
Service has always been an integral component to me throughout my career.  In 2014, I was asked to share my thoughts on service to the AIS in the following article.

I am a Senior Editor for AIS Transactions on Replication Research and AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. I also am a member of the editorial review board for the Journal of Association for Information Systems. I served for two terms as Associate Editor of MIS Quarterly, and I have been an Associate Editor for Information Systems Journal. I received the Reviewer of the Year award in 2007 and the Associate Editor of the Year Award in 2012 from MIS Quarterly. I also regularly serve as a track chair, minitrack chair, or associate editor at conferences, such as the International Conference for Information Systems and the Americas Conference for Information Systems. In 2017, I was recognized as the Best Associate Editor for the IS Development and Project Management track at the International Conference for Information Systems. In 2013, I served as Program Co-Chair for the Americas Conference for Information Systems, in which we processed over 800 submissions and coordinated directly with over 200 volunteers as track chairs and minitrack chairs. I also co-founded the Mid-Career Faculty Workshop for the Americas Conference on Information Systems in 2014, which is now a consistent part of the AMCIS program (article).

I have served in multiple editorial roles in the field of information systems. From 2017-2019, I served as Editor-in-Chief for one of the longest continually published journals in the information systems field, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. With my co-editor-in-chief, Tom Stafford, we increased the number of submissions to the journal, decreased the turnaround time for decisions, published more manuscripts in each issue, and increased the impact factor for the publication.

I served two terms as the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Vice President of Region 1 on AIS Council to represent members of the AIS that reside in the Americas (2015-2020). In this role, I also served as the chair of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Executive Committee, which oversees the governance of one of the largest conferences for academics in the discipline of information systems.

In addition to these roles, I am an active member of the Special Interest Group on IT Project Management, which is part of the Association for Information Systems. Previously, I served as the Treasurer and President of this organization. I am also an engaged member of the Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion. I participated in a task force in which we examined issues that limit individuals’ participation within the Association for Information Systems and provided recommendations to the Association for Information Systems Council, AIS Communities, and AIS membership (article).