Index to Eye of the Story, pages 177-276
adventure: 205
advertising: 239
affection: 205
American Academy of Arts and Letters: 217
American life: legendary, 179; related to Old World, 179; romantic, 179
Algonquin Indians: 183
Arabian Nights: 262
Asia: 183
Austen, Jane: 191, 222; Chapman Edition, 231
Australia: 264, 267
Battersea Rise, Clapham Common: 221-22, 225
Baudelaire, Charles: 236; The Flowers of Evil, 236
Bell, Vanessa: 194, 195, 196, 197-98, 199, 199-200; brother Thoby Stephen, 197
Biala, Janice: 243
Bible: 262
biography: 244, 248, 249
Blackwood’s Magazine: 248
Bloomsbury: 195-96
Blotner, Joseph: 212-13, 218; Selected Letters of William Faulkner, 212-20
Bookman: 191
Bowen, Elizabeth: 269-76; autobiography, 269, 273; “Bergotte,” 274-75; Bowen’s
Court, 273, 276; Bowen’s Court, 273; characters, 272; childhood, 270, 272; death of,
269; The Death of the Heart, 272; Early Stories, 273; Eva Trout, 272; “Genesis,” 272-
73; illness, 270; friends, 270; literary agent of, 269; literary criticism of, 270; literary
executer of, 269; The Little Girls, 272; “The Move-In,” 273-74; nativity play, 275-76;
“Notes on Writing a Novel,” 275; as novelist, 270-71, 272; “Origins,” 270; Pictures
and Conversations, 269-76; “People,” 270; “Places,” 270; as reader, 270; as regional
writer, 271-72; schooling, 271; Seven Winters, 273, 276; unfinished novel, 273-74
Bowen, Stella: 243
Brennan, Gerald: 201
British: 184; colonists, 185; place-names, 185, 187
Brown, Spencer Curtis: 269, 275-76
Brown, Ford Madox: 241
Brown, Sally: 241
Bryd, William: 189
California: 186, 252
Cambridge: 224
Caroline, of Brunswick, Queen: 223
Carrington, Dora: 195
Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland, 269
Case, Janet: 198-99
Cicero, Marcus Tullius: 239
Cecil, Lady Robert (Nelly): 194, 199
Cerf, Bennett: 214
Cezanne, Paul: 196
Chandler, Raymond: 236
characterization: 203-05, 258
Clapham Sect: 222, 223
Clark, William, 187
Commins, Saxe: 2114
Connolly, Cyril: 200
Conrad, Joseph: 245, 248-49; Romance, 244
Corelli, Maria: 191
Cowley, Malcom: 212-13, 215-16, 217, 217-218; Faulkner-Cowley File, 217
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage, 242
Crawford, Joan: 238
Creek Indians: 180
critics, literary: 211
Davies, Margaret Llewelyn: 194, 197
death: 205
Defoe, Daniel: 191
Democracy, in place names: 184
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: 228
Dinesen, Isak: 261-63; “The Caryatids,” 262, 263; Last Tales, 261-63; “Night Walk,”
262; Out of Africa, 262-63
Donner party: 189
Dutch: 184; explorers, 187; place-names, 187
Eddy, Nelson: 235
Erskine, Albert: 214
Eygpt: 213
Eliot, T. S.: 195, 196; “Poems,” 195
England: 227, 270-71
Europe: 183
fairy tale: 262
fairy tale motif: 253-54, 255, 256
Faulkner, William: 207-211, 212-20; agents, 213-15; art of fiction, 216; artist, 212;
“The Bear,” 215, 219; biography, 213, 216; Compson Appendix, 216; critics of, 210;
fiction of, 219-20; France, 217; The Hamlet, 215; Intruder in the Dust, 207-11;
Luxembourg Gardens, 217; manners, 217; Nobel Prize, 218; novels, 215; passion in
writing, 219; praise for other writers, 219; publishers, 213-15; Sanctuary, 213;
Selected Letters, 212-20; sensitivity, 219; The Sound and the Fury, 219; short
stories, 214, 215; “Spotted Horses,” 219; style of writing, 209, 210-22; telegrams,
217; Viking Portable, 216-17
fiction: ambiguities in, 265; action in, 208-09; characters/characterization, 258, 264,
266, 272, 275; comedy in, 231, 268; description in, 257; fantasies, 228; Gothic, 262;
homosexuality in, 230, 230-331, 232; humor in, 208-09; marriage in, 266, 267;
mystery in, 210; mysteriousness, 229; novellas, 264; past in, 253; plot, 255;
relationship between life and art, 269, 274; sentimental, 239; sex in, 265, 266, 268;
short stories, 261-63, 264-68; symbols in, 265; time in, 209, 253, 254, 257; women
in, 231; writing of, 272
Ford, Ford Madox: 241-50; biography of, 241-50; Buckshee, 247; characters, 246;
divorce, 242, 247; as editor, 245; Elsie Martindale, 242; father, 241, 242; France,
243; The Good Soldier, 241, 244; grandfather, 242; Janice Biala, 243; imagination,
242; kindness, 248-49; literary reputation, 248; mother, 241; neurasthenia, 243; on
novelists, 249; novels by, 243; Parade’s End, 241; Romance, 244; self-portrait, 249;
subjects for fiction, 247; Stella Bowen, 243; United States, 243; Violet Hunt, 242;
war, 247-48; youth, 242
Forster, Charles: 224
Forster, E. M.: 200-01, 221-26, 227-234, 245; Albergo Empedocle and Other
Writings, 233; Arbinger Edition, 233; “Arthur Snatchfold,” 229; biographer, 226;
Celestial Omnibus, 227; comedy in fiction, 231; death, 227; diary, 228, 230; “Dr.
