To date, I have published over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters in topics that tend to focus on two main areas: impacts of information technology and research methodology. Some of my articles are among the most cited in the European Journal of Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. For more details about specific publications, please refer to my curriculum vitae.
Recently, I have been engaging in my passion to conduct responsible research. Responsible research not only offers academic contributions but also seeks to benefit practice and society. As business scholars, we have an opportunity to use our research efforts to address the United Nations’ Sustainability Goals or other issues in society, such as human trafficking (article) or improving the quality of life for those with disabilities (article). This research stream examines how information systems can positively or negatively impact individuals, groups, organizations, and society. My research on human trafficking (with Laurie Giddens) has received funding from the National Science Foundation and the IBM Center for the Business of Government.
Another research stream examines the impacts of information systems regarding how technology influences individuals’ perceptions of their identity with information technology and their usage of technology (article). I am also examining how technology impacts individuals and organizations, particularly information technology with hedonic purposes, such as online games (article) and gamification (article). In one research program (NPR podcast), I examined how organizations can use online gaming to identify skills and talent needed for today’s digital workforce (article).
Research that may be relevant to practitioners is of little value if there is not at least some degree of rigor. To help scholars balance both rigor and relevance, I also conduct research on methodological issues related to quantitative methods (article), literature reviews (article), and design science research (article).