Tag Archives: coding

Nesting local macros in Stata

Local macros are a very useful feature of Stata. Here is a simple example.

local macro1 “Hello!”

local macro2 = “How are you?”

local macro3 2+2

local macro4 = 2+2

di ” `macro1'`macro2′ ”

di “Here’s some math: `macro3' = `macro4′ ”


A few comments are in order here.  macro1′ tells Stata to replace this expression with the contents of the local macro1. Make sure to leave no spaces inside the `’. Also, note how macro3 and macro4 lead to different outcomes. You need to use the equal sign to make Stata to evaluate the expression, otherwise it will treat it like a string.

Now, Stata applies the “parentheses rule” when replacing local macros for their contents. That is, it first replaces the innermost local macro, then the second innermost local macro, and so on. Here is an example.

local macro5 “nest”

local nestmacro “Local macros can be nested!”

di ” “macro5’macro’ ”

Let’s add another layer to the nesting of the previous example and play with it a little bit more:

local macro5 “nest”

local macro6 “macro”

local macro7 5

local nestmacro “Local macros can be nested!”

di ” “macro`macro7”`macro6” ”

I guess you have a pretty good idea of how this works now. Good luck in your Stata coding.



Statistical Learning using R

I recently came across this book titled “An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R“.

It can be downloaded for free at the authors webpage, which also contain the R codes, data sets, errata, slides and videos for Statistical Learning MOOC, and other valuable information.

That said, I think this is a very useful book for those interested in Statistical Learning. It is very accessible to most people, since it does not require a strong mathematical background.

For those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of these topics, I strongly suggest the book “The Elements of Statistical Learning“, which is also available for download at no cost.