About me

I am an Assitant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Baylor University.

My research primarily focuses on finding connections between logic and algebra. More specifically, I work at the interface between model theory and module theory. I mostly study classes of modules and abelian groups as abstract elementary classes in an effort to better understand algebraic and model theoretic concepts. Most of the classes I study are not first-oder axiomatizable. Some of the classes I have studied are: torsion abelian groups with pure embeddings, flat modules with pure embeddings and absolutely pure modules with embeddings CV , Publication list with abstracts.

I got my PhD at Carnegie Mellon in June 2021. My advisor was Rami Grossberg and the title of my thesis was ” Remarks on classification theory for abstract elementary classes with applications to abelian group theory and ring theory“. For this work, I received the 2021 Sacks Prize from the Association for Symbolic Logic for the best thesis in mathematical logic in the world.

Prior to Baylor I was a Burnett Meyer Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at CU Boulder. My mentor at CU Boulder was Agnes Szendrei.

My research has been partially supported by an AMS-Simons travel grant and a NSF research grant DMS-2348881.