Open Educational Resources

at Modern Languages & Cultures


Title VI Initiatives

Under the leadership of Xin Wang, Associate Professor of Chinese / Division Director of African & Asian Languages, the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures received a generous grant from the U.S. Department of Education. One of the initiatives of this grant-funded two OER projects in Asian language education. A Chinese and a Japanese course…

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Library Initiatives

The Affordable Course Materials Fellows Program at Baylor University explores the possibilities for adopting, adapting, or creating no-cost and low-cost course materials that better meet course learning objectives. Participants learn how these instructors changed a range of courses from Great Texts to Music and be encouraged to explore alternatives in their own classes. A member…

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Baylor Old Main

Other Initiatives

Some of the MLC faculty members received funding from other sources, such as Japan Foundation and the Department of Modern Languages & Cultures. Others have funded their own project – building own OER materials on their own time. Some of their work was initiated by the workshops provided by the Interactive Media and Language Center.


OER creators from our department present their projects at local, regional, national, and international conferences to share our project.