policy, middle ages | |||
Parallels in Time | Two Volume CD | “Parallels in Time.” The Learning Center. | None Specified | time, cd, center | |||
Parallels in Time II | This is a free, easy-to-use online resource, packed with hundreds of photos, videos and documents associated with the vital history of people with Developmental disabilities. In convenient timelines covering 10-year intervals, “Parallels in Time II” documents important societal and legislative milestones from 1950 through 2005 | “Parallels in Time II.” | http://www.mnddc.org/parallels2 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | photos, videos, history | |
Partners in Time | A new, free, online history course, this e-Learning experience is designed to help people with Developmental disabilities, their families, and service providers understand the history of society’s treatment of people with disabilities from ancient times to the present | “Partners in Time.” | http://www.partnersinpolicymaking.com/history | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | family, service, history, society | |
The Disability History Museum | http://www.disabilitymuseum.org | None Specified | museum, history | ||||
A Brief Introduction to Social Role Valorization: A high-order Concept for Addressing the Plight of Societally Devalued People, and for Structuring Human Services | Wolfersberger, Wolf. A Brief Introduction to Social Role Valorization: A high-order Concept for Addressing the Plight of Societally Devalued People, and for Structuring Human Services. Syracuse: Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership, and Change Agentry, 1998. | None Specified | social role, valoration, concept, society | Book | |||
Created by God: Pastoral Care for All God’s People | Way, Peggy. Created by God: Pastoral Care for All God’s People. Chalice Press. | None Specified | God, pastoral, care, God | Book | |||
A Compassionate Journey: Coming Alongside People with Disabilities and Chronices | A Compassionate Journey guides readers in the practice of compassion and provides a helpful perspective on caring in the face of long-term need. That makes this book ideal for study by church councils, care teams, adult education groups, and individuals who want to learn how to show care to people with long-term needs | G. Crook, John. A Compassionate Journey: Coming Alongside People with Disabilities and Chronices. Faith Alive Christian Resources. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | journey, Chronic | ||
Pastoral Care with Young and Midlife Adults in Long Term Care | This book was written by a chaplain in a facility that cares for many young and midlife adults with disabling conditions, particularly Physical disabilities | Sullivan, Jackie. Pastoral Care with Young and Midlife Adults in Long Term Care. Routledge Press. | http://www.routledgeMentalhealth.com/9780789029416. | None Specified | pastoral care, young, midlife, adult, care | Book | |
Defeating Depression: Real Help for You and Those who Love You | Written by one who has himself suffered from depression, this helpful book offers valuable guidance for depressed persons and their families, including sidebars in each chapter that summarize the chapter’s key points and offer specific, doable steps toward action. | Stone, Howard. Defeating Depression: Real Help for You and Those who Love You. Augsburg Fortress Press. | http://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/item.jsp?isbn=0806690313&clsid=187352&productgroupid= | None Specified | Intellectual | depression, love, guidance | Book |
Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome | Written by experts in issues surrounding adolescence and Down Syndrome, this book offers advice on how to promote Mental wellness and troubleshoot when problems arise. | McGuire, Dennis, and Brian Chicoine. Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome. Woodbine House. | http://www.woodbinehouse.com | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | adult, Down Syndrome | |
Looking after My Heart | This is a new title in the Books Beyond Words series, a collection of books with pictures, no text, to be used in talking through a variety of stressful or traumatic experiences with adults with Intellectual disabilities | Looking after My Heart. Books Beyond Words. | http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk | None Specified | Intellectual | heart, stress, experience, adult, Intellectual | |
Walking Together: Physicians, Chaplains, and Clergy Caring for the Sick | Walking Together: Physicians, Chaplains, and Clergy Caring for the Sick. Washington: Goerge Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health. | None Specified | physician, chaplain, clergy, care, sick | ||||
Disability Faith and Acceptance | A book about pastoral care and ethical issues | Monteith, Graham. Disability Faith and Acceptance. Hyperion Books, 1987. | None Specified | faith, acceptance | Book | ||
Disabled Disciple: Ministering in a Church without Barriers | Browne, Elizabeth. Disabled Disciple: Ministering in a Church without Barriers. Liguori Publications, 1997 | None Specified | disciple, church | Book | |||
The Soul of Bioethics | Moody, H.R. “The Soul of Bioethics.” Institue for Human Values in Aging. | None Specified | bioethics | ||||
Pastoral Counseling with People with Disabilities | Includes a chapter by Bill Gaventa on “Pastoral Counseling with Individuals with Disabilities and their Families.” | Wicks, Robert. Pastoral Counseling with People with Disabilities. Paulist Press, 2003. | None Specified | pastoral, counseling | Book | ||
What Should Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families Be Able to Expect From Their Pastor | Tips for pastors on ministering to individuals with disabilities and their families. | What Should Individuals With Disabilities and Their Families Be Able to Expect From Their Pastor. | None Specified | family, pastor | |||
Pastoral Care and People with Disabilities | “Pastoral Care and People with Disabilities.” Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 12, no.1. | None Specified | pastoral, care | Journal Article | |||
Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities | Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities. USCCB Publishing. | Catholic | pastoral, Catholic, bishop | ||||
Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity | Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity. USCCB Publishing. | None Specified | stranger, welcoming | ||||
You Are Not Alone. For Parents When They Learn That Their Child Has A Disability | “You Are Not Alone. For Parents When They Learn That Their Child Has A Disability.” NICHCY News Digest. | None Specified | alone, parents, child | ||||
Souls Are Made of Endurance: Surviving Mental in the Family | Govig, Stewart. Souls Are Made of Endurance: Surviving Mental in the Family. Westminster: John Knox Press, 1994. | None Specified | Intellectual | endurance, family | Book | ||
Strength for His People: Ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill | Waterhouse, Steven. Strength for His People: Ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. | None Specified | ministry, family | ||||
Sometimes You Just Want to Feel Like A Human Being | Case Studies on Empowering Psychotherapy with People with Disabilities | Ann Blotzer, Mary, and Richard Ruth. Sometimes You Just Want to Feel Like A Human Being. Brookes Publishing Company, 1995. | None Specified | psychotherapy, study | Book | ||
What Psychotherapists Should Know about Disability | Author uses professional expertise and personal experience, and a minority rather than medical model, to provide an invaluable resource for therapists and counselors. | Olkin, Rhoda. What Psychotherapists Should Know about Disability. The Guilford Press. | None Specified | psychotherapy, study | Book | ||
God Plays Piano Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children | Webb Mithell, Brett. God Plays Piano Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children. Crossroad Publishing, 1993. | None Specified | dog, piano, spirit, children | Book | |||
Counseling Families of Children with Disabilities | Cook, Rosemarie. Counseling Families of Children with Disabilities. Word, Inc. | None Specified | family, children | ||||
A Guideline On Protecting the Health and Lives of Patients in Hospitals, Especially if the Patient is a Member of a Socially Devalued Class | Wolfensberger, Wolf. A Guideline On Protecting the Health and Lives of Patients in Hospitals, Especially if the Patient is a Member of a Socially Devalued Class. Syracuse: Training Institute. | None Specified | guideline, health, life, patient, hospital | ||||
They Just Don’t Get It: What Families Want Professionals to Know About Their Children | They Just Don’t Get It: What Families Want Professionals to Know About Their Children. Mayne: Center for Community Inclusion, 1996. | None Specified | professional, children | Book | |||
Counselor’s Guide to the Brain and Its Disorders | Welch, Edward. Counselor’s Guide to the Brain and Its Disorders. Zondervan Publishing House. | None Specified | brain, disorder | ||||
Cognitive Coping, Families, and Disability | Excellent resource for families and those ministering/counseling with them | Turnbull, Ann, Turnbull, Rudd, Behr, Shirley, Murphy, DOuglas, Marquis, Janet, and Martha Blue-Banning. Cognitive Coping, Families, and Disability. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 1993. | None Specified | Cognitive, family | Book | ||
Enabling and Empowering Families | Dunst, Carl. Enabling and Empowering Families. Brookline Books, 1988. | None Specified | empower, family, enable | Book | |||
Ministry in the Spiritual and Cultural Diversity of Health Care. Increasing the Competency of Chaplains | Anderson, Robert, and Mary Fukuyama. Ministry in the Spiritual and Cultural Diversity of Health Care. Increasing the Competency of Chaplains. Binghamton: Haworth Press, 2004. | None Specified | ministry, spiritual, cultural, diversity, health care | Book | |||
Resources from The National Council of Churches of Christ | The National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA has developed a policy statement on biotechnology and bioengineering, passed in 2006. It will contain a study document and listings of other resources for clergy and congregations. It is entitled “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: A Policy on Human Biotechnologies.” | http://www.nccusa.org/pdfs/adoptedpolicy.pdf | None Specified | resource, church, christ | |||
Resources for Clergy in Human Genetic Problems | Second Edition, May, 1988. Single copies at no charge from NCEMCH | None Specified | resources, clergy, genetics | ||||
A Workbook for Pastoral Care of Individuals and Families with Special Needs | None Specified | pastoral care, family, special needs | |||||
A Guide to Resources in Perinatal Bereavement | None Specified | perinatal | |||||
Interacting with People with Disabilities | Interacting with People with Disabilities. Indiana Governor’s Planning council for People with Disabilities. | None Specified | interaction | ||||
Guidelines for Clergy Providing Pastoral Care to Persons with Mental and Their Families | “Guidelines for Clergy Providing Pastoral Care to Persons with Mental and Their Families.” Mental health Ministries. | http://www.Mentalhealthministries.net. | None Specified | Intellectual | guideline, clergy, pastoral care, family | ||
Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework for Access and Inclusion | Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework for Access and Inclusion. USCCB Publishing. | None Specified | welcome, justice, framework. access, inclusion | ||||
Educating for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities at Universities and Seminaries Symposium Proceedings | “Educating for Ministry with Persons with Disabilities at Universities and Seminaries Symposium Proceedings.” NAPMR Quarterly Journal. | None Specified | education, ministry, university | Journal Article | |||
Shadow Voices: Finding Hope in Mental | Topics covered in the documentary include history and deinstitutionalization, media images and stigma, criminal justice system and Mental, rehabilitation and recovery, health insurance, faith community’s involvement, and family support and hope | “Shadow Voices: Finding Hope in Mental.” Mennonite Media. | http://www.ShadowVoices.com | None Specified | Intellectual | history | |
The Company of Strangers | Palmer, Parker. The Company of Strangers. AAIDD, 1986. | None Specified | company, strangers | ||||
Stories that Make Us Unique | Palmer, Parker. “Stories that Make Us Unique.” Veranda Communications. | None Specified | story | ||||
Ten Commandments for Communicating with Persons with Disabilities | “Ten Commandments for Communicating with Persons with Disabilities.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | ten, commandments, communicating | ||||
A Theologically Oriented Strategy of Ministry to/with Persons with Developmental Disabilities | Pietsch, Robert. “A Theologically Oriented Strategy of Ministry to/with Persons with Developmental Disabilities.” D.M. dissertation. San Francisco Theological Seminary. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | theology, ministry | |||
The Geese and the Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream: The Grieving Gifts to the Lexington Street Community: A Resource to Help Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and People who Support Them Grieve the Death of Loved Ones | This resource helps people deal with death, loss and the process of grief by showing how people support and nurture each other. The story describes the responses of staff, family, neighbors and individuals in a group home after a sudden death of an individual with a Developmental. The resource can be used as one complete package or as individual sections. 2006. 90 pages. | Steinman, Melody. “The Geese and the Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream: The Grieving Gifts to the Lexington Street Community: A Resource to Help Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and People who Support Them Grieve the Death of Loved Ones.” The Boggs Center, 2005. | http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/boggscenter/products/prod_info.htm#grief. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | gift, community, people, grief, death | Book |
Thinking Ahead, My Life At The End | This project was developed through a focus group made up of individuals with Developmental disabilities. Advocates from three California Regional Centers: Alta California, Eastern Los Angeles, and Golden Gate, came together to talk about healthcare treatment and related end of life decisions. They shared about what was important to them and what they would need to make informed end of life decisions. The workbook and DVD contains words, symbols and pictures that facilitate discussion and decision-making regarding individual values, goals, and treatment preferences at the end of life | “Thinking Ahead, My Life At The End.” California Regional Center. | http://www.finalchoices.org. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | symbol | |
People Planning Ahead: Communicating Healthcare and End-of-Life Wishes | People Planning Ahead provides a comprehensive and structured way to ensure that loved ones receive care respecting their wishes and conforming to their personal, cultural, and religious beliefs during times of Chronic and terminal illness, or severe disability. Accompanying CD-ROM contains electronic forms from Manual | Ann Kingsbury, Leigh. People Planning Ahead: Communicating Healthcare and End-of-Life Wishes. AAIDD. | None Specified | planning, communication, healthcare | |||
Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Mourn: Practical Rituals for Caregivers | Markell, Marc. Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Mourn: Practical Rituals for Caregivers. Fort Collings: Companion Press. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | ritual | Book | ||
Navigating Children’s Grief | This is an online course sponsored by the Children’s Grief Education Association | “Navigating Children’s Grief.” Children’s Grief Education Association. | http://www.childgrief.org, | None Specified | children, grief | ||
Healing Conversations: What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say | Guilmartin, Nance. Healing Conversations: What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say. Amazon. | None Specified | healing, conversation | ||||
The Children’s Grief Education Association | Has a number of resources for children and people who work with them | The Children’s Grief Education Association | http://www.childgrief.org/ | None Specified | children, grief, association | ||
End-of-Life Care: Bridging Disability and Aging with Person-Centered Care | This book features two primary papers on the controversial issue of end-of-life care within the disabled and aging populations. Each paper explains—clearly and honestly—the multitude of issues involved in using person centered care | Gaventa, William, and David Coulter. End-of-Life Care: Bridging Disability and Aging with Person-Centered Care. Haworth Press. | None Specified | life, care, age, family | Book | ||
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf | This is a film version of Leo Buscaglia’s story about the cycle of life and death. This gentle, beautifully told natural metaphor blends childhood and adult perceptions of life. It is dedicated to all who have ever suffered a permanent loss and cannot find a way to explain it. | “The Fall of Freddie the Leaf.” Terra Nova Films, Inc. | http://www.terranova.org/Title.aspx?ProductCode=FTLVHS | None Specified | life, death | ||
Lessons in Grief and Death: Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities in the Healing Process | This book includes counseling techniques and activities, including music, art, and drama, to work through the grieving process | Van Dyke, Linda. Lessons in Grief and Death: Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities in the Healing Process. Washington: High Tide Press. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | lesson, grief, death, healing | Book | |
Caring for People with Learning Disabilities who are Dying | An introductory guide for front line staff and service managers for providing good end-of life care | Blackman, Noelle, and Stuart Todd. Caring for People with Learning Disabilities who are Dying. London: Worth Publishing. | None Specified | Learning | Learning, dying | ||
Palliative Care for People with Learning Disabilities | Read, Sue. Palliative Care for People with Learning Disabilities. Salisbury. | None Specified | Learning | care, Learning | |||
What Can I Do? Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss | Written for the general public, but very practical, hands-on suggestions that would be useful for anyone | Glanz, Barbara. What Can I Do? Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss. Minneapolis: Augsburg Books, 2007. | None Specified | experience, loss, suggestion | Book | ||
Person-Centered Planning for later Life: Death and Dying | A curriculum for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Five in-class lessons and one field trip. Instructor Guide and Student Notebook. Lessons are Understanding Death, Grief, Mourning/Comfort/Support, Death Related Rituals-Funerals. | “Person-Centered Planning for later Life: Death and Dying.” The University of Illinois. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | death, planning, life | ||
End-of-life Care: A Guide for Supporting Older People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families | Botsfort, A.L, and L.T Force. End-of-life Care: A Guide for Supporting Older People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families. New York: NYSArc. | None Specified | Intellectual | life, death, guide, older, Intellectual, family | |||
Helping Each Other When People Die | “Helping Each Other When People Die.” Friendship Ministries. | None Specified | death, friendship | ||||
25 Things to Do When Grandpa Passes Away, Mom and Dad Get Divorced, or the Dog Dies: Activities to Help Children Suffering Loss or Change | 25 Things to Do When Grandpa Passes Away, Mom and Dad Get Divorced, or the Dog Dies: Activities to Help Children Suffering Loss or Change. Seattle: Parenting Press, Inc. | None Specified | death, divorce, dog, children, loss | ||||
Grief and Faith: Spiritual Paths Through Loss | Grief and Faith: Spiritual Paths Through Loss. American Hospice Foundation. | None Specified | spirit, grief, faith, loss | ||||
Resources from The Centering Corporation | Excellent collection of resources related to grief for families, death and dying, children’s awareness, teens, parents, spouse, coping with grief, and caregiving. Contact them for a catalogue with the resources they distribute | None Specified | family, death, children, teen, parents, cope, grief | ||||
Children Facing Grief | For children | Romond, Jan. Children Facing Grief. Abbey Press. | None Specified | children, grief | |||
What Happens After We’re Gone? | Helps families with estate planning, wills, trusts and guardianships for their dependants with a disability or Mental. Encourages church involvement | Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. What Happens After We’re Gone? Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1996. | http://www.adnetonline.org. | Christianity | Intellectual | death, family, church | Book |
How Will I Get Through the Holidays: 12 Ideas for Those Whose Loved One Has Died | E. Miller, James. How Will I Get Through the Holidays: 12 Ideas for Those Whose Loved One Has Died. Willowgreen. | None Specified | Death | ||||
Helping the Bereaved Celebrate the Holidays | Directions for designing community events to support mourners during a trying time of the year | Helping the Bereaved Celebrate the Holidays. Willowgreen. | None Specified | death. life | |||
Dealing with the end of life | Botsford, A. L. Dealing with the end of life. Brooks Publishing Co. | http://www.brookespublishing.com/store/index.htm. | None Specified | death, dying | |||
The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying | Deselder, L.A, and A.L. Strickland. The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying. Mayfield Publishing. | None Specified | death, dying | ||||
Bereavement in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities | Dowling, S.F. Bereavement in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities. | http://www.Intellectualdisability.info/lifestages/bereavement.htm. | None Specified | Intellectual | Intellectual, life | ||
Managing grief better: People with Developmental disabilities | Hollins, S. “Managing grief better: People with Developmental disabilities.” The Habilitative Mental Health Newsletter, no. 14 (May 1995). | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | grief | Journal Article | ||
Bereavement and Grief in Adults with Learning Disabilities | Hollins, S, and A. Esterhuyzen. “Bereavement and Grief in Adults with Learning Disabilities.” British Journal of Psychiatry, no. 170 (1997). | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | grief | Journal Article | ||
On Death and Dying | Kubler-Ross, E. On Death and Dying. New York: Touchstone, 1997. | None Specified | death, dying | Book | |||
An examination of the knowledge and understanding of health and social care staff about the grieving process in individuals with Learning disability | Murray, G.C, McKenzie, K, and A. Quigley. “An examination of the knowledge and understanding of health and social care staff about the grieving process in individuals with Learning disability.” Journal of Learning Disabilities 4, no. 1 (2000). | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | heath, social care, grief | Journal Article | ||
Treatment of Complicated Mourning | Rando, T.A. Treatment of Complicated Mourning. Illinois: Research Press, 1993. | None Specified | mourning | Book | |||
Helping Children Cope with Death | Roberts, C.L. “Helping Children Cope with Death.” Educational Leadership, no. 2 (1981). | None Specified | death, children | Journal Article | |||
Psychological Adjustments in Midlife | Seltzer, G. Psychological Adjustments in Midlife. MD: Brooks Publishing Co. | None Specified | midlife | ||||
Later-life planning and retirement | Stern, H.L, Kennedy, E.A, Sed, C.M, and T. Heller. “Later-life planning and retirement.” Community Supports for Aging Adults with Lifelong Disabilities.” | None Specified | retirement, community, age | ||||
Nonfinite Loss and Grief. A Psychoeducational Approach | Grieving of eight individuals experiencing nonfinite loss, with suggested therapeutic techniques. | Bruce, E.J, and C.L. Schultz. Nonfinite Loss and Grief. A Psychoeducational Approach. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | grief, loss | |||
Living with Grief. Who We Are, How We Grieve | Book based on annual teleconference of the Hospice Foundation of America. Includes a chapter on grief and persons with Developmental disabilities. Hospice Foundation of America. They also have a number of other books and videotapes on grief, death, and dying | Doka, Ken. Living with Grief. Who We Are, How We Grieve. Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief | |||
A Guideline for Protecting the Health and Lives of Patients in Hospitals, Especially if the Person is a Member of a Societally Devalued Class | Wolfensberger, Wolf. A Guideline for Protecting the Health and Lives of Patients in Hospitals, Especially if the Person is a Member of a Societally Devalued Class. Syracuse: Syracuse University Training Institute. | None Specified | health, hospital, class | ||||
Assisting Bereaved Individuals | Kirchner, Nancy, Levy, Irwin, Wadsworth, John, and Fred Stiemke. “Assisting Bereaved Individuals.” AAIDD. | None Specified | individual, assist | ||||
Surviving Death: A Practical Guide to Caring for the Dying and Bereaved | Meyer, Charles. Surviving Death: A Practical Guide to Caring for the Dying and Bereaved. Twenty-Third Publications, 1995. | None Specified | guide, dying | Book | |||
Health Care Decision Making Guidelines for Adults with Developmental Disabilities | “Health Care Decision Making Guidelines for Adults with Developmental Disabilities.” Ethical Issues in the Health Care of Persons with Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | guide, adult | |||
Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide | Collins, Judy. “Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide.” Fierce Goodbye. | None Specified | suicide | ||||
Assisted Suicide and the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities | Pipe, John. Assisted Suicide and the Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities. National Council of Churches Committee on Disabilities, 2000. | None Specified | suicide, life | Book | |||
Living with Grief: After Sudden Loss | “Living with Grief: After Sudden Loss.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief, loss | ||||
Living with Grief: Illness Prolonged | “Living with Grief: Illness Prolonged.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief, illness | ||||
Living with Grief: Who We Are, How We Grieve | “Living with Grief: Who We Are, How We Grieve.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief | ||||
Living with Grief: At Work, At School, At Worship | “Living with Grief: At Work, At School, At Worship.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief, work, school, worship | ||||
Living with Grief: Children, Adolescents, and Loss | “Living with Grief: Children, Adolescents, and Loss.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | grief, children, adolescents, loss | ||||
Caregiving and Loss: Family Needs, Professional Responses | “Caregiving and Loss: Family Needs, Professional Responses.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | loss,family | ||||
The Pastor-A Vital Part of the Healing Process | Suggestions for pastors in helping individuals through the healing process | “The Pastor-A Vital Part of the Healing Process.” BASIS. | None Specified | pastor, healing | |||
Help for People in Pain | “Help for People in Pain.” BASIS. | None Specified | pain | ||||
Living with a Sovereign God in a Sour World | “Living with a Sovereign God in a Sour World.” BASIS. | None Specified | God, world | ||||
Keeper of the Stars, Healer of Hurting Hearts: Meditations for Bereaved Parents and Their Families | “Keeper of the Stars, Healer of Hurting Hearts: Meditations for Bereaved Parents and Their Families.” BASIS. | None Specified | heal, hurt, heart | ||||
Stars of Promise: Meditations for Bereaved Parents | “Stars of Promise: Meditations for Bereaved Parents.” BASIS. | None Specified | promise, medication, parents | ||||
Promesas de Esperanza para Corazones Quebrantados | “Promesas de Esperanza para Corazones Quebrantados.” BASIS. | None Specified | heart, promise, hope | ||||
New Jersey Developmental Disabilities Series | Speaker Charlene Lucterhand. Two others available featuring Angela King and Jeffrey Kaufmann, respectively. | Lucterhand, Charlene. “New Jersey Developmental Disabilities Series.” | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | |||
Clergy to Clergy | Six audio-tapes featuring Ken Doka and Paul Irion, covering many issues and aspects of grief, death, funerals, etc. Title is deceptive, because it is very useful for any caregiver seeking to understand more about coping with grief | Doka, Ken, and Paul Irion. “Clergy to Clergy.” Hospice Foundation of America. | None Specified | clergy, audio, death, grief, funeral, caregiver | |||
Teaching Your Child with Down Syndrome about Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality: A Guide for Parents and Professionals | This resource is written primarily for parents and is designed to help parents teach about sexuality at home. While portions of the book address issues unique to Down Syndrome, the majority of its contents are applicable to parents of children with a variety of Intellectual disabilities. The book includes a number of activities that can be done at home. This resource will be available in the fall of 2007 and can be preordered and, ultimately, ordered from Woodbine House. | Couwenhoven, Terri. Teaching Your Child with Down Syndrome about Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | child, Down Syndrome, body, sexuality | ||
A Faith-Based Sexuality Education Guide for the Inclusion of Children and Youth with Special Needs | This guide is an augmentation to the Sexuality Education curriculum developed by the UUA and UCC | Patton, Sally. A Faith-Based Sexuality Education Guide for the Inclusion of Children and Youth with Special Needs. UUA. | None Specified | sexuality, guide, education, inclusion, children, special needs | |||
Sexuality: Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities | Published by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, this resource helps parents to increase their children’s self-esteem, foster appropriate behavior, help children develop healthy relationships, and empower children to recognize and respond to abuse. Though not written from a Christian perspective, this book can be a helpful tool for parents as they teach their children about sexuality. Friendship Ministries has published a companion guide to this book from a Christian perspective | Melberg Schwier, Karen, and Dave Hingsburger. Sexuality: Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities. Paul H. Brookes Publiching Company. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | sexuality, Intellectual | ||
Caring Relationships: Helping people with Mental Impairments Understand God’s Gift of Sexuality | This booklet is mean to be a companion for the book above by Melberg Schwier and Hingsburger and provide a Christian perspective on the issues covered in the book. He challenges the Christian community to develop networks of support. Dealing with issues of abuse, co-habitation, and marriage, he builds on twenty years of experience | C. Vredeveld, Ronald. Caring Relationships: Helping people with Mental Impairments Understand God’s Gift of Sexuality. CRC Publications. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | God, sexuality | ||
Sexuality Education Training | These resources have been developed by DiAnn Baxley, Anna Zendell, and Jeanne Matich-Maroney through a grant from the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council and in collaboration with the University of Albany’s Center on Intellectual Disabilities. The copyrighted training materials can be Down Syndromeloaded from the Council’s website. Included in these materials are instructional manuals for educators and parents, an annotated resource list, and sexuality policies and procedures | Baxley, DiAnn, Zendell, Anna, and Jeanne Matich-Maroney. Sexuality Education Training. Center on Intellectual Disabilities, University of Albany. | http://www.fddc.org/HOME/Sexuality%20Training.asp | None Specified | sexuality, education | ||
Verbal Informed Sexual Consent Assessment Tool (VISCAT) | This resource is designed to measure sexual consent and determine sexual consent capacity in people with Developmental disabilities | DeMarco, Christopher, and Bill Taverner. “Verbal Informed Sexual Consent Assessment Tool (VISCAT).” | http://www.moappp.org/Documents/events/2006/SexualConsentAssessmentTool.pdf | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | verbal, sexual, consent | |
Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power and Consent in Adult-Teen and Other Relationships | This resource helps counselors, nurses, and others educate young people to make healthy decisions about relationships, especially those where power imbalances are in play because of significant age differences | Montford, Sue, and Peggy Brick. Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power and Consent in Adult-Teen and Other Relationships. Center for Family Life Education. | None Specified | partner, power, consent, adult, teen, relationship | |||
Doing What Comes Naturally? Dispelling Myths and Fallacies about Sexuality and People with Developmental Disabilities | Anderson draws on 58 years of experience as a sex educator and 30 years of work with people with Developmental disabilities. She uncovers misconceptions about adults whose sexual needs vary greatly, and yet are often treated as children or no-sexual people. Includes heartwarming success stories from adults Mrs. Anderson has supported, as well as suggestions for teaching, and a guide to sexual incidents reporting. | Horn Anderson, Orieda. Doing What Comes Naturally? Dispelling Myths and Fallacies about Sexuality and People with Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | sexuality | ||
Sexuality Resources That Have Worked | Ann Carmody, AMry. “Sexuality Resources That Have Worked.” | None Specified | sexuality, resource | ||||
Putting the Pieces Together. Human Sexuality for the Disabled | A manual designed to assist human service professionals in many arenas of service. | “Putting the Pieces Together. Human Sexuality for the Disabled.” | None Specified | sexuality | |||
Sexuality Education for Children and Youth With Disabilities | “Sexuality Education for Children and Youth With Disabilities.” NICHY News Digest. | None Specified | sexuality | ||||
Bibliography on Sexuality | “Bibliography on Sexuality.” Disability Resources Monthly 1 (August 1993). | None Specified | marriage, sexuality | ||||
Marriage and Sexuality: What Does Disability Have to Do With It? | “Marriage and Sexuality: What Does Disability Have to Do With It?” Dialogue on Disability 17, no. 3 (Fall 1997). | None Specified | marriage, sexuality | Journal Article | |||
Being Me: A Social/Sexual Training Program for the Developmentally Disabled | Edwards, Jean. “Being Me: A Social/Sexual Training Program for the Developmentally Disabled.” Pro-ed | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | sexual, training, program | |||
Feeling Free: A Social Sexual Training Program for the Hearing and Blindly Impaired | Edwards, Jean. “Feeling Free: A Social Sexual Training Program for the Hearing and Blindly Impaired.” Pro-Ed. | None Specified | Sensory | sexual, training, program, healing, Blind | |||
Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex, and Relationships for the Disabled | Kroll, Ken, and Erica Levy Klein. Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex, and Relationships for the Disabled. Woodbine House. | None Specified | guide, love, sex, relationship | ||||
Couples with Intellectual Disabilities Talk About Living and Loving | Author talks with 15 couples who talk about companionship and love | Schwier, Karen. Couples with Intellectual Disabilities Talk About Living and Loving. Woodbine House, 1994. | None Specified | Intellectual | Intellectual, love | Book | |
Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Sexual and Social Development | A Reference for Staff Persons | “Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Sexual and Social Development.” Walter Fernald State School. | None Specified | sex, social, responsible | |||
Teach-A-Bodies’ catalogue | catalogue of dolls designed for use in sex education, and guidelines for use with people with Developmental disabilities | Teach-A-Bodies’ catalogue | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | sex, education | ||
Sexuality and People with Intellectual Disability | Fegan, Lydia, and Anne Rauch. Sexuality and People with Intellectual Disability. Brookes Publishing Company, 1993. | None Specified | Intellectual | sex | Book | ||
Sexuality and the Sacred | Nelson, James, and Sandra Longfellow. Sexuality and the Sacred. Westminster: John Knox Press, 1994. | None Specified | sex, sacred | Book | |||
Just Say Know! | Book explores victimization of people with disabilities and helps reader reduce risk of sexual assault. | Hingsburger, Dave. Just Say Know!. | None Specified | sex, assault | |||
Take Control. How to Stay Healthy and Safe from HIV and AIDS | A Multi-media presentation for people with Developmental disabilities. | “Take Control. How to Stay Healthy and Safe from HIV and AIDS.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | HIV, AIDS, safe, control | |||
Forbidden Wedding | Story of a paraplegic man who is forbidden to get married by the Catholic Church in Brazil because of his impotence. The film unfolds into a gentle love story about human sexuality, the rights of the disabled, and faith in Brazil. | Fontes, Flavia. “Forbidden Wedding.” Means of Production. | None Specified | paraplegic, love, story, sex | |||
I Contact | Hingsburger, David. I Contact. Diverse City Press. | None Specified | sex | ||||
No! How? Teaching People with Disabilities to Protect Themselves from Sexual Assault and Abuse | Hingsburger, David. No! How? Teaching People with Disabilities to Protect Themselves from Sexual Assault and Abuse. Diverse City Press. | None Specified | sex, assault, abuse, protect | Book | |||
Behavior Self | Hingsburger, David. Behavior Self. Diverse City Press. | None Specified | behavior | Book | |||
The Ethics of Touch | Video lecture by David Hingsberger on issues in “touch,” “privacy,” and “boundaries.” Includes manual to assist staff in training. Diverse City Press and High Tide Press/Cherry Hill for they also carry a number of other resources by David Hingsberger and other on sexuality, abuse, and more. | Hingsburger, David. “The Ethics of Touch.” Diverse City Press. | None Specified | privacy, sex, training, manual | Book | ||
Making Connections | Video written by and casted with teens and young adults with disabilities. Involves a dating service as well, with successes and failures of matchmaking | “Making Connections.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | adult, young, teen, dating | |||
Person to Person: Sexuality Education of Persons with Developmental Disabilities | Ann Carmondy, Mary. Person to Person: Sexuality Education of Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Program Development Associates. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | sex, education | |||
Roots and Wings | Video on sexuality education for teenagers with Cognitive disabilities | “Roots and Wings.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | Intellectual | sex, education, Cognitive, teen | ||
I’m a Beautiful Person–Sexuality and Disability: A Video for Parents and Youth with Disabilities | Teens and youth discuss sexuality issues | “I’m a Beautiful Person–Sexuality and Disability: A Video for Parents and Youth with Disabilities.” | None Specified | sex, teen, youth | |||
No! How!! | Video involved people with disabilities in acting, writing, producing, and directing. Discusses disability to teaching boundaries. | Hingsburger, David. “No! How!!” | None Specified | acting, writing, producing, directing | |||
Autism and the God Connection | A new book by William Stillman in which he redefines the autistic experience through extraordinary accounts of spiritual giftedness | Stillman, William. Autism and the God Connection. Sourcebooks, 2006. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, spirit | Book | |
Spirituality, Values, and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey | Drawing on the insights of Mental health professionals, careers, and Mental health service users and survivors, this resource addresses the stigma often surrounding Mental health and spirituality and explores the place of the spiritual in Mental health care | Ellen Coyte, Mary, and Peter Gilbert. Spirituality, Values, and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. | http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php/isbn/9781843104568. | None Specified | Intellectual | health, service, stigma | |
Spirituality and Me: A Spiritual Gifts Assessment | This book offers an insightful, creative assessment for people with disabilities to explore their individual spiritual gifts and to find how best to use them in their lives. This is an interfaith resource and can be used by individuals, staff, groups, and families in many different settings. Included in this guide are ideas for making certificates, necklaces, and bracelets as Physical representations a person’s spiritual gifts | Sagola-Bennett, Amy. Spirituality and Me: A Spiritual Gifts Assessment. Blue Tower Training Center. | http://bluetowertraining.com/online-store. | None Specified | spirit, gift | ||
A Space to Listen. Meeting the Spiritual Needs of People with Learning Disabilities | Swinton, John. A Space to Listen. Meeting the Spiritual Needs of People with Learning Disabilities. Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | spiritual, foundation | |||
Why Are We Here? Meeting the Spiritual Needs of People with Learning Disabilities | Swinton, John, and Elaine Powrie. Why Are We Here? Meeting the Spiritual Needs of People with Learning Disabilities. Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith, guide, religious | |||
What About Faith? A good practice guide for services on meeting the religious needs of people with Learning disabilities | A guidebook for helping provider agencies, with workshop guides, etc.. | Hatton, Chris, and Suzie Turner. What About Faith? A good practice guide for services on meeting the religious needs of people with Learning disabilities. Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | |||
What is Important to You? | What is Important to You? Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Learning, foundation | |||
No Box to Tick | No Box to Tick. Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | foundation, Learning | |||
Religious Expression: A FundaMental Human Right: A Report of an Action Research Project | Religious Expression: A FundaMental Human Right: A Report of an Action Research Project. Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. | http://www.Learningdisabilities.org.uk. | None Specified | Religion, human, right, research, foundation | |||
Spiritual Wellbeing of Adults with Down Syndrome | Crompton, Margaret, and robin Jackson. Spiritual Wellbeing of Adults with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Education International. | http://www.Down Syndromesed.org. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | spirit, adult, Down Syndrome, education | ||
Spiritual Assessment: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Your Patients | A. Snyder, Sherry. Spiritual Assessment: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Your Patients. Nashville: Envision Inc. | None Specified | spirit, patient | ||||
The Forgotten Generation: The Status and Challenges of Adults with Mild Cognitive Limitations | Includes chapter on spiritual supports and implications for policies and practice. | Tymchuch, Alexander, Lakin, Charlie, and Ruth Luckasson. The Forgotten Generation: The Status and Challenges of Adults with Mild Cognitive Limitations. Brookes Publishing, 2001 | None Specified | Intellectual | generation, adult, Cognitive | Book | |
AAIDD Terminology and Classification Manual | “AAIDD Terminology and Classification Manual.” AAIDD (1992). | None Specified | manual | ||||
Spiritual Assessments in Pastoral Care | Fitchett, George. Spiritual Assessments in Pastoral Care. Journal of Pastoral Care Publication. | None Specified | spirit, pastoral, care | Journal Article | |||
Assessing Spiritual Needs: A Guide for Caregivers | Fitchett, George. Assessing Spiritual Needs: A Guide for Caregivers. Augsburg Press, 1994. | None Specified | spirit, needs, caregiver | Book | |||
Spiritual, Cultural, and Community Systems | Ladau-Stanton, J. “Spiritual, Cultural, and Community Systems.” Bruner/Mozel Publishers (1993). | None Specified | spirit, culture, community | ||||
Spirituality | “Spirituality.” Jouirnal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill 8, no. 4 (1997). | None Specified | spirit, culture, community | Journal Article | |||
Healing Words | Dossey, Larry. Healing Words. | None Specified | healing | ||||
At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness | Frank, Arthur. At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 1991. | None Specified | illness, reflection | Book | |||
The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics | Frank, Arthur. The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. | None Specified | body, illness, ethics | Book | |||
Spiritual Care in a Community or Network Setting | Spiritual Care in a Community or Network Setting. St. Louis: Catholic Health Association. | None Specified | spirit, care, community, network | ||||
The Barb Wire Collective. Not All Violins: Spiritual Resources by Women with Disabilities and Chronices | The Barb Wire Collective. Not All Violins: Spiritual Resources by Women with Disabilities and Chronices. Toronto: The United Church Publishing, 1997. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | spirit, women, Chronic, illness | Book | ||
The Forgotten Factor in Physical and Mental Health: What Does the Research Show? | Larson, David. The Forgotten Factor in Physical and Mental Health: What Does the Research Show?. National Insitute for Health Care Research. | None Specified | health, institute | ||||
The Faith Factor: An Annotated Bibliography of Clinical Research and Spiritual Subjects | Abstracts of over 200 studies | Larson, David. The Faith Factor: An Annotated Bibliography of Clinical Research and Spiritual Subjects. National Institute for Health Care Research | None Specified | bibliography, spirit, institute, health | |||
The Faith Factor: Volume II An Annotated Bibliography of Systematic Reviews and Clinical Research on Spiritual Subjects | 35 research reviews | The Faith Factor: Volume II An Annotated Bibliography of Systematic Reviews and Clinical Research on Spiritual Subjects. National Institute for Health Care Research. | None Specified | faith, bibliography, review, clinical, spirit | |||
Curriculum on Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice | For training psychiatrists in the role of religion in Mental health | Curriculum on Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice. NICHR. | None Specified | spirit, Religion, clinical | |||
Body, Mind, and Spirit | Larson, David. “Body, Mind, and Spirit.” National Institute of Health Care Research. | None Specified | body, mind, spirit, institute, health, research | ||||
The Faith Factor | Spirituality for Caregivers | Larson, David. “The Faith Factor.” National Institute of Health Care Research. | None Specified | faith, institute, health, research | |||
The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caregiving | Palmer, Parker. The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caregiving. Josey Bass Publishers. | None Specified | spirit, work, creativity, caregiver | ||||
Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation | Palmer, Parker. Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation. Josey Bass Publishers. | None Specified | life, voice, vocation | ||||
Blessed is the Meadow. Spiritual Lives of People with Developmental Disabilities | Series of vignettes, personal portraits, and stories by the former chaplain at the Indian Creek Foundation, arranged in the framework of the Beatitudes | Esch Shisler, Barbara. Blessed is the Meadow. Spiritual Lives of People with Developmental Disabilities. 1999 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | meadow, spirit | Book | |
Welcoming Children: A Practical Theology of Childhood | Mercer challenges approaches to education and liturgy that segregate children from the rest of the church | Ann Mercer, Joyce. Welcoming Children: A Practical Theology of Childhood. Chalice Press. | None Specified | children, theology, childhood | Book | ||
A Place for All: Ministry with Youth with Special Needs | Creative guide for religious educators of all sorts | Barone, John. A Place for All: Ministry with Youth with Special Needs. | None Specified | ministry, youth, special, needs, educator | |||
The Child with Autism Learns the Faith | Drawing on her experiences teaching a religion class for children with Autism and Developmental disabilities, the author shares her insights into the best way to set up the class and lessons. This booklet provides fifteen lesson plans suitable to most faiths. The set up of the lesson plans can be adapted to teach your faith | Labosh, Kathy. The Child with Autism Learns the Faith. Labosh Publishing. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | child, Autism, faith | ||
Learning Disabilities and the Church: Including All God’s Kids in your Education and Worship | Holder Rich, Cynthia, and Martha Ross-Mockaitis. Learning Disabilities and the Church: Including All God’s Kids in your Education and Worship. Faith Alive Resources. | None Specified | church, learn | ||||
Confidence and Capacity: Parish Communities Knowing and Supporting People with Disability | A resource book for congregations, with a theological and pastoral foundation, guidelines for a Parish Disability Connection group (task force) to work with congregations, and resources for action. It is based on the experiences and insights of people with disabilities and their families, and their desire to be connected members of faith communities. It comes out of Brisbane Catholic Education of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, but is designed to be used in many other places and can be easily adapted by other faith groups. An excellent resource book. 129 pp | Murdoch, Trish. Confidence and Capacity: Parish Communities Knowing and Supporting People with Disability. Brisbane Catholic Education. | None Specified | confidence, parish, community, support | |||
Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities | For teachers, kids, families. | Newman, Barbara. Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities. Faith Alive Christian Resources. | None Specified | kid, child, help | |||
Autism and Your Church | Newman, Barbara. Autism and Your Church. Faith Alive Resources. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, church, faith | |||
Welcoming Children with Special Needs | Patton, Sally. Welcoming Children with Special Needs. Boston: UUA Lifespan Faith Development. | None Specified | special ,needs, children, welcome | ||||
Extra Help! For Sunday School Teachers: Over 100 Creative, Easy Ideas for Superintendents and Special Education | Streufert Jander, Martha, and Dorothea Eckert. Extra Help! For Sunday School Teachers: Over 100 Creative, Easy Ideas for Superintendents and Special Education. Concordia Publishing House, 1994. | None Specified | teacher, creative, special, education | Book | |||
Faith Formation of People with Disabilities. Resources for Christian Educators | Faith Formation of People with Disabilities. Resources for Christian Educators. Committee on Disabilities of the National Council of Churches. | Christian | faith, christian, educator | ||||
Place for Everyone | McNay, Athalene. Place for Everyone. AAIDD, 1998. | None Specified | inclusion | Book | |||
Welcome One, Welcome All | Welcome One, Welcome All. Institute on Pastoral Initiatives. | None Specified | welcome, institute, pastoral | ||||
The Inclusion Papers: Strategies to Make Inclusion Work | Developed for schools, but certainly applicable to religious education | The Inclusion Papers: Strategies to Make Inclusion Work. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | inclusion, strategy | Book | ||
Working Together: A Guide to Positive Behavior Support for Families and Professionals | This guide is geared to families and laypersons, not just the professionals who are often involved in complex behavioral analysis | Lohrman, Sharon, and Fredda Brown. Working Together: A Guide to Positive Behavior Support for Families and Professionals. TASH. | None Specified | guide, behavior, support, family, professional | |||
Young Children with Special Needs: A Developmentally Appropriate Approach | This book takes the approach that children with disabilities are more like their peers without disabilities than they are different and that educators need to provide programming from that perspective. Blends the best of early childhood and early childhood special education practices and helps the practitioner understand how to modify the classroom and the curriculum to make them accessible to all children. | Davis, Michael, Kilgo, Jennifer, and Michael Gamel-mcCormick. Young Children with Special Needs: A Developmentally Appropriate Approach. Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 1998. | None Specified | children, special, needs | Book | ||
Faking It: A look Into the Mind of a Creative Learner | Lee, Christopher, and Rosemary Jackson. Faking It: A look Into the Mind of a Creative Learner. Cook Publishing, 1992. | http://www.boyntoncook.com/search/default.aspx | None Specified | mind, creativity, learner | Book | ||
