Chronological list of resources used in project.
21st century
- Jackson, Donald. The Saint John’s Bible.Heritage edition., Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, 2008.
20th century
- Moser, Barry, et al. The Holy Bible : Containing All the Books of the Old and New Testaments.Pennyroyal Caxton Press, 1999.
- Wilde’s Bible Pictures : a Selected List of Sixty Subjects to Illustrate the International Sunday School Lessons for 1913. Wilde, 1913.
- Beard, Frank, and Martha Van Marter. Bible Symbols : Designed and Arranged to Stimulate a Greater Interest in the Study of the Bible by Both Young and Old : the Choicest Passages of God’s Word Put in the Fascinating Garb of Pictures . J.A. Hertel Co., 1908.
- Tissot, James. The Old Testament; Three Hundred and Ninety-Six Compositions Illustrating the Old Testament … de Brunoff, 1904.
- Smith, William. The Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible : Containing the Authorized and Revised Versions of the Old and New Testaments : Arranged in Parallel Columns, Giving the Correct Pronunciation of Every Proper Name Contained in the Bible : Complete Concordance, Marginal References, Chronological Tables, a History of Ancient Biblical Manuscripts with Fac-Similes of the Same, the Earliest Printed Editions of the Bible, a History of the Revision of the Bible, Etc. Philadelphia: A. J. Holman & Co., 1901.
19th century
- Smith, William. Holy Bible Containing the King James and the Revised Versions of the Old and New Testaments, Arranged in Parallel Columns : with a Complete Concordance, Embracing Every Passage of Scripture in the Largest Editions, and Dr. Wm. Smith’s Standard Bible Dictionary. Self-pronouncing ed., C.B. Burrows, 1892.
- Williams, S. Wells (Samuel Wells). The Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible, Containing the Authorized and Revised Versions of the Old and New Testaments : Arranged in Parallel Columns, Giving the Correct Pronounciation of Every Proper Name Contained in the Bible. N.p., 1890. Print.
- Melin, H. M., et al. Den heliga Skrift : innehållande Gamla och Nya Testamentet; jemte de apokryphiska böckerna; efter den från grundtexten utförda, och berigtigade öfversättningen . Waverly Publishing Co. 1889
- Brown, John. Brown’s Self-Interpreting Family Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments : to Which Are Annexed an Extensive Introduction; Marginal References and Illustrations; an Exact Summary of the Several Books; a Paraphrase on the Most Obscure or Important Parts; Explanatory Notes, Evangelical Reflections, &c., &c., by the Late Rev. John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. With Many Additional References and a Life of the Author. With Numerous Coloured Illustrations in Oil. James Semple. 1885
- Doré, Gustave, and Martin Luther. Die heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments. 6. Aufl., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 1880
- Smith, William, and Henry Hart Milman. The Pictorial History of the Bible : from the Creation of the World to the Close of the Apostolic Era : Being a Full and Complete Account of the Events Narrated in the Sacred Scriptures . P. Foster & Co. 1880
- Headley, P. C. (Phineas Camp). Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women of the Bible, from Eve of the Old to the Marys of the New Testament. Derby, Miller & Co., 1850.
- Adams, Joseph Alexander, et al. The Illuminated Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated Out the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared Abnd Revised : with Marginal Readings, References, and Chronological Dates : Also, the Apocrypha, to Which Are Added a Chronological Index, an Index of Subjects Contained in the Old and New Testaments, Tables of Weights, Coins, Measures, a List of Proper Names, a Concordance . Harper & Bros. 1846
- Williams, Thomas, and William Patton. The Cottage Bible, and Family Expositor : Containing the Old and New Testaments, with Practical Expositions and Explanatory Notes . D.F. Robinson and H.F. Sumner, 1834.
- Canne, John, and John Brown. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments : Together with the Apocrypha Translated Out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised : with Canne’s Marginal Notes and References : To Which Are Added an Index; an Alphabetical Table of All the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with Their Significations; Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. Published and sold by Daniel D. Smith, 1829.
- Macklin, Thomas., and Thomas Bensley. The Holy Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments.Printed for Thomas Macklin, by Thomas Bensley, 1800.
18th century
- Luther, Martin, et al. Biblia, das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift, Altes und Neues Testaments : Verteutscht von Doctor Martin Luther: und auf gnädigste Verordnung des durchleuchtigsten Fürsten und Herrn/ Herrn Ernsts/ Hertzogen von Sachsen … von etlichen reinen Theologen … erkläret … Dabey auch … biblische Register unter andern zu finden, ein Bericht, von Vergleichung der jüdischen und biblischen Monden, Maass, Gewicht, Müntz und Elen, mit den unserigen …In Verlegung Johann Andrea Endters seel. Sohn und Erben, 1708.
17th century
- The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly Translated Out of Ye Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared & Revised.Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1671.
16th century
- Henten, Johannes, et al. Biblia : ad Vetvstissima Exemplaria nunc recèns castigata, in qvibvs, præter ea qvæ subsequens præfatio indicat, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt, vt numeri præfixi, Lectorem nec remorentur, & loca quæsita tanquam digito demonstrent.Apud Hæredes Nicolai Beuilaquæ, & socios. 1578