Classrooms … in general

consoleA&S professors teach in over 300 classrooms, most with robust presentation technology. We believe every room is 100% fully functional – if not, please let us know, you are our eyes and ears. Ask your office staff to contact us, if necessary.

Immediate help is available by calling Classroom Technology at 254-307-1614 – a technician will answer and can often solve issues over the phone.

Feel free to contact the A&S tech staff for training, to suggest rooms needing technology, to ask questions or to offer suggestions.

You may Expect Excellence.

One thought on “Classrooms … in general

  1. Please give us access to writing surfaces, even when a screen is in use. Likewise, projectors should be strong enough so that lights do not need to be turned off to display visual images.

    To allow interaction, please make seats movable, or at least allow rotation.

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