Connecting Students to Curriculum. Inclusive Elementary Schools: Recipes for Success | A step-by-step process to determine what and how to teach in inclusive classrooms. This publication highlights strategies for accommodating and modifying assignments and activities while using a core curriculum. For educators and parents | Fisher, Douglas, Frey, Nancy, and Caren Sax. Connecting Students to Curriculum. Inclusive Elementary Schools: Recipes for Success. Peak Parent Center. | None Specified | student, curriculum, inclusion | |||
Quick-Guides to Inclusion; Quick Guides to Inclusion 2; Quick Guides to Inclusion 3: Ideas for Educating Students with Disabilities | Perfect for busy educators; provides advice for improving inclusion skills. Equally suitable as an entry-level guide or as a concise summary for professionals. | F. Giangreco, Michael. Quick-Guides to Inclusion; Quick Guides to Inclusion 2; Quick Guides to Inclusion 3: Ideas for Educating Students with Disabilities. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | inclusion, guide | |||
Inclusion 101: How to Teach All Learners | Our changing society ensures that all classrooms are inclusive. This textbook helps empowers teachers to respond to students’ diverse Learning styles and hone critical thinking skills. It shows teachers how to actively involve students, parents, and caregivers in the Learning community | Bauer, Anne, and Thomas M. Shea. Inclusion 101: How to Teach All Learners. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | teach, inclusion, learner | |||
Adapting Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms and an Interactive CD-ROM Companion | “Adapting Curriculum and Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms and an Interactive CD-ROM Companion.” ISDD. | None Specified | curriculum | ||||
Modifying Schoolwork | Full of proven strategies, models, and examples, this reference shows educators ways to adapt schoolwork to provide individualized attention to students with a broad range of Developmental disabilities | Janney, Rachel, and Martha Schnell. Modifying Schoolwork. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | school, strategy, inclusion | ||
A Service Delivery Model for Students with Special Needs in Catholic Elementary School: Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Support System for Students with Special Needs | Marie Ramirez, Kathleen. A Service Delivery Model for Students with Special Needs in Catholic Elementary School: Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Support System for Students with Special Needs. Oakland. | Catholic | model, student, special, needs, Catholic | ||||
Inclusion and Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide | An extensive 135-page guide describing books, pamphlets, and videos to help educators, parents, and others plan and implement inclusive programs. Produced as a buying guide for libraries | Inclusion and Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide. Disability Resources, Inc. | None Specified | guide, inclusion, parent | |||
Backyards and Butterflies: Ways to Include Children with Disabilities in Outdoor Activities | Backyards and Butterflies: Ways to Include Children with Disabilities in Outdoor Activities. Boston: Brookline Books. | None Specified | inclusion, children | ||||
Do? Be? Do? | Teaching adults with Cognitive disabilities to “be” rather than “do.” | Hingsberger, David. Do? Be? Do? Mouth Magazine. | None Specified | magazine, teach, adult | |||
KICS Manual (Kids in Community Settings) | Training Manual for inclusive programs for children | “KICS Manual (Kids in Community Settings).” Arc of Multnomah County. | None Specified | manual, training, inclusion, program, children | |||
A Place for Me: Including Children with Special Needs in Early Care and Educational Settings | Chandler, Phyllis. A Place for Me: Including Children with Special Needs in Early Care and Educational Settings. National Association for the Education of Young Children. | None Specified | inclusion, children, special, needs, care, education, young, association | ||||
You’re Going to Love this Kid!”:Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom | Provides first-person accounts of attitudes and actions that support the inclusive classroom. | Kluth, Paula. “You’re Going to Love this Kid!”:Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | kid, teach, student, Autism, inclusion | ||
DO-WATCH-LISTEN-SAY: Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism | Assessment and intervention guide for professionals working with autistic children. | Ann Quill, Kathleen. DO-WATCH-LISTEN-SAY: Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | children, Autism | ||
Jesus Loves Me Too | Schuster, Clara. Jesus Loves Me Too. Nazarene Publishing House. | Christianity | Jesus, love | ||||
Spreading the Light: Religious Education for Special Children | Malone, Antonia. Spreading the Light: Religious Education for Special Children. Paulist Press. | None Specified | Religion, education, special, children | ||||
Special Education: A Resource and Planning Guide | Special Education: A Resource and Planning Guide. Board of Parish Services. | None Specified | resource, guide, special, education | ||||
Gospel Lesson Plans | Curriculum plan corresponding to three year ecumenical lectionary cycle | Gospel Lesson Plans. Paulist Press. | None Specified | gospel ,plan, curriculum | |||
The Learning Disabled Child in Your Church School | Cheme, Jacqolyn. The Learning Disabled Child in Your Church School. Concordia Publishing Company, 1983. | None Specified | child, church, school | Book | |||
Into the Christian Community: Religious Education with Disabled Persons | Hall, Suzanne. Into the Christian Community: Religious Education with Disabled Persons. National Catholic Education Association, 1982. | Catholic | community, christian, education, community, association | Book | |||
The Experience of Faith | This publisher does a number of books on moral development and faith development. | Gillespie, Bailey. The Experience of Faith. Religious Education Press. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith, Religion, education | ||
Unto the Least of These: Special Education in the Church | H. Wood, Andrew, Glanville, Ellen, and LaVerne Weber. Unto the Least of These: Special Education in the Church. Regular Baptist Press, 1984. | None Specified | special, education, church | Book | |||
Breakthrough | Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc. has redesigned its Quarterly Magazine, Breakthrough, with articles about religious education and congregational ministries, new resources, suggestions, and more. It has color pictures and a very attractive graphic design that captures some of the energy and spirit in the ministries it highlights. If you know a Lutheran Church with an effective ministry to people with Developmental disabilities and their families, please encourage the church to submit an article | “Breakthrough.” Bethesda Lutheran Homesn and Services, Inc. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | magazine, ministry, family | ||
Special Education Today | Quarterly magazine from Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board. Excellent articles on wide range of subjects on congregational ministries related to children and adults with disabilities and special needs. Authors are welcome to contribute. Contact them for guidelines. | “Special Education Today.” Lifeway Christian Resources. | Christian | education, christian, congregation, ministry | |||
E-newsletter from the Friendship Ministries. | with resources and ideas for religious education | http://www.friendship.org | None Specified | Religion, education, special, children | |||
Children with Autism: Strategies for accessing the Curriculum | This is an online religious education resource from the UK | “Children with Autism: Strategies for accessing the Curriculum.” | http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/_doc/6704/religious%20education.pdf. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | children, Autism, curriculum | |
Information on Autism for Religious Education Teachers | Hawkins Shepard, Charlotte. “Information on Autism for Religious Education Teachers.” United Methodist Church. | http://gbgm-umc.org/disc/Autism.stm. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, Religion, education, teach | ||
Different Gifts but the Same Spirit: SuppleMental Lesson Packets about Inclusion | Designed to help parish and school teach families and students in grade four through high school about the importance of inclusion of persons with disabilities in the life of the parish. | “Different Gifts but the Same Spirit: SuppleMental Lesson Packets about Inclusion.” Pathways Awareness Foundation. | None Specified | gift, spirit, lesson, inclusion | |||
Strategies in Teaching Religion to Children and Adults with Disabilities | Blum, Marci. Strategies in Teaching Religion to Children and Adults with Disabilities. Archdiose of Dubuque. | Christianity | strategy, teach, Religion, children, adults | ||||
Practical Teaching Methods for Bringing the Gospel to Special Needs Students | Kay Zessin, Linda. Practical Teaching Methods for Bringing the Gospel to Special Needs Students. Evangelical Covenant Church. | Evangelical | teach, method, gospel, special, need, student, church | ||||
Early Childhood TIPS for Teachers | Early Childhood TIPS for Teachers. Standard Press, 1996. | None Specified | childhood, teach | Book | |||
Elementary Age TIPS for Teachers | Elementary Age TIPS for Teachers. Standard Press, 1996. | None Specified | teach | Book | |||
Teens: TIPS for Teachers | Teens: TIPS for Teachers. Standard Press, 1996. | None Specified | teen, teach | Book | |||
Adults: TIPS for Teachers | Adults: TIPS for Teachers. Standard Press, 1996. | None Specified | adult, teach | Book | |||
Opening the Church to All Persons: The How and Why of Mainstreaming | Fowler, Ruth, and Carolyn Schmidt. “Opening the Church to All Persons: The How and Why of Mainstreaming.” National Council of Churches. | None Specified | church, council | ||||
Beginning a Special Needs Class: A Step by Step Checklist | “Beginning a Special Needs Class: A Step by Step Checklist.” WELS. | None Specified | special, need | ||||
Understanding Your New Student | Zimmerman, Jane. Understanding Your New Student. WELS. | None Specified | student | ||||
Sharing God’s Love: Preparation for the Eucharist of Students with Intellectual Disability | O’Shannessy, Mary. Sharing God’s Love: Preparation for the Eucharist of Students with Intellectual Disability. St. Paul’s, 1995. | None Specified | Intellectual | God, love, eucharist, Intellectual | Book | ||
Sharing God’s Spirit: Preparation for the Confirmation of Students with Intellectual Disability | O’Shannessy, Mary. Sharing God’s Spirit: Preparation for the Confirmation of Students with Intellectual Disability. St. Paul’s, 1995. | None Specified | Intellectual | God, love, spirit, student, Intellectual | Book | ||
Hands-On Bible Curriculum Support Page | Online resource to help religious educators adapt the Hands-On Bible Curriculum for adults and children with special needs | “Hands-On Bible Curriculum Support Page.” Group Publishing. | http://www.handsonBible.com/specialneeds.asp | None Specified | Bible, group, support | ||
Dear Christian Friend | This is a curriculum from Jesus Cares Ministries and is designed to be used with both children and adults with Developmental disabilities. It includes studies in both the Old and New Testaments. Student Guides and Teachers Guides are available | “Dear Christian Friend.” Jesus Cares Ministries. | http://www.nph.net/cgi- | Christianity | Developmental/Learning | friend, christian, Jesus | |
St. Mary’s Curriculum | St. Mary’s Curriculum (for students with Autism and other Developmental disabilities. Designed to meet the needs of students for whom traditional religious education does not work. Used in both segregated and home school settings. Two packages available online: Social Stories and First Year Curriculum | http://www.Autismreligiouseducation.net/ordering. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum, Developmental/Learning | curriculum, student, Autism, online | ||
Joy in Jesus’ Love | This book from Jesus Cares Ministries contains twenty lessons, plus an optional Christmas lesson, provides a foundation in biblical truths for people with limited vocabulary and understanding | Joy in Jesus’ Love. Northwestern Publishing House. | http://online.nph.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?10418&productID=386905. | None Specified | Jesus, joy, ministry, lesson | ||
My Confirmation Book | Published by Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, this resource is designed to be used in helping persons with disabilities prepare for confirmation in the Lutheran church. Volume 1 covers the Ten Commandments, the Bible, God, and the Apostles’ Creed, while Volume 2 covers Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Prayer, and Confirmation day | “My Confirmation Book.” Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services. | http://www.blhs.org/resources/spiritualResources/catalog, | None Specified | help, confirmation, church, lutheran | ||
Christian Education Curriculum in Braille | Curriculum in Braille for both children and youth | “Christian Education Curriculum in Braille.” Faith Alive Christian Resources. | http://www.faithaliveresources.org/disability. | Christian | Sensory | education, curriculum, braille, christian | |
Gateway Club Curriculum | This is a faith-based, church-related social and religious education curriculum for youth and adults with Developmental disabilities | L. Hindman, Martha. “Gateway Club Curriculum.” United Methodist Task Force. | None Specified | curriculum, faith, church | |||
Access Leader Pack | Ready-made Blinds to use along with the teaching plans in Access Leader Guide. Includes a CD with songs, Bible story dramas, and more | “Access Leader Pack.” LifeWay. | None Specified | packet, resource, spirit, healing | |||
Ephphatha! Open up!: A Children’s Curriculum for Understanding Disabilities | 13 lessons that help children learn to respect persons with disabilities and treat them with compassion. Stories, skits, role playing involved | “Ephphatha! Open up!: A Children’s Curriculum for Understanding Disabilities.” CSS Publishing Company. | None Specified | children, curriculum, compassion | |||
Beyond Limits | New 52-lesson curriculum specifically designed for youth and adults with Developmental disabilities. These lessons have been written, field-tested by several teachers, revised and edited over the past four years. The Blind Bible’s Matthew videos (or DVDs) are the primary Blind used in each lesson. Each week students will view a brief segment of this outstanding film. Beyond Limits also has clear, attractive drawings that supplement many of the lessons. Students will engage in a variety of activities each week which encourage them to come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to grow as His child through prayer, worship, service to others, and obedience to Him in their daily lives. | “Beyong Limits.” Vision New England Disability Ministries. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | curriculum, lesson, teach | ||
Bible Stories | collection of simplified Bible stories for adults with Intellectual disabilities | “Bible Stories.” Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (2004). | None Specified | Intellectual | Bible, adult, Intellectual | ||
Phillipians. Jesus, My Pride and Joy | Koeller, Ardis. Phillipians. Jesus, My Pride and Joy. JCM Media. | None Specified | Jesus, joy, pride | ||||
Imagination Designs | organization that had an exhibit at The Arc National Conference. They have a book of designs that look like stained glass windows, and are to be used as coloring books for adults. Several of us there thought these might be very good resources, age appropriate, for religious education activities with adults | None Specified | organization, arc, adult, Religion, education | ||||
Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders | This is a unique resource designed to offer practical ways for congregations to welcome and include individuals with ASD. Includes a number of reproducible resources such as sample interview questionnaires for Children’s and Adult ministries, sample observation forms, sample permission forms, a sample job description for a coordinator of ministry to children and adults with special needs, and a sample individual spiritual formation plan (ISFP). | J. Newman, Barbara. “Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Friendship. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, church, congregation, inclusion | ||
Friendship Series Curriculum | · This curriculum is divided into three series: “God, Our Father,” “Jesus, Our Savior,” and the newest third series, “The Spirit, Our Helper.” CDs are also available for each series and include accompaniment (without vocals) for music in the leader/mentor guides and songs in all units | “Friendship Series Curriculum.” Friendship. | http://www.friendship.org. | None Specified | friendship, curriculum | ||
Friendship Christmas Book and Easter Book | Each book consists of two session plans that are similar to the sessions in the Friendship Bible Studies units. Also included are a collection of songs, dramas, worship ideas, craft activities, patterns, and more. There are enough ideas and activities in each book to be used year after year | None Specified | friendship, Bible, collection | ||||
Friendship Ministries Abuse Guidelines | A resource for helping programs set guidelines, screen volunteers, and set safety tips. You would hope that abuse would never happen in a faith related program, but sometimes it does. | “Friendship Ministries Abuse Guidelines.” Friendship Ministries. | None Specified | guidelines, program, safety | |||
Friendship Series | Three year curriculum for youth and adults. Biblical focus. Group Leaders’ Kit, Teacher’s Manuals, and Student resources. (Amistad is the Spanish version.) Also has corresponding cassette tapes which are collections of recommended songs. A new cassette tape of devotional music and meditations is called Time with God. The Friendship Ministries also have a regular newsletter to support teachers and programs. Video, Give it Away, describes the friendship program | None Specified | curriculum, song, Bible | ||||
Caring for God’s World | Schut, Jessie. Caring for God’s World. | None Specified | God | ||||
Faith for Tough Times | Schut, Jessie. Faith for Tough Times. | None Specified | faith | ||||
God’s Gift of Work | Schut, Jessie. God’s Gift of Work. | None Specified | God | ||||
Growing Closer to God | Schut, Jessie. Growing Closer to God. | None Specified | God | ||||
Helping Each Other | Schut, Jessie. Helping Each Other. | None Specified | God | ||||
Talking to God About Your Feelings | Schut, Jessie. Talking to God About Your Feelings. | None Specified | Jesus | ||||
Telling Your Friends About Jesus | Schut, Jessie. Telling Your Friends About Jesus. | None Specified | Jesus | ||||
When People Die | Schut, Jessie. When People Die. | None Specified | death, die | ||||
We all Have Gifts | Schut, Jessie. We all Have Gifts. | None Specified | gift, spirit, lesson, inclusion | ||||
Learning the Lord’s Prayer | Schut, Jessie. Learning the Lord’s Prayer. | None Specified | lord, God | ||||
Opening the Doors to Learning | This is a free pamphlet that discusses the Learning barriers affecting persons with disabilities and how religious educators might compensate for these barriers. The first 25 copies of this pamphlet are free. | “Opening the Doors to Learning.” BLHS. | http://www.blhs.org/resources/spiritualResources/catalog | None Specified | door, Religion, education | ||
Exploring Faith and Life Bible Study Curriculum | New curriculum with a teacher guide, 24 lesson plans, student leaflets for each of the lesson, and Music CD. Geared toward adult individuals in small Bible study groups. Unit titles are Faith in My Heart, Faith and God’s Creation, Faith and My Relationships, and Faith and My Church | “Exploring Faith and Life Bible Study Curriculum.” BLHS. | None Specified | faith, curriculum, teach, guide | |||
Communication Cards | These black and white cards depict various Christian themes and symbols and facilitate teaching concepts such as forgiveness, heave, and God’s word to persons with disabilities. One set contains fifty cards | “Communication Cards.” BLHS. | http://www.blhs.org/resources/spiritualResources/catalog. | Christian | christian, God | ||
Teaching Spiritual Truths to People with Developmental Disabilities | Teaching Spiritual Truths to People with Developmental Disabilities. National Christian Resource Center. | Christian | Developmental/Learning | spirit | |||
Faces to Faces | Morstad, David. “Faces to Faces.” National Christian Resources Center. | Christian | Christian | ||||
God Loves You! Bible Lessons For People with Special Learning Needs | A collection of 25 lessons compiled from earlier Breakthrough issues. This is intended to guide those who have answered the Lord’s Call, “Whom shall I send?” as they bring the message of God’s unconditional love to people who have never heard. | “God Loves You! Bible Lessons For People with Special Learning Needs.” National Christian Resources Center. | None Specified | God, love, Bible, special | |||
Berea | A collection of Bible lessons (previously published in Breakthrough) based on the appointed readings for the church year | “Berea.” National Christian Resource Center. | Christian | Bible, church, christian | |||
Autism: Information and Inclusion Strategies | Autism: Information and Inclusion Strategies. CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, ministry | ||
Basic Disability Training for Christian Education Teachers | Basic Disability Training for Christian Education Teachers. CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | teach, education | |||
Beginning a Disability Ministry | Beginning a Disability Ministry. CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | ministry | |||
Emotional and Behavioral Problems | Emotional and Behavioral Problems. CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | Emotional, behavior, ministry | |||
God Can Use Me | Four lessons show how God used people with disabilities for His glory (Moses, Mephibosheth, Paul, and Fanny Crosby.) The fifth lesson helps students to see that they also have special gifts and abilities they can use to serve God. Each lesson contains an activity, questions to help students make personal applications, related information about CCFH Ministries, and craft and snack suggestions. | “God Can Use Me.” CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | God, lesson, ministry | ||
His Hands, His Heart | Five lessons intersperse Bible stories with facts about residents of CCFH Ministries’ facilities. Students will learn that God can and does use everyone, and loves us whether or not our bodies are perfect. Lessons include activities, Bible stories, personal application, education about CCFH Ministries, and prayer thoughts. Lesson. | “His Hands, His Heart.” CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | Bible, ministry, student, God | ||
52 Lesson Plans for Learners with Disabilities | A year’s worth of lessons about God, Jesus, people of faith (Old Testament characters) and the church. The material can be used with children or adults | “52 Lesson Plans for Learners with Disabilities.” CCFH Ministries. | http://www6.ccfh.org/?template=VERTICAL_LINES&tdfs=1&s_token=1637338577.0404890000&uuid=1637338577.0404890000&term=Sermons%20Online&term=Bible%20Study%20Lessons&term=Ministry%20Event%20Calendar%20Software&term=Anonymous%20Prayer%20Request%20Online&term=Church%20Online%20Giving%20Options&searchbox=0&showDomain=0&backfill=0 | None Specified | Jesus, God, ministry | ||
Bible Study: When Chronic Enters Your Life | This five-lesson Bible study is suitable for individuals or groups, and is used by most HopeKeepers groups whose focus is the spiritual and Emotional issues of individuals with Chronic pain or illness. | Copen, Lisa. “Bible Study: When Chronic Enters Your Life.” Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org/comfortzone/item42.htm. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Chronic, illness, Bible | |
Our Sunday Visitor’s | Articles included “The Rich Tapestry of Life and Disability,” “Opening Doors to People with Disabilities,” “Work and Disability: The Spiritual Dimension,” and “The Demographics of Disability.” | “Our Sunday Visitor’s.” The Prist 59, no. 7 (July 2003). | http://www.osv.org. | None Specified | spirit, priest | Journal Article | |
Feed All My Sheep: A Guide and Curriculum for Adults with Developmental Disabilities | Chapters on setting up a class, 60 pages of lessons, some music and songs, and other resources. Includes ideas for setting up a separate class and integration with other church members | Clark, Doris. Feed All My Sheep: A Guide and Curriculum for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Louisville: John Knox Press. | None Specified | curriculum, adult, development | |||
Hearts to Dance: Old and New, A Time for Everything, Gifts Galore | Hearts to Dance is a religious education program for school aged young people who have an Intellectual disability. Appropriate for special schools, parish programs, integrated RE programs, and at home with the family. | “Hearts to Dance: Old and New, A Time for Everything, Gifts Galore.” Faith Education Service. | None Specified | dance, Religion, education, faith | |||
Picture Bible Series | With interpretive illustration, is designed especially for children with limited language/reading skills, Deaf, or Developmental disabilities that all might know and love Jesus and live the gospel. 7 X 8 ½ inches, soft covered. Teacher’s manual for each book includes teaching suggestions and enlarged copies of each page, ideal for teaching groups. Teacher’s manual available in Spanish as well. Book | “Picture Bible Series.” Clare Hall. | None Specified | Bible | |||
I Live In God’s Love | I Live In God’s Love. Concordia Publishing. | None Specified | God, love | ||||
I Live in God’s Grace | I Live in God’s Grace. Concordia Publishing. | None Specified | God | ||||
I Live in God’s Promises | I Live in God’s Promises. Concordia Publishing. | None Specified | God | ||||
Awakening Spiritual Dimensions | A First Eucharist Preparation Program. 20 planned lessons with prayer, symbol, ritual, and community building | “Awakening Spiritual Dimensions.” | None Specified | spirit | |||
Confirming Faith in Jesus | A catechism for people with special needs. 200 pages of lessons and activities that teach the six chief parts of Luther’s catechism | Baisden, Kenneth. “Confirming Faith in Jesus.” BLHS. | None Specified | faith, Jesus, catechism | |||
Jesus Comes. Jesus Teaches and Heals. Jesus Dies and Rises | Three picture Bible books with simple language and illustrat | Peter, Margaret. Jesus Comes. Jesus Teaches and Heals. Jesus Dies and Rises. | None Specified | Jesus, teach, heal | |||
Expanding Worlds | A Resource Packet of lessons for adults | “Expanding Worlds.” National Council of Churches. | None Specified | church | |||
Extended Special Education Teacher’s Guide for the Simplified Catechism | King, Carla, and Loren Popke. Extended Special Education Teacher’s Guide for the Simplified Catechism. Lutheran Special Education Ministries. | None Specified | education, teacher, guide, catechism, ministry | ||||
The Christian Life | 48 lesson leaflets, 8 pp. each, with teachers’ guide, filmstrips, audio cassette with hymns. | “The Christian Life.” Concordia Publishing House. | None Specified | Intellectual | christian, lesson | ||
Mephibosheth Ministry | Produce a variety of religious education curricula and guides for adults with Developmental disabilities. Developed by a woman with Cerebral Palsy. Write for catalogue and brochure | “Mephibosheth Ministry.” | None Specified | Religion, education, ministry | |||
Journey With Jesus | Extensive curriculum guide, Catholic in origin, but very adaptable. Cardinal Stritch College Bookstore. Includes five separate books Call to Communion, Call to Reconciliation, Call To Service, Gospel Study, and Sacramental Living. Revised in 1988. Includes picture inserts or tablets that can be copied for students, a director’s handbook, and songbook for use in the program. Three part, nine level guide for children and adolescents, and three part guide for adults. | “Journey With Jesus.” | Catholic | Jesus, curriculum, Catholic, guide | |||
SPRED | Religious Education Handbook and guidelines for symbolic catechesis | SPRED. | None Specified | Religion, education | |||
Jesus Our Best Friends: His Ancestry and Life | Jesus Our Best Friends: His Ancestry and Life. Watertown Catechetical Office. | None Specified | Jesus, friend, life | ||||
The Living Catechism for Special Learners | Adaptations of four pupil texts for catechetical instruction, designed for use in a mainstream setting | “The Living Catechism for Special Learners.” Augsburg Publishing House. | None Specified | ||||
Simplified Catechism | Simplified Catechism. Lutheran Special Education Ministries. | None Specified | lutheran, ministry, catechism, education | ||||
Harmony Religious Education Program | · Kit includes resources, lesson guides, audio music tape. Produced by Sr. Monica Mary Gacke, OSF. All remaining copies of the set are available from NAfIM. Reaching Out is a handbook to be used by adults with Developmental disabilities who are participating in classes using the Harmony Curriculum | Mary Gacke, Monica. “Harmony Religious Education Program.” NaflM. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Religion, education, program | ||
Hear Me Read | Set of 18 Bible stories using 25 words or less for each one | Manz Simon, Mary. Hear Me Read. Concordia Publishing. | None Specified | Bible | |||
Our Life in Christ | Teacher’s Guide and Special Education Leaflets | “Our Life in Christ.” Concordia Publishing House. | None Specified | christ, teach, guide, education | |||
Bible Studies for the Developmentally Disabled | 55 lessons in loose leaf binder. Designed for lay teachers in health care and rehab settings. | “Bible Studies for the Developmentally Disabled.” Winsconsin Lutheran Institutional Lay Ministry. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Bible, lesson | ||
Learning and Living God’s Word | Zimmerman, Jane. “Learning and Living God’s Word.” | None Specified | God | ||||
Our Living Hope | 3 ten lesson cycles | Kieta, Geoff. “Our Living Hope.” | None Specified | lesson | |||
More Sign and Say | A resource for teaching Bible verses in American Sign Language! Each Bible verse has accompanying illustrations and instructions for hand gestures. Ages 3-7 | Flegal, Daphna. “More Sign and Say.” Abingdon Press. | None Specified | sign, resource | Book | ||
The Creation Story in Words and Sign Language | This beautiful book offers parents, children, teachers, and others to share not only the creation story itself but also the different signs that are used to tell the story. It is the ideal book for those looking to help encourage both adults and children to deepen their faith and serves as a Learning tool to expose them to American Sign Language (ASL), the universal language for the hearing impaired. It also gives hearing children a head start on a bilingual education and offers potential to improve literacy skills by introducing them to the benefits of sign | Audia, John. The Creation Story in Words and Sign Language. Liturgical Press. | http://www.litpress.org/Detail.aspx?ISBN=9780814631744. | None Specified | sign, parent | Book | |
Signs of Faith: Bible Verses for Preteen and Youth | Preteens and youth enjoy participating in various aspects of meaningful worship services. Singing Bible verses for worships and other occasions is rewarding and fun. The selected verses will help your preteens and youth learn Bible verses while performing an act of service for your church | Stoner, Marcia. Signs of Faith: Bible Verses for Preteen and Youth. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | teen, faith, Bible, youth | Book | ||
Communicating with Students Who Use Signing | This church school based introduction to American Sign Language includes instructions and advice for the beginner | “Communicating with Students Who Use Signing.” CCFH. | None Specified | student, church | |||
Special Education Teacher Packet | for the teachers leading the one above, containing the Bible Study, teaching procedures, feature articles for teacher development and family ministry, and posters for Blind aids. | “Special Education Teacher Packet.” | None Specified | education, teacher, Bible, study | |||
Network for Inclusive Catholic Education | Newsletter | Catholic | Catholic, newsletter | ||||
Faith and Light USA Newsletter | Newsletter connecting the Faith and Light communities, adult religious education and worship communities founded by Jean Vanier and the L’Arche communities | “Faith and Light USA” | None Specified | newsletter, faith | |||
Shepherd Boy | Newsletter written by a ministerial family with one child with Autism and another with Asperger’s Syndrome. Hands-on, practical advice for families and professionals in dealing with people with Autism and related Developmental disabilities | Batson, Craig, and Robyne Batson. “Shepherd Boy.” | None Specified | newsletter, ministry | |||
Special Education Cassette Recording | Annual audiocassette featuring instruMental and vocal accompaniment for 12 unit songs | “Special Education Cassette Recording.” Special Education Bible Study. | None Specified | special, education, Bible, study | |||
The Inclusion Notebook | “The Inclusion Notebook.” Pennycorner Press. | None Specified | inclusion | ||||
Easter Series | “Easter Series.” Winston Press. | None Specified | easter | ||||
Joy Series | “Joy Series.” Winston Press. | None Specified | joy | ||||
Foundation Series | “Foundation Series.” Brethren Press. | None Specified | foundation | ||||
New Life in Christ Series | “New Life in Christ Series.” Concordia Press. | None Specified | christ | ||||
New Invitation Series | “New Invitation Series.” United Methodist. | None Specified | invitation | ||||
This is Our Faith Curriculum | “This is Our Faith Curriculum.” Special Needs Catechist. | None Specified | faith, curriculum, catechism | ||||
Bible Learner’s Teacher | “Bible Learner’s Teacher.” Southern Baptist Sunday School Board. | None Specified | Bible, teach | ||||
Bible Discoverers Teacher | “Bible Discoverers Teacher.” Southern Baptist Sunday School Board. | None Specified | Bible, teach | ||||
Bible Searchers Teacher | “Bible Searchers Teacher.” Southern Baptist Sunday School Board. | None Specified | Bible, teach | ||||
Children’s Liturgy of the Word | illustrations, activities, resources for teaching based on lectionary readings. Catholic, but also adaptable to many settings | “Children’s Liturgy of the Word.” Resource Publications. | None Specified | children | |||
Booklet from Standard Press | on early childhood, elementary, teenagers, and adults and the Sacramental Preparation booklets from the Center on Ministry with Disabled People | None Specified | teen, children, SacraMental, ministry | ||||
All Means All. The Inclusion Video | Introduction to inclusion tools like circles, MAPS, and PATH process in regular schools, adaptable to religious settings | “All Means All. The Inclusion Video.” Inclusion Press. | None Specified | inclusion | |||
The Courage to Teach. Recovering the Inner Dimensions of a Teacher’s Life | Book, Video, and Reflection Guide based on work and continuing education retreats that Parker Palmer has done with the Fetzer Institute for teachers. Applicable to a broad range of people who care about teaching in community, and integrating spirituality in public life. | “The Courage to Teach. Recovering the Inner Dimensions of a Teacher’s Life.” Josey Bass Publishers. | None Specified | teach, life, reflection | |||
Catechetical Process in Special Education | A series of 13 videotapes to train teachers in special education programs. | “Catechetical Process in Special Education.” Office of Religious Education. | None Specified | cathechism, education, Religion | |||
Creative Management of Classroom Behavior | Captioned video, exploring “opportunities” for classroom disruptions and practical strategies for minimizing disturbances in the classroom. Stories, verbal illustrations, anecdotes. Margaret Frey presenting | Frey, Margaret. “Creative Management of Classroom Behavior.” Institute for Pastoral Initiatives. | None Specified | classroom, illustration | |||
Do You Really Love Me? | “Do You Really Love Me?” Franciscan Communications. | None Specified | love | ||||
Give It Away | “Give It Away.” Friendship Ministries. | None Specified | friendship | ||||
Design for Teaching Learners with Disabilities | Video Set. Shows how severely disabled child can be included in regular classroom, stressing importance of commitment, planning, and cooperation of church leaders, teachers, and parents. One video, reproducible worksheets, leader’s guide, and binder | “Design for Teaching Learners with Disabilities.” Standard Publishing (1994). | None Specified | teach, learner | |||
Eugene | videotape done about a Bar Mitzvah for a young man with Quadriplegia. See Section IV on Jewish Resources. It is an excellent resource, and useful in non-Jewish congregations as a way of exploring the kinds of supports possible to include children and young people with special needs | “Eugene.” Jewish Resources. | Jewish | Jewish | |||
Include Us | 33-minute entertainment video featuring kids with disabilities and others. Kids are playing and singing | “Include Us.” TiffHill Productions. | None Specified | inclusion | Movie | ||
Network of Inclusive Catholic Educators/Institute for Pastoral Initiatives | They have produced a number of videotapes over the years, many in conjunction with their annual fall conference on inclusive education. | None Specified | inclusion, education | ||||
The Inclusive Catholic Education Community | “The Inclusive Catholic Education Community.” Center on Integrated Education. | Catholic | education, Catholic, community, inclusion | ||||
The Inclusive Classroom | “The Inclusive Classroom.” Center on Integrated Education. | None Specified | school, education | ||||
Building the School Team | “Building the School Team.” Center on Integrated Education. | None Specified | education, school | ||||
Welcome One, Welcome All: Teaching the Gospel Around Children with Differences | Story of St. Luke’s Church, Beavercreek, Ohio, who has included 26 children with special needs in regular religious education classes | “Welcome One, Welcome All: Teaching the Gospel Around Children with Differences.” | None Specified | welcoming, teach, children | |||
No Barriers | “No Barriers.” | None Specified | barriers | ||||
Becoming a More Caring Congregation | This adult Sunday School/small group curriculum has 12 lessons and comes as a leader’s guide with pages to copy for the entire group. Topics include grieving, disabilities, Mental, unemployment, and again parents, all with the hope that people using these materials will become better at providing care and support for others in their congregations. | “Becoming a More Caring Congregation.” Mennonite Mutual Aid. | None Specified | care, congregation, aid | |||
Walking with Justice: Opening the Gates of Torah | Bradley Shavit Artson, Rabbi, and Deborah Silver. Walking with Justice: Opening the Gates of Torah. | http://www.ajula.edu/Media/PDF/Walking_With_Justice-Opening_the_Gates_of_Torah_Including_ | None Specified | justice, torah | |||
How Accessible Is Your Church? | This study provides tools for Learning how your church can be more welcoming to people with disabilities through both words and actions. Item #TC0309,1. This one-session study reviews recent historical changes in the rights persons have to access buildings and programs. It points out that many churches have made substantial changes enabling all to share in the faith life of their community. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their particular community and what sorts of changes may still need to be made in order to be a hospitable community for all persons | Webb Mitchell, Brett. “How Accessible Is Your Church?” the Thoughtful Christian. | http://www.thethoughtfulchristian.com. | None Specified | church, accessible | ||
The Other Side: Strength for the Journey | “The Other Side: Strength for the Journey.” The Other Side. | http://www.theotherside.org. | None Specified | strength, journey | |||
Opening Hearts, Minds, and Doors: Embodying the Inclusive and Vulnerable Love of God | Barron, Robert, and Donald Senior. “Opening Hearts, Minds, and Doors: Embodying the Inclusive and Vulnerable Love of God.” Pathways Awareness Foundation. | None Specified | heart, mind, inclusion, God | ||||
Rediscovering God’s Image: Including People with Disabilities | Rediscovering God’s Image: Including People with Disabilities. Louisville: Presbyterian Publishing House, 1999. | None Specified | God, inclusion, people | Book | |||
No Longer Alone: Mental Health and The Church | Toews, John. No Longer Alone: Mental Health and The Church. Herald Press. | None Specified | Intellectual | church | |||
So Who’s Perfect? | Stories of Persons with Disabilities | Cassie, Dhyan. So Who’s Perfect? Herald Press. | None Specified | dis | |||
The Courage to Care: Seven Lives Touched Disability and Congregational Caring | Ransom, Judy. The Courage to Care: Seven Lives Touched Disability and Congregational Caring. The Upper Room. | None Specified | care, congregation, care | ||||
Helping Yourself When You’re Helping Others | Carter, Rosalynn. Helping Yourself When You’re Helping Others. Times Books. | None Specified | help | ||||
From Crisis to New Creation | Study and discussion guide for adult group leaders in appendix of book by a young man with Cystic Fibrosis. Five sessions | Schwartzentruber, Michael. From Crisis to New Creation. Word Lake Books. | None Specified | crisis, adult | |||
Why Can’t I Make People Understand? | Discovering the validation those with Chronic seek and why. | Copen, Lisa. Why Can’t I Make People Understand?. Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org. | None Specified | validation | ||
Finding Help in a Support Group | “Finding Help in a Support Group.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | help, group, support | Book | |||
Going Through Hardship, Growing Through Prayer | “Going Through Hardship, Growing Through Prayer.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | prayer | ||||
Overcoming Guilt with Faith and Love | “Overcoming Guilt with Faith and Love.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | guilt, faith, love | Book | |||
Living with A Problem You Can’t Solve | “Living with A Problem You Can’t Solve.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | life, problem | Book | |||
Caring for Yourself When You’re Caring for Someone Ill | “Caring for Yourself When You’re Caring for Someone Ill.” Abbey Press. | None Specified | care, ill | ||||
The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities | “The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | commandments, communication, development | ||||
Shattered Temples | “Shattered Temples.” Disability Awareness Program. | None Specified | temple, development | ||||
Surprising Grace…People, Disabilities, Churches | “Surprising Grace…People, Disabilities, Churches.” PHEWA. | None Specified | grace, church | ||||
Straight to the Heart | Video about life of Henri Nouwen | “Straight to the Heart.” | None Specified | heart | |||
Breathing Lessons | Award winning video | “Breathing Lessons.” | None Specified | lesson | |||
When Billy Broke His Head | Award winning video | “When Billy Broke His Head.” | None Specified | head | |||
Petey | This is a novel about the relationship between a teenager and a man mistakenly institutionalized for much of his life. Appropriate for ages 10-up, this novel is available from Amazon | Milkaelsen, Ben. Petey. Amazon, 2000. | http://www.amazon.com/Petey-Ben-Mikaelsen/dp/0786813369/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-7048367- | None Specified | relationship, novel | Book | |
Yes, I Can. Curriculum. A Social Inclusion Curriculum for Students with and without Disabilities | Classroom lesson plans with experiential exercises. For use with junior and senior high. | “Yes, I Can. Curriculum. A Social Inclusion Curriculum for Students with and without Disabilities.” Institute on Community Integration. | None Specified | curriculum, inclusion, student, community, integration | |||
Teens Being Teens. Project Manual | Ideas for inclusive social activities | Enger, Sonja. Teens Being Teens. Project Manual. North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities. | None Specified | teen, manual, inclusion | |||
On the INside | Study unit with teacher’s guide, resources, student handouts to promote understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities among teenagers | “On the INside.”Ohio Public Images Network. | None Specified | teach, guide | |||
Welcome to Our World | Simulation Kit for 8 different kinds of disabling conditions, reflection guide, etc. Excellent | “Welcome to Our World.” Diocese of Portland. | None Specified | kit, world, welcoming | |||
Open Hearts: A Youth Ministry Resource on Inclusivity | 22-page booklet. Sessions on inclusion with guides and exercises related to gender, age, cultural, and family differences | Open Hearts: A Youth Ministry Resource on Inclusivity. ELCA Distribution Service. | None Specified | inclusion, youth, ministry | |||
Stop Staring! Start Sharing! | Guide for church youth leaders on inclusive group ministries. Activities, Biblical studies, practical suggestions | “Stop Staring! Start Sharing!” Christian Reformed Church. | None Specified | church, youth | |||
What’s It Like to Be Me? | What’s It Like to Be Me? Friendship Press. | None Specified | friendship | Book | |||
Circles of Friends: People with Disabilities and Their Friends Enrich the Lives of One Another | Featuring stories from Canada and the U.S. about friendships, relationships, and circles of friends | Perske, Robert. Circles of Friends: People with Disabilities and Their Friends Enrich the Lives of One Another. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | friend, life | Book | ||
Don’t Stop the Music | Novel about two persons in wheelchairs who solve a local crime | Perske, Robert. Don’t Stop the Music. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | music | Book | ||
Show Me No Mercy | Novel about coping capacity of a young man with Down Syndrome | Perske, Robert. Show Me No Mercy. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | young | Book | ||
Views from Our Shoes: On Growing Up with A Brother or Sister with Special Needs | Meyer, Don. Views from Our Shoes: On Growing Up with A Brother or Sister with Special Needs. Woodbine Press. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | |||
News and Views Magazine | “News and Views Magazine.” National Down Syndrome Society. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome | |||
A Special Kind of Hero | The star of “Life Goes On” tells his remarkable story | Burke, Chris, and Jo Beth McDaniel. A Special Kind of Hero. Doubleday. | None Specified | special, hero | |||
Today’s Heroes: Joni’s Story | Eareckson, Joni. Today’s Heroes: Joni’s Story. Zondervan Publishing. | None Specified | hero | ||||
Today’s Heroes: Dave Dravecky | Dravecky, Dave, and Tim Stafford. Today’s Heroes: Dave Dravecky. Zondervan Publishing. | None Specified | hero | ||||
What’s the Difference? Teaching Positive Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities | Barnes, Ellen, Berrigan, Carol, and Douglas Bilken. What’s the Difference? Teaching Positive Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities. Human Policy Press. | None Specified | teach, difference, positive | Book | |||
On Hidden Talents | A study of Physical disabilities in relation to God’s plan in Christ. Leader’s guide and duplicable student sheets. In resource packet from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America entitled “Resource Materials for your Ministry with Disabled Persons | “On Hidden Talents.” Evangelical Lutheran Church. | None Specified | Physical | evangelical, church, Physical | ||
Young Life Capernaum | This is a program sponsored by Young Life designed specifically for children and young adults with disabilities and includes weekly meetings, special events, and camping trips | “Young Life Capernaum.” Young Life. | http://www.younglife.org/Capernaum. | None Specified | young, life | ||
Gateway | “Gateway.”Guidelines Curriculum. | None Specified | curriculum | ||||
Roofbreakers | “Roofbreakers.” Youth for Christ. | None Specified | christ, youth | ||||
Understanding Our Differences | Six unit curriculum related to disabilities | “Understanding Our Differences.” | http://www.understandingourdifferences.org. | None Specified | curriculum, difference | ||
The Wild Dream Team | Follows lives of ten high school students with Mental challenges as they work with parents, teachers, and friends over the course of a year to plan for transition from school to adult life. 59 min. | “The Wild Dream Team.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | dream, high school, student | |||
Disability Awareness Activities for Children, Teens and Families | This activity book includes over 50 pages of mazes, puzzles, coloring sheets, saints with disabilities, facts and information, a prayer service, and more | Davis, Joann. Disability Awareness Activities for Children, Teens and Families. | None Specified | children, teen, family, activity | |||
Equal Treatment, Equal Access: Raising Awareness About People With Disabilities and Their Struggle for Equal Rights | This is a collection of elementary, middle and high school lessons that explore various forms of disability, challenge myths and stereotypes about people living with disabilities, and promote awareness of disability rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | “Equal Treatment, Equal Access: Raising Awareness About People With Disabilities and Their Struggle for Equal Rights.” ADL. | http://www.adl.org/education/curriculum_connections/fall_2005. | None Specified | equal, awareness, ministry | ||
Awareness in Action | Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services. Disability awareness month packet of information, includes a coloring book for kids, sermon outlines, a litany, posters, a Bible study tailored to junior high/senior high, and one to adults, and a bulletin insert | “Awareness in Action.” Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services. | http://www.blhs.org/?awareness. | None Specified | awareness | ||
Duncan Goes Exploring | A coloring and activity book, is part of Mosaic’s Children’s Education Program,. Other items include a collection bank, a four week disability awareness calendar, a four lesson Bible Study, “Duncan’s New Neighbors” video, and lessons for Learning the Lord’s prayer in sign language. Many are available on line and can be Down Syndromeloaded | “Duncan Goes Exploring.” Mosaic’s Children’s Education Program. | http://www.mosaicinfo.org/duncan | None Specified | children, education, coloring | ||
Connecting Students: A Guide to Thoughtful Friendship Facilitation for Educators and Families | Schaffner, Beth, and Barbara Bushwell. Connecting Students: A Guide to Thoughtful Friendship Facilitation for Educators and Families. Peak Parent Center. | None Specified | student, guide, friendship, education, family | ||||
Making Friends: The Influences of Culture and Development | Focusing on ability and cultural diversity, this fascinating book uses participatory and in-school research models to reveal how children make, keep, and end friendships | Making Friends: The Influences of Culture and Development. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | culture, development | Book | ||
Connecting Kids: Exploring Diversity Together | Ideal resource for professionals, families, and volunteers as well as high school, college, and university students who are involved in building more inclusive communities. | Hill, Linda. Connecting Kids: Exploring Diversity Together. Building Bridges Consulting. | None Specified | kid, family | |||
Discovering Connections: A Guide to the Fun of Bridging Disability Differences | Ideal resource for professionals, families, and volunteers as well as high school, college, and university students who are involved in building more inclusive communities. | Hill, Linda. Discovering Connections: A Guide to the Fun of Bridging Disability Differences. Building Bridhes Consulting. | None Specified | guide, fun, difference | |||
Special Needs- Special Ministry | Special Needs- Special Ministry. Group Publishing, 2003. | http://www.barnesandnoble.com. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | ||
Delicate Threads: Friendships between Children with and without Special Needs in Inclusive Settings | A culmination of the author’s years of careful observations of friendships between seven pairs of children—each including a child with moderate to severe disability—who are classmates in an inclusive elementary school | Staub, Debbie. Delicate Threads: Friendships between Children with and without Special Needs in Inclusive Settings. Woodbine House. | None Specified | friendship, children, inclusion | |||
Me, Too! | Six booklets for parents and teachers to use with young children to help them make their first connections outside the home | Hanson, Marci, and Paula Beckman. Me, Too! Brookline Books, 1995. | None Specified | parent, teach | Book | ||
Helping Children Understand People with Disabilities. An Activity Book for You and Your Chil | Short ten-page guide with a number of activities | Helping Children Understand People with Disabilities. An Activity Book for You and Your Chil. NJ Department of Human Services. | None Specified | children, guide | |||
Helping Children Understand Disability | “Helping Children Understand Disability.” CCFH, | http://www.ccfh.org. | None Specified | children, help | |||
Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes | This book introduces kids ages 8-12 to famous, inspirational figures, told by 8 year old Quinn, a young boy with Asperger’s Syndrome who tells young readers about the achievements and characteristics of his Autism heroes. | Black, Jennifer. Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, hero | ||
Looking Out For Sarah | Book won the 2004 Schneider Family Book Award for young children. This conveys the special bond between Perry, a black Labrador retriever guide dog, and Sarah, a musician who happens to be Blind | Lang, Glenna. Looking Out For Sarah. Charlesbridge Publishing. | http://www.charlesbridge.com. | None Specified | family | ||
The View from Under the Pew | Diane Johnson Illustrated storybook introduces children to the true story of Walter, a guide dog who assists Pastor Diane through her day at the church. Walter helps with visitation, attending meetings, conducting Bible studies, and worship | Johnson, Diane. The View from Under the Pew. Abingdon Press, 2008. | None Specified | illustration | Book | ||
