In order to mitigate the urgent crisis of climate change, Baylor University is partnering with the City of Waco to pilot a near-zero emission, multi-fuel combustor that transforms local waste of wide varieties with minimal postprocessing into ultra-clean energy….Continue Reading Waste to Energy Partnership with City of Waco
Combustion of straight algae oil in a swirl-stabilized burner…
This study investigates the combustion performance of straight algae oil (AO) in a 7-kW lab-scale gas turbine burner enabled by a novel twin-fluid injector, named Swirl-burst (SB) injector….Continue Reading Combustion of straight algae oil in a swirl-stabilized burner…
Development and combustion characterization of a novel twin-fluid…
This study aims to achieve improved fuel prevaporization and fuel-air mixing hence, less-lifted flames and ultimately yield stable, clean, and premixed combustion of viscous fuels using a novel twin-fluid injector, called swirl burst (SB) injector….Continue Reading Development and combustion characterization of a novel twin-fluid…
Combustion of straight glycerol with / without methane…
In this study, we present a fuel-flexible dual-fuel combustor to simultaneously burn methane and/or straight glycerol without preheating either glycerol or air by utilizing a novel flow-blurring (FB) liquid fuel injector….Continue Reading Combustion of straight glycerol with / without methane…
Clean combustion of different liquid fuels using a novel injector
This study demonstrates low-emission combustion of diesel, biodiesel and straight vegetable oil (VO) in a fuel-flexible combustor employing a flow blurring (FB) injector for fuel atomization….Continue Reading Clean combustion of different liquid fuels using a novel injector