EWR Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word and should follow the MLA Handbook, 9th ed., with internal citations and a list of works cited.
- Essays should be approximately 7,500-10,000 words.
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Please include page numbers.
- For the body of the essay, use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and single space between sentences.
- Avoid the use of quotation marks or italics for emphasis.
- For quotations that run more than four lines, set off from the text as an indented block with no quotation marks.
- Embed any necessary footnotes using the ‘insert Footnote’ function in Word. Footnotes should be reserved for explanatory comments and supplementary information.
- Contributors are responsible for the accuracy of their articles including the spelling of names, quotations, and bibliographical citations, which should be checked against their original sources before articles are submitted.
- Contributors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions upon acceptance of the essay.
- Capitalize South and North (when used as nouns), and use lowercase for southern and northern (when used as adjectives).
- Capitalize Black and White when discussing race (MLA capitalizes Black Lives Matter and defers to Merriam Webster and the Chicago Manual of Style on matters of capitalization that it does not directly address. Following these sources, we have chosen to capitalize Black and White.).
- Do not use ellipses at the beginning or ending of quotations. If an ellipsis joins two sentences, please use three periods with spaces between: “word . . . word”
- Use a comma before the last member of a series of three or more coordinate elements.
- Use “which” for nonrestrictive phrases and clauses and “that” for restrictive phrases and clauses.
- Use “such as” when giving examples and “like” when illustrating a similarity.
- Citations:
—Interviews with Welty should be cited according to MLA to Welty, not the interviewer, and listed under Welty in the Works Cited where the interview publication will be listed, such as Peggy Whitman Prenshaw’s Conversations or More Conversations.
—Whenever possible, contributors should cite texts in Library of America volumes of Welty’s works as the standard in the field. The Library of America uses Welty’s first editions of all her story collections, novels, and memoir, and includes “Where Is the Voice Coming From?” and “The Demonstrators” from Collected Stories, plus selected essays.
The following standard abbreviations are used in parenthetical citations. Texts not collected in these volumes are cited according to MLA format or by stipulated abbreviations.
CG A Curtain of Green and Other Stories
RB The Robber Bridegroom
WN The Wide Net and Other Stories
DW Delta Wedding
GA The Golden Apples
PH The Ponder Heart
BI The Bride of Innisfallen and Other Stories
SB The Shoe Bird
LB Losing Battles
OTOP One Time, One Place
OD The Optimist’s Daughter
ES The Eye of the Story: Selected Essays and Reviews
CS The Collected Stories
OWB One Writer’s Beginnings
P Photographs
WE A Writer’s Eye: Collected Book Reviews
O Occasions: Selected Writings