My Pal Victor | This book won the 2005 Schneider Family Book Award for young children. The bilingual text and bold, colorful illustrations tell the story of Dominic and Victor, two Latino boys who share the joys of friendship. Dominic is proud that his pal likes the way he is. Until the last illustration, the reader is unaware that Victor uses a wheelchair | Gonzales Bertrand, Diane. My Pal Victor. Raven Tree Press. | http://www.raventreepress.com. | None Specified | friendship, illustration | Book | |
Dad, Jackie, and Me | This book won the 2006 Schneider Family Book Award for young children. This exceptional portrayal of a young boy’s affectionate relationship with his Deaf father hits home when his dad identifies with baseball player Jackie Robinson and recognizes that discrimination takes many forms | Uhlberg, Myron. Dad, Jackie, and Me. Peachtree Press. | http://www.peachtree-online.com. | None Specified | family | Book | |
The Deaf Musicians | This book won the 2007 Schneider Family Book Award in the young children’s category. After losing his hearing, jazzman Lee learns to make music in a new way. Lee’s story teaches the reader that there is more than one way to do everything, to never give up on your dreams and that music can be enjoyed by all | Seeger, Pete, and Paul DuBois Jacob. The Deaf Musicians. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2006. | http://us.penguingroup.com/static/pages/publishers/yr/putnam.html. | None Specified | family | Book | |
It’s Time | This is a new book in the Turtle Book Series for children. The book is about Tommy, a second grader who has Autism, and is in a general classroom with an understanding teacher, how he sometimes acts out his anxieties, and how they are addressed for him and the other kids. Published by Jason and Nordic Publishers | Mammay, Judith. It’s Time. Jason and Nordic Publishers. | http://jasonandnordic.com/page1.asp#time. | None Specified | time | Book | |
The Best Worst Brother | This sequel to We’ll Paint the Octopus Red (Woodbine, 1998) follows the relationship between three- year-old Isaac, who has Down Syndrome’s syndrome, and his older sister, Emma, who is frustrated by his slow language and motor development. Available from Woodbine House | Stuve-Bodeen, Stephanie. The Best Worst Brother. Woodbine House, 2005. | http://www.woodbinehouse.com/search_results.asp?iLevel=1&txtsearchParamCat=ALL&txtsearchP | None Specified | family | Book | |
What’s Wrong With Timmy? | Eight year old Kate and her Mom meet Timmy at the park, and questions lead to new relationships. Great book for congregations because the questions and answers include ones about God | Shriver, Maria. What’s Wrong With Timmy? Warner Books, 2001. | None Specified | family, relationship, congregation | Book | ||
Don’t Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability | Thomas, Pat, and Leslie Harker. Don’t Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability. Barron’s Education Series, 2002. | None Specified | disability, education | Book | |||
Special People, Special Ways | Maguire, Arlene. Special People, Special Ways. Future Horizons, 2000. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | |||
Someone Special, Just Like You | Brown, Tricia, and Fran Ortiz. Someone Special, Just Like You. Henry Holt and Co., 1995. | None Specified | special | Book | |||
Andy and His Yellow Frisbee | A heartwarming illustrated children’s book about Andy, a boy with Autism. Like many autistic children, Andy has a fascination with objects in motions. It’s Andy’s talent for spinning his Frisbee combined with a classmate’s curiosity that sets this story in motion | Thompson, Mary. Andy and His Yellow Frisbee. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | children,Autism | Book | |
A Day with Russ, Children’s Series | These 3 titles present the adventures of a young boy who happens to have Down Syndrome. Rather than focusing on his disabilities, these picture books show how much Russ is like kids his age | Elizabeth Rickert, Janet. A Day with Russ, Children’s Series. Woodbine House. | None Specified | children | Book | ||
We’ll Paint the Octopus Red | Six-year-old Emma has big dreams for her new baby brother. But when she learns that he has Down Syndrome she worries that he won’t be able to do many of the fun things she’s imagined they’d do together. This is a reassuring story for young children as well as parents adjusting to Down Syndrome. It concludes with helpful questions and answers for children about Down Syndrome | Stuve-Bodeen, Stephanie. We’ll Paint the Octopus Red. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome, family | Book | |
Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs | The boys and girls whose essays are featured in this collection range in age from four to eighteen. They share their experiences as the brother or sister of someone with a disability—the good and bad aspects, as well as many thoughtful observations | J. Meyer, Donald, and Cary Pillo. Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs. Woodbine House. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | ||
My Brother, Matthew | Offers a sibling’s point-of-view of the ups and Down Syndromes of life when his brother is born with a disability. David, the older sibling, wryly shares the experiences of adjusting to Matthew and the positive ways in which he has built a unique relationship with his brother. | Thompson, Mary. My Brother, Matthew. Woodbine House. | None Specified | family, relationship | Book | ||
Mommy Stayed in Bed this Morning | Pictures a parent’s struggle with depression through the eyes of a child. Lovingly and gently, the story follows preschooler David through a range of Emotionals and interaction with people who help him feel happy and secure…including his pastor and church family members. Beautiful color illustrations | Mommy Stayed in Bed this Morning. Herald Press, 2001. | None Specified | Intellectual | depression | Book | |
Lessons for Understanding. An Elementary Curriculum on Perspective Taking | Guide for bridging activities between children in understanding disabilities | Lessons for Understanding. An Elementary Curriculum on Perspective Taking. Institute on Community Integration. | None Specified | curriculum, institute, integration | |||
Turtle Books | A series on children with disabilities with them as the heroes. For young children with disabilities and those who are non-disabled. Currently ten books dealing with children with Physical disabilities, Cerebral Palsy, speech impairment, Down Syndrome, and others. They are also putting the books on disks for computer so child or student can control the speed | Turtle Books. Jason and Nordic Publishers. | None Specified | Physical | young, children, disabilities, Physical | Book | |
Sensitivity and Awareness. | Sensitivity and Awareness. Jason and Nordic Publishers. | None Specified | awareness | Book | |||
Connecting Kids: Exploring Inclusion Together | Hill, Linda. Connecting Kids: Exploring Inclusion Together. Building Bridges Consulting. | None Specified | children, inclusion | ||||
Special Needs Catalogue | Excellent selection of books for families, siblings, and children that have been put together through the Exceptional Parent Library | Special Needs Catalogue. Esceptional Parent Library. | None Specified | family, parent | |||
Each One Uniquely Gifted by God | Disability awareness curriculum. | “Each One Uniquely Gifted by God.” Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc. | None Specified | God, curriculum | |||
Charlie’s Chuckle | Adventuresome 7 year old who happens to have Down Syndrome. | Widess, Clara. Charlie’s Chuckle. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome, family | Book | |
Lee, the Rabbit with Epilepsy | About a young rabbit who has her first seizure on a fishing trip with her grandfather. Doctor explains Epilepsy in clear terms | Moss, Deborah. Lee, the Rabbit with Epilepsy. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Physical | Epilepsy | Book | |
Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle | An over-wiggly turtle finds out he is hyperactive, and gets help from doctor and family | Moss, Deborah. Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle. Woodbine House. | None Specified | hyper, active, family, doctor | Book | ||
Friends Who Care Disability Awareness | Program for use with school age children. Teacher’s guide, five worksheets, 45-minute video, posters, and more | “Friends Who Care Disability Awareness.” National Easter Seal Society. | None Specified | program, children, school | Movie | ||
What It’s Like to Be Me? | “What It’s Like to Be Me?” Friendship Press. | None Specified | friendship | Book | |||
Ian’s Walk. A Story About Autism | Story about a girl and her brother, Ian, with Autism | Ian’s Walk. A Story About Autism. Albert Whitman and Company. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, family | ||
Dignity and Disability: A Jewish Discovery Kit | “Dignity and Disability: A Jewish Discovery Kit.” Board of Jewish Education of Greater Washington. | Jewish | Jewish, kit | ||||
Different is Kind of Nice | Book and audiotape about valuing differences in others | Different is Kind of Nice. Abbey Press. | None Specified | value, difference | Book | ||
Just Like Everyone Else | Pierson, Jim. Just Like Everyone Else. Standard Publishing House. | None Specified | people | ||||
R as in CHRRRISTOPHR: The Story of Two Extraordinary People | About a young boy with Down Syndrome and his friend Lloyd Reynolds, professor and acclaimed calligrapher | R as in CHRRRISTOPHR: The Story of Two Extraordinary People. The Arc of Multnoman County. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome, friendship | ||
Bethy and the Mouse | Written by a Methodist minister, father of two children with special needs. Free verse, prose, photographs, and progress reports | Bakely, D. Bethy and the Mouse. Brookline Press. | None Specified | ministry, special, needs | Book | ||
Martin is Our Friend | Hasler. Martin is Our Friend. Abindgon Press. | None Specified | friendship | Book | |||
In Jimmy’s Chair | In Jimmy’s Chair. Abindgon Press. | None Specified | friendship | Book | |||
Keith Edward’s Different Day | About Keith who meets a number of “different” people on a special day | Melberg Schwier, Karin. Keith Edward’s Different Day. Canada: Allan Roeher Institute Publications. | None Specified | disability | |||
Be Good to Eddie Lee | Fleming, Virginia. Be Good to Eddie Lee. New York: Philomel Books. | None Specified | disability | Book | |||
Are You My Friend? | 40 pp. for preschool and primary grade child. To foster understanding of human differences | Derby, Janice. Are You My Friend?. Herald Press, 1993. | None Specified | friendship, children | Book | ||
The Hard Life of Seymour E. Newton | 96 pp. About Peter, third grader, dealing with his Learning disability. | Bixby Hedald, Ann. The Hard Life of Seymour E. Newton. Herald Press. | None Specified | young, children | Book | ||
Sometimes You Just Have to Tell Somebody | Cullen, Ruth. Sometimes You Just Have to Tell Somebody. Paulist Press. | None Specified | friendship | Book | |||
Are There Stripes in Heaven? | Klein, L. Are There Stripes in Heaven? Paulist Press. | None Specified | heaven | Book | |||
Two Tracks in the Snow | About children with disabilities, with the kids as the lead characters and heroes. | Two Tracks in the Snow. Jason and Nordic Publishers. | None Specified | children, disability | Book | ||
NICHCY Resources You Can Use: Children’s Literature and Disability | A list of resources published to inform parents and professionals about books that are written about or include characters who have a disability. | “NICHCY Resources You Can Use: Children’s Literature and Disability.” NICHCY. | None Specified | children, literature, disability, information | |||
The Disability Resource Library | Distributor of children’s books about disabilities from many publishers. | “The Disability Resource Library.” Disability Resources. | http://www.disabilityresource.com. | None Specified | children, resource, library | ||
Kids, Disabilities, and Regular Classrooms | Annotated bibliography of selected children’s literature on disability | Bunch, Gary. “Kids, Disabilities, and Regular Classrooms.” Inclusion Press. | None Specified | children, classroom, disability | Book | ||
AccessAbility. A Manual for Churches | Excellent sections of resources for children and teens | “AccessAbility. A Manual for Churches.” Episcopal Disability Network (1997). | None Specified | manual, church, children | |||
Kid’s Quest | Site designed to teach children in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades about issues faced by children and disabilities. Each quest addresses a different question about living with a disability. Children are encouraged to find their own answers by navigating links to a variety of websites. Coordinated by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, a branch of the Center for Disease Control | “KId’s Quest.” | http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/kids/. | None Specified | children, teach | ||
How Come You Walk Funny? | This 47-minute video explores the challenges, suprises, and inspirations that confront participants in an early childhood education program that includes children with and without disabilities. | “How Come You Walk Funny?” Fanlight Productions Media Library. | None Specified | childhood, children, fun | Video | ||
Let’s Be Friends and Meet My Friends | Two videotape segments by Joni Eareckson Tada. Awareness resources for children. Leader’s guide and lesson plans with reproducible student sheets | Eareckson, Joni. “Let’s Be Friends and Meet My Friends.” David C. Cook Publishing House. | None Specified | friendship, inclusion | Book | ||
Small Differences | Award winning video narrated and produced by a group of children with disabilities showing their story, and their involvement in a variety of activities. 25 min. | “Small Differences.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | program | |||
Kidability | On children and disabilities | “Kidability.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | children, disability | |||
Kidability II | On children and disabilities | “Kidability II.” Program Development Associates. | None Specified | children, disability | |||
There’s No One Exactly Like Me | Videotape, using disabled puppets | “There’s No One Exactly Like Me.” Nazarene Publishing House. | None Specified | disability, children | Book | ||
Pirro | 16 mm. film or videocassette, 11 minutes, using a puppet film format to introduce sign language to both hearing and Deaf children | “Pirro.” Films, Inc. | None Specified | video | Movie | ||
Too wise too be mistaken, too good to be unkind: Christian parents contend with Autism | Steere, C. Too wise too be mistaken, too good to be unkind: Christian parents contend with Autism. Grace & Truth Books, 2005. | http://www.amazon.com/Too-Wise-Mistaken-Good-Unkind/dp/1930133030/ref=pd_sim_b_img_3 | Christian | Autism Spectrum | christian, parent, Autism | Book | |
Miles from the Sideline: A Mother’s Journey with her Special Needs Daughter | The wife of Notre Dame football coach Charlie Weis describes her journey as a parent raising their daughter, as well as the spiritual transformation that was part of it. | Weis, Maura, and Jessica Trobaugh Temple. Miles from the Sideline: A Mother’s Journey with her Special Needs Daughter. Ave Maria Press. | None Specified | special, need, daughter | Book | ||
My Child, My Gift: A Positive Response to Serious Prenatal Diagnosis | This is a resource for expectant parents whose unborn child has been diagnosed with a serious illness | Pecora Nugent, Madeline. My Child, My Gift: A Positive Response to Serious Prenatal Diagnosis. New City Press. | None Specified | children, parent | Book | ||
God Loves Your Child with Disabilities | Published by the National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry, this brochure is written to comfort and encourage expectant parents of a child with disabilities. A Spanish edition of the brochure will be issued in fall of 2008 | God Loves Your Child with Disabilities. National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry. | None Specified | God, children | |||
Married with Special Needs Children | This new book offers marital advice for parents juggling the demands of a child with special needs | Marshak, Laura, and Fran Pollock. Married with Special Needs Children. Woodbine House. | None Specified | marriage, children, inclusion, ministry | Book | ||
More than a Mom | This book offers helpful advice and insights for mothers on how they can lead more manageable and fulfilling lives as they parent a child with special needs | Baskin, Amy, and Heather Fawcett. More than a Mom. Woodbine House. | None Specified | advice, motherhood | |||
Journey with Jeff: Inspiration for Caregivers of People with Special Needs | This powerful testament of hope and faith sends a clear message to families, friends, and caregivers of individuals with special needs that god’s patience and love are the sustenance of the heart and soul. Fueled by an intensely personal relationship with god, the author shares her experience raising a child with Down Syndrome | Y. Reisch, Sybil. Journey with Jeff: Inspiration for Caregivers of People with Special Needs. | None Specified | family, friendship, special, needs | |||
ASD to Z: Basic Information, Support, and Hope | This resource from the Gray Center provides basic information on ASD and support to childcare providers, families, teachers, neighbors, and others. Easy to read, this book provides information for each letter of the alphabet. | Hickman, Laurel. ASD to Z: Basic Information, Support, and Hope. Gray Center. | http://www.thegraycenter.org/store/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_ID=3. | None Specified | children, family, resource | ||
They Created Us: Special Education, Medicaid Waivers, EPSDT, Independent Case Management – A family’s journey through a Bureaucratic maze! | The author describes her family’s journey through the disability world that begins with their second son’s encounter with Hflu meningitis at six months of age | Mercado, Denise. They Created Us: Special Education, Medicaid Waivers, EPSDT, Independent Case Management – A family’s journey through a Bureaucratic maze. Author House. | None Specified | family, special | |||
Special Needs Trust Administration Manual: A Guide for Trustees | This is a helpful guide for anyone managing a Special Needs Trust for a person with disabilities. The authors, all attorneys, guide trustees through the complicated rules of managing such a trust and provide helpful information about public benefit programs, taxes, payment for various services, housing subsidies, and trustee duties | Special Needs Trust Administration Manual: A Guide for Trustees. Disabilities Books. | http://www.disabilitiesbooks.com/special_needs_trust/index.html. | None Specified | manual, guide | Book | |
Legal Planning for Special Needs in Massachusetts | This is a practical guide to legal planning for parents of children with special needs. Attorney Barbara Jackins clearly explains the essential elements of SSI, guardianship, and estate planning for families who have a child with a disability. While some of the materials are specific to Massachusetts, many of the strategies discussed would be applicable in any state | Jackins, Barbara. Legal Planning for Special Needs in Massachusetts. Disabilities Books. | http://www.disabilitiesbooks.com/catalog-servechildren.htm. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | |
Disability is Natural: Revolutionary Common Sense for Raising Successful Children with Disabilities | This is a resource for parents as well as service providers, educators, and others who want to ensure that children with disabilities lead real lives—self-determined lives— included in their homes, schools, and communities | Snow, Kathie. Disability is Natural: Revolutionary Common Sense for Raising Successful Children with Disabilities. Disability is Natural. | http://www.disabilityisnatural.com. | None Specified | children, disability | ||
After the Tears: Parents Talk About Raising a Child With a Disability | This is the story of parents who have struggled, learned and grown in the years since their children were born. They share their stories with you to give you the benefit of their experiences, to let you know you’re not alone, and to offer you encouragement in growing with and loving your child (Wyoming Parent Information Center) | Simons, Robin. After the Tears: Parents Talk About Raising a Child With a Disability. Wyoming Parent Information Center. | None Specified | parent, children, disability | |||
Peace of Mind | Peace of Mind. Canada: PLAN Institute. | None Specified | peace, mind, institute | ||||
Voices from the Spectrum: Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, People with Autism and Professionals Share their Wisdom | A compelling collection of stories and reflections. | Ariel, Cindy, and Robert Naseef. Voices from the Spectrum: Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, People with Autism and Professionals Share their Wisdom. Jessica Kingsley Publishing. | None Specified | family, professional | Book | ||
A Child Called Noah | The joy and hope with which Greenfeld recorded Noah’s birth in his journal were not to last. By the age of two and a half, Noah had stopped talking, had difficulty performing the simplest tasks, and could not communicate with his parents. The doctors consulted by the Greenfelds were as baffled as Noah’s beleaguered parents. Vacillating between hope and despair, and increasingly aware of the impact caring for a child like Noah would have on their lives, the anguished Greenfeld family journeyed from New York to Connecticut to California in search of help | Greenfeld, Josh. A Child Called Noah. Amazon, 1989. | http://www.amazon.com/Child-Called-Noah-Family-Journey/dp/0156168626. | None Specified | children | Book | |
Laying Community Foundations for Your Child with a Disability: How to Establish Relationships That Will Support Your Child after You’re Gone | What will happen to your child after you die? This book helps parents answer this often terrifying question. Chapters discuss how to begin building relationships that will help support your child in the future, how to assess a child’s needs, how to foster long-term relationships, how to ask for a commitment, and where to look for relationships | J. Stengle, Linad. Laying Community Foundations for Your Child with a Disability: How to Establish Relationships That Will Support Your Child after You’re Gone. Woodbine House. | None Specified | community, children, relationship | Book | ||
Caregivers and Personal Assistants: How to Find, Hire and Manage the People Who Help You (or Your Loved One.) | DeGraff, Alfred. Caregivers and Personal Assistants: How to Find, Hire and Manage the People Who Help You (or Your Loved One). Saratoga Access Publications. | http://www.Saratoga-publications.com. | None Specified | care, personal, love | Book | ||
The Fearless Caregiver: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and Still Have a Life of Your Own | From the experts at Today’s Caregiver Magazine – a step-by-step guide to becoming the ultimate caregiver – fearless and factual – for your loved one | Bard, Gary. The Fearless Caregiver: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and Still Have a Life of Your Own. Capital Books, Inc. | http://www.capital-books.com/. | None Specified | care, love, life | Book | |
The Resilient Family: Living with Your Child’s Illness or Disability | W. Power, Paul, and Arthur E. Dell. The Resilient Family: Living with Your Child’s Illness or Disability. Sorin Books, 2003. | None Specified | life, illness, children | Book | |||
The Future of Children with Significant Impairments: What Parents Fear and Want, and What They and Others May Be Able to Do About It | A new three part, 100 page book by Wolf Wolfensberger coming out of his 40+ years working with parents and parent associations. He explores conditions that raise concern in families, parent responsibilities, and some of the maladaptive mindsets or patterns that parents can make. | Wolfensberger, Wolf. The Future of Children with Significant Impairments: What Parents Fear and Want, and What They and Others May Be Able to Do About It. SU Training Institute. | None Specified | children, parent | |||
Handbook for Long Distance Caregivers | Handbook for Long Distance Caregivers. Family Caregiver, Alliance. | None Specified | caregiver | ||||
A Special Kind of Love: For Those Who Love Children with Special Needs | A collection of stories by and about parents and other family members who live with and care for children with special needs on a day to day basis | Titus Osborn, Susa, and Janet Lynn Mitchell. A Special Kind of Love: For Those Who Love Children with Special Needs. Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2004. | None Specified | children, special, needs | Book | ||
Nobody’s Perfect: Living and Growing with Children Who Have Special Needs | 352 pp. Practical and non-judgMental, this book guides parents through the process of adapting to having children with special needs. It describes specific strategies for success in balancing one’s own life; developing a parenting partnership; and interacting with children, friends, relatives, professionals, and others. Candid, inspiring, often humorous reflections of four mothers | B. Miller,. Nancy, Burmester, Sisie, G. Callahan, Diane, Dieterle, Janet, and Stephanie Niedermeyer. Nobody’s Perfect: Living and Growing with Children Who Have Special Needs. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | children, special, needs | Book | ||
Special Children, Challenged Parents. Revised Edition | 320 pp. Helps parents deal with complex Emotionals coming from having a child with special needs. Deals with acknowledging and managing difficult Emotionals, recognizing differences between fathers and mothers, coping with challenging behavior, understanding the ongoing impact of the child’s disability on the family | A. Naseef, Robert. Special Children, Challenged Parents. Revised Edition. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | children, special, needs | Book | ||
Special Needs Trust Administration Manual. A Guide for Trustees | Special Needs Trust Administration Manual. A Guide for Trustees. People with Disabilities Press. | http://www.disabilitiesbooks.com/catalogue-servechildren.htm | None Specified | guide, special, needs | Book | ||
You Will Dream New Dreams | Great collection of stories by parents of children with disabilities | Klein, Stan, and Kim Schive. You Will Dream New Dreams. People with Disabilities Press. | None Specified | parent | Book | ||
Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide | For both the new parent coping with a child’s recent diagnosis and the experienced advocate, Children With Autism is a must-have reference. It is the authoritative guide on Autism and other conditions within the spectrum of pervasive Developmental disorder (PDD). | D. Powers, Michael. Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | children, Autism | Book | |
Teaching Teens with ADD and ADHD. A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents | Seventy-five easy-to-implement summaries each focus on a key issue related to teaching students with ADD/ADHD. From understanding the basics about ADD/ADHD to intervention strategies, behavior management, and schoolwork adaptations, it includes everything teachers and parents need to know. | A. Zeigler Dendy, Chris. Teaching Teens with ADD and ADHD. A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | teach, teen, ADD, ADHD | ||
Teenager with ADD: A Parent’s Guide | Parents, educators, and health professionals rely on this best-selling guide to understand and cope with teenagers with attention deficit disorders (ADD). This book covers symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, accommodations, advocacy, legal rights, etc. | A. Zeigler,Chris. Teenager with ADD: A Parent’s Guide. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | teen, ADD, parent, guide | Book | |
Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones | McDermott’s intelligent and graceful memoir offers an intimate look at how her ideas of perfection and wholeness were turned upside Down Syndrome when her second son was born with Apert Syndrome, a rare craniofacial condition. The author considers her own and her family’s Emotional survival, genetic and ethical questions about disability, and beliefs about beauty | McDermott, Jeanne. Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Genetic/Chromosomal | Apert syndrome | Book | |
Extraordinary Kids: Nurturing and Championing Your Child with Special Needs | Book on faith and special needs families | Fuller, Cheri, and Louise Tucker Jones. Extraordinary Kids: Nurturing and Championing Your Child with Special Needs. Family Publishing Company. | None Specified | children, special, needs | |||
Ministering to Families of Individuals with Disabilities | A packet of resource listings and practical suggestions for reaching out to the whole family | Ministering to Families of Individuals with Disabilities. Handi Vangelism. | None Specified | family, ministry | |||
Starting a Parent Support Group | Information and resources needed to start a parent support group | “Starting a Parent Support Group.” Handi Vangelism. | None Specified | parent, group, support | |||
A Christian View of Mental: Understanding and Response | Written to help ministry and individuals determine appropriate ways to respond and support those dealing with Mental. Written in 2001, the resource is based on the author’s own experiences with depression and her clinical knowledge. It provides background on the church’s historic response to Mental and outlines a Christian response based on scripture. | “A Christian View of Mental: Understanding and Response.” Mennonite Mutual Aid (2001). | Christian | ||||
Changed by A Child. Companion Notes for Parents of A Child with Disability | Gill, Barbara. Changed by A Child. Companion Notes for Parents of A Child with Disability. Doubleday, 1997. | None Specified | children, parent | Book | |||
Hope for the Families | Perske, Robert. Hope for the Families. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | Family, hope | Book | |||
Meeting the Challenge of a Disability or Chronic | Goldfarb, Brotherson, Summers, and Turnbull. Meeting the Challenge of a Disability or Chronic. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Chronic, illness, challenge | Book | ||
Disability and the Family: A Guide to Decisions About Adulthood | Turnbull, Rudd, Turbull, Ann, Bronicki, Buzz, and Jean Ann Summers. Disability and the Family: A Guide to Decisions About Adulthood. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | disability, family, guide, adult | ||||
Welcome to God’s World | Booklet for parents of newly diagnosed disabled child | Welcome to God’s World. National Apostolate for Inclusive Ministries. | None Specified | God, ministry | |||
What Happens After We’re Gone: Estate and Life Planning | Helps families with estate planning, wills, trusts, and guardianships for their dependents with a disability or Mental. Encourages church involvement. | “What Happens After We’re Gone: Estate and Life Planning.” Mennonite Mutual Aid. | None Specified | life, aid, family | |||
Laying Community Foundations for Your Child With A Disability: How to Establish Relationships That Will Support Your Child After You’re Gone | Stengle, Linda. Laying Community Foundations for Your Child With A Disability: How to Establish Relationships That Will Support Your Child After You’re Gone. Woodbine Press, 1997. | None Specified | community, foundation, children, disability, relationship | Book | |||
Planning for the Future | Life and estate planning for parents of a child with a disability | Russell, Mark, Joseph, Suzanne, Grant, Arnold, and Richard Fee. Planning for the Future. Illinois: American Publishing Company. | None Specified | plan, future, parent | Book | ||
Parenting A Child with Special Needs | Cook, Rosemarie. Parenting A Child with Special Needs. Zondervan Publishing House, 1994. | None Specified | special, needs, child, parent | Book | |||
Strength for His People: A Ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill | Written by a brother of a man with a Mental, the book is an application of the Bible to specific questions and needs among Christian families of people with Mental | Waterhouse, Steven. Strength for His People: A Ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill. Westcliff Baptist Church. | None Specified | church, ministry, family | |||
In the Shadow of Our Steeples: Pastoral Presence for Families Coping with Mental | Govig, Stewart. In the Shadow of Our Steeples: Pastoral Presence for Families Coping with Mental. Haworth Press, 1998. | None Specified | pastoral, family | Book | |||
You Can’t Get There From Here. Understanding the Challenge of Parenting a Child With A Mood or Behavior Disorder | Stories, strategies, and scriptural/theological references and reflection | Cooney, Terri. You Can’t Get There From Here. Understanding the Challenge of Parenting a Child With A Mood or Behavior Disorder. Bel Air: Mt. Zion United Methodist Church. | None Specified | Psychiatric | parent, children, mood, behavior, disorder | ||
A Difference in the Family | Featherstone, Helen. A Difference in the Family. Basic Books. | None Specified | family | Book | |||
Loving Elizabeth: Opening My Heart to a Child with Special Needs | Saunders, Lisa. Loving Elizabeth: Opening My Heart to a Child with Special Needs. Baltimore: Cathedral Foundation Press, 1996. | None Specified | heart, children, special, needs | Book | |||
Support for Caregiving Families | Singer, George, and Larry Irvin. Support for Caregiving Families. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 1989. | None Specified | caregiver, family | Book | |||
Meeting the Needs and Challenges of At Risk, Two Generation, Elderly Families | “Meeting the Needs and Challenges of At Risk, Two Generation, Elderly Families.” Arc National. | None Specified | family, need | ||||
The Rubberband Syndrome: Family Life with a Child with a Disability | 24-page booklet out of interviews with eight families | Wright, Virginia. The Rubberband Syndrome: Family Life with a Child with a Disability. Centering Corporation. | None Specified | syndrome, family, life, children, disability | |||
Religion and Families of Children with Developmental Delays | Weisner, Thomas, Beizer, Laura, and Lori Stolze. “Religion and Families of Children with Developmental Delays.” AJMR 95, no. 6 (May 1991). | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Religion, family, children | Journal Article | ||
Making Changes: Family Voices on Living with Disabilities | Spiegle, Jan, and Richard van der Pol. Making Changes: Family Voices on Living with Disabilities. Brookline Books. | None Specified | family, life, disability | Book | |||
I Wish…Dreams and Realities of Parenting a Special Needs Child | Divine McAneney, Kate. I Wish…Dreams and Realities of Parenting a Special Needs Child. CA: UCPA. | None Specified | parent, special, child | Book | |||
We Have Been There | We Have Been There. Abingdon Press. | None Specified | support | Book | |||
No Crying He Makes | Lind, Miriam. No Crying He Makes. Herald Press. | None Specified | Emotional | Book | |||
So Who’s Perfect | Cassie, Dhyan. So Who’s Perfect. Herald Press. | None Specified | inclusion | Book | |||
Developmental: A Family Challenge | Hegeman, M.T. Developmental: A Family Challenge. Paulist Press | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | family | Book | ||
Parenting Your Disabled Child | Written by a person with Cerebral Palsy | Ikeler, Bernard. Parenting Your Disabled Child. Westminster Press. | None Specified | parent, children | Book | ||
Coping with Physical Disability | Cox-Gedmark, Jan. Coping with Physical Disability. Westminster Press. | None Specified | Physical | Book | |||
Attention Deficit Disorder | McEwan, elaine. Attention Deficit Disorder. Harold Shaw Publishers. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | attention deficit disorder | |||
Managing Attention Deficit Disorder | McEwan, Elaine. Managing Attention Deficit Disorder. Harold Shaw Publishers. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | attention deficit disorder | |||
What About Me? Growing Up with a Developmentally Disabled Sibling | A very helpful resource for families with disabled children have needed for a long time | Siegel, Bryna, and Stuart Silverstein. What About Me? Growing Up with a Developmentally Disabled Sibling. Da Capo Press. | http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/dacapo/book_detail.jsp?isbn=073820630X | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | family | Book |
The Sibling Slam Book: What It’s Really Like to Have a Brother or Sister with Special Needs | This book is a collection of comments by teenagers who have siblings with special needs. Unedited, these comments offer a glimpse into the inner thoughts and feelings of these young people | Meyer, Don. The Sibling Slam Book: What It’s Really Like to Have a Brother or Sister with Special Needs. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Book | |||
Special Siblings: Growing Up with Someone with a Disability | Author shares through personal experiences and interviews | McHugh, Mary. Special Siblings: Growing Up with Someone with a Disability. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | personal, experience | Book | ||
Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of Children with Special Needs | Guide to program that brings together 8 to 13-year-old siblings of children with special needs. Can be used to plan, promote, and run program | Meyer, Donald, and Patricia Vadasy. Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of Children with Special Needs. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | guide, program, children, special, needs | Book | ||
Special Brothers and Sisters: Stories and Tips for Siblings of Children with A Disability or Serious Illness | harnes, Annette, and Monica McCaffrey. Special Brothers and Sisters: Stories and Tips for Siblings of Children with A Disability or Serious Illness. JKP. | None Specified | brother, children, disability, illness | Book | |||
Brothers and Sisters – A Special Part of Exceptional Families | Powell, and Gallagher. Brothers and Sisters – A Special Part of Exceptional Families. Brookes Publishing. | None Specified | family | Book | |||
Living with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs. A Book for Sibs | Meyer, Donald, Vadasy, Patricia, and Rebecca Fewell. Living with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs. A Book for Sibs. University of Washington Press. | None Specified | special, needs, family | Book | |||
Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother of Sister with Special Needs | The boys and girls whose essays are featured in this collection range in age from four to eighteen. They share their experiences as the brother or sister of someone with a disability—the good and bad aspects, as well as many thoughtful observations. | J. Meyer, Donald. Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother of Sister with Special Needs. Woodbine House, 1997. | None Specified | special, needs | Book | ||
Riding the Bus with My Sister | Simon, Rachel. Riding the Bus with My Sister. Plume. | None Specified | family | Book | |||
Uncommon Fathers: Reflections on Raising a Child with a Disability | Nineteen fathers talk about life-altering experience of having a child with special needs and offer a wholesome, seldom-heard perspective on raising kids with disabilities, including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome. | J. Meyer, Donald. Uncommon Fathers: Reflections on Raising a Child with a Disability. Woodbine House. | None Specified | family, children | Book | ||
Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child | Berube, Michael. Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child. Vintage Books. | None Specified | family, children | Book | |||
Bethy and the Mouse. A Father Remembers His Children with Disabilities | Bakely, Donald. Bethy and the Mouse. A Father Remembers His Children with Disabilities. 1997 | None Specified | family, children | Book | |||
Down Syndrome, One Family’s Journey. Beth Exceeds Expectations | Follow up book which traces Beth’s journey through childhood, adolescence, young adulthood. All six siblings also offer their reflections on Beth’s growth | Bakely, Donald. Down Syndrome, One Family’s Journey. Beth Exceeds Expectations. Brookline Books, 2002. | None Specified | family, children, special, needs | Book | ||
From the Heart: On Being the Mother of a Child with Special Needs | Nine mothers explore the intense, sometimes painful Emotional terrain of raising children with such special needs as Autism, Down Syndrome AD/HD/, and multiple disabilities. They discuss relationships with professionals, family life, work, school issues, and reflect on feelings about themselves and their closest friends and family | D.B. Marsh, Jayne. From the Heart: On Being the Mother of a Child with Special Needs. Woodbine House. | None Specified | family, parent, special, needs | Book | ||
The Child Who Never Grew | Buck, Pearl. The Child Who Never Grew. Woodbine Press. | None Specified | children | Book | |||
Through the Looking Glass | Through the Looking Glass. National Resource Center for Parents with Disabilities. | None Specified | parent | ||||
The Exceptional Parent Magazine | Excellent for parents. Occasionally addresses religious issues, programs. Began quarterly spiritual supports article in 2008. Has several special editions each year, one with the most comprehensive listing of disability specific support and information associations and organizations. | “The Exceptional Parent Magazine.” EParent. | http://www.eparent.com/ | None Specified | parent, magazine | ||
Family and Disability Newsletter | “Family and Disability Newsletter.” The Beach Center on Family and Disability. | http://www.beachcenter.org.. | None Specified | newsletter, family, disability | |||
Spirit! | “Spirit!” | http://www.spiritmag.org. | Jewish | spirit | |||
Mainstay | Newsletter of the Well Spouse Foundation, an association of spousal caregivers who are caring for spouses who have been disabled because of accident or illness. Also have a series of excellent brochures on Emotionals and feelings of caregivers | “Mainstay.” Well Spouse Foundation. | None Specified | newsletter, foundation | |||
Support for Families of People with a Disability | Bibliography and Resource Guide. 247 annotated citations, as well as comprehensive listing of organizations, journals, newsletters | “Support for Families of People with a Disability.” Human Service Research Institute. | None Specified | family, disability | Journal Article | ||
Pacer Center | Wide variety of booklets, pamphlets, and handouts for parents with children with disabilities. Titles include “How do You Combat Teasing”, “When a Child Dies,” and many others on education, employment, etc | “Pacer Center.” PACER Center. | None Specified | resource, center | |||
Special Needs Project Catalogue | Excellent collection of good books about disability. Emphasis on materials relating to children | “Special Needs Project Catalogue.” | None Specified | catalogue, special, needs | |||
Can’t Your Child See? | Can’t Your Child See? Pro-Ed. | None Specified | Sensory | children, Blind | |||
Can’t Your Child Hear? | Can’t Your Child Hear? Pro-Ed. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | hear, Deaf | |||
Coping with Cerebral Palsy | Coping with Cerebral Palsy. Pro-Ed. | None Specified | Neuromuscular | Cerebral Palsy | |||
Mothers of Courage | This is the story of Bethany, who has multiple Physical and Developmental disabilities. Like thousands of dedicated parents, her mother has had to fight for years to get Bethany the medical and social services she needs. (48 minutes) | “Mothers of Courage.” FanLight. | http://www.fanlight.com/catalog/subjects/disability.php | None Specified | family | Movie | |
The Ties That Bind | In The Ties That Bind – award winning documentary filmmaker John Ritchie takes a first hand look at a family’s struggle to let go, when every instinct compels them to hang on. Ritchie follows the Jordon family – Kathleen, Bill, Chris and his two siblings – for almost three years. The result in an extraordinarily intimate film that reveals, with raw Emotional and surprising humor, the complexity around one young man’s transition toward a more independent life | “The Ties That Bind.” National Film Board of Canada. | http://www.tiesthatbind.ca | None Specified | film, award | ||
White Hair, Grey Hair | This program Chronicles five families each dealing with the challenge of ensuring the well-being of their Mentally disturbed child. The program takes an inside look at a residential home for adults with disabilities where the residents are respected and encouraged to participate in their care and in daily activities. French with English subtitles | “White Hair, Grey Hair.” Terra Nova. | https://terranova.org/ | None Specified | program, family | ||
Adventures in the Mainstream: Coming of Age with Down Syndrome | The author describes his experiences, hopes, and fears as he guides his son with Down Syndrome from adolescence to adulthood | Palmer, Greg. Adventures in the Mainstream: Coming of Age with Down Syndrome. Woodbine House. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome | ||
24/7 | This documentary profiles two families exhausted by the struggle to provide all day, every day care for their Developmentally disabled adult children at home, while simultaneously battling for the help and resources they need. (33 minutes). | “24/7.” FanLight. | http://www.fanlight.com/catalog/subjects/disability.php | None Specified | documentary, family | Documentary | |
Connections | New collection of songs for parents and families with children with disabilities | Hunter, Tom. “Connections.” Song Growing Company. | None Specified | song, parent, connection | Music | ||
Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence | Sanford Chronicles his struggles and insights as a paraplegic and a man, a son and a brother, a husband and a father, and the role that yoga played in helping him reconnect with his body. | Sanford, Matthew. Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence. | http://matthewsanford.com/book.html. | None Specified | trauma, memoir | ||
Music Within | This movie Chronicles the true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing-impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on behalf of Americans with disabilities. | Pimentel, Richard. “Music Within.” Music Within Movie. | None Specified | music, Chronicles | Movie | ||
Young People and Chronic: True Stories, Help, and Hope | Written by a young woman with Crohn’s disease, this book presents true stories of young adults with Chronices and advice to young adults on subjects including talking to friends, developing good relationships with doctors, communicating with family members, and fitting in at school. Available from Amazon | Huegel, Kelly. Young People and Chronic: True Stories, Help, and Hope. Amazon. | http://www.amazon.com/Young- | None Specified | Chronic Illness | young, Chronic, illness, hope | Book |
Reflections of Self | In this book the author shares her perspectives on her 18- year marriage and her four children (who have all been diagnosed with ASD), her childhood memories, her helpful experiences with therapy, and her faith. This is an excellent resource for individuals with ASD and their families, as well as professionals working with individuals with ASD. For more information or to order, please visit the online store of the Gray Center for social understanding and Learning | Williams, Sondra. Reflections of Self. Gray Center. | http://www.thegraycenter.org/store/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=2. | None Specified | reflection, children | ||
From There to Here: Stories of Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury | This is a collection of forty-five stories of individuals dealing with the trauma and change that come with spinal cord injuries | Karp, Gary, and Stanley Klein. From There to Here: Stories of Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury. New Mobility. | https://www.newmobility.com/bookstore.cfm | None Specified | collection, story, injury | ||
Beyond the Silence: My Life, the World and Autism | An autobiographical narration of a young poet who has Autism, and a realistic presentation of what kind of struggle he and his parents had to go through during his early childhood in his native country (India) where Intellectual disabilities like Autism are hardly known or recognized | Mukhopadhyay, Rajarshi. Beyond the Silence: My Life, the World and Autism. National Autistic Society. | http://www.nas.org.uk | None Specified | autobiography | ||
Body, remember | In this memoir, Fries explores his life and experiences with disability. In addition to an understanding of his Physical body, Fries also explores his sexuality and personal relationships | Fries, Kenny. Body, remember. University of Winconsin Press. | None Specified | memoir, life | Book | ||
Aidan’s Way: The Story of a Boy’s Life and a Father’s Journey | An Asian studies professor mines his academic field to tell the story of his profoundly disabled son’s life, unpacking a grab-bag of Asian philosophy and its relationship to his son’s humanity and worth | T. Crane, George. Aidan’s Way: The Story of a Boy’s Life and a Father’s Journey. Source Books. | http://www.sourcebooks.com | None Specified | disability, children | Book | |
As We Grew Up with Barbara | A mother’s personal account of her daughter’s grown and their adult relationship | Moise, Lotte. As We Grew Up with Barbara. Amazon. | None Specified | mother, parent, children | Book | ||
Autobiography of a Face | This is the author’s compelling account of her experience with childhood cancer. The book Chronicles her hospital and school experiences as well as her internal struggle to eschew the mirrors that reflect difference, what she gradually realizes is, by society’s standards, her “ugliness” or to embrace the mirrors that reflect liberation from image and instead reflect the face of the self | Grealy, Lucy. Autobiography of a Face. Harper Collins. | None Specified | autobiography | Book | ||
All by Self | Describes the author’s first six years of adventures with his son Micah who has Cerebral Palsy and significant challenges. It is beautifully illustrated in pencil/paper and some color drawings by both Micah and his brother Jonah | Taylor, Ron. All by Self. Amazon. | None Specified | Neuromuscular | Cerebral Palsy | Book | |
Barbara and Fred, Grownups Now, by Lotte Moise. This is the sequel to As We Grew Up With Barbara | Moise, Lotte. Barbara and Fred, Grownups Now, by Lotte Moise. This is the sequel to As We Grew Up With Barbara. Amazon. | None Specified | grow, children | Book | |||
Broken Minds: Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You’re Losing It | Personal experience and lots of information on Mental | Bloem, Steve, and Robyn Bloem. Broken Minds: Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You’re Losing It. Kregel Publications. | http://www.kregelpublications.com | None Specified | mind, hope, heal, experience | Book | |
Personal Transformation: An Executive’s Story of Struggle and Spiritual Awakening | A financial tycoon becomes Deaf, and recovers, but is also transformed | Sokoloff, Kiril. Personal Transformation: An Executive’s Story of Struggle and Spiritual Awakening. Crossroad Publishing. | http://www.CrossroadPublishing.com | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | Deaf, finance | Book |
Shining Soul: Helen Keller’s Spiritual Life and Legacy | This documentary tells the story of how Helen Keller was influenced in the latter part of her life by the works Emmanual Swedenborg. 57 minutes | “Shining Soul: Helen Keller’s Spiritual Life and Legacy.” Swedenborg. | None Specified | spirit, life, legacy | Documentary | ||
Light in My Darkness | One of Time’s women of the century, Helen Keller, reveals her mystical side in this best-selling spiritual autobiography. Writing that her first reading of Emanuel Swedenborg at age fourteen gave her truths that were “to my faculties what light, color and music are to the eye and ear,” she explains how Swedenborg’s works sustained her throughout her life. | Keller, Helen. Light in My Darkness. Swedenborg. | http://www.swedenborg.com/book_detail.asp?pkproductid=90 | None Specified | spirit, autobiography | Book | |
After the Fall | The story of one man’s journey with Quadriplegia | Culihall, Henry. After the Fall. Novalis Press. | None Specified | Physical | Quadriplegia | Book | |
The Road Trip | A mother and son share their own story of Autism. | P. Vasey, Gloria, and J. Kevin Vasey. The Road Trip. Novalis Press. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, family | Book | |
The Body Silent: An Anthropologist Embarks on the Most Challenging Journey of his Life: Into the World of the Disabled | Robert Murphy, an anthropologist by trade, eloquently and honestly describes how paralysis–and all disability–affects identity and interaction with others based on their reactions to disability. This book is his anthropological field trip to the world of disability, detailing his experiences and thoughts before, during, and after he becomes paralyzed during his 40s. This is a powerful book in which Murphy not only shares his personal story but deals with and challenges the ableism and medical model of disability he endures once he becomes disabled himself | Murphy, R.F. The Body Silent: An Anthropologist Embarks on the Most Challenging Journey of his Life: Into the World of the Disabled. London: W.W. Norton. | None Specified | life, disability | Book | ||
Cushla and Her Books | This is a heartwarming story of two parents who are devoted to raising their daughter with significant disabilities. Even though these disabilities stunted her Physical and Cognitive development, her parents were determined to give Cushla the best quality of life | Butler, Dorothy. Cushla and Her Books. Amazon, 1980. | None Specified | parent, disability | Book | ||
Dazed and Fatigued in the Toxic 21st Century | This is a first-person account of the experience of recovering from Chronic fatigue syndrome, written in an alternative voice that is raw and at times wildly spontaneous | Llewellyn Hall, Mark. Dazed and Fatigued in the Toxic 21st Century. Amazon. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Book | |
