Secondary Teacher Resources


Redistricting and Beyond: How Gerrymandering affects Minorities

Redistricting methods and gerrymandering has been a topic of debate across the US since 1812.  This inquiry lesson allows students to investigate how redistricting can affect minority groups and understand how to fairly district their community.  This virtual lesson uses primary source documents from the W. R. Poage Legislative Library.

The Trinity River Controversy- Recognizing Citizen’s Concerns

The Trinity River supplies water to Central Texas Citizens.  The river’s history is as old as the state.  This inquiry lesson allows students to investigate multiple citizens’ opinions on the creation of reservoirs and dams off of the Trinity River and the receptiveness of their concerns by their Representative.  This is a virtual lesson using primary source documents from the W. R. Poage Legislative Library.

Waco’s Community and Environmental Assets

There are multiple community and environmental assets in Waco that uplift the city, including the Cameron Park Zoo, Waco Wetlands, Waco Mammoth National Monument, and Airplane Park.  This inquiry lesson allows students to investigate why community and environmental assets are created, the process of their development, and how they are used by the community.  This virtual lesson uses primary source documents from the W. R. Poage Legislative Library.