A Difference in the Family: Living with a Disabled Child | In this first-hand account, Feathersone, educator and mother of a severely disabled child, traces the long, often heartbreaking road toward complete acceptance of disability. Drawing on interviews with parents and professionals, published accounts, and her own personal experience, she discusses how parents and siblings cope with their feelings of fear, anger, guilt, and loneliness | Featherstone, Helen. A Difference in the Family: Living with a Disabled Child. Amazon, 1980. | None Specified | family, disability, children | Book | ||
A Different Kind of Boy: A Father’s Memoir About Raising a Gifted Child with Autism | A father writes about the impact on his family, the travails of navigating the educational system, and the lessons he has learned about life, what it means to connect with other people, and how one builds a life that suits oneself | Mont, Dan. A Different Kind of Boy: A Father’s Memoir About Raising a Gifted Child with Autism. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2001. | http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php/isbn/9781843107156. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, children, parent | Book |
Does She Know She’s There? | Schaefer, with candor, poignancy and humor, Chronicles her steadfast determination not to institutionalize or stigmatize her daughter. Due to the challenges faced by Catherine, stories of even the most ordinary events in her life become extraordinary | Schaefer, Nicola. Does She Know She’s There? Amazon, 2000. | None Specified | parent, disability | Book | ||
Don’t Pull the Plug: A Lesson in Life | Thomas Matola and Roberta Johnson. Matola was a teacher, a hiker, a dancer. Then at age 61, he suffered a major stroke. Shut off from the world, from almost all communication, from his joys and his livelihood, he felt anger, frustration and despair. When his doctor asked him if he wanted to have the plug pulled, he thought about the life he had, and the life he could look forward to. And he decided to live; to learn to live a new life — a fulfilling life, full of love and growth, and a determination to improve Physically, Mentally and spiritually. | Matola, Thomas, and Roberta Johnson. Don’t Pull the Plug: A Lesson in Life. DisAbilities Books, 2002. | http://www.disabilitiesbooks.com/dont_pull_plug/index.html. | None Specified | life, lesson | Book | |
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot | Callahan is a cartoonist whose work not only challenges but attacks and explodes social norms. He is also a quadriplegic and recovering alcoholic who has suffered through abusive support providers, endured battles with the welfare system, maintained his vicious sense of humor, and emerged from some difficult times happy, successful, and determined to change prevailing attitudes about disability, potential, normalcy, and employment. He shares all of his experiences and lessons learned in a straightforward way that does not allow pity or ego to enter the picture. He describes his own brand of faith and sheds some light on our collective humanity. | Callahan, John. Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot. Vintage, 1989. | http://www.randomhouse.com/vintage/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780679728245. | None Specified | Physical, Psychiatric | quadruple, Alcoholism | Book |
Emergence: Labeled Autistic | Grandin was diagnosed with Autism at the age of three. An intelligent child with a thirst for knowledge, but unable to properly express herself or control her behavior, Temple struggled through grade school. Now Temple tells the story of how she went from a fear-gripped child to a successful professional and a world leader in her field | Grandin, Temple. Emergence: Labeled Autistic. Amazon, 1996. | http://www.amazon.com/Emergence-Labeled-Autistic-Temple- | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
Exile & Pride | Eli Clare, a poet with Cerebral Palsy, movingly describes her attempt to climb Mount Adams — not, she points out, as a “supercrip,” but just as an impaired person who loves to hike: a story about ableism rather than disability. | Clare, Eli. Exile & Pride. South End Press, 1999. | http://www.southendpress.org/search?query=exile+and+pride&action=find_book&search_key=all | None Specified | Neuromuscular | poem, Cerebral Palsy | Book |
Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Transformation, and Unconditional Love | An autobiographical tale of an academically oriented Harvard couple who conceive a baby with Down Syndrome’s syndrome and decide to carry him to term. As Martha’s terribly difficult pregnancy progresses, odd coincidences and paranormal experiences begin to occur for both Martha and John, though for months they don’t share them with each other. Martha’s pregnancy and Adam become the catalyst for tremendous life changes for the Becks | Beck, Martha. Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Transformation, and Unconditional Love. Piatkus Books, 2000. | http://www.piatkus.co.uk/. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | parent, Down Syndrome | Book |
Fighting for Darla: Challenges for Family Care and Professional Responsibility : The Case Study of a Pregnant Adolescent With Autism | Brantlinger, Ellen, Klein, Susan, and Samuel Guskin. Fighting for Darla: Challenges for Family Care and Professional Responsibility : The Case Study of a Pregnant Adolescent With Autism. Amazon, 1994. | None Specified | family, care, disability, professional | Book | |||
I Don’t Want To Be Inside Me Anymore: Messages from an Autistic Mind | The author is a 21-year-old autistic German who has written a slender volume of epigrammatic musings using the technique of facilitated communication (FC), a method whereby the autistic person types messages, one letter at a time, with one finger, using a “facilitator” to support the elbow or arm | Sellin, Birgen. I Don’t Want To Be Inside Me Anymore: Messages from an Autistic Mind. Amazon, 1995. | http://www.amazon.com/I-Had-No-Means-Shout/dp/1585004014/ref=sr_1_1/002-7048367- | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
I Had No Means to Shout | Hale, a man with Autism, discovered the communication technique of facilitated communication (FC) when he was 36 years old, and this book Chronicles his life before and after he began to use FC. The narrative provides, in Charles’ voice, a fascinating and detailed insiders’ perspective to what Autism feels like, how Charles’ apraxia and dyspraxia have affected his life and his communication, and how FC allows Charles not to emerge from Autism, but rather, to express himself “as the intelligent, cognizant man he really | Hale, Charles. I Had No Means to Shout. Amazon, 1999. | http://www.amazon.com/I-Had-No-Means-Shout/dp/1585004014/ref=sr_1_1/002-7048367- | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
Like Color to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding | · This is the author’s third book about her life as a person with Autism. This, her latest work, builds upon the last, addressing relationships and Emotionals. Williams describes her relationship with Ian, who became her best friend and eventually her husband. | Williams, Donna. Like Color to the Blind: Soul Searching and Soul Finding. Amazon, 1996. | None Specified | Sensory | Blind, soul | Book | |
Lost in a Desert World: The Autobiography of Roland Johnson | Johnson recounts his life and his early experiences as a resident in a school for young people with Developmental disabilities. Despite hardships during this time, Johnson was able to keep his spirit alive. When he won his freedom as a young adult, he spent several years putting his life together. Then, as president of Speaking For Ourselves, he became an internationally known speaker and leader in the self-advocacy movement. This book is out of print but is available as a book on tape | Johnson, Roland, and Karl Williams. Lost in a Desert World: The Autobiography of Roland Johnson. 1999. | http://www.karlwilliams.com/order.htm. | None Specified | autobiography | Book | |
Finally, Dreams Coming True | It is a memoir about the life, challenges, and accomplishments of Jacquie, a woman with Cerebral Palsy and is also a resource for people with disabilities who want to live independently. | Speciner Jacqueline. Finally, Dreams Coming True. Lulu, 2006. | http://www.lulu.com/browse/search.php?_shopSearch=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lulu.com%2Fbrowse | None Specified | memoir, life, dream | Book | |
Lucy’s Story: Autism and Other Adventures | This is the author’s detailed view of Autism before and after she learned to communicate through typing. A majority of the book provides a comprehensive discussion of the method of facilitated communication | Blackman, Lucy. Lucy’s Story: Autism and Other Adventures. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999. | http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php/isbn/9781843100423. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, adventure | Book |
The Me in the Mirror | In this autobiography Panzarino, who was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type III, describes her life as one of struggles and triumphs. She includes the stories of her relationships with her family, friends, and lovers, her turn to lesbianism, and her years of pioneering work in the disability rights movement | Panzarino, Connie. The Me in the Mirror. Amazon, 1994. | http://www.amazon.com/Me-Mirror-Connie- | None Specified | mirror, autobiography | Book | |
Meditations from A Movable Chair: Essays | Collection of essays | Dubus, Andre. Meditations from A Movable Chair: Essays. Amazon, 1998. | http://amazon.com/dp/0679751157/ref%3Ds9_asin_title_1/002-7048367- | None Specified | meditation, essay, collection | Book | |
My Body Politic | In this volume, the author recounts her personal odyssey, from flower child “walkie” in 1971 to disability-rights/human rights advocate in 2005 | Linton, Simi. My Body Politic. University of Michigan Press, 2005. | http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do;jsessionid=4B9C18B23C4A893E02B084F447B10B | None Specified | human, right | Book | |
My Left Foot | This is the story of the author’s childhood and adolescence. Though Brown is born with severe Cerebral Palsy, unable to communicate or control his movements, his mother believes that his mind is unaffected. Her confidence in Brown’s growing abilities never falters as her son grows up and becomes increasingly aware of his Physical disabilities | Brown, Christy. My Left Foot. Amazon, 1954. | http://www.amazon.com/My-Left-Foot-Christy-Brown/dp/074930460X/ref=sr_1_2/002-7048367- | None Specified | childhood | Book | |
Nobody, Nowhere: The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic | The author, who was diagnosed with Autism when in her mid 20s, has written this book in an attempt to understand herself and to explore how she fit into the world around her | Williams, Donna. Nobody, Nowhere: The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic. Avon Books, 1992. | http://www.harpercollins.com/books/9780380722174/Nobody_Nowhereautistic/index.aspx. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
Planet of the Blind: A Memoir | This is the author’s written account of his struggle with Blind. | Kuusisto, Stephen. Planet of the Blind: A Memoir. Faber, 1998. | http://www.faber.co.uk/book_detail.html?bid=9180&clid=. | None Specified | Sensory | Blind, soul | Book |
The Ragged Edge: The Disability Experience from the Pages of the First Fifteen Years of The Disability Rag | Shaw, Barrett. The Ragged Edge: The Disability Experience from the Pages of the First Fifteen Years of The Disability Rag. Amazon, 1994. | http://www.amazon.com/Ragged-Edge-Disability-Experience- | None Specified | disability, experience, young | Book | ||
Secret Girl | This book is the author’s account of discovering that she had a younger sister with a disability who had been secretly placed in an institution. As an adult, a guilt-driven Jacobs tries to compensate for those years of neglect by integrating her sister into her own unsettled lifestyle. | Bruce Jacobs, Molly. Secret Girl. Amazon, 2006. | http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0312320949/sr=8-1/qid=1140707278/ref=sr_1_1/102-1800118- | None Specified | disability, institution | Book | |
Somebody Somewhere: Breaking Free from the World of Autism | The author continues the incredible story of her battle with Autism begun in her first book, Nobody Nowhere. | Williams, Donna. Somebody Somewhere: Breaking Free from the World of Autism. Three Rivers Press, 1994. | http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780812925241. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
Songs of the Gorilla Nation – My Journey Through Autism | This memoir tells how Prince-Hughes learned to manage her form of Autism, Asperger’s syndrome, by observing and interacting with gorillas. Though she dropped out of school at 16, wanting to learn more about the gorillas helped her to find a focus and led to an eventual Ph.D. in anthropology | Prince-Hughes, Dawn. Songs of the Gorilla Nation – My Journey Through Autism. Three Rivers Press, 2004. | http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9781400080922. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Book |
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Syndrome | This is the true story of Lia Lee and her family. Lia was born in 1981 to a family of recent Hmong immigrants, and soon developed symptoms of Epilepsy. By 1988 she was living at home but was brain dead after a tragic cycle of misunderstanding, overmedication, and culture clash. | Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Syndrome. Amazon, 1998. | http://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Catches-You-Fall- | None Specified | spirit, immigration | Book | |
Sticks and Stones: The Story of a Loving Child | A very powerful and beautifully written story of the author’s son Jeff’s first five years of life | Pieper, Elizabeth. Sticks and Stones: The Story of a Loving Child. Amazon. | http://www.amazon.com/Sticks-Stones- | None Specified | love, children, parent | Book | |
Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism | This book is about the author’s childhood and development as a person with Autism. Grandin, who holds a Ph.D. in animal science, has designed equipment that revolutionized the livestock industry, proposes that genius and Autism may sometimes be closely related | Grandin, Temple. Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism. Amazon, 1995. | http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Pictures-Expanded-Life- | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, picture | Book |
Too Late to Die Young: Nearly True Tales from a Life | The author of this book, who was born with a congenital Neuromuscular disease, wants kids with disabilities to grow up “prepared to survive,” not merely waiting to die. Johnson, whose law practice specializes in disability advocacy, has a personal assistant, a motorized wheelchair and a supportive circle of family and friends that make her active, satisfying life possible | McBryde Johnson, Harriet. Too Late to Die Young: Nearly True Tales from a Life. Picador, 2006. | http://www.picadorusa.com/product/product.aspx?isbn=0312425716. | None Specified | Neuromuscular | young, death, Neuromuscular | Book |
Under the Eye of the Clock | This is the autobiography of an award- winning Irish poet and novelist who has Cerebral Palsy, uses a wheelchair, and writes with a stick attached to his forehead while someone cups his chin for stability | Nolan, Christopher. Under the Eye of the Clock. Arcade Publishing, 1987. | http://www.arcadepub.com/book/?GCOI=55970100999540. | None Specified | autobiography | Book | |
Waist-high in the world: A Life among the Non-Disabled | The author reflects upon her experiences as a woman with Multiple Sclerosis, discussing such topics as adjusting to change, reconciling body image, experiencing sexuality, and seeking equality and justice | Mairs, Nancy. Waist-high in the world: A Life among the Non-Disabled. Beacon Press, 1997. | http://www.beacon.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=1634. | None Specified | life, disability | Book | |
Where is the Mango Princess? | This Chronicle of the author’s husband’s Brain Injury, treatment and rehabilitation shows how perplexing and stressful traumatic Brain Injury can be for both victim and family. | Crimmins, Cathy. Where is the Mango Princess? Knopf Publishing, 1991. | http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375704420. | None Specified | Brain Injury | brain, injury | Book |
What Happened to You? Writing by Disabled Women | This anthology of prose, poetry, fiction, and personal memoirs by 36 disabled British women provides an interesting view of their life experiences. | Keith, Lois. What Happened to You? Writing by Disabled Women. New Press, 1996. | http://www.thenewpress.com/index.php?option=com_title&task=view_title&metaproductid=1248. | None Specified | family | Book | |
What’s That Pig Outdoors?: A Memoir of Deaf | The author, a book editor of the Chicago Sun-Times, lost his hearing after a bout with meningitis at age three and has since relied on spoken language and lip reading. In his memoir, Kisor cites the ways in which being Deaf among the hearing shaped his personal and professional experiences | Kisor, Henry. What’s That Pig Outdoors?: A Memoir of Deaf. Amazon, 1990. | http://www.amazon.com/Whats-That-Pig-Outdoors- | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | memoir, Deaf | Book |
Women with Disabilities: Found Voices | The authors offer a multicultural perspective, which speaks frankly about their experiences. They discuss the abuses they have endured and explain how they have struggled with the issue of being a woman with a body that does not conform to the image that society values. | Willmuth, Mary, and Lillian Holcomb. Women with Disabilities: Found Voices. Haworth Press, 1994. | http://www.haworthpress.com/store/product.asp?sid=VUADB0BPVQRF8KAA5KNFX9B6QW605 | None Specified | women | Book | |
Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability | In these essays, the author searches for the often hidden pattern of systemic prejudice and probes into the institutionalized discrimination that affects the one in five Americans with disabilities | K. Longmore, Paul. Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability. Temple University Press, 2003. | http://www.temple.edu/tempress/titles/1671_reg.html. | None Specified | essay | Book | |
Yes! She Knows She’s There | catechism, education, religion | Schaefer, Nicola. Yes! She Knows She’s There. Inclusion Press. | http://www.inclusion.com/bkyessheknowsshesthere.html. | None Specified | mother, parent, children | Book | |
Getting Life | This is a work of fiction about Emily, a non-verbal, nursing home resident who has sat like a lump on a borrowed wheelchair for most of the past seventeen years. This triumphant story takes us into the minds of several nursing home residents, touches on the lives of several staff members of an independent living center and includes an ADAPT-like group for emphasis | Shaw Cole, Julie. Getting Life. Advocado Press, 2002. | None Specified | Life, fiction | Book | ||
Honor Thy Son | Jack Ingraham deserts his family when his first child, J.J., is born with a disability. Years later J.J. is implicated in a murder, and Jack gets involved with his son for the first time | Shaw, Lou. Honor Thy Son. Amazon, 1994. | http://www.amazon.com/Honor-Thy-Son-Lou-Shaw/dp/068709982X/ref=sr_1_1/002-7048367- | None Specified | family, honor | Book | |
In This Sign | This is a novel about a family’s journey through the world of the Deaf | Greenberg, Joanne. In This Sign. Henry Holt and Company, 1984. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | family, journey, Deaf | Book | |
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter | This fictional story is about a family in the 1960’s who has twins & one of them has Down Syndrome. The father, a doctor, asks his nurse to take the baby to an asylum but the nurse instead raises the child herself. The story is not just about Down Syndrome but some really nice things are woven in the story about expecting your child w/a disability can learn, starting support groups, fighting w/schools for inclusion, the IDEA, etc. It also shows how a family is torn apart by an unknown secret. | Edwards, Kim. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. Penguin Books, 2006. | http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Book/BookDisplay/0,,9780143037149,00.html. | None Specified | memoir, daughter, family | Book | |
We Are All Welcome Here | This novel tells the story of a fictional character, Paige Dunn, who, while pregnant, was felled by a severe case of polio. She delivered her baby from an iron lung. Left alone after her husband abandoned and divorced her, she raised her daughter, Diana, alone. Diana, now 13, has taken over the night shift of her mother’s round-the-clock nursing care | Berg, Elizabeth. We Are All Welcome Here. Ballantine Books, 2006. | http://www.randomhouse.com/rhpg/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780812971002. | None Specified | welcome, fiction | Book | |
We Dance Together, A Painted Essay about my Education with Katie | This picture book communicates the story of the author’s education with her daughter Katie. The images depict her personal, often joyful revelations that lie in stark contrast to our society’s history of negative attitudes and actions toward people with disabilities | Basford, Candee. We Dance Together, A Painted Essay about my Education with Katie. 2005. | None Specified | dance, essay, education | Book | ||
Sundays with Scottie | A book by Scottie’s pastor, who spent twenty years of Sundays with him. Ginny Thornburgh writes: “This is a tender, profound story of a pastor who opened himself and his church to a man with Cerebral Palsy…a must read for seminarians, pastors, and folks touched by disability.” | Jones, Milton. Sundays with Scottie. Leafwood Publishers. | None Specified | pastor, experience | Book | ||
Reflections from a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew | Compilation of essays authored by adults with disabilities | D. Klein, Stanley, and John D. Kemp. Reflections from a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew. Amazon. | None Specified | reflection, journey | Book | ||
Uncommon Gifts: Transforming Learning Disabilities into Blessings | Author suffers from Dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. Tells how he discovered that the grace of God can transform our greatest weaknesses | Stewart Evans, James. Uncommon Gifts: Transforming Learning Disabilities into Blessings. WaterBrook Press, 1998. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | gift, Dyslexia | Book | |
Complete in Christ: People with Physical Disabilities in the Life of the Church | Bowers, Faith. Complete in Christ: People with Physical Disabilities in the Life of the Church. Baptist Union of Great Britain, 1996. | None Specified | Physical | christ, Physical, disability | Book | ||
Sometimes Miracles Hide: Stirring Letter from Those Who Discovered God’s Blessings in a Special Child | Carroll, Bruce. Sometimes Miracles Hide: Stirring Letter from Those Who Discovered God’s Blessings in a Special Child. Howard Publishing Company, 2003. | None Specified | God, special, children | Book | |||
Making a World of Difference: Christian Reflections on Disability | McCloughry, Roy, and Wayme Morris. Making a World of Difference: Christian Reflections on Disability. SPCK, 2002. | Christian | world, christian, reflection | ||||
Memoir of a Miracle: Journey of Faith | Curazzato, Dawn. Memoir of a Miracle: Journey of Faith. FirstPublish, 2001. | None Specified | miracle, memoir, faith, journey | Book | |||
More than Mountains: One Leg, Fifty Mountains, an Unconquerable Faith: The Todd Huston Story | Huston, Todd, and Kay D. Rizzo. More than Mountains: One Leg, Fifty Mountains, an Unconquerable Faith: The Todd Huston Story. Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1995. | None Specified | faith | Book | |||
Movie Stars and Sensuous Scars: Essays on the Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride | Collection of autobiographical stories about living with a disability, scholarly essays about disability rights and disability culture, and profiles of disability rights leaders, in the context of a world-wide disability rights movement by Steven E. Brown, Ph. D., Co-Founder, Institute on Disability Culture | Movie Stars and Sensuous Scars: Essays on the Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride. Institute on Disability Culture. | None Specified | essay, journey, disability, pride | |||
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? | Hedges, Peter. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? Simon and Schuster. | None Specified | eat | ||||
Welcome to the Great Mysterious | A story in which the protagonist is a teenager with Down Syndrome, with an honest portrayal of the disability | Landyik, Lorna. Welcome to the Great Mysterious. Random House Publishers. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | mystery, welcoming, Down Syndrome | Book | |
Chronicles of Grace | The journal of a woman who was instruMental in the formation of a parent support group and two group homes for the Physically and Mentally challenged adults. In this devotional book, Grace writes about God’s faithfulness through the challenges | Ebersole, Grace. Chronicles of Grace Masthof Press. | None Specified | Chronicle, woman | Book | ||
Getting a Life | First novel published by the publishers of the Ragged Edge and Disability Rag magazines. About a 34-year-old woman, Emily, in a nursing home because of a disability, discovering new options and possibilities | Shaw Cole, Jullie. Getting a Life. Advocado Press. | None Specified | life, novel | Book | ||
My Journey With Jake: A Memoir of Parenting and Disability | Story of mother’s battles with health care providers and advocacy on behalf of her son Jake, who has lissencephaly, a brain deformity | Edelson, Miriam. My Journey With Jake: A Memoir of Parenting and Disability. Indigo Press, 2000. | None Specified | journey, memoir, parent, disability | Book | ||
Inside I’m Dancing | Inspiring stories written by people who live with a disability or Mental. Because the stories are personal, they can touch the reader deeply as well as give insight into the lives of storytellers | Inside I’m Dancing. Mennonite Mutual Aid. | None Specified | dance, disability | |||
Angels on My Shoulders: Muses at my Side | Collection of essays and reflections by this pioneer and world leader in ministries with persons with disabilities | Wilke, Harold. Angels on My Shoulders: Muses at my Side. Abingdon Press, 1999. | None Specified | angel, essay, reflection | Book | ||
If Your Dreams are Big Enough, the Facts Don’t Count | If Your Dreams are Big Enough, the Facts Don’t Count. Massey Reyner Publishing. | None Specified | dream, fact | ||||
Waiting for Home | Waiting for Home. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998. | None Specified | home, disability | Book | |||
Expect the Unexpected. My Dreams and How I Got There | Written by a self advocate with Cerebral Palsy, also active layperson in United Methodist Church | Espling, Larry. Expect the Unexpected. My Dreams and How I Got There. Training Resource Network. | None Specified | Cerebral Palsy, advocate, dream | |||
Uphill Journey: Between Two Worlds | Book by an African American minister who has dealt with Blind and other disabling conditions | Lundy, Angela. Uphill Journey: Between Two Worlds. Interfaith Speciality Services. | None Specified | minister, faith | |||
Not All Violins: Spiritual Resources By Women with Disabilities and Chronic | Not All Violins: Spiritual Resources By Women with Disabilities and Chronic. Toronto: UInited Church Publishing, 1997. | None Specified | women, disability, Chronic, illness | Book | |||
What Happened to You? | Keith, L. What Happened to You? The Disability Resource Library. | None Specified | resource, library | ||||
Waist-High in the World. Life Among the Non-Disabled | Powerful book of personal journey and reflection on issues impacting people with disabilities by this award-winning author who happens to have MS | Mairs, Nancy. Waist-High in the World. Life Among the Non-Disabled. Boston: Beacon Press, 1996. | None Specified | life, disability | Book | ||
Voices in the Storm. A Personal Journey of Recovery From Mental | Personal account of long struggle with multiple personality disorder by a person now involved in ministry to others | Hastings, Ayson. Voices in the Storm. A Personal Journey of Recovery From Mental. Training Resource Network. | None Specified | Intellectual | journey | ||
Despite This Flesh: The Disabled in Stories and Poems | Miller, Vassar. Despite This Flesh: The Disabled in Stories and Poems. Texas: University of Texas-Austin Press, 1985. | None Specified | story, poem | Book | |||
The Wounded Wing | Parent writes about her experiences in raising two sons with Developmental disabilities | Koop, Margie. The Wounded Wing. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | parent, family | ||
If It Weren’t for the Honor, I’d Rather Have Walked | Little, Jan. If It Weren’t for the Honor, I’d Rather Have Walked. Boston: Brookline books. | None Specified | honor | Book | |||
From Behind the Piano: Judith Snow’s Story | Pearpoint, Jack. From Behind the Piano: Judith Snow’s Story. Inclusion Press. | None Specified | piano | Book | |||
I Can’t Walk So I’ll Learn to Dance | Martin, Carolyn. I Can’t Walk So I’ll Learn to Dance. Zondervan Publishing House. | None Specified | dance, walk | Book | |||
Images of Grace: A Pediatrician’s Trilogy of Faith, Hope, and Love | Komp, Diane. Images of Grace: A Pediatrician’s Trilogy of Faith, Hope, and Love. Zondervan Publishing. | None Specified | grace, faith | Book | |||
Injured Mind Shattered Dreams: Brian’s Journey From a Severe Head Injury to A New Dream | Mother tells the story of her son’s struggle with a head injury and the journey of the family with him | Miller Rife, Janet. Injured Mind Shattered Dreams: Brian’s Journey From a Severe Head Injury to A New Dream. Brookline Books, 1993. | None Specified | injure, dream, head, injury | Book | ||
It’s Never the Same: A Priest’s Struggle with Multiple Sclerosis | Doherty, Jimmy. It’s Never the Same: A Priest’s Struggle with Multiple Sclerosis. Ireland: Veritas, 1988. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Multiple Sclerosis | Book | ||
New Voices: Self Advoacy by People with Disabilities | Dybwad, Gunnar, and Hank Bersani Jr. New Voices: Self Advoacy by People with Disabilities. Brookline Books, 1996. | None Specified | advocacy, disability | Book | |||
On Becoming A Person: The Story of My Brother Matt | Gallagher, John. On Becoming A Person: The Story of My Brother Matt. Catholic Evangelism Press. | None Specified | brother, family | Book | |||
Ordinary Moments: The Disabled Experience | Ordinary Moments: The Disabled Experience. Center on Human Policy. | None Specified | disability, experience | ||||
People with Disabilities Explain It All For You | Johnson, Mary. People with Disabilities Explain It All For You. Advocado Press, 1992. | None Specified | disability, people, experience | Book | |||
Power of the Powerless | Story of Christopher’s brother Oliver, and Oliver’s ability to teach, shape lives, and demonstrate “image bearing” to others | De Vinck, Christoper. Power of the Powerless. Zondervan Publishing, 1998. | None Specified | power, brother | Book | ||
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and Other Clinical Tales | Sacks, Oliver. The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and Other Clinical Tales. Harper and Row. | None Specified | man, wife | Book | |||
Turn Over Any Stone | Wrestling with God over the mystery and pain of a brain- damaged grandchild | Hong, Edna. Turn Over Any Stone. | None Specified | God, mystery | |||
What of the Night? A Journey Through Depression and Anxiety | Knowles, Jeff. What of the Night? A Journey Through Depression and Anxiety. Herald Press. | None Specified | Intellectual | depression, anxiety | Book | ||
Shorty | A film about a man with Down Syndrome who is a team trainer at Hampton Sydney College in Virginia | “Shorty.” Revolution Earth Productions. | http://www.revearth.net | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Down Syndrome, film | |
Journeying with Joshua. Reflections on Raising an Autistic Child for Parents, Teachers, and Friends | Spitzer, Lois. Journeying with Joshua. Reflections on Raising an Autistic Child for Parents, Teachers, and Friends. Spiritual Journey Press. | http://www.spiritualjourneyspress.com | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | reflection, Autism, parent, teach, friendship | Book | |
Why Can’t I Make People Understand? | Discovering the validation those with Chronic seek and why. | Copen, lisa. Why Can’t I Make People Understand?. Rest Ministries. | http://www.restministries.org | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Chronic, illness | |
Tips for First Responders | A field guide containing information on how to assist persons with a wide range of disabilities in emergency situations | “Tips for First Responders.” Center for Development and Disability. | http://cdd.unm.edu/products | None Specified | guide, information | ||
Brokenness and Blessing | Brokenness and Blessing. Frances Young Baker Academic, 2007. | None Specified | bless, broken | Book | |||
Copious Hosting: A Theology of Access for Persons with Disabilities | Weiss Block, Jennie. Copious Hosting: A Theology of Access for Persons with Disabilities. Continuum, 2001. | None Specified | theology, disability | Book | |||
Different Members, One Body | Kutz Mellem, Sharon. Different Members, One Body. Bridge Resources. | None Specified | member, body, resource | ||||
Exceptional Teaching. A Comprehensive Guide for Including Students with Disabilities | Pierson, Jim. Exceptional Teaching. A Comprehensive Guide for Including Students with Disabilities. Standard Publishing, 2002. | None Specified | guide, inclusion, student, disability | Book | |||
Resource Packet on Spirituality, Disability, and Healing | Lane, Nancy. “Resource Packet on Spirituality, Disability, and Healing.” Center on Human Policy. | None Specified | spirit, resource, heal | ||||
That All May Worship: An Interfaith Welcome to People with Disabilities | Davie, Ann Rose, and Thornburgh. That All May Worship: An Interfaith Welcome to People with Disabilities. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. | None Specified | worship, interfaith, welcoming, disability | Book | |||
Dimensions of Faith and Congregational Ministries with Persons with Developmental Disabilities and their Families | Gaventa, Bill. Dimensions of Faith and Congregational Ministries with Persons with Developmental Disabilities and their Families. New Jersey: The Boggs Center, 2002. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith, congregation, ministry, family | Book | ||
Different Members One Body: Welcoming the Diversity of Abilities in God’s Family | Kutz-Mellem, Sharon. Different Members One Body: Welcoming the Diversity of Abilities in God’s Family. Louisville: Witherspoon Press, 1998. | None Specified | welcoming, God, family | Book | |||
The Wounded Healer | Nouwen,Henri J.M. The Wounded Healer. New York: Image Books, 1972. | None Specified | heal | Book | |||
Accessibility Audit for Churches: A United Methodist Resource Book About Accessibility | N. Reeves, Kathy. Accessibility Audit for Churches: A United Methodist Resource Book About Accessibility. New York: The United Methodist Church, 1994. | None Specified | accessibility, churches, methodist | Book | |||
Pastoral Statement | “Pastoral Statement.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (1978). | Catholic | conference, Catholic | Book | |||
Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities | “Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (1995). | None Specified | celebration, sacrament | Book | |||
Breaking the Sound Barrier in Your Church | L. Walker, Robert. Breaking the Sound Barrier in Your Church. New York: The United Methodist Church, 2001. | None Specified | church | Book | |||
Different Gifts, One Spirit: A Practical Resource on Working with Rostered Leaders and Seminarians Who Are Differently Abled | A seven page guide to working with leaders with disabilities. | Thogmartin Cleaver, Lisa. “Different Gifts, One Spirit: A Practical Resource on Working with Rostered Leaders and Seminarians Who Are Differently Abled.” Disability Ministries. | None Specified | gift, spirit, resource | |||
The Jewish Community Guide to Inclusion of People with Disabilities | This is a new resource developed by the Minneapolis Jewish Community Inclusion Program for People with Disabilities and is aimed at helping to guide synagogues, agencies, schools, and organizations toward meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities. This guide provides tools with which to identify current levels of inclusion as well as strategies to address both identified and unmet needs | Christensen, Shelly. “The Jewish Community Guide to Inclusion of People with Disabilities.” Minneapolis Jewish Community, | Jewish | Jewish, community, guide, inclusion | |||
Jewish Education for All: A Jewish Special Needs Resource Guide | R. Simon, Sara. “Jewish Education for All: A Jewish Special Needs Resource Guide.” Tora Aurah Productions. | None Specified | Jewish, special, need, resource, guide | ||||
Disability Resource Guide: A Comprehensive Listing of Local and National Secular and Jewish Disability Resources | “Disability Resource Guide: A Comprehensive Listing of Local and National Secular and Jewish Disability Resources.” Jewish Community Inclusion Program. | http://www.jfcsmpls.org/inclusionresources.html. | Jewish | Jewish, resource, community, inclusion | |||
Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability | Published by Haworth Press, this book is a re-examination of Jewish scripture and teachings about disabilities by authors from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia | Abrams, Judith, and William Gaventa, ed. Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability. Haworth Press. | http://www.haworthpress.com | Jewish | Jewish, theology, experience | Book | |
Question in Search of an Answer: Understanding Learning Disability in Jewish Education | M. Greene, Roberta, and Elaine Heavenrich. Question in Search of an Answer: Understanding Learning Disability in Jewish Education. URJ Press, 1981. | Jewish | learn, Jewish, education | Book | |||
Managing Disability | “Managing Disability.” United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish | ||||
Dignity and Disability | “Dignity and Disability.” United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish | ||||
Directory of Accessible Organizations | “Directory of Accessible Organizations.” United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | organization, Jewish | ||||
Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Teacher and Counseling Orthodox Students | This book “describes the way we understand Orthodox students who are referred to a therapeutic day school for school related problems through the lens of religion.” The book supports the view that conflicted religious feelings have been underestimated as a significant concurrent problem in this specialized population | Roth, Henry. Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Teacher and Counseling Orthodox Students. | http://www.climbingjacobsladder.net | None Specified | teach | ||
My Special Friend | Text and photos about two Jewish boys who lead a prayer at the end of a congregational service | Cohen, Loreva. My Special Friend. Board of Jewish Education. | Jewish | Jewish, education | |||
The Special Passover Haggadah | “The Special Passover Haggadah.” Board of Jewish Education of Greater Washington. | Jewish | Jewish, education | ||||
The Resource Program Guide for a Congregational School | “The Resource Program Guide for a Congregational School.” Board of Jewish Education of Greater Washington. | Jewish | guide, resource, congregation, Jewish | ||||
Teaching Hebrew Reading to Students with Learning Disabilities | “Teaching Hebrew Reading to Students with Learning Disabilities.” Board of Jewish Education of Greater Washington. | Jewish | hebrew, student, Jewish, education | ||||
Resource and Accessibility Guide for Jews with Disabilities in the Greater Los Angeles Area | “Resource and Accessibility Guide for Jews with Disabilities in the Greater Los Angeles Area.” Bureau of Jewish Education. | Jewish | resource, accessibility, Jewish, education | ||||
Disabilities Awareness Kit | Disabilities Awareness Kit.” Bureau of Jewish Education. | Jewish | Jewish, education, kit | ||||
Report of Strategic Planning Group on Jews With Disabilities | “Report of Strategic Planning Group on Jews With Disabilities.” Bureau of Jewish Education. | Jewish | disability | ||||
Special Needs Awareness Day | “Special Needs Awareness Day.” Bureau of Jewish Education. | Jewish | special, need | ||||
My Child is Different | Advice to Jewish parents of special children on how to maximize their Jewish experiences and family life | Robert Layman, Rabbi. “My Child is Different.” United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | children, Jewish, conservative | |||
A Rabbi’s Guide to the Special Person | Robert Layman, Rabbi. “A Rabbi’s Guide to the Special Person.”United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish, conservative | ||||
Special Education | Comprehensive kit with a variety of materials for Jewish special education. | “Special Education.” United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish, conservative | |||
Someone is Listening | Signed video about boy Learning signing for Bar Mitzvah with segment on 30 Jewish signs. 28 min | “Someone is Listening.” United Synagogue of Consevative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish, conservative | |||
Organizing Classes for Jewish Special Children | “Organizing Classes for Jewish Special Children.” United Synagogue of Consevative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish, conservative | ||||
Jewish Special Individuals: Their God and Their World | “Jewish Special Individuals: Their God and Their World.” United Synagogue of Consevative Judaism. | Jewish | Jewish, conservative | ||||
Celebrating Judaism in the Home: A Manual for Deaf Jewish Families | “Celebrating Judaism in the Home: A Manual for Deaf Jewish Families.” Temple Beth Solomon Congregation of the Deaf. | http://www.tbsDeafJewish.or | Jewish | Deaf/HoH | congregation, Jewish, Deaf | ||
Handbook for Special Education Programs in the Synagogue Schools | Handbook for Special Education Programs in the Synagogue Schools. Bureau of Jewish Education of San Francisco. | Jewish | education, school, Jewish, education | ||||
National Jewish Council for the Disabled | An orthodox organization that maintains a national resource center, a national center for inclusion, and “mainstreamed” and self-contained social and recreational activities. | http://www.ou.org/ncsy/njcd/default.htm | Jewish | program, education, Jewish | |||
The Council for Jews with Special Needs | A non-profit human resources agency, composed of concerned individuals working together to ensure that all Jews have the opportunity to fully participate in the richness of Jewish religious, cultural, and social life. The website includes information about the organization and its services | http://www.cjsn.org/Home.asp. | Jewish | Jewish, special, need | |||
Consortium of Jewish Special Educators, Central Agencies of Jewish Education | A network of coordinators of special services in Jewish Education agencies, federations, and community centers | http://www.jesna.org | Jewish | Jewish, special, education, agency, education | |||
P’tach (Parents for Torah for All Children) | Specializes in helping children with Learning disabilities in Jewish educational settings | Jewish | Learning | parent, children, Learning, Jewish, education | |||
JESNA | They have a survey and listing of Jewish Special Needs Programs and Classes in North America. The web site has an extensive bibliography and links to other web sites with relevant materials and resources | http://www.jesna.org | Jewish | program, Jewish, bibliography, resource | |||
Union for Reform Judaism | Offers ”Al Pi Darco,” a manual for the Reform movement’s special education and bar/bat mitzvah preparation for children with special needs. Also available “Caring for the Soul: R’Fuat HaNefesh – A Mental Health Resource and Study Guide,” a guide to assist persons with Mental, including texts, sermons, accommodations, glossaries, and more | http://www.urj.org | Jewish | education, special, Jewish | |||
Synagogue Council of America, Task Force on Synagogue Outreach to People with Disabilities | Jewish | disability | |||||
TODA (Torah Organization for Disability Access) | Jewish | organization, Jewish | |||||
Jewish Heritage Program | Specialized materials for Jewish special education; excellent computer and internet resources. | Jewish | Jewish, program, education, resource | ||||
The Haverim Program | Number of resources for holiday services, including a manual for use by group home staff | None Specified | manual, resource | ||||
The Moses Program | An inclusive program for Jewish adults with and without disabilities | Jewish | Jewish, adult, program, inclusion | ||||
Camp Ramah National Commission | Special summer camp programs in the US and Canada for children and teens with Learning disabilities, attention deficit and Emotional disabilities | None Specified | Psychiatric | program, children, Emotional, deficit | |||
Community Homes for Adults, Inc | Runs three group homes for adults with Developmental disabilities | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | adult | |||
Foundation for Developmentally Disabled Children in Israel | Supports a treatment center in Israel for children with Developmental and other disabilities | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | foundation, children | |||
Hebrew Institute for the Deaf and Exceptional Children | Jewish | Deaf/HoH | Jewish, institute, Deaf, children | ||||
The Jewish Braille Institute of America, Inc. | Jewish | Sensory | Jewish, braille, institute | ||||
A Guide to the Shabbat Morning Torah Service | Video with open captioning and audio descriptions explaining how to open Ark, how and when to recite blessings, where to stand, how to lift and dress the Torah, etc. Includes User’s Guide, Glossary, and Torah Blessings Card | “A Guide to the Shabbat Morning Torah Service.” Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. | Jewish | guide, Jewish | |||
Kosher Kitchen. A Training Video | Open Captioned. Introduce direct care support staff to the basics of the laws of Kashruth, kosher and non-kosher foods. Filmed in kosher kitchen of a group home | “Kosher Kitchen. A Training Video.” Jewish Foundation for Group Homes. | Jewish | kitchen, Jewish, foundation | |||
And Then I Heard My Savior Say | Adult study and awareness resource. 58 min | “And Then I Heard My Savior Say.” Martin Luther Home Society, Inc. | None Specified | society, adult, resource | |||
Autism is a World | Nominated for an Academy Award, this excellent documentary Chronicles the personal experience and perspective of a 26-year-old woman with Autism. This is a helpful resource for teachers and others who need and want to better understand the intricacies of Autism Spectrum Disorder and demonstrates how technology can facilitate communication with persons with ASD | “Autism is a World.” Program Development Associates. | http://disabilitytraining.com/aiwd.html | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | film, Autism | |
Baptism: A Promise to Disabled People | “Baptism: A Promise to Disabled People.” Center for Ministry with People with Disabilities. | None Specified | ministry, baptism, disabled | ||||
Breaking the Silence: Postpartum Depression and Families of Faith | Produced by Mental Health Ministries, this 44-minute program contains facts, stories, and insights on how faith communities can respond to those experiencing postpartum depression | “Breaking the Silence: Postpartum Depression and Families of Faith.” Mental Health Ministries. | http://www.Mentalhealthministries.net/mhm_resources/dvd_resources/postpartum_depression.html | None Specified | Intellectual | depression, family, faith | Video |
Bridging the Differences | Stories of 4 people with different disabling conditions, for whom faith community has been very important. | “Bridging the Differences.” Franciscan Communications. | None Specified | faith, community | |||
Canvas | This is the story of a family member with schizophrenia and the impact on the family | “Canvas.” | http://www.canvasthefilm.com/ | None Specified | Intellectual | schizophrenia | |
Changing Attitudes | Interact Theatre Company (including actors with Developmental and other disabilities) turns those tired old attitudes about disability inside out! See the darkly comic view of stereotypes like the eternal child, the menace to society, the object of pity and ridicule, the “patient,” and others. 20-minute video includes participatory exercises, facilitator’s manual, tips, and more | “Changing Attitudes.” Interact Theatre Company. | None Specified | Intellectual | company, attitude | Video | |
Credo of Support | A video with music and words only, outlining Norman Kunc’s Credo of Support, a powerful statement about what it means to support rather than help or serve people with disabilities. Five minutes | “Credo of Support.” Axis Consultation and Training, Ltd. | None Specified | video, music, help | Video | ||
Diagnosis Asperger’s: Nick Dubin’s Journey of Self-Discovery | This inspirational and educational DVD is appropriate for older teens and young adults with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), parents of children on the spectrum or with other Learning disabilities, Mental health practitioners, teachers, and spouses of individuals with ASD. It is also extremely useful for colleges and universities in preparing their students to work with children or adults with ASD | Dubin, Nick. “Diagnosis Asperger’s: Nick Dubin’s Journey of Self-Discovery.” The Gray Center. | http://www.thegraycenter.org/store/index.cfm?currentpage=3&fuseaction=category.display&categor | None Specified | Intellectual | education, asperger | |
Hi Buddy: The Developmentally Delayed Individual with Alzheimer’s Disease | This video introduces Roger, a 53 year old man with Down Syndrome’s syndrome and a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Observing Roger at home, at work and at a doctor’s appointment demonstrates areas in which Roger is still independent and areas where he now requires assistance. Interviews with his family caregiver, his physician and his work counselor provide essential information for family and professional caregivers working with older individuals with Developmental delay and dementing illness. | “Hi Buddy: The Developmentally Delayed Individual with Alzheimer’s Disease.” Terra Nova Films. | None Specified | Dementia | Alzheimer’s, disease | ||
If I Can’t Do It | The story of Arthur Campbell, a man with Cerebral Palsy who spent the first 38 years of his life sheltered at home in an isolated area of Kentucky, then became an advocate and activist. Winner of several awards | “If I Can’t Do It.” Fanlight Productions. | None Specified | Physical | Cerebral Palsy, advocate, dream | ||
Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service | This film explores how a young man with Down Syndrome makes an unforgettable impression each day in the grocery store where he works as a bagger. Google the title and you should be able to Down Syndromeload it. Otherwise, very expensive | “Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service.” | None Specified | young, story | |||
Love is the Answer | Video series on disabilities, study and discussion guide, sermon, worship resources. | “Love is the Answer.” Marthin Luther Home Society. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome, film | ||
My Uncle Joe | VHS Documentary about man who has moved back into a community from a residential facility | “My Uncle Joe.” Coruway Film Institute. | None Specified | community | |||
Parish Advocacy | 37-minute videotape encouraging congregations to develop structured group to facilitate inclusive ministries | “Parish Advocacy.” Bethesda Lutheran Home and Services. | None Specified | video | Video | ||
Planting the Seeds in Students with Special Learning Needs | A 30 minute video and resource guide to help congregations recognize the importance of preparing teaching staff and congregation members for inclusive ministries. | “Planting the Seeds in Students with Special Learning Needs.” Jesus Cares Ministries. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | student, special, Learning, need | Video | |
Praise and Nurture | Demonstrates alternative worship format | “Praise and Nurture.” Good Hepherd Lutheran Home. | None Specified | worship | |||
Prophets of Peace | This is a collection of two 15-minute programs presenting the lives of two men with disabilities. The first, entitled “In God’s Hands,” is the story of Michael Barrett, who was born with Cerebral Palsy. The second, entitled, “Where’s Your Home,” is the story of John Smeltzer, who was born with Down Syndrome. | “Prophets of Peace.” Masterworks Productions. | None Specified | peace, disability | Video | ||
The Puzzle Club: Brain Injury Survivors Talk | This award winning play discusses what it is like to live with a Brain Injury from the survivor’s perspective by sharing the stories of thirteen survivors from Western Montana who have formed a weekly support group called “The Puzzle Club”. The play is available on DVD. The DVD also includes a documentary about the creation of the play | “The Puzzle Club: Brain Injury Survivors Talk.” Program Development Associates. | http://disabilitytraining.com/pzcd.html | None Specified | brain, injury, survivor, play | ||
Reasons of the Heart. | 57-min. video about Jean Vanier and the L’Arche communities | “Reasons of the Heart.” Palisades Home Video. | None Specified | heart | |||
Setting the Butterfly Free | Video about ministries with persons with Developmental disabilities | “Setting the Butterfly Free.” Advocates with the Developmentally Disabled. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | ministry | Video | |
Visions of Community: Supporting One Person at a Time | Individual support stories of five people. 25 minutes. | “Visions of Community: Supporting One Person at a Time.” Community Vision, Inc. | None Specified | community, support | Movie | ||
We Watch the City: Stories in the Shadow of 9/11 | This is a documentary exploring the stories of New Yorkers with Developmental disabilities and those who support them in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. It explores how a number of people who worked in and around the World Trade Towers were impacted by that day, and the ways they have responded to others impacted by 9/11. VHS video and companion booklet | “We Watch the City: Stories in the Shadow of 9/11.” Institute on Community Integration. | None Specified | documentary, community, integration | |||
What the Silenced Say: An Evening with Jonathan Mooney | A self-advocate who struggles with Dyslexia and hyperactivity describes his experience. Available on VHS and DVD from PEAK Parent Center | “What the Silenced Say: An Evening with Jonathan Mooney.” Center for Ministry with People with Disabilities. | http://www.peakparent.org/subcategories.asp?id=2. | None Specified | ministry, disability, advocate, struggle | Book | |
Talking Bible™. | This is a CD/MP3 made to look like a Bible. The Talking Bible™ is very portable and lightweight at just 5”x7”x1”. Headphones, 4AA batteries, and an A/C adapter are included. The above unites have the NIV installed. Spanish is also available | None Specified | Bible | ||||
The Bible on Cassettes | Aurora Ministries provides free copies of audio-tape sets of any book of the Bible, or the whole Bible. Available in 52 languages | “The Bible on Cassettes.” Aurora Ministries. | None Specified | Bible, ministry | Book | ||
The Boys Next Door | “The Boys Next Door.” | None Specified | |||||
Life Goes On | “Life Goes On.” | None Specified | |||||
Whoopi Goldberg | Whoopi Goldberg. Video of a HBO presentation in 1985 includes a segment with Whoopi playing a person with a Physical disability, and her insight from that on what it means to be human | None Specified | Physical | Physical, presentation | |||
The Cinema of Isolation: A History of Physical Disability in the Movies | Norden, Martin. The Cinema of Isolation: A History of Physical Disability in the Movies. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1995. | None Specified | Physical | Physical, history | Book | ||
Movies and Mental | Movies and Mental. Hogrefe and Huber, 1995. | None Specified | Intellectual | Book | |||
Movies from the Association on Hiher Education and Disability | For congregational awareness programs or other educational programs, also remember movies that have been made into videos. Movies may illustrate negative stereotypes but can be used for positive and effective discussion. | http://www.ahead.org/alert/0504/11.html | None Specified | congregation, awareness, education, program | |||
Autism and Faith Task Force | Work group and network in New Jersey based at The Boggs Center | None Specified | faith | ||||
AAIDD Religion and Spirituality Division | http://www.aaiddreligion.org | None Specified | Religion, spirit | ||||
American Baptist Churches, USA | None Specified | church | |||||
BASIS | http://www.bcmintl.org/Ministries.htm | None Specified | |||||
Bethesda Lutheran Home National Christian Resource Center | Website includes devotions for individuals and families, games, bulletin inserts, litany and sermon outlines. Bethesda also publishes Breakthrough, a quarterly magazine about ministries with people with Developmental disabilities, focused primarily on Lutheran congregations | http://www.blhs.org | Christian | christian, resource | |||
Center for Religion and Disability | Helps to equip congregations to welcome all people | http://www.religionanddisability.org | None Specified | ||||
Center for Spirituality and Disability | None Specified | spirit, disability | |||||
Center for the Study of Religion and Disability | None Specified | study, Religion, disability | |||||
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) | Christian | christian, church | |||||
CCFH Ministries | None Specified | ministry | |||||
Christian Council on Persons with Disabilities | http://www.ccpd.org | Christian | christian, council | ||||
The Christian Reformed Church | http://www.crcdisabilityconcerns.org | Christian | christian, church | ||||
Christian Science, Twelveacres, Inc | http://www.twelveacres.org | Christian | christian | ||||
Church of the Brethren | http://www.brethren.org/abc/cpdn. | None Specified | church | ||||
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints | None Specified | church, Jesus | |||||
Church of the Nazarene | None Specified | church | |||||
Evangelical Covenant Church | Evangelical | evangelical, church | |||||
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | http://www.elca.org/dcs/epr/disability. | Evangelical | church, evangelical | ||||
Faith and Light, USA | Part of international network of worship, religious education, and fellowship communities based on model established by Jean Vanier and L’Arche communities | http://www.friendship.org/. | None Specified | worship, Religion, education, community | |||
Friendship Ministries | Friendship Ministries is an international and interdenominational organization that focuses on consulting and training churches as well as a program of mentoring and Bible Study | None Specified | friendship, ministry, organization, church, program, Bible | ||||
Handi*Vangelism | Handi*Vangelism offers resources and training for churches, Christian camping and hospital ministries for individuals with disabilities and support for families of individuals with disabilities | Christian | resource, church, christian, ministry, support, family | ||||
Interfaith Disability Network | None Specified | faith, network | |||||
Joni and Friends | http://www.joniandfriends.org. | None Specified | friendship | ||||
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod | None Specified | church, lutheran | |||||
Lutheran Services in America Disability Network | http://www.lsa-dn.org | None Specified | lutheran, network | ||||
Lutheran Special Education Ministries | None Specified | lutheran, education, ministry | |||||
Mennonite Church | http://www.adnetonline.org | None Specified | church | ||||
National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry | http://www.nafim.org | None Specified | inclusion, ministry | ||||
National Association for Christians in Special Education | http://nacsped.com | Christian | christian, association, special, education | ||||
National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities | They have an order form for resources available from their office, including a number of books, guides, and videos from other publishing houses and resource organizations | http://www.ncpd.org | Catholic | national, Catholic | |||
National Council of Churches of Christ, USA | http://www.ncccusa.org/nmu/mce/dis/. | None Specified | national, church | ||||
National Organization on Disability, Religion and Disability Program | http://www.nod.org | None Specified | organization, national, Religion, program | ||||
New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Ministries | None Specified | inclusive, ministry | |||||
Presbyterian Church (USA) | Presbyterian | church, presbyterian | |||||
Reformed Church in America | http://www.pcusa.org/phewa | None Specified | church | ||||
Seventh Day Adventist | Adventist | adventist | |||||
Society of Friends | None Specified | friendship, society | |||||
Southern Baptist Convention | http://www.lifeway.com | None Specified | baptist, convention | ||||
Special Touch Ministry, Inc | Parachurch ministry organization with an endorsement from The Assemblies of God | http://www.specialtouch.org | None Specified | ministry | |||
Synagogue Council of America | Task Force on Synagogue Outreach to People with Disabilities | Jewish | synagogue | ||||
Unitarian Universalist Association | Jewish | synagogue | |||||
United Church of Christ | None Specified | church | |||||
United Methodist Church | None Specified | methodist, church | |||||
Mennonite Central Committee | Mental health and Disabilities Program | None Specified | committee | ||||
United Church of Canada | None Specified | church | |||||
The Center for Spirituality, Health and Disability, University of Aberdeen | This center has a dual focus on the relationship between spirituality, health and healing and the significance of the spiritual dimension for contemporary healthcare practices, and the theology of disability. The center aims to enable academics, researchers, practitioners and educators to work together to develop innovative and creative research projects and teaching initiatives | http://www.abdn.ac.uk/cshad/ | None Specified | spirit, health | |||
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities | national research project on spirituality and disability, with researchers and providers working from a number of locations | http://www.Learningdisabilities.org.uk | None Specified | Learning | foundation, Learning, disability | ||
BUILD | Religious education materials, training conferences, consultations | None Specified | Religion, education | ||||
Church Action on Disability | Publishes All People | None Specified | church | ||||
Letters of L’Arche | Quarterly Journal of International Federation of L’Arche Communities | None Specified | l’arche | Journal Article | |||
Brothers of Charity Services | Publish the SPRED Newsletter for Great Britain | None Specified | charity, newsletter | ||||
INTERNATIONAL LISTSERV | John Swinton, at the University of Aberdeen, in Scotland, coordinates an international listserv on disability and spirituality | None Specified | spirituality | ||||
WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: EDAN NETWORK | None Specified | council, church | |||||
Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network | A program of the World Council of Churches’ Work on Persons with Disabilities. | http://www.edan.oikoumene.org | None Specified | advocate, network | |||
EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF THEOLOGY AND DISABILITY | An organization founded in 2007, with conferences every two years | None Specified | society, study, theology | ||||
Asperger’s Syndrome and Mindfulness, Taking Refuge in the Buddha | This book takes the reader through the key beliefs of Theravada Buddhism, such as Mindfulness and the Four Noble Truths, showing how practices such as Insight Meditation can lead to a positive resolution of these feelings. | Mitchell, Chris. Asperger’s Syndrome and Mindfulness, Taking Refuge in the Buddha. Jessica Kingsley Press, 2008. | Buddhist | Autism Spectrum | Asperger, buddha | Book | |
Muslim and Disability: Perspectives in Theology and Jurisprudence | Coming in October, 2009 from the Routledge Muslimic Studies Series. This book explores the position of Muslimic theology and jurisprudence towards people with disabilities. It investigates how early and modern Muslim scholars tried to reconcile the existence of disabilities in life with the concept of a Merciful God. It examines also how these scholars envisage the possibilities of leading a dignified and productive life, for people with disabilities, within an Muslimic context | Ghaly, Mohammed. Muslim and Disability: Perspectives in Theology and Jurisprudence. Routledge Muslimic Studies Series, 2009. | Muslim | Muslim, theology | Book | ||
National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry Quarterly Publication | Journal of the National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry. It is read by people such as family members, religious educators, chaplains, and service providers who are concerned with the spirituality of persons with Cognitive disabilities. It offers articles of enrichment, education, and professional development. NAFIM is primarily Roman Catholic, but the Quarterly publishes articles from a variety of Christian perspectives. Categories include special religious education, theology, personal experience, integration, ethics, programs, professional development, research, parent and family concerns. It is now an online journal | None Specified | inclusion, ministry | Journal Article | |||
Exceptional Parent | Magazine for parents and families. Interested in articles that address “how to” issues for their readers, illustrating how they bring about the kinds of changes needed in their communities. This is not a “religious” magazine, so articles should have an ecumenical or interfaith perspective. As of 2008, they are doing a quarterly article on spirituality supports | None Specified | parent, magazine, parent, family | ||||
AAIDD’s Intellectual and Developmental | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | |||||
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling | None Specified | pastoral care | |||||
Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health | (Formerly the Journal of Religion in Disability and Rehabilitation. First issue in 1993. Focused towards professionals in religious services and those in secular services to create an inter-disciplinary, interfaith, and multicultural forum. It also aims to focus the attention of traditional academic disciplines within religion, such as ethics, sacred literature, theology, philosophy, and liturgics, on the phenomena of disability and rehabilitation. Has resource sections on books, audio-Blinds, technology, and human relationships/sexuality. Articles are sought that include research, theory, and practice-based articles. This is a refereed journal. It is now published by Taylor and Francis, Inc., which took over Haworth Press | None Specified | Journal, Religion, ethics, literature | ||||
American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature | Study Group on Religion and Disability Studies. Papers are presented in sessions at the annual AAR/SBL meeting in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving. The two organizations did meet together, are separate for several years, but will return to side by side meetings in the same city at the same time. | None Specified | academy, Religion, Bible, literature | ||||
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | http://aacap.org. | None Specified | Children, psychiatry | ||||
American Bible Society | http://www.americanBible.org. | None Specified | Bible, society | ||||
American Foundation for the Blind | http://www.afb.org. | None Specified | Sensory | Foundation, Blind | |||
ARCH (Access to Respite Care and Help) | http://www.archrespite.org. | None Specified | care, help | ||||
Archdiocese of Cincinnati | http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/oec/. | None Specified | archdiose | ||||
Archdiocese of Dubuque | http://www.arch.pvt.k12.ia.us/. | None Specified | archdiose | ||||
Archdiocese of Milwaukee | http://www.archmil.org/. | None Specified | archdiose | ||||
Archdiocese of Portland | http://www.archdpdx.org/opd/. | None Specified | archdiose | ||||
Association of Brethren Caregivers | http://www.brethren.org/abc/index.htm. | None Specified | association, care | ||||
Association for Interfaith Ministries | http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/residential | None Specified | association, faith, ministry | ||||
Beach Center on Disability | http://www.beachcenter.org. | None Specified | |||||
Bible Alliance, Inc. | http://www.careministries.org/ba.html. | None Specified | Bible | ||||
Bible Centered Ministries International | http://www.bcmintl.org/. | None Specified | Bible, ministry | ||||
Bridge Ministries for Disability Concerns | http://www.bridgemin.org. | None Specified | ministry | ||||
Bridges to Faith/DMR | http://www.bridgestofaith.com. | None Specified | faith | ||||
Bureau of Jewish Education | http://www.Jewishla.org. | Jewish | Jewish, education | ||||
Catholic Charities Office for Persons with Disabilities | http://www.catholiccharities.cc/ourservices/disabilities.html. | Catholic | |||||
Center for Community Inclusion | http://www.umaine.edu/cci/. | None Specified | center, community, inclusion | ||||
Center for Religion and Disability. Education, Research and Training | http://www.religionanddisability.org | None Specified | center, Religion, education | ||||
Christian Reformed Church in North America-Disability Concerns | http://www.crcdisabilityconcerns.org. | Christian | christian, church | ||||
Covenant Ministries of Benevolence | http://covenantbenevolence.org/. | None Specified | ministry | ||||
Department of Disability and Human Development, The University of Illinois at Chicago | http://www.uic.edu/depts/idhd/ds. | None Specified | development | ||||
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Department of Persons with Disabilities | http://www.diopitt.org/education/dpd.htm. | None Specified | diocese | ||||
Disability Resources Inc. | http://www.disabilityresources.org/. | None Specified | resource | ||||
Division of Ordained Ministry, UMC, Section of Chaplains & Relocated Min | http://www.gbhem.org/ordmin2.html. | None Specified | ministry | ||||
Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota | http://www.episcopalmn.org/. | None Specified | episcopal | ||||
Episcopal Diocese of Washington | http://www.edow.org/. | None Specified | episcopal | ||||
Episcopal Disability Network | http://edn4ministry.org/. | None Specified | episcopal | ||||
Exceptional Family Resource Center | http://edweb.sdsu.edu/efrc/. | None Specified | family, resource, center | ||||
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Ministries for Persons with Disabilities | http://www.elca.org/dcs | Evangelical | evangelical, church | ||||
Georgia Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities | http://www.gcdd.org/. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | ||||
Hands-On Bible Curriculum | http://www.handsonBible.com/default.asp. | None Specified | curriculum | ||||
Health and Welfare Ministries of the General Board of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Church | http://list.gbgm- | None Specified | health, ministry, church | ||||
Hospice Foundation of America | http://www.hospicefoundation.org/. | None Specified | foundation, hospice | ||||
Human Services Research Institute | http://www.hsri.org/. | None Specified | institute | ||||
Indian Creek Foundation | http://www.indiancreekfoundation.org. | None Specified | foundation | ||||
The Indiana Governor’s Planning Council for People with Disabilities | http://www.in.gov/gpcpd/. | None Specified | |||||
Institute of Abundant Living | http://www.discoverabilities.com/index.html. | None Specified | institute | ||||
Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, University of Dayton | http://www.udayton.edu/~ipi/. | None Specified | institute, pastoral | ||||
Institute on Disabilities, Temple University | http://disabilities.temple.edu/. | None Specified | institute | ||||
The Interfaith Health Program | http://www.ihpnet.org/. | None Specified | faith, health, program | ||||
International Bible Society | http://www.ibs.org/. | None Specified | Bible, society | ||||
Joint Commission on Accreditation Healthcare Organization | http://www.jcaho.org. | None Specified | health, care, organization | ||||
Jesus Cares Ministries | http://www.wels.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?jcm-index. | None Specified | Jesus, care, ministry | ||||
The Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation | http://www.wiley.com. | None Specified | foundation | ||||
The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill | http://www.mhsource.com/hy/journal.html. | None Specified | Intellectual, Psychiatric | ||||
Lifeway Christian Resources, Southern Baptist Convention | http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/. | Christian | christian, resource, convention | ||||
Lighthouse National Center for Vision and Aging | http://www.lighthouse.org. | None Specified | Sensory | center, vision, age | |||
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod: Deaf and Blind Mission | http://www.Blindmission.org. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH, Sensory | lutheran, church, Deaf, Blind | |||
Lutheran Disabilities Ministry | http://www.e-lcr.org/LCR-Disabilities-Ministry.htm. | None Specified | lutheran, ministry | ||||
Lutheran Special Education Ministries, Ephphatha Center | http://www.elca.org/dcs/Inclusion.html. | None Specified | lutheran, special, education, ministry, center | ||||
Mariposa Ministry | http://www.mariposa-ministry.org/. | None Specified | ministry | ||||
Mennonite Church. Anabaptist Disabilities Network | http://www.adnetonline.org. | None Specified | church, network | ||||
Mennonite Central Committee. Mental health and Disabilities Program | http://www.mcc.org/canada/health/resources.html | None Specified | Intellectual | committee, Mental, health, program | |||
Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities | http://www.mnddc.org/. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | ||||
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) | http://www.nami.org | None Specified | Intellectual | ||||
National Apostolate for Inclusion Ministry (NAFIM) | http://www.faithability.org/resource/national-apostolate-for-inclusion-ministry-nafim | None Specified | inclusion, ministry | ||||
National Catholic Office for the Deaf | http://www.ncod.org | Catholic | Deaf/HoH | Catholic, Deaf | |||
National Catholic Educational Association | http://www.ncea.org/. | Catholic | Catholic, education, association | ||||
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health | http://www.georgetown.edu/research/gucdc/. | None Specified | education, center, children, health | ||||
National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange | http://www.miusa.org. | None Specified | disability | ||||
National Council of Churches Division of Education and Ministry | http://www.ncccusa.org/nmu/mce/dis/. | None Specified | council, church, education, ministry | ||||
National Council of Churches: NCC Deaf Ministries | http://www.ncccusa.org/about/staff.html. | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | council, church, Deaf, ministry | |||
National Down Syndrome Society | http://www.ndss.org/. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Down Syndrome, society | |||
National Family Caregivers Association | http://www.nfcacares.org/. | None Specified | family, care, association | ||||
National Institute of Art and Disabilities | http://www.niadart.org. | None Specified | institute, art | ||||
National Resource Center for Parents with Disabilities | http://www.lookingglass.org. | None Specified | resource, center, parent | ||||
Network on Ethics and Intellectual Disabilities | http://kennedyinstitute.georgetown.edu/site/publications/network_on_ethics.htm. | None Specified | ethic | ||||
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities | http://www.nichcy.org/. | None Specified | center, children, youth | ||||
Parent to Parent of Georgia | http://www.parenttoparentofga.org/. | None Specified | parent | ||||
Pathways Awareness Foundation | http://www.pathwaysawareness.org. | None Specified | awareness, foundation | ||||
The Respite Resource Project | http://www.vcu.edu/partnership/. | None Specified | resource, project | ||||
Six Friends: Resources for Christian Families Living with a Blind Impairment | http://millcreekmedia.com/sixfriend/index.html. | Christian | Sensory | friendship, christian, Blind | |||
Special Education Center, Board of Jewish Education | http://www.pirchei.co.il/specl_ed/resource.htm. | Jewish | center, Jewish, education | ||||
Special Touch Ministry | http://www.specialtouch.org | None Specified | ministry | ||||
TABCOM Special Needs Ministries | http://www.tabcom.org/html/special_ministries.html | None Specified | ministry, special, need | ||||
Training Resource Network, Inc | http://www.trninc.com. | None Specified | training, resource, network | ||||
Union of American Hebrew Congregations | Hebrew | hebrew, congregation | |||||
United Church Board-Homeland Ministries | http://www.ucc.org/ministries/. | None Specified | church, ministry | ||||
Well Spouse Foundation | http://www.wellspouse.org/. | None Specified | foundation | ||||
Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities | http://www.wcdd.org | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | council | |||
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod | http://www.wels.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?2601&collectionID=649; | Evangelical | evangelical, lutheran | ||||
Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Lay Ministry | http://www.wlim.net/ministry.php. | None Specified | lutheran, ministry | ||||
World Institute on Disability | http://www.wid.org | None Specified | institute | ||||
World Council of Churches | http://www.wcc-coe.org/. | None Specified | council, church | ||||
Emmaus Eyes: Worship with the Mentally Challenged | Strategies and examples of structuring worship to be personal, Emotional, and Physical | Ann, Lo, and David Trembley. Emmaus Eyes: Worship with the Mentally Challenged. | None Specified | Intellectual, Psychiatric | worship | ||
A Place for Everyone | Guide to help congregations and religious education programs who want to include everyone | McNay, Athalene. A Place for Everyone. Convention Press, 1997. | None Specified | guide, congregation, Religion | Book | ||
The Lord’s Prayer in Motions | “The Lord’s Prayer in Motions.” | None Specified | prayer | ||||
End of Life Care for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | Sections on historical perspectives, medical conditions and management, controversies and ethical dilemmas, social, Emotional and spiritual considerations, and supports and resources. | Friedman, Sandra, and David Helm. End of Life Care for Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. AAIDD, 2010. | https://aaidd.org/publications/bookstore-home/product-listing/end-of-life-care-forchildren-and-adults-with-Intellectual-and-Developmental-disabilities#.VmcfBU2FO70 | None Specified | Intellectual | children, adult | Book |
Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Experiencing Loss and Bereavement: Theory and Compassionate Practice | Read, Susan. Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Experiencing Loss and Bereavement: Theory and Compassionate Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publications | None Specified | Intellectual | Intellectual, loss | Book | ||
Understanding Death and Illness and What They Teach About Life, An Interactive Guide for Individuals with Autism or Asperger’s and Their Loved Ones | How to work with individuals in the spectrum | Faherty, Catherine. Understanding Death and Illness and What They Teach About Life, An Interactive Guide for Individuals with Autism or Asperger’s and Their Loved Ones. Texas: Future Horizons. | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | death, illness, life, guide, Autism | Book | |
Dealing with Loss and Grief: A Team Approach | CD for people who suffer from Intellectual and/or Mental disabilities | “Dealing with Loss and Grief: A Team Approach.” | None Specified | grief, loss | |||
End of Life Care: Bridging Disability and Aging with Person Centered Care | Articles related to Developmental and Mental disabilities | Gaventa, Bill, and David Coulter. End of Life Care: Bridging Disability and Aging with Person Centered Care. NY: Haworth Press, 2005. | http://www.tandfonline.com/action/aboutThisJournal?journalCode=wrdh21#.VwVWx2PnvNU | None Specified | end, life, age, care | Book | |
Ya Got People: Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Deal with Grief, Bereavement and Loss | Bowling, Carolyn, and Jeffery Wilder. Ya Got People: Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Deal with Grief Bereavement and Loss. Diverse City Press, 2003. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | grief, loss | Book | ||
Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness | Aging and end of life issues | Baventa, Bill. Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness. | None Specified | spirituality | Book | ||
Supporting Someone with a Learning Disability. | A guide for funeral home directors | “Supporting Someone with a Learning Disability.” | None Specified | Learning | Learning, death | ||
Beyond Casseroles. 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend. | Copens, Lisa. Beyond Casseroles. 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend. Rest Ministries. | None Specified | Chronic Illness | chronic | Book | ||
The Thinking Ahead, My Life At The End | Project with a focus group made of individuals with Developmental disabilities | “The Thinking Ahead, My Life At The End.” | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | end, death | ||
Complex and Moral Issues for End of Life Decisions for Adults with Significant Intellectual Disabilities | Website for guardians of people with Intellectual disabilities | “Complex and Moral Issues for End of Life Decisions for Adults with Significant Intellectual Disabilities.” | http://ucedd.georgetown.edu/complex/index.php | None Specified | Intellectual | life, death | |
Positive Approaches to Palliative Care | Jones, Amelia, and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne. Positive Approaches to Palliative Care. BILD. | None Specified | care, positive, approach | ||||
Advance Care Planning for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Stateby-State Content Analysis of Person-Centered Service Plans | “Advance Care Planning for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Stateby-State Content Analysis of Person-Centered Service Plans.” Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | care | Journal Article | ||
When Somebody Dies. | S. Hollings, S. Dowling, and N. Blackman. When Somebody Dies. Books Beyond Words. | None Specified | death | ||||
Talking about End of Life | Website devoted to resources, training modules, and videos for peole working directly with people with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. | “Talking about End of Life.” | https://www.caresearch.com.au/tel/tabid/4881/Default.aspx | None Specified | death | ||
Aging and Disability | Website with resources that address aging. | “Aging and Disability.” | http://www.aging-and-disability.org/ | None Specified | death, age | ||
Ethical Issues, End of Life Considerations, and Developmental Disabilities | Resourses about end of life issues | “Ethical Issues, End of Life Considerations, and Developmental Disabilities.” Minnesota DD Council. | http://www.mnddc.org | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | death | |
Living Well but Dying Matters | Videos and other resources. | “Living Well but Dying Matters.” | None Specified | death | |||
Irene Tuffrey Wijne | Webinar about death | “Irene Tuffrey Wijne” | http://www.tuffrey-wijne.com | None Specified | death | ||
The ARC Future Planning Project | The ARC Future Planning Project | https://futureplanning.thearc.org/pages/learn/where-to-start/webinars/archived-webinars | None Specified | project | |||
Dimensions of Grief and Loss in the Lives of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Pastoral Strategies for Addressing Them | “Dimensions of Grief and Loss in the Lives of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Pastoral Strategies for Addressing Them.” Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | grief, loss, pastoral | |||
Researching Complicated Grief in People with Learning Disabilities | Researching Complicated Grief in People with Learning Disabilities. University of Dublin. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | grief, Learning | |||
Grief and Bereavement Resources for People with Autism | https://www.Autismspeaks.org/grief-and-bereavement-resources | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | grief, Autism | |||
How to Talk to Children with Autism about Death | http://www.Autismsocietypgh.org/how-to-talk-to-children-with-Autism-about-death/ | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, death | |||
How to Talk to your Child with Special Needs About Death | Lovy, Jennifer. “How to Talk to your Child with Special Needs About Death.” Friendship Circle. | http://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2013/08/20/how-to-talk-to-your-child-with-special-needs-about-death/ | None Specified | child, death | |||
Autism | Website about Autism | http://Autismdigest.com/an-aspies-view-of-death/ | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | ||
Grief and Children with Special Needs | “Grief and Children with Special Needs.” Grief Speaks. | http://www.griefspeaks.com/id96.html | None Specified | chief, children, need | |||
Being Autistic and Dealing With Death | Miller, Gray. “Being Autistic and Dealing With Death.” Love to Know. | https://Autism.lovetoknow.com/Being_Autistic_and_Dealing_with_Death | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | death, Autism | ||
Grief and Loss: Helping Children with Autism Cope | “Grief and Loss: Helping Children with Autism Cope.” Stages Learning. | https://blog.stagesLearning.com/blog/Autism-helping-understanding-death?topic=Autism-Emotionals | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | ||
PathFinder for Autism | Presentation about Autism | “PathFinder for Autism” | http://www.pathfindersforAutism.org/docs/social-story-about-death.pdf | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | |
Social Stories: Power Tool For Autism | Blog about Autism | http://benziesangmassocialstoriesforAutism.blogspot.com/2013/05/when-someone-dies.html | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | ||
Believing, Belonging, Becoming | 11 minute video featuring four congregational stories of inclusion, two with children, two with adults. | http://faithanddisability.org/videos/ | None Specified | congregation, inclusion, children, adult | Video | ||
Our Doors are Open: Building Welcoming Cultures in Helping Organizations | In this CD, broken up into short sections for group use and discussion, Bruce Anderson explores key issue and Learning about hospitality and community building from working with a variety of human service, religious, and other community organizations. Great for a hospitality team exploring ways to be more welcoming. | http://faithanddisability.org/videos/ | None Specified | Religion, community | |||
Worship as One: Disability in Community. Including Persons with A Variety Of Abilities Is Transforming These Three Church Communities | “Worship as One: Disability in Community. Including Persons with A Variety Of Abilities Is Transforming These Three Church Communities.” Calvin Institutes for Christian Worship. | http://faithanddisability.org/videos/ | None Specified | worship, community, inclusion | |||
Amazing Gifts: Stories of Faith, Disability, and Inclusion | 64 stories of inclusive congregations | Pinsky, Mark. “Amazing Gifts: Stories of Faith, Disability, and Inclusion.” Alban Institute. | None Specified | faith, inclusion, congregation | Book | ||
Amplifying our Witness: Giving Voice to Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities | practice-centered approach to congregational ministry | Conner, Benjamin. “Amplifying our Witness: Giving Voice to Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities.” Eerdmans Publications. | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | ministry, congregation | Book | |
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and their Families | This is a guide for integrating children and teens with Learning differences— and their families—into the fabric of everyday church children and teens with Learning differences— and their families—into the fabric of everyday church resource for church leaders with specific suggestions, samples, and processes for adapting curricula, training volunteers, and supporting parents and care-givers. | “Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and their Families.” | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | children, family | ||
Leading a Special Needs Ministry. | Lee, Amy Fenton. “Leading a Special Needs Ministry.” | None Specified | ministry | ||||
Putting Faith to Work | A manual for congregations, able to be customized to any faith tradition, to help congregations begin ministries to help young people get jobs as they transition (age out) out of school. The manual was developed out of a project testing the idea in four states | “Putting Faith to Work.” | None Specified | faith | |||
Frog Pond Enterprises | Clark, Doris. “Frog Pond Enterprises.” | http://www.joyclassalive.com/ | None Specified | inclusion, worship | |||
Accessible Gospel, Inclusive Worship | Newman, Barbara. “Accessible Gospel, Inclusive Worship.” CLC Network. | https://clcnetwork.org/ | None Specified | gospel, inclusion, worship | |||
The Summer Institute on Theology and Disability | http://faithanddisability.org/projects/summer-institute/ | None Specified | theology, institute | ||||
Let All the Children Come to Me. A Practical Guide to Including Children with Disabilities in Your Church Ministries | Let All the Children Come to Me. A Practical Guide to Including Children with Disabilities in Your Church Ministries | None Specified | guide, inclusion, church, ministry | ||||
Spirit and the Politics of Disablement | Betcher, Sharon. Spirit and the Politics of Disablement. Fortress Press, 2007. | None Specified | spirit, politics | Book | |||
Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families, and Congregations. | Carter, Erik. Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families, and Congregations. Paul Brookes Publishing, 2007. | None Specified | faith, community, guide | Book | |||
Jewish Community Guide to Inclusion of People with Disabilities | Christensen, Shelly. Jewish Community Guide to Inclusion of People with Disabilities. MN: Jewish Family and Children’s Services, 2007. | Jewish | inclusion, Jewish | Book | |||
Epistles of Inclusion: St Paul’s Inspired Attitudes. | Montierg, W. Graham. Epistles of Inclusion: St Paul’s Inspired Attitudes. Amazon. | http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1907652698/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=103612307&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=1905022212&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=1HFV6A08T5PDZM0Y2ESK | None Specified | inclusion | Book | ||
Brokenness and Blessing: Toward a Christian Spirituality | Young, Frances. Brokenness and Blessing: Toward a Christian Spirituality. Baker Publishing. | Christian | christian, spirit | Book | |||
Let All the Children Come to Me. A Practical Guide to Including Children with Disabilities in Your Church Ministries. | Breeding, Malesa, Hood, Dana, and Jerry Whitworth. Let All the Children Come to Me. A Practical Guide to Including Children with Disabilities in Your Church Ministries. Cook Communications Ministries. | None Specified | children, guide, inclusion, ministry, church | Book | |||
A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny | Becker, Amy Julia. A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny. Bethany House. | None Specified | gift, faith | Book | |||
Dementia: Living in the Memories of God | Swinton, John. Dementia: Living in the Memories of God. Eerdmans, 2012. | None Specified | memory, god | Book | |||
Esau’s Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs | Prouser, Horn Ora. Esau’s Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs. Ben Yuda Press. | None Specified | Bible, special | Book | |||
No Easy Choices: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction | In this book from Westminster/John Knox Press, Ellen Painter Dollar tells her story of growing up with osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone), a genetic bone disorder that was passed Down Syndrome to her first child, and their struggle about whether to have a second child. A careful exploration of how the ethical issues in advanced reproductive technologies are lived out in one family’s story. | Dollar, Ellen Painter. No Easy Choices: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction. John Knox Press. | None Specified | parent, faith | Book | ||
Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?: Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties | This clear and practical book rejects the idea that hurting people should be condemned for their pain, and it succeeds in equipping churches to provide more effective care for these people | Carlson, Dwight L. Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?: Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties. | Christian | shoot, wound | |||
Darkness Is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental | In this book, an Episcopal priest and college professor afflicted by bipolar disorder shares her experiences and wrestles through theological questions pertaining to Mental. | Greene-McCreight, Kathryn. Darkness Is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental. Brazos Press. | Christian | Intellectual | Mental, dark | Book | |
Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental | This book contains detailed information and biblical perspective about various types of disorders. It is an excellent reference to better understand the problem as well as help people with Mental | Stanford, Matthew S. Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental. Paternoster Publishing. | None Specified | Intellectual | Bible | Book | |
When Your Family Is Living with a Mental | Part of the Difficult Times series, this is a small booklet that church leaders can give to families affected by Mental. It refers readers to other resources, and assures families that they are not alone in the challenges they face. | Lund, Marcia. When Your Family Is Living with a Mental. Augsburg Fortress. | None Specified | Intellectual | amily | Book | |
Ministry with Persons with Mental and Their Families | These essays from psychiatrists and theologians discuss Mental from medical, theological, and ministry perspectives. They provide detailed information for church leaders about various types of disorders | Albers, Robert H., Meller, William H., and Steven D. Thurber. Ministry with Persons with Mental and Their Families. Fortress Press. | None Specified | Intellectual | ministry, family | Book | |
Brain Injury: When the Call Comes. A Congregational Resource. | Gaventa, Bill. Brain Injury: When the Call Comes. A Congregational Resource. Boggs Center. | None Specified | congregation | ||||
Spiritual Care Handbook on PTSD/TBI: The Handbook on Best Practices for the Provision of Spiritual Care to Persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. | Hughes, Brian, and Goerge Handzo. Spiritual Care Handbook on PTSD/TBI: The Handbook on Best Practices for the Provision of Spiritual Care to Persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. | None Specified | special, PTSD | Book | |||
Healing, Hope, and Joy: Faith-Based Reflections after a Traumatic Brain Injury | Beatty, Wayne. Healing, Hope, and Joy: Faith-Based Reflections after a Traumatic Brain Injury. IN: Author House, 2011. | None Specified | faith, brain injury | Book | |||
All the King’s Horses: Finding Purpose and Hope in Brokenness and Impossibility | Milazzo, Barry. All the King’s Horses: Finding Purpose and Hope in Brokenness and Impossibility. Creation House, 2016. | None Specified | hope | Book | |||
Fighting for David: An Inspiring True Story of Stubborn Love, Faith, and Hope after Severe, Traumatic Brain Injury. | Nunley, Leone, and Dean Merrill. Fighting for David: An Inspiring True Story of Stubborn Love, Faith, and Hope after Severe, Traumatic Brain Injury. | None Specified | love, faith, hope, brain, injury | Book | |||
EnabledMuslim | A project of American Muslim Health Professionals (amhp.us), is an online network providing spiritual and practical support for Muslims impacted by disabilities, both Intellectual and Physical | Muslim | Muslim, support | ||||
MUHSEN | a non-profit striving to promote awareness, acceptance, and inclusion in Muslim communities and mosques (building model mosque disability inclusion programs) | https://muhsen.org/ | Muslim | profit, mosque, Muslim | |||
Global Deaf Muslim | a non-profit that advocates for the rights and needs of Deaf Muslims worldwide and particularly strives to improve accessible Muslimic education and programming | https://globaldeafmuslim.org/ | Muslim | education | |||
EquallyAble Foundation | a non-profit seeking to empower and include people with disabilities worldwide, by helping provide education, employment, medical equipment, innovative technology, outreach to promote inclusion, and religious community supports | http://www.equallyable.org | None Specified | profit, education, Religion, community | |||
ETI – Empowerment Through Integration | a non-profit that propels disadvantaged Blind youths to explore and achieve their career goals, with programs in the U.S., Lebanon, and more | http://www.etivision.org | None Specified | Sensory | profit, Blind, youth | ||
Muslim Wellness Foundation | an organization working to reduce stigma associated with Mental, addiction and trauma in the American Muslim community | https://www.muslimwellness.com/ | Muslim | Intellectual | stigma, addiction, Muslim, community | ||
Naseeha Muslim Helpline | 1-866-NASEEHA, a confidential youth helpline for young Muslims to receive immediate, anonymous, and confidential support over the phone | http://www.naseeha.net | Muslim | youth | |||
Stones to Bridges | dedicated to empowering and supporting the needs of Muslim and other youth in North America, as a means to promote their Emotional, social, and Mental well-being | http://www.stonestobridges.org | Muslim | Intellectual | support | ||
The Family & Youth Institute | a non-profit research and education institute helping young people and their families realize their fullest potential through the development of the mind, body, and spirit | http://www.thefyi.org | None Specified | profit, education, family | |||
SMILE | dedicated to supporting children living with disabilities and their families in Canada | http://www.smilecan.org | None Specified | children, canada | |||
Canadian Association for Muslims with Disabilities | focused on community-based approaches to meet the needs of Canadians with disabilities and their families | http://www.camd.ca | None Specified | canada | |||
Disabled Muslims Network, UK | Working to support and assist Muslims who have a disability and Muslim parents of children with disabilities | https://www.facebook.com/disabledmuslimsnetwork | Muslim | support | |||
Disability in Muslim: A Guide for Khutbas, Seminars, and Workshops | Disability in Muslim: A Guide for Khutbas, Seminars, and Workshops. EquallyAble Foundation. | None Specified | seminar, workshop | ||||
Promoting Inclusiveness for People with Disabilities | “Promoting Inclusiveness for People with Disabilities.” Muslimic Horizon. | Muslim | Muslim | ||||
We Will Not Be Hidden | “We Will Not Be Hidden.” American Muslims with Disabilities. | Muslim | Muslim | ||||
A Guide to Funding Disabilities and Special Needs | Eidelman, Steven, ed. A Guide to Funding Disabilities and Special Needs. Jewish Funders Network. | http://www.jfunders.org/disabilityguide | Jewish | special, Jewish | |||
Judaism and Health: A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources. | Levin, Jeff, and Michele Prince. Judaism and Health: A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources. Jewish Lights. | http://www.Jewishlights.com/page/product/978-1-58023-714-7 | Jewish | Jewish | |||
V’khol Banayikh: Jewish Education for All | Simon, Sara Rubinow, Forest, Linda and Ellen Fishman, eds. V’khol Banayikh: Jewish Education for All. Torahaura. | http://www.torahaura.com/item_Jewish_Educations_for_All.aspx | Jewish | Jewish, education | |||
Hineinu | Hineinu: Jewish Community for People of All Abilities, the latest initiative in its goal of bringing full Inclusion in Jewish life to those with disabilities. Hineinu (“We are here”) is the first-ever formal combination of human rights and disability professionals from each of the religious streams, sharing resources, support and direction in order to increase disability Inclusion in our synagogues for people of all abilities. Each organization worked together to create the Hineinu Guide which can be found on the respective websites. | Jewish | Religion, Jewish, community | ||||
Chabad | Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative The Ruderman-Chabad Inclusion Initiative (RCII) is dedicated to building on the philosophy and mission of Chabad Lubavitch by providing Chabad communities around the globe the education and resources they need to advance inclusion of people with disabilities. RCII engages Chabad’s network of human and educational resources to create a Culture of Inclusion so that all Jews feel welcomed, supported, and valued throughout their entire lifecycle | http://www.rcii.org. | None Specified | inclusion, education | |||
Jewish Reconstructionist Communities | http://. http://www.Jewishrecon.org/files/PDFs/Inclusion%20Texts%20-%20Greenfield.pdf | Jewish | Jewish | ||||
Orthodox Union/Yachad | occurs every February focusing on the abilities and talents of individuals with disabilities. Sponsored by Yachad , communities and schools engage in concrete ways to include all members of their Jewish community. Resources are shared with synagogues and temples to make their environments and ideology inclusive. Examples are supplying members with Blind impairments magnifying strips to help them read their siddurim or clip bookmarks to hold the place in their prayer books so that they are able to follow services. Schools participate in workshops and book clubs to help students understand disabilities. Working hand in hand with JDAIM, Yachad believes that we help the entire Jewish community grow and strengthen by enabling all individuals to be equal partners in Klal Yisroel. | http://https://www.njcd.org. | Jewish | Jewish | |||
Jewish Leadership Institute on Disabilities and Inclusion | At the Jewish Leadership Institute on Disabilities and Inclusion Jewish community leaders acquire the necessary skills, knowledge and vision to effectively lead innovative capacity building strategies and practices through which all people with disabilities can fully participate in Jewish community life and lead self-directed quality lives. The partnership between the Ruderman Family Foundation and the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities at the University of Delaware, founded in 2013. The Jewish Leadership Institute on Disabilities and Inclusion is the result of the growing needs expressed by Jewish people with disabilities and families to engage in personally meaningful Jewish life | http://http://www.nlcdd.org/jli.html | Jewish | Jewish | |||
Was Yosef on the Spectrum? | Levine J., Samuel. Was Yosef on the Spectrum? | http://https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08MQV6Q31/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i1 | Jewish | Jewish | Book | ||
Disability and World Religions. An Introduction | Disability and World Religions introduces readers to the rich diversity of the world’s religions—Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, Christian, Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Native American traditions. Each chapter introduces a specific religious tradition in a manner that offers innovative approaches to familiar themes in contemporary debates about religion and disability, including personhood, autonomy, community, ability, transcendence, morality, practice, the interpretation of texts, and conditioned claims regarding the normal human body or mind. | Schumm, Darla (Eds..), Disability and World Religions. An Introduction, Waco 2016. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481305211/disability-and-world-religions/D2:D75 | Inter-Religious | Jewish | Book | |
Disability in Judaism, Christian, and Muslim. Sacred Texts,Historical Traditions, and Social Analysis | This edited collection of essays examines how religions of the world represent, understand, theologize, theorize and respond to disability and Chronic. Contributors employ a variety of methodological approaches including ethnography, historical, cultural, or textual analysis, personal narrative, and theological/philosophical investigation. | Schumm, Darla/Stoltzfus, Michael, Disability in Judaism, Christian, and Muslim. Sacred Texts,Historical Traditions, and Social Analysis, New York 2011. | http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9780230119727 | Inter-Religious | Chronic Illness | Jewish | Book |
Disability and Religious Diversity. Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Perspectives | This collection of essays examines how diverse religions of the world represent, understand, theologize, theorize and respond to disability and Chronic. Contributors employ a variety of methodological approaches including ethnography, historical, cultural, or textual analysis, personal narrative, and theological/philosophical investigation. | Schumm, Darla, Disability and Religious Diversity. Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Perspectives, New York 2011. | http://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9780230119734 | Inter-Religious | Chronic Illness | Jewish | Book |
Disability in the Hebrew Bible: Interpreting Mental and Physical Differences | Mental and Physical disability, ubiquitous in texts of the Hebrew Bible, receive their first thoroughgoing treatment in this monograph. Olyan seeks to reconstruct the Hebrew Bible’s particular ideas of what is disabling and their potential social ramifications. Biblical representations of disability and biblical classification schemas – both explicit and implicit – are compared to those of the Hebrew Bible’s larger ancient West Asian cultural context, and to those of the later Jewish biblical interpreters who produced the Dead Sea Scrolls. This study will help the reader gain a deeper and more subtle understanding of the ways in which biblical writers constructed hierarchically significant difference and privileged certain groups (e.g., persons with “whole” bodies) over others (e.g., persons with Physical “defects”). It also explores how ancient interpreters of the Hebrew Bible such as the Qumran sectarians reproduced and reconfigured earlier biblical notions of disability and earlier classification models for their own contexts and ends. | Olyan, Saul M. Disability in the Hebrew Bible. Interpreting Mental and Physical Differences, Cambridge 2008. | http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/religion/biblical-studies-new-testament/disability-hebrew-Bible-interpreting-Mental-and-Physical-differences?format=PB | Judaism | Jewish | Book | |
Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader | For two millennia Christians have thought about what human impairment is and how faith communities and society should respond to people with perceived impairments. However, never before has one volume collected the most significant Christian thinkers’ writings on disability. Brian Brock and John Swinton have answered this need with Disability in the Christian Tradition. This book brings together for the first time the views of renowned Christian leaders throughout history – including Augustine, Aquinas, Julian of Norwich, Luther, Calvin, Hegel, Kierkegaard, van den Bergh, Bonhoeffer, Barth, Vanier, and Hauerwas. Fourteen experts in theology and disability studies guide readers through each era or group of thinkers, offering clear commentary and highlighting important themes. | Brock, Brian and John Swinton. (Eds.). Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012. | http://www.eerdmans.com/Products/6602/disability-in-the-christian-tradition.aspx | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access: New Paradigms for Sacramental Encounters | Is a Developmental an appropriate reason to bar a baptized person from the sacraments? This is the disturbing question that generated this book. The pastoral reality is that Roman Catholics with Developmental disabilities are often barred from sacraments. Sometimes they are subject to discrimination or face unusual obstacles in the Sacramental life of the Church. This volume, collaboratively written by pastoral theologians from Catholic Theological Union and the Special Religious Education Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago, addresses these issues. Punctuated with true stories of shame and triumph, this volume grapples with real issues that daily confront Catholics with Developmental disabilities. With a breadth of scholarship that ranges from biblical perspectives to ethical and canonical issues, the authors demonstrate how people with Developmental disabilities need to embraced by the Church and its sacraments, for they teach us something central about Sacramental encounters. | Foley, Edward. (Ed.). Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access: New Paradigms for Sacramental Encounters. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1985 (1994). | http://wipfandstock.com/9781725282322/Developmental-disabilities-and-Sacramental-access/ | Christian | Developmental/Learning | Christian | Book |
Knowing, Being Known, and the Mystery of God: Essays in Honor of Professor Hans Reinders: Teacher, Friend, and Disciple | Hans Reinders has followed an untypical path of rethinking major questions in theology and ethics from the perspective of relationships with people with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. Colleagues, collaborators, and friends from across the globe and a variety of professional disciplines address diverse themes related to his work and their own, including friendships as the foundation for knowing, and our own vulnerability, limitations, and dependence upon the grace of God, through and with others. The diversity of views and experiences deepens and broadens our understanding of the ways we know and are known. With a poetic letter by Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche, and five comments on Hans Reinders by women and man with a disability. | Gaventa, William C., and Erik De Jongh. (Eds.) Knowing, Being Known, and the Mystery of God: Essays in Honor of Professor Hans Reinders: Teacher, Friend, and Disciple. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2016. | http://www.vuuniversitypress.com/product/knowing-being-known-and-the-mystery-of-god/?lang=en | Christian | Intellectual | Christian | Book |
The Bible and Disability: A Commentary | The Bible and Disability: A Commentary (BDC) is the first comprehensive commentary on the Bible from the perspective of disability. The BDC examines how the Bible constructs or reflects human wholeness, impairment, and disability in all their expressions. Biblical texts do envision the ideal body, but they also present visions of the body that deviate from this ideal, whether Physically or through Cognitive impairments or Mental. The BDC engages the full range of these depictions of body and mind, exploring their meaning through close readings and comparative analysis. The BDC enshrines the distinctive interpretive imagination required to span the worlds of biblical studies and disability studies. Each of the fourteen contributors has worked at this intersection; and through their combined expertise, the very best of both biblical studies and disability studies culminates in detailed textual work of description, interpretation, and application to provide a synthetic and synoptic whole. The result is a close reading of the Bible that gives long-overdue attention to the fullness of human identity narrated in the Scriptures. | Melcher, Sarah J., Mikeal C. Parsons, and Amos Yong. The Bible and Disability: A Commentary. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2017. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481308533/the-Bible-and-disability/ | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Disability Studies and Biblical Literature | The primary aim of this volume is to synthesize the two fields of disability studies and biblical studies. It illustrates how academic or critical biblical scholarship has shown that many texts involving disability in the Bible is much more nuanced than a casual reading or isolated proof texting may indicate. | Moss, Candida, Schipper, Jeremy, Disability Studies and Biblical Literature. New York, Palgrave, 2011. | http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9780230338296 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Reconceiving Infertility. Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness | A more complete picture of how procreation and childlessness are depicted in the Bible. | Moss, Candida R./Baden, Joel S., Reconceiving Infertility. Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness, Princeton 2015. | http://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691164830/reconceiving-Infertility | Christian | Chronic Illness | Christian, infertility | Book |
Critical Reflections on Stanley Hauerwas’ Theology of Disability: Disabling Society, Enabling Theology | Critical Reflections on Stanley Hauerwas’ Theology of Disability: Disabling Society, Enabling Theology examines the influential writings of one of the most important contemporary theologians. Over the past thirty years, Time magazine Theologian of the Year (2001) Dr. Stanley Hauerwas has consistently presented a theological position which values the deep theological significance of people with Developmental disabilities, as well as their importance to the life and the faithfulness of the church. Ten key Hauerwas essays on disability are brought together in a single volume—essays which reflect and illustrate his thinking on the theology of disability, along with responses to each essay from multidisciplinary authoritative sources including Jean Vanier, Michael Bérubé, John O’Brien and Ray S. Anderson. | Swinton, John. (Ed.). Critical Reflections on Stanley Hauerwas’ Theology of Disability: Disabling Society, Enabling Theology. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Pastoral Press, 2004. | http://www.routledge.com/Critical-Reflections-on-Stanley-Hauerwas-Theology-of-Disability-Disabling/Swinton/p/book/9780789027221 | Christian | Developmental/Learning | Christian | Book |
Disability in Medieval Christian Philosophy and Theology | This book uses the tools of analytic philosophy and close readings of medieval Christian philosophical and theological texts in order to survey what these thinkers said about what today we call ‘disability.’ The chapters also compare what these medieval authors say with modern and contemporary philosophers and theologians of disability. This dual approach enriches our understanding of the history of disability in medieval Christian philosophy and theology and opens up new avenues of research for contemporary scholars working on disability. The volume is divided into three parts. Part One addresses theoretical frameworks regarding disability, particularly on questions about the definition(s) of ‘disability’ and how disability relates to well-being. The chapters are then divided into two further parts in order to reflect ways that medieval philosophers and theologians theorized about disability. Part Two is on disability in this life, and Part Three is on disability in the afterlife. Taken as a whole, these chapters support two general observations. First, these philosophical theologians sometimes resist Greco-Roman ableist views by means of theological and philosophical anti-ableist arguments and counterexamples. Here we find some surprising disability-positive perspectives that are built into different accounts of a happy human life. We also find equal dignity of all human beings no matter ability or disability. Second, some of the seeds for modern and contemporary ableist views were developed in medieval Christian philosophy and theology, especially with regard to personhood and rationality, an Intellectualist interpretation of the imago Dei, and the identification of human dignity with the use of reason. This volume surveys disability across a wide range of medieval Christian writers from the time of Augustine up to Francisco Suarez. | Williams, Scott M. (Ed.). Disability in Medieval Christian Philosophy and Theology. New York: Routledge, 2020. | http://www.routledge.com/Disability-in-Medieval-Christian-Philosophy-and-Theology/Williams/p/book/9780367195229 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Health Care and the Rise of Christian | This short book about “the health-care system” of Early Christian continues Avalos’ interest in combining medical anthropology and biblical studies. Avalos’ main thesis is that “The ideas of health care reflected in early Christian constitute a system that was an important factor in attracting converts. As such, these ideas about health care constitute an important factor in the rise of Christian itself” (p. 3; similarly p. 15). His introduction also briefly reviews related scholarship, none of which is sufficiently systematic or comparative, in his opinion. | Avalos, Hector. Health Care and the Rise of Christian. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999. | http://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/church-history/article/health-care-and-the-rise-of-Christian-by-hector-avalos-peabody-mass-hendrickson-1999-x-166-pp-np | Christian | Christian, healthcare | Book | |
Illness and Health Care in the Ancient Near East: The Role of the Temple in Greece, Mesopotamia and Israel | Using the focal points of temples and their roles in the diagnoses of illnesses and subsequent provision of health care, Hector Avalos breaks new ground in this unique and insightful study on medical care in the ancient world. | Avalos H. Illness and Health Care in the Ancient Near East: The Role of the Temple in Greece, Mesopotamia, and Israel.; 1995. | http://brill.com/view/title/39466 | Christian | Christian, healthcare | Book | |
The Cerulean Soul: A Relational Theology of Depression | Depression is difficult to define. It is commonly described as a chemical imbalance, a subjective experience of despondency, or even a semiotic construct. The various theories of depression—biochemical, psychological, cultural—often reflect one’s philosophical anthropology. How one defines the human person is telling in how one defines mental disorder. Philosophy and the sciences tend to offer reductive explanations of what it means to be human, and such approaches rarely consider that we may be spiritual beings and so fail to entertain a theological approach. Peter J. Bellini invites us to reimagine the person in light of the image of God in Christ, the divine enfleshed in human weakness. The Cerulean Soul responds to real challenges in the sciences and philosophy and offers a relational theological anthropology shaped by a cruciform framework that assumes and affirms human contingency, limitation, and fallenness. With reference to Christ’s incarnation, Bellini reveals how depression is inexorably tied to our relationship with God as his created beings: original, fallen, and renewed. Despondency serves as a biosocial and spiritual marker for our human weakness, brokenness, and spiritual struggle for meaning and wholeness. Further, it is a call to grow, to be restored, and to be made holy in the image of God in Christ. What emerges is a therapeia of the imago for depression that fills the gaps in our present attempts to determine the malady’s etiology and treatment. Taking the missio Dei of union with the risen Christ as its goal, The Cerulean Soul opens up the perennial problem of human despondency to an eschatological trajectory of hope and peace, redemption and transformation, given freely in Christ through the healing and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Christoformity, informed by the subversive kingdom of God, gives new form to all persons, “abled” and “disabled.” | Bellini, Peter. The Cerulean Soul: A Relational Theology of Depression. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2021. | https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481310932/the-cerulean-soul/ | Christian | Intellectual | Christian | Book |
Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness | Madness is a sin. Those with emotional disabilities are shunned. Mental illness is not the church’s problem. All three claims are wrong. In Madness, Heather H. Vacek traces the history of Protestant reactions to mental illness in America. She reveals how two distinct forces combined to thwart Christian care for the whole person. The professionalization of medicine worked to restrict the sphere of Christian authority to the private and spiritual realms, consigning healing and care—both physical and mental—to secular, medical specialists. Equally influential, a theological legacy that linked illness with sin deepened the social stigma surrounding people with a mental illness. The Protestant church, reluctant to engage sufferers lest it, too, be tainted by association, willingly abdicated care for people with a mental illness to secular professionals. While inattention formed the general rule, five historical exceptions to the pattern of benign neglect exemplify Protestant efforts to claim a distinctly Christian response. A close examination of the lives and work of colonial clergyman Cotton Mather, Revolutionary era physician Benjamin Rush, nineteenth-century activist Dorothea Dix, pastor and patient Anton Boisen, and psychiatrist Karl Menninger maps both the range and the progression of attentive Protestant care. Vacek chronicles Protestant attempts to make theological sense of sickness (Mather), to craft care as Christian vocation (Rush), to advocate for the helpless (Dix), to reclaim religious authority (Boisen), and to plead for people with a mental illness (Menninger). Vacek’s historical narrative forms the basis for her theological reflection about contemporary Christian care of people with a mental illness and Christian understanding of mental illness. By demonstrating the gravity of what appeared—and failed to appear—on clerical and congregational agendas, Vacek explores how Christians should navigate the ever-shifting lines of cultural authority as they care for those who suffer. | Vacek, Heather. Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2015. | https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481300575/madness/ | Christian | Intellectual | Christian | Book |
Wondrously Wounded: Theology, Disability, and the Body of Christ | The church welcomes all—or it should. The church has long proven itself a safe refuge despite the sad reality that it can be, and has been, unwelcoming toward those perceived as different. This is especially true of the contemporary church’s response to those with disabilities—a response often at surprising variance with its historic practices of care. The church once helped shape western morality to cherish these individuals with love and acceptance. It is thus ironic when today’s church neglects this care, or practices care with no awareness of the rich theological history out of which such moral sensibilities originally emerged. In Wondrously Wounded, Brian Brock reclaims the church’s historic theology of disability and extends it to demonstrate that people with disabilities, like all created in God’s image, are servants of God’s redemptive work. Brock divides his volume into five parts. Part one Chronicles how early Christian valued and cared for those with disabilities, putting into practice Jesus’ teachings about divine mercy in decidedly countercultural ways. Part two details how a rise in the fear of disability tempted the church away from these merciful practices as well as its confession of the infinite worth of all God has created. Part three traces how the fear of difference continues to negatively shape contemporary practices in today’s schools, churches, and politics. Part four lays the foundations of a vision of Christian life that is resistant to this pervasive fear. Finally, Part five shows how the recognition of all people as part of the body of Christ not only demonstrates the love of Christ but displaces the fear of disability in a manner that invites the church beyond even the most ambitious contemporary hopes for full inclusion. Brock interweaves his historical and theological analysis with the narrative of his own disabled son, Adam. These stories vividly bring into view the vulnerability, as well as the power, of the disabled in contemporary society. Ultimately, Brock argues, those with disabilities are conduits of spiritual gifts that the church desperately needs. Wondrously Wounded is an appeal to the church to find itself broken and remade by the presence of Christ on offer in the lives of those society has labeled “disabled.” | Brock, Brian. Wondrously Wounded: Theology, Disability, and the Body of Christ. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2020. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481310130 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness: Exploring Missiology through the Lens of Disability Studies | In recent decades churches have accommodated people with disabilities in various ways. Through access ramps and elevators and sign language, disabled persons are invited in to worship. But are they actually enfolded into the church’s mission? Have the able-bodied come to recognize and appreciate the potential contributions of people with disabilities in the ministry and witness of the church? Benjamin Conner wants to stimulate a new conversation between disability studies and Christian theology and missiology. How can we shape a new vision of the entire body of Christ sharing in the witness of the church? How would it look if we “disabled” Christian theology, discipleship, and theological education? Conner argues that it would in fact enable congregational witness. He has seen it happen and he shows us how. Imagine a church that fully incorporates persons with disabilities into its mission and witness. In this vision, people with disabilities contribute to the church’s pluriform witness, and the congregation embodies a robust hermeneutic of the gospel. Picture the entire body of Christ functioning beyond distinctions of dis/ability, promoting mutual flourishing and growing into fullness. Here is an enlargement of the church’s witness as a sign, agent, and foretaste of the kingdom of God. Here is a fresh and inspiring look at the mission of the church when it enfolds people with disabilities as full members. | Conner, Benjamin T. Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness: Exploring Missiology through the Lens of Disability Studies. Down Syndromeers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018. | http://www.ivpress.com/disabling-mission-enabling-witness | Christian | Christian | Book | |
No Easy Choice: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction | In No Easy Choice: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction, Ellen Painter Dollar tells her gut-wrenching story of living with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)-a disabling genetic bone disorder that was passed Down Syndrome to her first child-and deciding whether to conceive a second child who would not have OI using assisted reproduction. Her story brings to light the ethical dilemmas surrounding advanced reproductive technologies. What do procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) say about how we define human worth? If we avoid such procedures, are we permitting the suffering of our children? How do we identify a “good life” in a consumer society that values appearance, success, health, and perfection? | Dollar, Ellen Painter. No Easy Choice: A Story of Disability, Parenthood, and Faith in an Age of Advanced Reproduction. 1st ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012. | http://www.wjkbooks.com/Products/0664236901/no-easy-choice.aspx | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Formed Together: Mystery, Narrative, and Virtue in Christian Caregiving | Joy, pain, celebration, and grief are constant companions on the journey of caregiving. While remaining detached might seem the preferable option, it is not possible to disentangle the threads of our interwoven stories. Our lives are shaped by each other. We are transformed by our encounters. In Formed Together, Keith Dow explores the questions of why we should, and why we do, care for one another. He considers what it means for human beings to be interdependent, created in the image of a loving God. Dow recounts personal experiences of supporting people with Intellectual disabilities while drawing upon theological and philosophical sources to discover the ethical underpinnings of Christian care. Formed Together reveals that human beings care for one another not merely by choice, but because every person relies upon others. People are called together in mutually formative practices of care, and human flourishing means Learning to care well. Dow suggests five virtues that mark ethical caregiving, such as humble courage and quiet attentiveness. These practices can help guide caregivers in responding to the divine call to care. Dow demonstrates that ethical practices of care do not depend upon intelligence or rational ability. Many are called to the vocation of tending to and being present in the needs of others. To be formed together in the divine image means that caregivers never entirely comprehend themselves, others, or God. Rather, caring well means that humans are to accompany one another in and through experiences of profound mystery and revelation. | Dow, Keith. Formed Together: Mystery, Narrative, and Virtue in Christian Caregiving. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2021. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481313216 | Christian | Intellectual | Christian, parenthood | Book |
Disabled Church, Disabled Society. The Implications of Autism for Philosophy, Theology and Politics | In this moving and intelligent book John Gillibrand, an Anglican priest, draws on his experience of caring for his non-verbal son, Adam, who has Autism and is now a teenager. He reflects on how the experience has changed not just his life, but also his whole way of thinking about theology, politics and philosophy. Illuminated by an account of his day to day experiences with Adam, and deeper reflection upon the meaning of that experience, John Gillibrand considers the challenges that Autism – and disability in general – present to the western tradition of thought in theology and philosophy. His experiences lead him to consider the place of people with Autism in relation to religion and philosophy, and how the difficulties in providing adequate public services for those with Autism and their carers point to a need for radical transformation of western political structures. This thoughtful and incisive book will be of interest to theologians, philosophers and sociologists, as well as to all those trying to integrate people with Autism into society. Parents and carers will find much to reflect on. | Gillibrand, John. Disabled Church, Disabled Society. The Implications of Autism for Philosophy, Theology and Politics, London 2010. | http://us.jkp.com/products/disabled-church-disabled-society | Christian | Autism Spectrum | Christian, Autism | Book |
Reconsidering Intellectual Disability. L’Arche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Friendship | Drawing on the controversial case of “Ashley X,” a girl with severe Developmental disabilities who received interventionist medical treatment to limit her growth and keep her body forever small—a procedure now known as the “Ashley Treatment”—Reconsidering Intellectual Disability explores important questions at the intersection of disability theory, Christian moral theology, and bioethics. What are the biomedical boundaries of acceptable treatment for those not able to give informed consent? Who gets to decide when a patient cannot communicate their desires and needs? Should we accept the dominance of a form of medicine that identifies those with Intellectual impairments as pathological objects in need of the normalizing bodily manipulations of technological medicine? In a critical exploration of contemporary disability theory, Jason Reimer Greig contends that L’Arche, a federation of faith communities made up of people with and without Intellectual disabilities, provides an alternative response to the predominant bioethical worldview that sees disability as a problem to be solved. Reconsidering Intellectual Disability shows how a focus on Christian theological tradition’s moral thinking and practice of friendship with God offers a way to free not only people with Intellectual disabilities but all people from the objectifying gaze of modern medicine. L’Arche draws inspiration from Jesus’s solidarity with the “least of these” and a commitment to Christian friendship that sees people with profound Cognitive disabilities not as anomalous objects of pity but as fellow friends of God. This vital act of social recognition opens the way to understanding the disabled not as objects to be fixed but as teachers whose lives can transform others and open a new way of being human. | Greig, Jason Reimer. Reconsidering Intellectual Disability. L’Arche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Friendship. Baltimore, MD: Georgetown University Press, 2015. | http://press.georgetown.edu/book/georgetown/reconsidering-Intellectual-disability | Christian | Christian | Book | |
God Beyond Words: Christian Theology and the Spiritual Experiences of People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities | In this groundbreaking book, Jill Harshaw explores the spiritual experiences of people with profound Intellectual disabilities with regard to their capacity to enjoy life-giving spiritual experiences in their own right.The author expertly argues that our thinking of spiritual life needs to start not with our assumptions about people who are unable to speak for themselves, but with what we can know about God. Stimulating a much-needed discussion, this book explains why we need to respect individuals with profound Intellectual disabilities as spiritual persons, and stop seeing them simply as care-receivers or uncomfortable reminders of human vulnerability. Calling for a more critical approach in practical theology, this book invites a deeper, genuinely inter-disciplinary dialogue between new and traditional theological fields, and asks why, after more than 30 years of Intellectual disability theology, the impact on church life remains minimal so that debates around the right to basic inclusion continue to dominate. The questions raised in this book not only move the discussion forward, but will spark a change on how the Church approaches inclusiveness. | Harshaw, Jill. God Beyond Words: Christian Theology and the Spiritual Experiences of People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016. | http://us.jkp.com/products/god-beyond-words | Christian | Intellectual | Christian | Book |
Sight and Blind in Luke-Acts: The Use of Physical Features in Characterization | The ancient world often thought in terms of physiognomics—the idea that character can be discerned by studying outward, Physical features. That Physical descriptions carry moral freight in characterization has been largely missed in modern biblical scholarship, and this study brings that to the forefront. Specifically, this is a study of one particular Physical marker—Blind. When we look at Greco-Roman literature, a kind of literary topos begins to emerge, a set of assumptions that ancient audiences would typically make when encountering Blind characters. Luke-Acts makes use of such a topos in a way that becomes programmatic, serving as a kind of interpretive key to Luke-Acts that is generally unnoticed in modern scholarship. | Hartsock, Chad. Sight and Blind in Luke-Acts: The Use of Physical Features in Characterization. 2008. Leiden: Brill. | http://brill.com/view/title/14940 | Christian | Sensory | Christian | Book |
A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability: Human Being as Mutuality and Response | This book asks, on behalf of individuals with profound Intellectual disabilities, what it means to be human. That question has traditionally been answered with an emphasis on an Intellectual capacity—the ability to employ concepts or to make moral choices—and has ignored the value of individuals who lack such Intellectual capacities. The book suggests, rather, that human beings be understood in terms of participation in relationships of mutual responsiveness, which includes but is not limited to Intellectual forms of communicating. The book supports its argument by developing a phenomenology of how an individual with a profound Intellectual disability relates, drawn from clinical experience as a Physical therapist. The book thereby demonstrates that these individuals participate in relationships of mutual responsiveness, though in nonsymbolic, bodily ways. To be human, to image God, it argues, is to respond to the world around us in any number of ways, bodily or symbolically. Such an understanding does not exclude people with Intellectual disabilities but rather includes them among those who participate in the image of God. | Haslam, Molly Claire. A Constructive Theology of Intellectual Disability: Human Being as Mutuality and Response. New York: Fordham University Press, 2012. | http://fordham.universitypressscholarship.com/view/10.5422/fordham/9780823239405.001.0001/upso-9780823239405 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Naming the Silences: God, Medicine, and the Problem of Suffering | Why does a good and all-powerful God allow us to experience such pain and suffering? This question, so often asked, has been approached in a variety of ways. In this illuminating and powerful book, Hauerwas explores why we seek explanations for suffering and evil so desperately in today’s world. He draws on true cases of ill and dying children to illustrate and clarify his discussion of the theological issues. Modern medicine, he claims, has too often become a noisy way to hide the gaping silences created by the experiences of childhood illness and death. He discovers for us a God who “can give a voice to that pain in a manner that at least gives us a way to go on.” Offering no easy answers or false comforts, Naming the Silences is a provocative and sensitive exploration of pressing issues that concern us all. | Hauerwas, Stanley. Naming the Silences: God, Medicine, and the Problem of Suffering. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990. | http://www.eerdmans.com/Products/0896/god-medicine-and-suffering.aspx | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness | How are Christians to live in a violent and wounded world? Rather than contending for privilege by wielding power and authority, we can witness prophetically from a position of weakness. The church has much to learn from an often-overlooked community—those with disabilities. In this fascinating book, theologian Stanley Hauerwas collaborates with Jean Vanier, founder of the worldwide L’Arche communities. For many years, Hauerwas has reflected on the lives of people with disability, the political significance of community, and how the experience of disability addresses the weaknesses and failures of liberal society. And L’Arche provides a unique model of inclusive community that is underpinned by a deep spirituality and theology. Together, Vanier and Hauerwas carefully explore the contours of a countercultural community that embodies a different way of being and witnesses to a new order—one marked by radical forms of gentleness, peacemaking, and faithfulness. The authors’ explorations shed light on what it means to be human and how we are to live. The robust voice of Hauerwas and the gentle words of Vanier offer a synergy of ideas that, if listened to carefully, will lead the church to a fresh practicing of peace, love and friendship. This invigorating conversation is for everyday Christians who desire to live faithfully in a world that is violent and broken. | Hauerwas, Stanley and Jean Vanier. Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness. Down Syndromeers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2008. | http://www.ivpress.com/living-gently-in-a-violent-world | Christian | Christian | Book | |
In the Beginning There Was Darkness. A Blind Person’s Conversation with the Bible | When John Hull went Blind he realised that the Bible was written by sighted people. Even Jesus shared in the attitudes of his day towards Blind. In writing this exceptional book, Hull ignored the printed text and listened to the Bible on tape. The result is an entirely novel interpretation, which challenges the sighted monopology yet brings fresh insights into the Bible for both sighted and Blind. | Hull, John M., In the Beginning There Was Darkness. A Blind Person’s Conversation with the Bible, Harrisburg, 2001. | http://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/9780334028215/in-the-beginning-there-was-darkness | Christian | Sensory | Christian | Book |
Hurting Yet Whole: Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness | As Liuan Huska went through years of Chronic pain, she wondered why God seemed absent and questioned some of the common assumptions about healing. What do we do when our bodies don’t work the way they should? What is healing, when one has a Chronic? Can we still be whole when our bodies suffer? The Christian story speaks to our experiences of pain and illness. In the embodiment of Jesus’ life, we see an embrace of the body and all of the discomfort and sufferings of being human. Countering a Gnosticism that pits body against spirit, Huska takes us on a journey of exploring how healing is not an escape from the limits of the body, but becoming whole as souls in bodies and bodies with souls. As Chronic pain forces us to pay attention to our bodies’ vulnerability, we come to embrace the fullness of our broken yet beautiful bodies. She helps us redefine what it means to find healing and wholeness even in the midst of ongoing pain. | Huska, Liuan. Hurting Yet Whole: Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness. Down Syndromeers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020. | http://www.ivpress.com/hurting-yet-whole | Christian | Chronic Illness | Christian | Book |
Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality, and Dependency (Thinking Gender) | Where society is viewed as an association of equal and autonomous persons, the work of caring for dependents figures neither in political theory nor in social policy. While some women have made many gains, equality continues to elude many others, as in large measure, social institutions fail to take into account the dependency of childhood, illness, disability and frail old age and fail to adequately support those who care for dependents. Using a narrative of her experiences caring for her disabled daughter, Eva Feder Kittay discusses the relevance of her analysis of dependency to significant Cognitive. She explores the significance of dependency work by analyzing John Rawls’ influential liberal theory and two examples of public policy—welfare reform and family leave—to show how theory and policy fail women when they miss the centrality of dependency to issues of justice. This second edition has updated material on care workers, her adult disabled daughter and key changes in welfare reform. | Kittay, Eva Feder. Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality, and Dependency. Thinking Gender. New York: Routledge, 1999. | http://www.routledge.com/Loves-Labor-Essays-on-Women-Equality-and-Dependency/Kittay/p/book/9781138089921 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Sense and Stigma in the Gospels. Depictions of Sensory-Disabled Characters | The senses are used within New Testament texts as instruments of knowledge and power and thus constitute important mediators of cultural knowledge and experience. Likewise, those instances where sensory faculty is perceived to be “disabled” in some way also become key sites for ideological commentary and critique. However, often biblical scholarship, itself “disabled” by eye-centric and textocentric “norms,” has read sensory-disabled characters as nothing more than inert sites of healing; their agency, including their alternative sensory modes of communication and resistance to oppression, remain largely unaddressed. In response, Louise J. Lawrence seeks to initiate a variety of interdisciplinary dialogues with disability studies and sensory anthropology in a quest to refigure characters with sensory disabilities featured in the gospels and provide alternative interpretations of their conditions and socialinteractions. In each instance the identity of those stigmatised as “other” (according to particular physiological, social and cultural “norms”) are recovered by exploring ethnographic accounts which document the stories of those experiencing similar rejection on account of perceived sensory “difference” in diverse cross-cultural settings. Through this process these “disabled” characters are recast as individuals capable of employing certain strategies which destabilize the stigma imposed upon them and tactical performers who can subversively achieve their social goals. | Lawrence, Louise, Sense and Stigma in the Gospels. Depictions of Sensory-Disabled Characters, New York 2013. | http://brill.com/view/journals/bi/25/1/article-p129_13.xml?language=en | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Pope John Paul II and the Apparently ‘Non-Acting’ Person | Drawing on Pope John Paul’s extensive theological and ethical writings this important book explores the status of people with profound Intellectual disabilities who some regard simply as ‘non-acting’. This book demonstrates that all human beings, whatever their situations or capacities, are acting persons made in the image of God and that all principles whether from Catholic Social Teaching or from Pope John Paul’s Theology of the Body apply to every human being as much as to any other. The book also considers liberation theologies of disability and the Pope’s reflections on suffering as well as the controversial area of the provision of hydration and nutrition for one most profoundly disabled person, the person in persistent vegetative state. In addition it reflects on spirituality in the life of the profoundly disabled based on Karol Wojty a’s thesis on St John of the Cross. As the title of the book explains, the profoundly disabled are only apparently non-acting: no one can discount the possibility of an inner spiritual life and alongside all human beings the profoundly disabled have spiritual needs, are called to a life of holiness and are asked to cooperate in that calling as far as they are able. Moreover, all have a part to play in God’s plan of salvation for all are ‘workers in God’s vineyard’. | Matthews, Pia. Pope John Paul II and the Apparently ‘Non-Acting’ Person. Leominster, United Kingdom: Gracewing, 2013. | http://www.christianbook.com/pope-john-paul-apparently-acting-person/pia-matthews/9780852448052/pd/448052?event=EBRN | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church | The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus offering Physical healing. But even as churches today seek to follow the way of Jesus, people with disabilities all too often experience the very opposite of healing and life-giving community: exclusion, judgment, barriers. Misinterpretation and misapplication of biblical healing narratives can do great damage, yet those who take the Bible seriously mustn’t avoid these passages either. Bethany McKinney Fox believes that Christian communities are better off when people with disabilities are an integral part of our common life. In Disability and the Way of Jesus, she considers how the stories of Jesus’ healings can guide us toward mutual thriving. How did Jesus’ original audience understand his works of healing, and how should we relate to these texts today? After examining the healing narratives in their biblical and cultural contexts, Fox considers perspectives from medical doctors, disability scholars, and pastors to more fully understand what Jesus does as he heals and how he points the way for relationships with people with disabilities. Personal reflections from Christians with disabilities are featured throughout the book, which concludes with suggestions for concrete practices adaptable to a variety of church settings. Bridging biblical studies, ethics, and disability studies with the work of practitioners, Fox provides a unique resource that is both theologically grounded and winsomely practical. Disability and the Way of Jesus provides new lenses on holistic healing for scholars, laypeople, and ministry leaders who care about welcoming all people as Jesus would. | McKinney-Fox, Bethany. Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church. Down Syndromeers Grove: IVP Academic, 2019. | http://www.ivpress.com/disability-and-the-way-of-jesus | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Accessible Atonement: Disability, Theology, and the Cross of Christ | The atonement—where God in Jesus Christ addresses sin and the whole of the human predicament—lies at the heart of the Christian faith and life. Its saving power is for all people, and yet a deep hesitancy has prevented meaningful discussion of the cross’ relevance for people with disabilities. Speaking of disability and the multifaceted concept of the atonement has created an unresolvable tension, not least because sin and disability often seem to be associated within the biblical text. While work in disability theology has made great progress in developing a positive theological framework for disability as an integral part of human diversity, it has so far fallen short of grappling with this particular set of interpretive challenges presented by the cross. In Accessible Atonement, reflecting on his experience as both a pastor and a theologian, David McLachlan brings the themes and objectives of disability theology into close conversation with traditional ideas of the cross as Jesus’ sacrifice, justice, and victory. From this conversation emerges an account of the atonement as God’s deepest, once-for-all participation in both the moral and contingent risk of creation, where all that alienates us from God and each other is addressed. Such an atonement is inherently inclusive of all people and is not one that is extended to disability as a “special case.” This approach to the atonement opens up space to address both the redemption of sin and the possibilities of spiritual and bodily healing. What McLachlan leads us to discover is that, when revisited in this way, the cross—perhaps surprisingly—becomes the cornerstone of Christian disability theology and the foundation of many of its arguments. Far from excluding those who find themselves Physically or Mentally outside of assumed “norms,” the atoning death of Christ creates a vital space of inclusion and affirmation for such persons within the life of the church. | McLachlan, David. Accessible Atonement: Disability, Theology, and the Cross of Christ. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2021. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481313674 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Body and Character in Luke and Acts | Early Christian developed in a world where moral significance was often judged based upon Physical appearance alone. Exploring the manifestations of this ancient “science” of physiognomy, Parsons rightly shows how Greco-Roman society, and by consequence the author of Luke and Acts, was steeped in this tradition. Luke, however, employs these principles in his writings in order to subvert the paradigm. Using as examples the bent woman (Luke 13), Zacchaeus (Luke 18), the lame man (Acts 3-4), and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8), Parsons shows that the Christian community—both early and present-day—is established only in the image of Jesus Christ. | Parsons, Mikeal C. Body and Character in Luke and Acts. Baylor University Press, 2011. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781602583801 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Biblical Corpora: Representations of Disability in Hebrew Biblical Literature | The book is organized by genre of biblical literature. First, the priestly literature articulates a binary concept of disability as impure and passive, i.e. as ‘other’ to the pure, holy, and active. By contrast, in the prophetic literature and the Psalms, images of disability structure communication among God, prophets, leaders, and people. Here, disability does not simply mean impurity; its valuation depends on its possessor. Wisdom literature and narrative present figures (e.g. Job, Mephibosheth) whose innate or acquired disabilities are nevertheless placed, and not simply as impurities, within cosmic and social order. Although priestly literature seems anomalous, all strata of biblical literature use disability imagery not primarily to represent disabled persons, but mainly to represent the power of Israel’s God. Physical norms and disability thus play a pervasive and previously neglected role in biblical categories of holy/unholy, pure/impure, election/rejection, and God/idols. This book provides a literary critical method focused on representation in the canonical form of the text allows a comprehensive view of how images of disability operate in relation to major concepts, and also provides a foundation for studies in the history of interpretation. All discussion of biblical passages and books draw on existing historical studies as a necessary precondition for understanding. | Raphael, Rebecca, Biblical Corpora. Representations of Disability in Hebrew Biblical Literature (New York T&T Clark, 2008). | http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/biblical-corpora-9780567028020/ | Christian | Christian | Book | |
The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society: An Ethical Analysis | The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society questions developments in human genetic research from the perspective of persons with Mental disabilities and their families. Hans S. Reinders argues that when we use terms such as “disease” and “defect” to describe conditions that genetic engineering might well eliminate, we may also be assuming that disabled lives are deplorable and horrific. Reinders points out that the possibility of preventing disabled lives is at odds with our commitment to the full inclusion of disabled citizens in society. The tension between these different perspectives is of concern to all of us as genetic testing procedures proliferate. Reinders warns that preventative uses of human genetics might even become a threat to the social security and welfare benefits that help support disabled persons and their families. Reinders also argues that this conflict cannot be resolved or controlled on the level of public morality. Because a liberal society makes a commitment to individual freedom and choice, its members can consider the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of human genetics as options available to individual citizens. A liberal society will defend reproductive freedom as a matter of principle. Citizens may select their offspring in accord with their own personal values. Reinders concludes that the future of the Mentally disabled in liberal society will depend on the strength of our moral convictions about the value of human life, rather than on the protective force of liberal morality. One of the most important aspects of this book is Reinder’s attention to parents who have come to see the task of raising a disabled child as an enriching experience. These are people who change their conceptions of success and control and, therefore, their conceptions of themselves. They come to value their disabled children for what they have to give. Even though disabled children and disabled adults present parents and society with real challenges, the rewards are just as real. This powerful critique of contemporary bioethics is sure to become required reading for those interested in human development, special education, ethics, philosophy, and theology. | Reinders, Hans S. The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society: An Ethical Analysis. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2000. | http://undpress.nd.edu/9780268028572 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology, and Ethics | Does what we are capable of doing define us as human beings? If this basic anthropological assumption is true, where can that leave those with Intellectual disabilities, unable to accomplish the things that we propose give us our very humanity? Hans Reinders here makes an unusual claim about unusual people: those who are profoundly disabled are people just like the rest of us. He acknowledges that, at first glance, this is not an unusual claim given the steps taken within the last few decades to bring the rights of those with disabilities into line with the rights of the mainstream. But, he argues, that cannot be the end of the matter, because the disabled are human beings before they are citizens. “To live a human life properly,” he says, “they must not only be included in our institutions and have access to our public spaces; they must also be included in other people’s lives, not just by natural necessity but by choice.” Receiving the Gift of Friendship consists of three parts: (1) Profound Disability, (2) Theology, and (3) Ethics. Overturning the “commonsense” view of human beings, Reinders’s argument for a paradigm shift in our relation to people with disabilities is founded on a groundbreaking philosophical-theological consideration of humanity and of our basic human commonality. Moreover, Reinders gives his study human vividness and warmth with stories of the profoundly disabled from his own life and from the work of Jean Vanier and Henri Nouwen in L’Arche communities. | Reinders, Hans S. Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology, and Ethics. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2008. | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
The Blind, the Lame, and the Poor. Character Types in Luke-Acts | The virtual disappearance of the captive, the shattered, the Blind, the Deaf mute, the lame, lepers, the maimed, the dead and the poor from Acts poses a problem for Lukan studies. It creates a tension between two firmly held convictions about Luke’s writing: that the Gospel and Acts are a unified work; and that Luke has a special concern for the poor. A fresh solution lies in tracing the intertextual links between Luke and the Septuagint. In the Septuagint, these character types are standard, conventional recipients of God’s favour. In Luke’s gospel, the primary function of these types is christological, in that Jesus’ actions toward them reveal him to be God’s unique eschatological agent of salvation. In Acts, however, there is a different Christological situation: Jesus is now the risen and ascended Lord, and so Luke has no need to foreground those, such as the poor, who in the Septuagint are especially destined for salvation. | Roth, S. John, The Blind, the Lame, and the Poor. Character Types in Luke-Acts (JSNTS 144), Sheffield 1997. | http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/Blind-the-lame-and-the-poor-9780567577092/ | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Disability Studies and the Hebrew Bible: Figuring Mephibosheth in the David Story | This unique interdisciplinary book uses a fresh approach to explore issues of disability in the Hebrew Bible. It examines how disability functions in the David Story (1 Samuel 16; 1 Kings 2) by paying special attention to Mephibosheth, the only biblical character with a disability as a sustained character trait. The David Story contains some of the Bible’s most striking images of disability. Nonetheless, interpreters tend to focus on legal material rather than narratives when studying disability in the Hebrew Bible. Often, they neglect the David Story’s complex use of disability. They overlook its use of disability imagery as open to critical interpretation because its stereotypical meanings may seem so commonplace and transparent. Yet recent work in the burgeoning field of disability studies presents disability as a complicated motif that demands more critical engagement than it typically receives. Informed by exciting developments in the field, it argues that the David Story employs disability imagery as a subtle mode of narrating and organizing various ideological positions regarding national identity. | Schipper, Jeremy. 2006. Disability Studies and the Hebrew Bible: Figuring Mephibosheth in the David Story. New York: T&T Clark. | http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/disability-studies-and-the-hebrew-Bible-9780567162540/ | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability: A Person-Centered Approach | Every Christian is called to and gifted for ministry. The church can—and must—engage all of its members if it is to flourish fully. Far too often, persons with Intellectual disabilities are excluded. While members with disability are often recipients of the church’s ministry, they are seldom given the opportunity to reciprocate: persons with disability are not always fully empowered to minister. In Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability, Anna Katherine Shurley asserts the church’s need for mutuality in pastoral care. While the shape of each person’s vocation is unique, all members of the body of Christ are created for ministry with one another as partners in spiritual care. In a quest for pastoral care that is fundaMentally collaborative and fully inclusive, Shurley turns to the psychology of D. W. Winnicott and to Karl Barth’s theology of Christian vocation. From this combination, she crafts person-centered pastoral care for the body of Christ and all its members, with or without Intellectual disabilities. Person-centered pastoral care recognizes that people with Intellectual disabilities can and must participate as partners in the church. Faith communities, Shurley suggests, can foster collaborative ministry by nurturing pastoral friendships among its membership. These sacred friendships are spaces in which people share their lives with one another as a truly collaborative practice of care. Through these pastoral friendships mediated by the presence of the Holy Spirit, all of God’s children can live their particular vocations. By engaging person-centered practices of pastoral care, the church strengthens its witness and truly becomes a place of belonging for all people. | Shurley, Anna Katherine. Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability: A Person-Centered Approach. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481301695 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
The Difference between ‘Someone’ and ‘Something’ | An examination and defense of the concept of personality, long central to Western moral culture but now increasingly under attack, by a leading European philosopher. Persons takes issue with major contemporary philosophers, especially in the English-speaking world (such as Parfit and Singer), who have contributed to the eclipse of the idea, and traces the debate back to the foundations of modern philosophy in Descartes and Locke. Robert Spaemann offers extended discussions of the sources of the idea in Christian theology and its development in Western philosophy. He also provides a number of pointed discussions of pressing practical questions–for example, our treatment of the severely disabled human and the moral status of intelligent non-human animals. The book covers a great deal of ground before coming to a focused conclusion: all human beings are persons. | Spaemann, Robert. Persons: The Difference between ‘Someone’ and ‘Something’. Translated by Oliver O’Donovan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. | http://global.oup.com/academic/product/persons-9780199281817?cc=us&lang=en& | Christian | Christian | Book | |
The Disabled Church: Human Difference and the Art of Communal Worship | How do communities consent to difference? How do they recognize and create the space and time necessary for the differences and disabilities of those who constitute them? Christian congregations often make assumptions about the shared abilities, practices, and experiences that are necessary for communal worship. The author of this provocative new book takes a hard look at these assumptions through a detailed ethnographic study of an unusual religious community where more than half the congregants live with diagnoses of Mental, many coming to the church from personal care homes or independent living facilities. Here, people’s participation in worship disrupts and extends the formal orders of worship. Whenever one worships God at Sacred Family Church, there is someone who is doing it differently. Here, the author argues, the central elements and the participation in the symbols of Christian worship raise questions rather than supply clear markers of unity, prompting the question, What do you need in order to have a church that assumes difference at its heart? Based on three years of ethnographic research, The Disabled Church describes how the Sacred Family community, comprising people with very different Mental abilities, backgrounds, and resources, sustains and embodies a common religious identity. It explores how an ethic of difference is both helped and hindered by a church’s embodied theology. Paying careful attention to how these congregants improvise forms of access to a common liturgy, this book offers a groundbreaking theology of worship that engages both the fragility and beauty revealed by difference within the church. As liturgy requires consent to difference rather than coercion, an aesthetic approach to differences within Christian liturgy provides a frame for congregations and Christian liturgists to pay attention to the differences and disabilities of worshippers. This book creates a distinctive conversation between critical disability studies, liturgical aesthetics, and ethnographic theology, offering an original perspective on the relationship between beauty and disability within Christian communities. Here is a transformational theological aesthetics of Christian liturgy that prioritizes human difference and argues for the importance of the Disabled Church. | Spurrier, Rebecca R. The Disabled Church: Human Difference and the Art of Communal Worship. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2019. | http://www.fordhampress.com/9780823285525/the-disabled-church/ | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship | Time is central to all that humans do. Time structures days, provides goals, shapes dreams—and limits lives. Time appears to be tangible, real, and progressive, but, in the end, time proves illusory. Though mercurial, time can be deadly for those with disabilities. To participate fully in human society has come to mean yielding to the criterion of the clock. The absence of thinking rapidly, living punctually, and biographical narration leaves persons with disabilities vulnerable. A worldview driven by the demands the clock makes on the lives of those with Dementia or profound neurological and Intellectual disabilities seems pointless. And yet, Jesus comes to the world to transform time. Jesus calls us to slow Down Syndrome, take time, and learn to recognize the strangeness of living within God’s time. He calls us to be gentle, patient, kind; to walk slowly and timefully with those whom society desires to leave behind. In Becoming Friends of Time, John Swinton crafts a theology of time that draws us toward a perspective wherein time is a gift and a calling. Time is not a commodity nor is time to be mastered. Time is a gift of God to humans, but is also a gift given back to God by humans. Swinton wrestles with critical questions that emerge from theological reflection on time and disability: rethinking doctrine for those who can never grasp Jesus with their intellects; reimagining discipleship and vocation for those who have forgotten who Jesus is; reconsidering salvation for those who, due to neurological damage, can be one person at one time and then be someone else in an instant. In the end, Swinton invites the reader to spend time with the experiences of people with profound neurological disability, people who can change our perceptions of time, enable us to grasp the fruitful rhythms of God’s time, and help us learn to live in ways that are unimaginable within the boundaries of the time of the clock. | Swinton, John. Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2016. | http://www.baylorpress.com/9781481309356 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Discovering Trinity in Disability: A Theology for Embracing Difference | As parents of three daughters, two of whom are labeled disabled, the authors explore the Scriptures and writings of early Christian thinkers to challenge conventional attitudes – and fears – toward those who are different. Drawing on their respective doctorates in Theology and Literature and their family experience, the authors – husband and wife, father and mother – endeavor to respond to the question of suffering in a Church where we believe that God answers the prayers of his followers. “Disability is an enduring, fundaMental aspect of humanity that has been manipulated and wronged by society,” they tell us. Through their exploration of historic and contemporary disability issues, they draw on the theology of the Trinity to bring to light a new, theological perspective on inclusiveness in our communities. | Tataryn, Myroslaw and Maria Truchan-Tataryn. Discovering Trinity in Disability: A Theology for Embracing Difference. Toronto, Ontario: Novalis Publishing Inc., 2013. | http://www.waterstones.com/book/discovering-trinity-in-disability/myroslaw-tataryn/maria-truchan-tataryn/9782896464869 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Becoming Friends: Worship, Justice, and the Practice of Christian Friendship | How do Christians understand friendship and intimacy? How does worship form Christians into a community of the friends of God? What virtues does God call us to incorporate into our lives? In Becoming Friends, Paul Wadell explores the connections between worship, justice, friendship, and the life we are called to live. This engaging and accessible book offers a fresh viewpoint from which to explore the nature of Christian friendship. Such friendship, Wadell contends, is more than a bonding of people with similar interests, a “ritual of hopeless consolation.” True Christian friendship summons us to love all of our neighbors. Wadell examines obstacles to and characteristics of true friendship and, drawing from the works of Augustine, Aelred of Rievaulx, and other Christian exemplars, contends that we are called to serve God through friendship and that this calling requires us to cultivate certain virtues–especially hope, justice, and forgiveness. | Wadell, Paul J. Becoming Friends: Worship, Justice, and the Practice of Christian Friendship. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2002. | http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/becoming-friends/224981 | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Disability, Faith and the Church: Inclusion and Accommodation in Contemporary Congregations | Disability, Faith, and the Church: Inclusion and Accommodation in Contemporary Congregations draws from a range of Christian theologians, denominational statements, writings of people with disabilities, and experiences of successful ministries for people with disabilities to answer the deep need of many Christian communities: to live out their calling by welcoming all people. By focusing on 20th- and 21st-century thinkers and political and religious practices, the book outlines best practices for congregations and supplies practical information that readers can apply in classroom or church settings. The author draws on thinkers from a variety of Christian traditions—including Roman Catholicism, Episcopalianism, Lutheranism, and the Reform traditions—to provide a theologically robust discussion that remains accessible to churchgoers without formal theological training. Emphasis is placed on connecting formal theological reflection and the experiences of ordinary people with disabilities to existing congregational practices and denominational statements, thereby enabling readers to decide on the best ways to successfully include people with disabilities into their communities within the rich and diverse Christian theological tradition. | Wilder, Courtney. Disability, Faith and the Church: Inclusion and Accommodation in Contemporary Congregations. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. 2016. | http://products.abc-clio.com/ABC-CLIOCorporate/product.aspx?pc=A4809C | Christian | Christian | Book | |
The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God | The Bible has plenty to say about human disability; most of it is negative. Yet Amos Yong — a theologian whose life experience includes growing up alongside a brother with Down Syndrome — argues that it is the way we read biblical texts, not the Bible itself, that causes us unthinkingly to marginalize those with disabilities. Applying a “hermeneutics of suspicion” to traditional methods of interpreting the Bible, Yong rereads and reinterprets texts from the Old Testament, John, Luke-Acts, and Paul from the perspective of people with disabilities. Revealing and dismantling the underlying stigma of disability that exists even in the church, he shows how the Bible offers good news to people of all abilities — and he challenges churches to reorganize their practices as they strive to become more inviting, healing, and reconciling communities of faith. | Yong, Amos. The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2011. | http://www.eerdmans.com/Products/6608/the-Bible-disability-and-the-church.aspx | Christian | Christian | Book | |
Arthur’s Call: A Journey of Faith in the Face of Severe Learning Disability | Written by one of the world’s most distinguished theologians and spiritual writers, here is a book full of hope and help for all who struggle with faith in the face of unremitting suffering. | Young, Frances M. Arthur’s Call: A Journey of Faith in the Face of Severe Learning Disability. London: SPCK, 2014. | http://spckpublishing.co.uk/arthur-s-call | Christian | Developmental/Learning | Christian | Book |
Research on Disability and Congregational Inclusion: What We Know and Where We Might Go | The United States is home to more than 60 million Americans with disabilities and more than 300,000 churches. Yet the relationships among these individuals and congregations is alternately described as encouraging or concerning—sometimes stellar, other times deeply disappointing. Although anecdotes have characterized much of these depictions, a growing body of research also focuses on this area. This research review addresses the current landscape of congregational participation and practices related to individuals with disabilities and their families. What is known about the participation of individuals with disabilities in relation to faith community life? What is known about the practices of local congregations in relation to individuals with disabilities? This paper highlights key findings, identifies gaps in the current literature, and concludes with recommendations for future research. | W. Carter, Erik. Research on Disability and Congregational Inclusion: What We Know and Where We Might Go. Vanderbilt University. | None Specified | inclusion, congregation | Book | ||
Accessible Congregations Campaign: Follow-up survey of impact on individuals with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities | Amado, A. N., Boice, C., Degrande, M., & Hutcheson, S. (2012). Accessible Congregations Campaign: Follow-up survey of impact on individuals with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities (ID/DD). Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 16(4), 394-419. https://doi.org /10.1080/15228967.2012.731909 | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | congregation | Journal Article | ||
BeFrienders: Impact of a social ministry program on relationships for individuals with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities | Amado, A. N., Boice, C., Degrande, M., & Hutcheson, S. (2013). BeFrienders: Impact of a social ministry program on relationships for individuals with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities (I/DD). Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 17(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228967.2013.752926 | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | congregation | Journal Article | ||
Survey of theological education and people with disabilities. | Anderson, R. C., & Blair, W. D. (2003). Survey of theological education and people with disabilities. The Center for Religion and Disability. | None Specified | education | Journal Article | |||
Disability and theological education: A North American study | Annandale, N. H., & Carter, E. W. (2014). Disability and theological education: A North American study. Theological Education, 48(2), 83-102 | None Specified | education | Journal Article | |||
Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions | Ault, M. J., Collins, B. C., & Carter, E. W. (2013a). Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51(1), 48-61. https://doi.org/10.1352/1934-9556-51.01.048 | None Specified | congregation, children, adults | Journal Article | |||
Factors associated with participation in faith communities for individuals with Developmental disabilities and their families | Ault, M. J., Collins, B. C., & Carter, E. W. (2013b). Factors associated with participation in faith communities for individuals with Developmental disabilities and their families. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 17(2), 184-211. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228967.2013.781777 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | family, community | Journal Article | ||
The effect of coaching on a faith community volunteer’s use of effective teaching practices | Baggerman, M. A., Ault, M. J., Collins, B. C., Spriggs, A. D., & Slocum, V. (2015). The effect of coaching on a faith community volunteer’s use of effective teaching practices. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40(4), 294-306. https://doi.org/10.1177/1540796915602479 | None Specified | teaching, faith, volunteer | Journal Article | |||
Age-related declines in activity level: The relationship between Chronic and religious activities | Benjamins, M. R., Musick, M. S., Gold, D. T., & George, L. K. (2003). Age-related declines in activity level: The relationship between Chronic and religious activities. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 58(6), S377-S385. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/58.6.S377 | None Specified | illness, Religion | Journal Article | |||
Effects of declared levels of Physical activity on quality of life of individuals with Intellectual disabilities | Blick, R. N., Saad, A. E., Goreczny, A. J., Roman, K., & Sorensen, C. H. (2015). Effects of declared levels of Physical activity on quality of life of individuals with Intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 37, 223-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2014.11.021 | None Specified | Intellectual | activity | Journal Article | ||
Social capital, employment, and labor force participation among persons with disabilities | Brucker, D. L. (2015). Social capital, employment, and labor force participation among persons with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 43(1), 17-31. https://doi.org/10.3233/JVR-150751 | None Specified | employment, labor | Journal Article | |||
Determining relationships between Physical health and spiritual experiences, religious practices, and congregational support in a heterogeneous medical sample | Campbell, J. D., Yoon, D. P., & Johnstone, B. (2010). Determining relationships between Physical health and spiritual experiences, religious practices, and congregational support in a heterogeneous medical sample. Journal of Religion and Health, 49, 3-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-008-9227-5 | None Specified | spiritual | Journal Article | |||
Spirituality and supports for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities and their families | Carter, E. W. (2021). Spirituality and supports for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities and their families. In L. M. Glidden, L. Abbeduto, L. L., McIntyre, & M. J. Tassé (Eds.), APA handbook on Intellectual and Developmental disabilities (pp. 419-442). American Psychological Association. | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | family | Journal Article | ||
Religious and Spiritual Expressions of Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | Carter, E. W., & Boehm, T. L. (2019). Religious and Spiritual Expressions of Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 44(1), 27-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/1540796919828082 | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | youth, severe | Journal Article | ||
Being present versus having a presence: Dimensions of belonging for young people with disabilities and their families | Carter, E. W., Biggs, E. E., & Boehm, T. L. (2016). Being present versus having a presence: Dimensions of belonging for young people with disabilities and their families. Christian Education Journal, 13(1), 127-146. https://doi.org/10.1177/073989131601300109 | None Specified | presence, belonging | Journal Article | |||
Supporting congregational inclusion for children and youth with disabilities and their families | Carter, E. W., Boehm, T. L., Annandale, N. H., & Taylor, C. (2016). Supporting congregational inclusion for children and youth with disabilities and their families. Exceptional Children, 82(3), 372-389. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014402915598773 | None Specified | congregation, inclusion, family | Journal Article | |||
Community conversations on faith and disability: Identifying new practices, postures, and partners for congregations | Carter, E. W., Bumble, J. L., Griffin, B., & Curcio, M. P. (2017). Community conversations on faith and disability: Identifying new practices, postures, and partners for congregations. Pastoral Psychology, 66, 575-594. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11089-017-0770-4 | None Specified | congregation, faith | Journal Article | |||
Congregational participation of a national sample of adults with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities | Carter, E. W., Kleinert, H. L., LoBianco, T. F., Sheppard-Jones, K. A., Butler, L. N., & Tyree, M. S. (2015). Congregational participation of a national sample of adults with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 53(6), 381-393. https://doi.org/10.1352/1934-9556-53.6.381 | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | congregation | Journal Article | ||
Mutuality, interdependence, and belonging in the body of Christ: A model for interdenominational partnership in disability ministry | DeYoung, T. A., & Stephenson, M. (in press). Mutuality, interdependence, and belonging in the body of Christ: A model for interdenominational partnership in disability ministry. Journal of Religion and Disability. | Christian | ministry, Jesus | Journal Article | |||
Signs of the times: Theological themes in the changing forms of ministries and spiritual supports with people with disabilities | Gaventa, W. (2006). Signs of the times: Theological themes in the changing forms of ministries and spiritual supports with people with disabilities. Disability Studies Quarterly, 26(4). | None Specified | ministry, spirit | Journal Article | |||
Mobility Limitation and Frequency of Attendance at Religious Services in American Women and Men | Gillum, R. F., & Trulear, H. D. (2008). Mobility Limitation and Frequency of Attendance at Religious Services in American Women and Men. Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, 11(4), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.1300/J095v11n04_05 | None Specified | religious, service | Journal Article | |||
Characteristics of inclusive faith communities: A preliminary survey of inclusive practices in the United States | Griffin, M. M., Kane, L. W., Taylor, C., Francis, S. H., & Hodapp, R. M. (2012). Characteristics of inclusive faith communities: A preliminary survey of inclusive practices in the United States. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 25(4), 383-391. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-3148.2011.00675.x | None Specified | faith, community | Journal Article | |||
Disability Advocacy Among Religious Organizations: Histories and Reflections. | Herzog, A. A. (Ed.). (2006). Disability advocacy among religious organizations: Histories and reflections. Routledge. | None Specified | religious, organization, history | ||||
Individuals with disabilities: Critical factors that facilitate integration in Christian religious communities | Hobbs, R., Fogo, J., & Bonham, C. E. (2016). Individuals with disabilities: Critical factors that facilitate integration in Christian religious communities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 82(1), 36-46. | Christian | factor, christian, Religion, community | Journal Article | |||
Disabilities in parishes across the United States: How parishes across the United States accommodate and service people with disabilities | Holland, J., Gilger, P., & Gaunt, T. P. (2016). Disabilities in parishes across the United States: How parishes across the United States accommodate and service people with disabilities. Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. | None Specified | accomodation | ||||
Parents’ perspectives on the participation of their children with Autism in Sunday school | Howell, E. J., & Pierson, M. R. (2010). Parents’ perspectives on the participation of their children with Autism in Sunday school. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 14(2), 153-166. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228961003622302 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism | Journal Article | ||
Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons: Cross-sectional patterns in health practices, social activities, and well-being | Idler, E.L., & Kasl, S.V. (1997). Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons: Cross-sectional patterns in health practices, social activities, and well-being. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 52(6), S306-S316. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/52b.6.s294 | None Specified | health, social | Journal Article | |||
Youth Ministry, Religious Rducation, and Adolescents with Disabilities: Insights from Parents and Guardians | Jacober, A. E. (2010). Youth ministry, religious education, and adolescents with disabilities: Insights from parents and guardians. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 14(2), 167-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228961003622310 | None Specified | Religion, education, teenagers | Journal Article | |||
Including students with moderate and severe Intellectual disabilities in school extracurricular and community recreation activities | Kleinert, H. L., Miracle, S., & Sheppard-Jones, K. (2007). Including students with moderate and severe Intellectual disabilities in school extracurricular and community recreation activities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 45(1), 46-55. | None Specified | inclusion, community | Journal Article | |||
Teaching seminary students about faith inclusion for individuals with Developmental disabilities: The role of family mentorships. | Kleinert, H. L., Sharrard, D., Vallance, M., Ricketts, E., & Farley, J. (2010). Teaching seminary students about faith inclusion for individuals with Developmental disabilities: The role of family mentorships. Journal of Religion, Disability, & Health, 14(1), 6-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228960903517299 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | faith, inclusion | Journal Article | ||
Children with Autism: Quality of life and parental concerns. | Li-Ching, L., Harrington, R. A., Louie, B. B., & Newschaffer, C. J. (2008). Children with Autism: Quality of life and parental concerns. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 38, 1147-1160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-007-0491-0 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Autism, children | Journal Article | ||
In their own words: The place of faith in the lives of young people with Intellectual disability and Autism. | Liu, E. X., Carter, E. W., Boehm, T. L., Annandale, N., & Taylor, C. (2014). In their own words: The place of faith in the lives of young people with Intellectual disability and Autism. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 52(5), 388-404. https://doi.org/10.1352/1934-9556-52.5.388 | None Specified | Intellectual, Autism Spectrum | Autism | Journal Article | ||
This is a spiritual experience: Perspectives of Latter-day Saint families living with a child with disabilities | Marshall, E. S., Olsen, S. F., Mandleco, B. L., Dyches, T. T., Allred, K. W., & Sansom, N. (2003). This is a spiritual experience: Perspectives of Latter-day Saint families living with a child with disabilities. Qualitative Health Research, 13(1), 57-76. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732302239411 | None Specified | spirit, families | Journal Article | |||
Christian Social Constructions of Disability: Church Attendees | McNair, J. (2007). Christian Social Constructions of Disability: Church Attendees. Journal of Religion, Disability, & Health, 11(3), 51-64. https://doi.org/10.1300/J095v11n03_05 | Christian | christian, church | Journal Article | |||
Christian Social Constructions of Disability: Church Leaders | McNair, J., & Sanchez, M. (2008). Christian Social Constructions of Disability: Church Leaders. Journal of Religion, Disability, & Health, 11(4), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.1300/J095v11n04_04 | None Specified | christian, church | Journal Article | |||
NOD/Harris survey of Americans with disabilities | National Organization on Disability. (2004). 2004 NOD/Harris survey of Americans with disabilities. | None Specified | american | ||||
Kessler Foundation/NOD survey of Americans with disabilities | National Organization on Disability. (2010). Kessler Foundation/NOD survey of Americans with disabilities. | None Specified | american | ||||
Religion and disability: The experiences of families of children with special needs | O’Hanlon, E. E. (2013). Religion and disability: The experiences of families of children with special needs. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 17(1), 42-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228967.2012.731874 | None Specified | Religion, family | Journal Article | |||
Peer relationships and social and recreational activities among adolescents and adults with Autism | Orsmond, G. I., Krauss, M. W., & Seltzer, M. M. (2004). Peer relationships and social and recreational activities among adolescents and adults with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 245-256. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:JADD.0000029547.96610.df | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | adolescents, adults, Autism | Journal Article | ||
One church’s response to welcoming all of God’s children | Pannone, S. J. (2017). One church’s response to welcoming all of God’s children. Journal of Religion & Disability, 21(3), 257-279. https://doi.org/10.1080/23312521.2017.1287616 | None Specified | church, children | Journal Article | |||
Intellectual disability and faith communities: Perspectives of Catholic religious leaders | Patka, M., & McDonald, K. E. (2015). Intellectual disability and faith communities: Perspectives of Catholic religious leaders. Disability & Society, 30(8), 1241-1258. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2015.1090953 | None Specified | Intellectual | Intellectual, community | Journal Article | ||
Role of spirituality and religion in family quality of life for families of children with disabilities | Poston, D. J., & Turnbull, A. P. (2004). Role of spirituality and religion in family quality of life for families of children with disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 39(2), 95-108. | None Specified | spirit, Religion | Journal Article | |||
The road to membership: The role of resilience on seeking and maintaining membership in a faith community for families of children with disabilities | Richardson, E. W., & Stoneman, Z. (2015). The road to membership: The role of resilience on seeking and maintaining membership in a faith community for families of children with disabilities. Journal of Religion & Disability, 19(4), 312-339. https://doi.org/10.1080/23312521.2015.1093442 | None Specified | community, family, children | Journal Article | |||
Public awareness, attitudes and beliefs regarding Intellectual disability: A systematic review | Scior, K. (2011). Public awareness, attitudes and beliefs regarding Intellectual disability: A systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2164-2182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2011.07.005 | None Specified | Intellectual | belief | Journal Article | ||
Spiritual experiences of parents and caregivers who have children with disabilities or special needs | Speraw, S. (2006). Spiritual experiences of parents and caregivers who have children with disabilities or special needs. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 27(2), 213-220. https://doi.org/10.1080/01612840500436974 | None Specified | special, needs | Journal Article | |||
Spiritual beliefs, response to disability, and the church—Part 2 | Treloar, L. L. (2000). Spiritual beliefs, response to disability, and the church—Part 2. Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health, 4(1), 5-31. https://doi.org/10.1300/J095v04n01_02 | None Specified | spirit, response | Journal Article | |||
Disability, Spiritual Beliefs and the Church: The Experiences of Adults with Disabilities and Family Members | Treloar, L. L. (2002). “Disability, Spiritual Beliefs and the Church: The Experiences of Adults with Disabilities and Family Members. “Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40 (5), 594-603. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02417.x | None Specified | belief, church | Journal Article | |||
Accessible worship: The receptivity of religious buildings in St. Louis | Vierkant, K. E., Hollingsworth, H., & Stark, S. L. (2006). Accessible worship: The receptivity of religious buildings in St. Louis. Disability Studies Quarterly, 26. | None Specified | worship, Religion | Journal Article | |||
Life outside the classroom for youth with disabilities | Wagner, M., Cadwallader, T. W., Marder, C., Cameto, R., Cardoso, D., Garza, N., Levin, P., & Newman, L. (2003). Life outside the classroom for youth with disabilities. SRI International. | None Specified | classroom | ||||
People with disabilities in Christian community | White, G. F. (2014). People with disabilities in Christian community. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 3(1), 11-35. | Christian | christian, community | Journal Article | |||
Religion and disability: Variation in religious service attendance rates for children with Chronic health conditions | Whitehead, A. (2018). Religion and disability: Variation in religious service attendance rates for children with Chronic health conditions. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 57(2), 377-395. https://doi.org/10.1111/jssr.12521 | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Religion, children | Journal Article | ||
A field guide to U.S. congregations: Who’s going where and why | Woolever, C., & Bruce, D. (2002). A field guide to U.S. congregations: Who’s going where and why. Westminster John Knox Press. | None Specified | congregation, guide | Book | |||
The Role of Faith in Mental Healing: Psychoanalysis and Faith | Bronheim, Harold. The Role of Faith in Mental Healing: Psychoanalysis and Faith. Journal of Religion in Disability and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1300/J445V01N02_02 | None Specified | Intellectual | faith | Journal Article | ||
Disability in the Hebrew Bible: A Literature Review | L. Jones, Kirsty. Disability in the Hebrew Bible: A Literature Review. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 363-373. | Hebrew | hebrew, disability | Journal Article | |||
Looking at Dependence: Vulnerability and Power in the Gospel of the Foot Washing | Cooreman-Guittin, Talitha. Looking at Dependence: Vulnerability and Power in the Gospel of the Foot Washing. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 1 (2021): 4-14. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867024 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Vulnerability and perfection: the failures of St. John Henry Newman | Corona, maria, and Jorge Lopez. Vulnerability and perfection: the failures of St. John Henry Newman. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 1 (2021): 15-26. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867028 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Cognitive Vulnerability, Artificial Intelligence, and the Image of God in Humans | Dorobantu, Marius. Cognitive Vulnerability, Artificial Intelligence, and the Image of God in Humans. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no.1 (2021): 27-40. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867025 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Consent for Spiritual Care: Adjusting the Vulnerability and Power Imbalance for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities | Liegeois, Axel. Consent for Spiritual Care: Adjusting the Vulnerability and Power Imbalance for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no.1 (2021): 41-54. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867026 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Vulnerability and Solidarity: An Improbable Connection | Maican, Petre. Vulnerability and Solidarity: An Improbable Connection. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 1 (2021): 55-67. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867027 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability in Muslim: a Sufi perspective | Masotta, Kariba. Disability in Muslim: a Sufi perspective. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no.1 (2021): 68-81. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1867029 | Muslim | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Serving All People: Pentecostal Experiences in Ministering to People with IDD in Ontario | Radstake, Justin. Serving All People: Pentecostal Experiences in Ministering to People with IDD in Ontario. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no.2 (2021): 83-109. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1776666 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Deep Down Syndrome in Our Hearts: A Spirituality of Disability that Enables Social Belonging for Economic and Political Inclusion of Women with Disabilities | Lorenzo, theresa, and Madeleine Duncan. Deep Down Syndrome in Our Hearts: A Spirituality of Disability that Enables Social Belonging for Economic and Political Inclusion of Women with Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no.2 (2021): 110-131. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1816245 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
How Can We Decide? When Ought a Person with Disabilities Be Moved from Their Home to Full-Time Residential Care? | Shrier, Paul. How Can We Decide? When Ought a Person with Disabilities Be Moved from Their Home to Full-Time Residential Care? Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 132-158. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1816246 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Value Them as Members of the Community: Existing Support Structures in Mosques for South Asian Muslim Families of Children with IDD Living in the United States | shikarpurya, Sehrish, and Shailen M. Singh. Value Them as Members of the Community: Existing Support Structures in Mosques for South Asian Muslim Families of Children with IDD Living in the United States. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 159-180. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1821863 | Muslim | Developmental/Learning, Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Radical Hospitality and Faith Inclusion: Lessons from St. Benedict | Boak Slocum, Robert, and Victoria Slocum. Radical Hospitality and Faith Inclusion: Lessons from St. Benedict. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 181-190. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1716917 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Gifts, Graces, and Griefs: Giving Voice to All the Songs Reflections on the Life of Sarah Steele | Gaventa, Bill. Gifts, Graces, and Griefs: Giving Voice to All the Songs Reflections on the Life of Sarah Steele. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 191-208. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1743223 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Sacrament of Confirmation and Profound Intellectual Disability – A Catholic Perspective | Maliszewska, Anna. The Sacrament of Confirmation and Profound Intellectual Disability – A Catholic Perspective. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 209-224. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1775754 | Catholic | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Mindfulness as a tool for ADHD drivers: a comparative study of higher levels of self-awareness | Nilsson, Hakan. Mindfulness as a tool for ADHD drivers: a comparative study of higher levels of self-awareness. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 2 (2021): 225-238. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1775755 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Introduction JDR Special Issue Disabling Theological Education | T. Conner, Benjamin. Introduction JDR Special Issue Disabling Theological Education. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 239-242. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895029 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disabling Theological Education | T. Conner, Benjamin. Disabling Theological Education. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 243-250. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1901637 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Amanda Comes to Western Theological Seminary | Boogaart, Thomas. Amanda Comes to Western Theological Seminary. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 251-260. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895023 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Equipped for Inclusion: Western Theological Seminary’s Graduate Certificate in Disability and Ministry | W. Carter, Erik. Equipped for Inclusion: Western Theological Seminary’s Graduate Certificate in Disability and Ministry. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 261-278. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895022 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Access and Disability Justice in Theological Education | Barton, Sarah Jean. Access and Disability Justice in Theological Education. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 279-295. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895025 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
From Belonging as Supercrip to Misfitting as Crip: Journeying through Seminary | Spies, Miriam. From Belonging as Supercrip to Misfitting as Crip: Journeying through Seminary. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 296-311. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895028 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Friendship House Community: Christian Community as a Lived Framework for Theological Education | Thompson, L.S. Carlos A. The Friendship House Community: Christian Community as a Lived Framework for Theological Education. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 3 (2021): 347-360. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895026 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Introduction: Beyond Exegesis—Biblical Studies and the Phenomena of Disability | Brock, Brian, and Grant Macaskill. Introduction: Beyond Exegesis—Biblical Studies and the Phenomena of Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 361-362. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1912685 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability and New Testament Studies: Reflections, Trajectories, and Possibilities | Soon, Isacc T. Disability and New Testament Studies: Reflections, Trajectories, and Possibilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 374-387. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1911737 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Autism and Biblical Studies: Establishing and Extending the Field beyond Preliminary Reflection | Macaskill, Grant. Autism and Biblical Studies: Establishing and Extending the Field beyond Preliminary Reflection. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 388-411. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1911742 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Cognitive Disability and the Hebrew Bible | Sloane, Andrew. Cognitive Disability and the Hebrew Bible. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 412-426. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1911736 | Jewish | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Communication, Agency, and the Relational Self in ASD and the Letters of Paul | Eastman, Susan G. Communication, Agency, and the Relational Self in ASD and the Letters of Paul. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 427-450. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1911743 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Candida R. Moss, Divine Bodies: Resurrecting Perfection in the New Testament and Early Christianity | Cooreman-Guittin, Talitha. Candida R. Moss, Divine Bodies: Resurrecting Perfection in the New Testament and Early Christianity. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 451-452. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895030 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Autism and the Church: Bible, Theology and Community | Join-Lambert, Arnaud. Autism and the Church: Bible, Theology and Community. Journal of Disability and Religion 25, no. 4 (2021): 452-453. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2021.1895950 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Autism and Assisted Suicide | M. Waddell, Michael. Autism and Assisted Suicide. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 1-28. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1694463 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Shame, Sin, Mental, and a Feminist Theology of Agency | Down Syndromeie, Alison. Shame, Sin, Mental, and a Feminist Theology of Agency. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 29-39. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1694461 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Disabling Theologies and Student Learning | Ihssen, Brenda Llewellyn. Disabling Theologies and Student Learning1. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 40-63. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1698386 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“Oh God! Why Did You Let Me Have This Disability?”: Religion, Spirituality and Disability in Three African countries | Mugeere, Anthony Buyinza, Omona, Julius, State, Andrew Ellias, and Tom Shakespeare. “Oh God! Why Did You Let Me Have This Disability?”: Religion, Spirituality and Disability in Three African countries. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 64-81. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1698387 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Organ Donation from People with Disabilities Comparative Study of Muslimic Jurisprudence and Arab Laws | Hammad, Hamza Abed Al-Karim. Organ Donation from People with Disabilities Comparative Study of Muslimic Jurisprudence and Arab Laws. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 82-88. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1694462 | Muslim | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Case for Conserving Monsters: Rosemarie Garland-Thomson and the Body of Christ | Parks, Benjamin N. The Case for Conserving Monsters: Rosemarie Garland-Thomson and the Body of Christ. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 1 (2020): 89-103. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1682103 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Back to Benedict: L’Arche and Form-of-Life | Wall, Benjamin S. Back to Benedict: L’Arche and Form-of-Life. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 112-131. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718570 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Opening the Gates of Our Being: Charting a Way Out of Fear with Jean Vanier and Emmanuel Mounier | Murphy, Thomas N. Opening the Gates of Our Being: Charting a Way Out of Fear with Jean Vanier and Emmanuel Mounier. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 132-150. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718575 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
L’Arche, a Radical Reversal: Fearless Dialogue between Foucault and Vanier with the New Testament | Meneses, Kristine C. L’Arche, a Radical Reversal: Fearless Dialogue between Foucault and Vanier with the New Testament. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 151-173. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718571 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Complementary Understandings of Availability: Jean Vanier in Conversation with the Philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Gabriel Marcel | Matthews, Pia. Complementary Understandings of Availability: Jean Vanier in Conversation with the Philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Gabriel Marcel. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 174-205. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718576 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Vanier & L’Arche: Defying the Tyranny of Distance | Treanor, David. Vanier & L’Arche: Defying the Tyranny of Distance. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 206-228. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718572 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Jean Vanier on Beauty and Disability | Syahl, Devan Joy, and Maggie Jones. Jean Vanier on Beauty and Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 2 (2020): 229-248. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1718573 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Paradox of Joy | Asprey, Christopher. The Paradox of Joy. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 252-267. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750536 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Joy and Autism: Biblical, Theological and Practical Perspectives | Macaskill, Grant. Joy and Autism: Biblical, Theological and Practical Perspectives. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 268-280. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750535 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
A Practical-Theological Phenomenology of Joy: Learning from L’arche | Ommen, Armand Leon van, and Julie Marie Land. A Practical-Theological Phenomenology of Joy: Learning from L’arche. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 281-299. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1698388 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Receiving the Gift of Laughter: How Joy Transforms the Life of an Inclusive Congregation | Tamminga, Koos. Receiving the Gift of Laughter: How Joy Transforms the Life of an Inclusive Congregation. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 300-316. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750533 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Developing a Theology of Joy: A Personal Exploration Using Narrative Accounts–Learning to Sing in a Foreign Land | Hancock, Vittoria Ruth. Developing a Theology of Joy: A Personal Exploration Using Narrative Accounts–Learning to Sing in a Foreign Land. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 317-331. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750534 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Ways of Knowing God, Becoming Friends in Time; a timeless conversation between disability, theology, Edith Stein and Professor John Swinton | Gangemi, Cristina. Ways of Knowing God, Becoming Friends in Time; a timeless conversation between disability, theology, Edith Stein and Professor John Swinton. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 3 (2020): 332-347. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750537 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
An Exploratory Study of Attitudes toward Autism Amongst Church-Going Christians in the South East of England, United Kingdom | Waldock, Krysia Emily, and Rachel Forrester-Jones. An Exploratory Study of Attitudes toward Autism Amongst Church-Going Christians in the South East of England, United Kingdom. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 349-370. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1776667 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Religious Involvement and Self-Perceived Spiritual Health: A Quantitative Study of Canadian Children with Disabilities | Michaelson, Valerie, Swinton, John, King, Nathan, and William Pickett. Religious Involvement and Self-Perceived Spiritual Health: A Quantitative Study of Canadian Children with Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 371-392. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1743222 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability Theology Despite Itself | Chen, Lang. Disability Theology Despite Itself. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 393-412. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1750531 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Sanctuaries, “Special Needs,” and Service: Religious Leader Perceptions on Including Children with Disability | Stewart-Ginsburg, Jared, Baughan, Cynthia C., Smith, JaneDiane, and Belva C. Collins. Sanctuaries, “Special Needs,” and Service: Religious Leader Perceptions on Including Children with Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 413-430. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1776188 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Converging and Diverging Themes: A Synthesis of Contemporary Theological Literature on Disability | Miller, Payton. Converging and Diverging Themes: A Synthesis of Contemporary Theological Literature on Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020) | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1716918 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Imagining Anew: Positive Representations of Disability in Recent Media | Basselin, Tim. Imagining Anew: Positive Representations of Disability in Recent Media. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 445-452. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1776190 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Martyrs and Monsters of the Avengers: Christian and Disability in the Marvel Cinematic Universe | Martin, Helena L. Martyrs and Monsters of the Avengers: Christian and Disability in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Journal of Disability and Religion 24, no. 4 (2020): 453-461. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2020.1799906 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Activity Involvement and Spiritual Health in Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities | Ng, Kwok, Pickett, William, Michaelson, Valerie, and John Freeman. Activity Involvement and Spiritual Health in Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 1 (2019): 1-19. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1467294 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Meditation to Improve Concentration Among Children with Auditory Processing Disorder | Pandya, Samta P. Meditation to Improve Concentration Among Children with Auditory Processing Disorder. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 1 (2019): 20-36. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1509761 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Creating Inclusive and Hospitable Christian Schools: Three Case Studies | Lane, Julie M., Kinnison, Quentin P., and Acantha Ellard. Creating Inclusive and Hospitable Christian Schools: Three Case Studies. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 1 (2019): 37-58. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1570832 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Praise and Thanks be to God: Public and Religious Descriptions of Disability in Kuwait | Alenaizi, Hussain Mohammed. Praise and Thanks be to God: Public and Religious Descriptions of Disability in Kuwait. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 1 (2019): 59-89. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1567297 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Participation of Disabled Youths in Religious Activities: Indigenous Social Work Practices in Rural Sri Lanka | Higashida, Masateru. Participation of Disabled Youths in Religious Activities: Indigenous Social Work Practices in Rural Sri Lanka. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 1 (2019): 90-106. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1570831 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Some People Say… | Huinink, Chantal. Some People Say…. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 107-108. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1366208 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Messy Table: A Place for Those with Developmental Disabilities to Belong | Case, Travis Hamilton. The Messy Table: A Place for Those with Developmental Disabilities to Belong. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 109-126. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1530078 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Human Flourishing In The Lives Of Children Living With a Disability | Oberholzer, Annemarie E. Human Flourishing In The Lives Of Children Living With a Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 127-148. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1571468 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Changing the Conversation: From Suffering with Dementia Through Dementia as a Disability Rights Issue, to a Deeper Theological Perspective | Matthews, Pia. Changing the Conversation: From Suffering with Dementia Through Dementia as a Disability Rights Issue, to a Deeper Theological Perspective. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 149-165. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1577203 | None Specified | Dementia | Journal, Religion, Dementia | Journal Article | |
Caring and Covenant: Notes on a Sacramental Ecclesiology of Disability | Walker, Michael A. Caring and Covenant: Notes on a Sacramental Ecclesiology of Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 166-177. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1580175 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Work And Spirituality Among People With Asperger Syndrome: An Exploratory Study | Testoni, Ines, Pesci, Sofia, Vincenzo, Ciro De, Corso, Laura Dal, and Adriano Zamperini. Work And Spirituality Among People With Asperger Syndrome: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 178-196. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1580174 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
The Invisible Church: People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities and the Eucharist – A Catholic Perspective | Maliszewska, Anna. The Invisible Church: People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities and the Eucharist – A Catholic Perspective. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 2 (2019): 197-210. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1483789 | Catholic | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
The Philosopher of Ambiguity: Exploring Stories of Spirituality of People with Aphasia Through the Lens of Merleau-Ponty | MacKenzie, Sophie, and Ian Marsh. The Philosopher of Ambiguity: Exploring Stories of Spirituality of People with Aphasia Through the Lens of Merleau-Ponty. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 211-226. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1509762 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Confronting suffering with narrative theory, constructed selfhood, and control: Critical perspectives by Simone Weil and Buddhist metaphysics | Aaltola, Elisa. Confronting suffering with narrative theory, constructed selfhood, and control: Critical perspectives by Simone Weil and Buddhist metaphysics. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 227-250. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1567296 | Buddhist | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Muslimic Tradition: The question of legal capacity in focus | Ghaly, Mohammed. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Muslimic Tradition: The question of legal capacity in focus. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 251-278. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1613943 | Muslim | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
We-Thou Communion | Bryden, Christine. We-Thou Communion. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 279-293. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1613944 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Skin in the game: Toward a Christological and death-focused model of disability | Endress, Topher. Skin in the game: Toward a Christological and death-focused model of disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 294-317. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1614512 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability caregivers and church doulia: What Dietrich Bonhoeffer might say, part 1: Thoughts on theory | Gould, James Barton. Disability caregivers and church doulia: What Dietrich Bonhoeffer might say, part 1: Thoughts on theory. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 318-339. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1567295 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability caregivers and Church doulia, what Dietrich Bonhoeffer might say part 2: Suggestions for practice | Gould, James Barton. Disability caregivers and Church doulia, what Dietrich Bonhoeffer might say part 2: Suggestions for practice. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 340-362. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1569576 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Facilitating Spiritual Reminiscence for People with Dementia: A Learning Guide. | MacKinlay, Elizabeth, and Corinne Trevitt. Facilitating Spiritual Reminiscence for People with Dementia: A Learning Guide. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 3 (2019): 363-364. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447832 | None Specified | Dementia | Journal, Religion, Dementia | Journal Article | |
Spirituality in the Context of Nonverbal Autism: A Research Process – Analysis and Findings | Hills, Karenne, Clapton, Jayne, Dorsett, Pat, and Kirsty Andersen. Spirituality in the Context of Nonverbal Autism: A Research Process – Analysis and Findings. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 365-386. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1682104 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Profound Intellectual Disability and the Grammar of Baptism | O’Farrell, Kevin. Profound Intellectual Disability and the Grammar of Baptism. Journal of Disbility and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 387-406. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1673871 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Negotiating the Disabled Body: Representations of Disability in Early Christian Texts, Early Christian and its Literature 23 | Sovelag, Anna Rebecca. Negotiating the Disabled Body: Representations of Disability in Early Christian Texts, Early Christian and its Literature 23. Jouirnal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 410-411. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1680105 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness | Moss, Candida R., and Joel S. Baden. Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 411-414. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1680104 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A History of Pregnancy in Christian: From Original Sin to Contemporary Abortion Debates | Stensvold, Anne. A History of Pregnancy in Christian: From Original Sin to Contemporary Abortion Debates. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 414-416. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1673345 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Madness in Civilization: A Cultural History of Insanity from the Bible to Freud, from the Madhouse to Modern Medicine | Scull, Andrew. Madness in Civilization: A Cultural History of Insanity from the Bible to Freud, from the Madhouse to Modern Medicine. Journal of Disability of Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 416-417. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1673350 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering | Kapic, Kelly M. Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 418-419. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1673334 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Moving Toward Redemption: Spirituality and Disability in the Late Writings of Andre Dubus | Ivanov-Craig, Andrea. Moving Toward Redemption: Spirituality and Disability in the Late Writings of Andre Dubus. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 419-421. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1673351 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
What Matters: Reflections on Disability, Community and Love | Fialka, Janice. What Matters: Reflections on Disability, Community and Love. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 423-425. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1680111 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Cultural Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing: Spiritual Interpretations of Symptoms in Medical Practice | Tobert, Natalie. Cultural Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing: Spiritual Interpretations of Symptoms in Medical Practice. Journal of Disability and Religion 23, no. 4 (2019): 433-435. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2019.1680109 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Muslims with Disabilities: Psychosocial Reforms from an Muslimic Perspective | Ibrahim, Izaida, and Muhammad Fahmi Ismail. Muslims with Disabilities: Psychosocial Reforms from an Muslimic Perspective. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 1-14. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1351327 | Muslim | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Autism Spectrum Disorders and the New Testament: Preliminary Reflections | Macaskill, Grant. Autism Spectrum Disorders and the New Testament: Preliminary Reflections. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 15-41 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1373613 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
“A Death Like his”: Saul’s Privation and Restoration of Sight as Prophetic Formation in Acts | Booth, Adam David Patrick. “A Death Like his”: Saul’s Privation and Restoration of Sight as Prophetic Formation in Acts 9. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 42-62. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1437003 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Church, Disability, and Rurality: The Lived Experience | Short, Monica, Seiffert, Murray, Haynes, Rob, and Leanna Haynes. Church, Disability, and Rurality: The Lived Experience. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 63-88. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1448177 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Could Adam and Eve Have Been Disabled? Images of Creation in Catholic Religious Education Textbooks in France | Cooreman-Guittin, Talitha. Could Adam and Eve Have Been Disabled? Images of Creation in Catholic Religious Education Textbooks in France. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 89-95. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1378603 | Catholic | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Letter to the Church | Bryden, Christine. Letter to the Church. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 96-106. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1421493 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Institutions: A Poem | Bonikowsky, Michael. Institutions: A Poem. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 107-108. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1374905 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
God’s Wild Flowers: Saints with Disabilities. | Stout, Huili. God’s Wild Flowers: Saints with Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 109-110. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447779 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age. | Cantacuzino, Marina. The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018: 110-111. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447785 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Fifteen Steps Out of Darkness: The Way of the Cross for People on the Journey of Mental Illness | Rose, Scott, Wenner, Fred, and Al Rose. Fifteen Steps Out of Darkness: The Way of the Cross for People on the Journey of Mental Illness. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 111-112. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447787 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Physically Disabled in Ancient Israel According to the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Sources. | Fiorello, Michael D. The Physically Disabled in Ancient Israel According to the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Sources. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 113-114. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447788 | None Specified | Physical | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Exploring Depression and Beating the Blues: A CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger’s Syndrome, | Attwood, Tony, and Michelle Garnett. Exploring Depression and Beating the Blues: A CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger’s Syndrome. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 116-117. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447823 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum, Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Spiritual Care with Sick Children and Young People: A Handbook for Chaplains, Pediatric Health Professionals, Arts Therapists, and Youth Workers | Nash, Paul, Darby, Kathryn, and Sally Nash. Spiritual Care with Sick Children and Young People: A Handbook for Chaplains, Pediatric Health Professionals, Arts Therapists, and Youth Workers. Jounal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 117-118. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447829 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Already Doing It: Intellectual Disability and Sexual Agency | Gill, Michael. Already Doing It: Intellectual Disability and Sexual Agency. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 1 (2018): 118-120. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447830 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Convent of the Infirmed: Teresa de Cartagena’s Religious Model of Disability | Reibe, Nicole. The Convent of the Infirmed: Teresa de Cartagena’s Religious Model of Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 130-145. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1453312 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Paralytic’s Gift: Worship and Disability | Volpe, Medi. The Paralytic’s Gift: Worship and Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 146-156. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1457464 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Mercy, Mental, and the Moral Significance of Christian History: The Story of Fr. Juan Gilabert-Jofre, O. de. M. | Romero, Miguel J. Mercy, Mental, and the Moral Significance of Christian History: The Story of Fr. Juan Gilabert-Jofre, O. de. M. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 157-176. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1452661 | Christian | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Relational Consent: Reflections on Disability and Jonathan Edwards’s Aesthetics | Cochran, Elizabeth Agnew. Relational Consent: Reflections on Disability and Jonathan Edwards’s Aesthetics. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 177-186. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447626 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Interdependence, Incarnation, and Disability in Charlotte Yonge’s The Pillars of the House | Hingston, Kylee-Anne. Interdependence, Incarnation, and Disability in Charlotte Yonge’s The Pillars of the House. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 187-198. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1448737 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
From Access to Communion: Beyond the Social Model | Hinojosa, Victor J. From Access to Communion: Beyond the Social Model. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 199-210. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1449708 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Silent Communion: The Prophetic Witness of The Profoundly Disabled | Volck, Brian. Silent Communion: The Prophetic Witness of The Profoundly Disabled. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 211-218. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1447625 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Pope John Paul II and the Apparently Non-acting Person | Iozzio, Mary Jo. Pope John Paul II and the Apparently Non-acting Person. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 219-220. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1522056 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Welcome as Way of Life: A Practical Theology of Jean Vanier | Draper, Andrew T. Welcome as Way of Life: A Practical Theology of Jean Vanier. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 2 (2018): 220-222. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1522057 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Contradictory Expressive Functions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Physician-assisted Suicide Laws | Schiltz, Elizabeth Rose. The Contradictory Expressive Functions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Physician-assisted Suicide Laws. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 3 (2018): 228-245. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1486772 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Assisted Dying and Suicide Prevention | Jones, David Albert. Assisted Dying and Suicide Prevention. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 3 (2018): 298-316. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1486773 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Lives Not Worth Living: Rethinking Autonomy and Assisted Dying in the Light of Profound Disability | Ripamonti, Lidia. Lives Not Worth Living: Rethinking Autonomy and Assisted Dying in the Light of Profound Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 3 (2018): 317-330. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1481804 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Living and Dying with a Disability in Debtor Society: Why Context Matters in Assisted Suicide Debates | Brock, Brian. Living and Dying with a Disability in Debtor Society: Why Context Matters in Assisted Suicide Debates. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 3 (2018): 331-351. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1540386 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Anthropologies of Hope and Despair: Disability and the Assisted-Suicide Debate | Elliot, David. Anthropologies of Hope and Despair: Disability and the Assisted-Suicide Debate. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 3 (2018): 352-367. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1486774 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The God of Difference: Disability, Youth Ministry, and the Difference Anthropology Makes | Raffety, Erin. The God of Difference: Disability, Youth Ministry, and the Difference Anthropology Makes. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 4 (2018): 371-389. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1521766 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Abusing Youth: Theologically Understanding Youth Through Misunderstanding Disability | Langford, Michael D. Abusing Youth: Theologically Understanding Youth Through Misunderstanding Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 4 (2018): 426-451. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1540959 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disabled Adolescents, Enabling Youth Ministry | Cooner, Benjamin T. Disabled Adolescents, Enabling Youth Ministry. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 4 (2018): 452-467. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1521765 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
From experience to ethics: The shaping impact of narrative on youth ministry and disability | Jacober, Amy E. From experience to ethics: The shaping impact of narrative on youth ministry and disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 22, no. 4 (2018): 468-487. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2018.1530079 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A Critical Approach to Integrating Christian Disability Theology in Clinical Rehabilitation | Barton, Sarah Jean. A Critical Approach to Integrating Christian Disability Theology in Clinical Rehabilitation. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 5-13. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1269255 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Aspects of Spirituality and Life Satisfaction in Persons With Down Syndrome | Bussing, Arndt, Broghammer-Escher, Silke, Baumann, Klaus, and Janusz Surzykiewicz. Aspects of Spirituality and Life Satisfaction in Persons With Down Syndrome. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 14-29. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1270179 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Challenges from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Access to Theology and Church Practice in the Church of Norway | Lid, Inger Marie. Challenges from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Access to Theology and Church Practice in the Church of Norway. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 30-42. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1270176 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Wound That Heals: Disability and Suffering in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard | McCabe, Kevin Patrick. The Wound That Heals: Disability and Suffering in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 43-63. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1269256 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Spirituality and Parents of Children With Disability: Views of Practitioners | Pandya, Samta P. Spirituality and Parents of Children With Disability: Views of Practitioners. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 64-83. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1270178 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Missing in Action: Theological Reflection on the Absence of the Aged, Poor, and Disenfranchised in Contemporary Church Planting Movements | Gill, Malcolm. Missing in Action: Theological Reflection on the Absence of the Aged, Poor, and Disenfranchised in Contemporary Church Planting Movements. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 84-97. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1269254 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Hope of Heavenly Healing of Disability Part 2—Philosophical Issues | Gould, James Barton. The Hope of Heavenly Healing of Disability Part 2—Philosophical Issues. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 98-116. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1270177 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Humanity of the Mentally Disabled: Toward a Theological Account of Personhood | Yip, Peirce. The Humanity of the Mentally Disabled: Toward a Theological Account of Personhood. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 117-130. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1269253 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter, How Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read | Berube, Michael. The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter, How Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 131-132. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1286119 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Theology of the Body Extended: The Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying | Windley-Daoust, Susan. Theology of the Body Extended: The Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 132-134. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1286127 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Multifaith Care for Sick and Dying Children and their Families: A Multi-disciplinary Guide | Nash, Paul, Parkes, Madeleine, and Zamir Hussain. Multifaith Care for Sick and Dying Children and their Families: A Multi-disciplinary Guide. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 1 (2017): 135. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1286122 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Culture of Sport, Bodies of Desire, and the Body of Christ | Wall, Benjamin S. The Culture of Sport, Bodies of Desire, and the Body of Christ. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 142-151. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1287617 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Outside Horses, Inside Men: Equestrian Sport, Disability, and Theology | Jones, Kirsty L. Outside Horses, Inside Men: Equestrian Sport, Disability, and Theology. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 152-163. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1297211 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
From Team Hoyt to I’ll Push You: An Embodied Prophetic Message | Watson, Nick J., and Brian R. Bolt. From Team Hoyt to I’ll Push You: An Embodied Prophetic Message. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 164-170. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1302863 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Embodying Compassion: Disability Sport and the Mercy of God | Brock, Brian. Embodying Compassion: Disability Sport and the Mercy of God. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 171-188. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1307157 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Running for Jesus! The Virtues and the Vices of Disability and Sport | Swinton, John. Running for Jesus! The Virtues and the Vices of Disability and Sport. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 189-200. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1299068 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Calling for a Time-Out: The Theology of Disability Sport and The Broader Understanding of Competition | Hargaden, Kevin. Calling for a Time-Out: The Theology of Disability Sport and The Broader Understanding of Competition. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 201-214. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1302864 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“You Shall Not Murder”: Atos at the Paralympic Games | Braye, Stuart. “You Shall Not Murder”: Atos at the Paralympic Games. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 215-229. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1299066 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Messengers of Hope: A Boy With Autism, His Church, and the Special Olympics | Shrier, Paul. Messengers of Hope: A Boy With Autism, His Church, and the Special Olympics. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 230-244. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1299067 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Sport, Theology, and the Special Olympics: A Christian Theological Reflection | Watson, Nick J., and Simon Kumar. Sport, Theology, and the Special Olympics: A Christian Theological Reflection. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 2 (2017): 245-256. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1298492 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
One Church’s Response to Welcoming All of God’s Children | Pannone, Sarah J. One Church’s Response to Welcoming All of God’s Children. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 3 (2017): 257-279. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1287616 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Spirituality and Religion: A Systematic Review 1990–2015 | Sango, Precious Nonye, and Rachel Forrester-Jones. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Spirituality and Religion: A Systematic Review 1990–2015. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 3 (2017): 280-295. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1317224 | None Specified | Intellectual, Developmental/Learning | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Prescribing Experience: Discussion of Recreational Therapy as Health Care | Baker, Dana Lee, and Cadie Dye. Prescribing Experience: Discussion of Recreational Therapy as Health Care. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 3 (2017): 296-318. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1326875 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Faith Matters: From a Disability Lens | Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 3 (2017): 319-337. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1348924 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Learning While Teaching: Disability and Religion in the Classroom | Henning, Meghan R., and Kirk VanGlinder. Learning While Teaching: Disability and Religion in the Classroom. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 4 (2017): 347-359. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1377664 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability Studies Curriculum Transformation: Building a Program and Cultivating a Community | Knoll, Kristina R., Woiak, Joanne, Lang, Dennis, Goering, Sara, and Rebecca C. Cory. Disability Studies Curriculum Transformation: Building a Program and Cultivating a Community. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 4 (2017): 360-380. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1386606 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Teaching Ancient Languages to Deaf Students | Buchholz, Noah D. Teaching Ancient Languages to Deaf Students. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 4 (2017): 381-394. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1378954 | None Specified | Deaf/HoH | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Teaching “Disease and Disability in the Bible”: A Pedagogical Retrospect and Resource | Langford, Andrew M. Teaching “Disease and Disability in the Bible”: A Pedagogical Retrospect and Resource. Journal of Disability and Religion 21, no. 4 (2017): 395-409. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2017.1389621 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability, Religion and Theology: African Perspectives | Amanze, James N. Disability, Religion and Theology: African Perspectives. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 1-2 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1176465 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
An Investigation Whether and How Christian Organizations Respond to the Practical Needs of Students with Disabilities: A Case of One College in Zomba | Elizabeth T. An Investigation Whether and How Christian Organizations Respond to the Practical Needs of Students with Disabilities: A Case of One College in Zomba. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 3-17. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1164651 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
With Jesus in My Boat I Can Smile at the Storm: An Analysis of Poems and Short Stories by Children Living with Disabilities | Muganiwa, Josephine. With Jesus in My Boat I Can Smile at the Storm: An Analysis of Poems and Short Stories by Children Living with Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 18-28. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152941 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
African Beliefs Concerning People with Disabilities: Implications for Theological Education | Ndlovu, Hebron L. African Beliefs Concerning People with Disabilities: Implications for Theological Education. Journal of Disaiblity and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 29-39. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152942 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability Discourse in the Curriculum of Nigerian Theological Institutions: Constraints, Possibilities and Recommendations | Nihinlola, Emiola. Disability Discourse in the Curriculum of Nigerian Theological Institutions: Constraints, Possibilities and Recommendations. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 40-48. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1164652 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“No One Who Has a Blemish Shall Draw Near”: Pentecostals Rising Above a Disabling Hermeneutics | Nkomazana, Fidelis. “No One Who Has a Blemish Shall Draw Near”: Pentecostals Rising Above a Disabling Hermeneutics. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 49-61. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1165544 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Myths and Beliefs About Disabilities: Implications for Educators and Counselors | Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 62-76. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152938 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Implications of the Doctrine of the Kingdom of God for Building a Better Life for People with Disability in Africa: A Case Study of Malawi | Thipa, Joseph A. Implications of the Doctrine of the Kingdom of God for Building a Better Life for People with Disability in Africa: A Case Study of Malawi. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 77-83. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152936 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“Watipa Leza”: A Critical Re-Engagement of Nsenga (African) Religious Values and Disability | Zulu, Edwin. “Watipa Leza”: A Critical Re-Engagement of Nsenga (African) Religious Values and Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 84-92. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152937 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability as a Challenge and Not a Crisis: The Jesus Model | Kebaneilwe, Mmapula Diana. Disability as a Challenge and Not a Crisis: The Jesus Model. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 93-102. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152939 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Impact of the Remnants of African Worldviews on Perception of Pastors Towards Ministering to Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria | Ishola-Esan, Helen Olomu. Impact of the Remnants of African Worldviews on Perception of Pastors Towards Ministering to Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 1-2 (2016): 103-118. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152940 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”: Friendship as a Theological Approach Toward the Teaching of the Threefold Office of Christ | Hogheinz, Marco. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”: Friendship as a Theological Approach Toward the Teaching of the Threefold Office of Christ. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 119-139. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1202168 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Finding Accommodation: Spirituality and People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities | Harshaw, Jill. Finding Accommodation: Spirituality and People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 140-153. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1203694 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Self and Community: The Importance of Interdependence and Its Shadow Side | Badetti, Luca. Self and Community: The Importance of Interdependence and Its Shadow Side. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 154-162. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1205463 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Is There a “Theology of the Disabled Body”? John Paul II’s Theology of the Body on Limit and Sign | Windley-Daoust, Susan. Is There a “Theology of the Disabled Body”? John Paul II’s Theology of the Body on Limit and Sign. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 163-177. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1210947 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
What Might It Mean to Live Well With Depression? | Scrutton, Anastasia Philippa. What Might It Mean to Live Well With Depression?. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 178-189. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152935 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Exploring How Christians and Atheists Deal with Issues Related to Their Disability | Salkas, Kristen, and Carol J. Gill. Exploring How Christians and Atheists Deal with Issues Related to Their Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 190-202. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1152934 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Entering Life Maimed: The Compatibility of Disability and Life | Cox, Jennifer Anne. Entering Life Maimed: The Compatibility of Disability and Life. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 203-212. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1204170 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Amoris Laetitia Through the Lens of Disability | Cooreman-Guittin, Talitha. Amoris Laetitia Through the Lens of Disability. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 213-217. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1207215 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
An Opportunity for Charity? A Catholic Tradition in Understanding Disability and Its Impact on Ministry | Masters, Anne. An Opportunity for Charity? A Catholic Tradition in Understanding Disability and Its Impact on Ministry. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 3 (2016): 218-227. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1207216 | Catholic | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Thomas Aquinas on Mental Disorder and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist: Summa Theologica 3.68.12 and 3.80.9 Revisited | Bankhead, Ivan. Thomas Aquinas on Mental Disorder and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist: Summa Theologica 3.68.12 and 3.80.9 Revisited. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 239-264. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1244502 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Towards an Understanding of Spirituality in the Context of Nonverbal Autism: A Scoping Review | Hills, Karenne, Clapton, Jayne, and Pat Dorsett. Towards an Understanding of Spirituality in the Context of Nonverbal Autism: A Scoping Review. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 265-290. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1244501 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Self-Management of Chronic Pain: The Role of Religious Faith | Edwards, Jill, Briggs, Michelle, Closs, Jose, Atkin, Karl M., Bennett, Michael I., Swift, Chris, and Ganesan Baranidharan. Self-Management of Chronic Pain: The Role of Religious Faith. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 291-306. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239152 | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Disability and Spirituality: Re-Membering Wholeness in Services and Supports | Gaventa, William. Disability and Spirituality: Re-Membering Wholeness in Services and Supports. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 307-316. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239155 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Hope of Heavenly Healing of Disability Part 1: Theological Issues | Gould, James Barton. The Hope of Heavenly Healing of Disability Part 1: Theological Issues. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 317-334. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239153 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Crafting a Faith-Based Intervention for Youth With ASD: Bar Mitzvah and Beyond | Muskat, Barbara, and Connie Putterman. Crafting a Faith-Based Intervention for Youth With ASD: Bar Mitzvah and Beyond. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 335-342. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239237 | Jewish | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Autism, Culture, Church: From Disruption to Hope | Walsh, Mary Beth. Autism, Culture, Church: From Disruption to Hope. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 343-351. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239916 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
For The Wonder of Who I Am, I Praise You! | Gangemi, Cristina. For The Wonder of Who I Am, I Praise You! Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 352-360. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1248722 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Art of Exclusion and Embrace | Byrne, Libby. The Art of Exclusion and Embrace. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 361-364. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239154 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Things You Learn Lying on the Bathroom Floor | Spenceley, Haydon Du Garde. Things You Learn Lying on the Bathroom Floor. Journal of Disability and Religion 20, no. 4 (2016): 365-369. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2016.1239238 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Including Individuals with Disabilities in a Faith Community: A Framework and Example | Goldstein, Penina, and Melinda Jones Ault. Including Individuals with Disabilities in a Faith Community: A Framework and Example. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 1-14. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.992601 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“I Should Be Closer To God Because of This”—A Case Study of Embodied Narratives and Spiritual Reconstruction in Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation | Mundle, Robert. “I Should Be Closer To God Because of This”—A Case Study of Embodied Narratives and Spiritual Reconstruction in Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 30-49. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.990551 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“Let the Children (With Down Syndrome) Come to Me”: God’s Shalom and the Radical Hospitality of the Church | Greig, Jason Reimer. “Let the Children (With Down Syndrome) Come to Me”: God’s Shalom and the Radical Hospitality of the Church. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 50-65. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.992618 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Perception, Discipleship, and Revelation in the Gospel of Matthew | Wilson, Walter T. Perception, Discipleship, and Revelation in the Gospel of Matthew. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 66-84. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.992599 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Shape of the Eye: Down Syndrome, Family, and the Stories We Inherit. George Estreich | Childress, Marcia Day. The Shape of the Eye: Down Syndrome, Family, and the Stories We Inherit. George Estreich. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 93-95. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.967627 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Communities of Celebration That Reawaken Desire | Gaventa, Bill. Communities of Celebration That Reawaken Desire. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 2 (2015): 97-105. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1027055 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Intersex and the Rhetorics of Disability and Disorder: Multiple and Provisional Significance in Sexed, Gender, and Disabled Bodies | Cornwall, Susannah. Intersex and the Rhetorics of Disability and Disorder: Multiple and Provisional Significance in Sexed, Gender, and Disabled Bodies. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 2 (2015): 106-118. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1010681 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A Christian Ontology of Genetic Disease and Disorder | Stahl, Devan Joy. A Christian Ontology of Genetic Disease and Disorder. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 2 (2015): 119-145. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1020186 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Representations of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the North American Roman Catholic Print Media, 1990–2013 | Sawchuk, Dana, and Juanne Clarke. Representations of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the North American Roman Catholic Print Media, 1990–2013. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 146-167. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1024910 | None Specified | Autism Spectrum | Journal, Religion, Autism | Journal Article | |
Violence, Disability, and the Politics of Healing: The Inaugural Nancy Eiesland Endowment Lecture | Belser, Julia Watts. Violence, Disability, and the Politics of Healing: The Inaugural Nancy Eiesland Endowment Lecture. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 3 (2015): 177-197. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1061470 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Using Our Bodies Faithfully: Christian Friendship and the Life of Worship | Swinton, John. Using Our Bodies Faithfully: Christian Friendship and the Life of Worship. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 228-242. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1062350 | Christian | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
An Ethnography of Stroke Survivors in Their Church Communities | Goetz, Peggy J., and Marie Bloem. An Ethnography of Stroke Survivors in Their Church Communities. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 243-261. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1058210 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A Narrative Account of Abundant Life With Mental | Webb, Marcia. A Narrative Account of Abundant Life With Mental. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 1 (2015): 262-278. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1061469 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Forty Years, Fifty Years, and Moments in Time | Gaventa, Bill. Forty Years, Fifty Years, and Moments in Time. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 3 (2015): 279-283. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1062261 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Is Depression a Sin or a Disease? A Critique of Moralizing and Medicalizing Models of Mental | Scrutton, Anastasia Philippa. Is Depression a Sin or a Disease? A Critique of Moralizing and Medicalizing Models of Mental. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 4 (2015): 285-311. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1087933 | None Specified | Intellectual | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
The Road to Membership: The Role of Resilience in Seeking and Maintaining Membership in a Faith Community for Families of Children With Disabilities | Richardson, Evin Winkelman, and Zolinda Stoneman. The Road to Membership: The Role of Resilience in Seeking and Maintaining Membership in a Faith Community for Families of Children With Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 4 (2015): 312-339. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1093442 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Transforming Friendship: An Essay in Honor of Jean Vanier | Reiders, Hans S. Transforming Friendship: An Essay in Honor of Jean Vanier. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 4 (2015): 340-364. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1093903 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Accompanying Greg on the Journey Through Grief: A Case Study Exploring the Psycho-Spiritual Support and Care of a Young Man With Down Syndrome in the Aftermath of Traumatic Loss | McLean, Gillian. Accompanying Greg on the Journey Through Grief: A Case Study Exploring the Psycho-Spiritual Support and Care of a Young Man With Down Syndrome in the Aftermath of Traumatic Loss. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 4 (2015): 365-375. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1067158 | None Specified | Developmental/Learning, Genetic/Chromosomal | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
A review of No Saints Around Here: A Caregiver’s Days | Toth, Susan Allen. A review of No Saints Around Here: A Caregiver’s Days. Journal of Disability and Religion 19, no. 4 (2015): 387-388. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2015.1093901 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Disability as a Path to Spiritual Enlightenment: An Ethnographic Account of the Significance of Religion in Paralympic Sport | Howe, P. David, and Andrew Parker. Disability as a Path to Spiritual Enlightenment: An Ethnographic Account of the Significance of Religion in Paralympic Sport. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 1 (2014): 8-23. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868988 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Special Olympians as a “Prophetic Sign” to the Modern Sporting Babel | Watson, Nick J. Special Olympians as a “Prophetic Sign” to the Modern Sporting Babel. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 1 (2014): 24-48. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868993 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Towards a Theology of Disability Sport: A Misconstrued Game Plan | Watts, Graeme. Towards a Theology of Disability Sport: A Misconstrued Game Plan. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 1 (2014): 49-63. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868995 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
“Celebration” as the Spiritual Expression of Leisure and Sport: Reflections on the L’Arche Tradition and the Special Olympics | Watson, Nick J., and Catherine A. O’Keefe. “Celebration” as the Spiritual Expression of Leisure and Sport: Reflections on the L’Arche Tradition and the Special Olympics. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 1 (2014): 64-81. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868992 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A Modern Conception of Flesh: Towards a Theology of Disability Sport | Hopsicker, Peter M. A Modern Conception of Flesh: Towards a Theology of Disability Sport. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 1 (2014): 82-96. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868986 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Nature-Based Recreation, Spirituality and Persons with Disabilities | Heintzman, Paul. Nature-Based Recreation, Spirituality and Persons with Disabilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 18 (2014): 97-116. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868983 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Triumph From Anguish: The Inspiration of the Special Olympics | Shriver, Timothy. Triumph From Anguish: The Inspiration of the Special Olympics. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 18 (2014): 117-124. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228967.2014.868990 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Meet My Exes: Theological Reflections on Disability and Paralympic Sport—A Continuum of Ephemeral Deaths and Eternal Resurrection | Braye, Stuart. Meet My Exes: Theological Reflections on Disability and Paralympic Sport—A Continuum of Ephemeral Deaths and Eternal Resurrection. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 127-141. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898391 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
The Experience of Spirituality and Disability Sport for British Military Personnel Traumatically Injured in Iraq and Afghanistan: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis | Green, Sarah. The Experience of Spirituality and Disability Sport for British Military Personnel Traumatically Injured in Iraq and Afghanistan: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 142-156. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898394 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Radical Orthodoxy and the Emergence of Spiritual Hero-Athletes: Examining Lance Armstrong’s “Illness” Narrative | Meyer, Andrew R., and Nick J. Watson. Radical Orthodoxy and the Emergence of Spiritual Hero-Athletes: Examining Lance Armstrong’s “Illness” Narrative. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 157-172. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898396 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
A Postcolonial Approach to Understanding Sport-Based Empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Zambia: The Case of the Cultural Philosophy of Ubuntu | Mwaanga, Oscar, and Davies Banda. A Postcolonial Approach to Understanding Sport-Based Empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Zambia: The Case of the Cultural Philosophy of Ubuntu. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 173-191. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898398 | None Specified | Chronic Illness | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | |
Researching Religion, Disability, and Sport: Reflections and Possibilities | Parker, Andrew, and Nick J. Watson. Researching Religion, Disability, and Sport: Reflections and Possibilities. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 192-208. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898399 | None Specified | Journal, Religion | Journal Article | ||
Running the (Special) Race: New (Pauline) Perspectives on Disability and Theology of Sport | Yong, Amos. Running the (Special) Race: New (Pauline) Perspectives on Disability and Theology of Sport. Journal of Disability and Religion 18, no. 2 (2014): 209-225. | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23312521.2014.898400 |