Woolacott,” 229; The Eternal Moment, 227; flaws in short fiction, 232; friends,
228029; homosexuality, 230, 232, 233; homosexuality in fiction, 227, 232; “The Life
to Come,” 227, 228; The Life to Come, and Other Stories, 227-234; The Longest
Journey, 233-34; Marianne Thornton, 221-26; Maurice, 228, 232, 233; novels, 232
novelist, 226; “The Other Boat,” 228, 229, 231-32; A Passage to India, 228; “The
Road from Colonus,” 232; short fiction, 227-34; stance on posthumous publications,
231; “Three Courses and a Dessert: Being a New and Gastronomic Version of the
Game of Consequences,” 231; “The Torque,” 231; “What Does it Matter? A Morality,”
230-31; writing life of, 233
Forster, Edward: 224
France: 217, 225, 243
France, Anatole: 275
French: 184; explorers, 185; in the West, 181; place-names, 185, 188; priests
friendship: 205
Fry, Roger: 196
Furbank, P. N.: 230
Galsworthy, John: 245
Garnett, David: 195, 196, 201-02
geography: 183
Germany: 243
Goldman, Morton: 214
Grant, Duncan: 195
Greece: 262, 264; Athens, 265
gypsies: 180
Haas, Robert K.: 214
Hardy, Thomas: 196, 245
Hemingway, Ernest: 190, 249; Men without Women, 190
history, American: 183
Hogarth Press: 194-95
Hollywood: 213, 214, 218, 236
homosexuality: in fiction, 227, 230, 275
Hudson, A. P.: 218
Hudson, W.H.: 245
humor: 208-09, 239, 240; in fiction, 231
Hunt, Violet: 242-43
Hutton, Barbara: 238
imagination: 203, 272
Ireland: 270-71, 273, 276; Dublin, 273
irony: 265
Irving, Washington: 177-81; as gentleman, 180; as observer, 180; Western Journals
of, 177
Italy: 262, 264, 267; Rome, 262
Jackson, Andrew: 189
Jackson (MS) High School: 239
James, Henry: 192, 199, 242, 245; The Turn of the Screw, 192
Joilet, Louis: 184-85
Joyce, James: 245
Judge: 239
King’s College: 227
Lawrence, T. E.: 228
Lear, Eward: 192; The Jumblies, 192
Lafayette, Marquis de: 183, 189
LaSalle, Sieur de: 185
Lawrence, H. D.: 245
Lee, Vernon: 200
Lehmann, John: 275; Orion II, 275
Lewis, Meriwether: 187
Lewis, Wyndham: 244-45
Lincoln, Abraham: 189
literary criticism: 244, 270
London: 245
London Times: 193, 194
love: 205
Lowell, Robert: 247
Luxembourg Gardens: 217
Lyttleton, Bishop Arthur: 198
Macauley, Zachary: 222
MacDonald, Jeanette: 235
Macdonald, Ross: 251-60; characters, 259-60; The Chill, 252; The Galton Case, 252;
metaphor, 259; prose style, 259; The Underground Man, 251-60
Mansfield, Katherine: 191, 195
Marquette, Pere: 184-85
Martindale, Elsie: 242-43
Marx, Groucho: 238
Mason, Samuel: 180; and gang, 180
McDermott, John Francis: 177-81
metaphors: 259
Missouri: 178
Mizener, Arthur: 241-50; as critic, 246; lack of feeling, 247, 248; parallels between
characters and people, 246-47; prose style of, 244; The Saddest Story: A Biography
of Ford Madox Ford, 241-50
More, Hannah: 223
Mormons: 185
Morrell, Lady Ottoline: 194
movies: 239
Mullen, Phil: 218
Murry, John Middleton: 195; “The Critic in Judgment,” 195
mysteries: 251-52
mystery: in fiction, 210
Napoleon: 225, 226
narrative: first person, 258; storytellers in, 262, 263; style (successful), 259
Native Americans: 178, 179, 180, 183; Algonquins, 183; beliefs of, 183; Creeks, 180;
place-names, 187, 188
New Orleans (LA): 213
New York: 178, 213
New Yorker: 181
New York Herald Tribune: 190
Nicholson, Nigel: 193, 197
Nobel Prize: 218
Norton, W. W. and Company: 233
Ober, Harold: 214, 215
Odets, Clifford: 236
Oedipus: 252
Oklahoma: 178
Oxford (MS): 213
Oxford Eagle: 218
Paris: 213
parody: 236, 238, 239-40
Parsons, Louella: 326
past: in fiction, 253
Peacock, Thomas Love: 191
Penn, William: 189
Perelman, S. J.: 235-240; “Acres and Pains,” 238; Baby, It’s Cold Inside, 235, 239-40;
“Caution: Soft Prose Ahead,” 236; characters, 237; “Farewell, My Lovely Appetizer,”
236; “Genuflection in the Sun,” 236; Judge, 239; The Most of S. J. Perelman, 235-40;
“Nesselrode to Jeopardy,” 236; “Nirvana Small by Waterfalls,” 236; parody, 236, 238,
239-40; satire, 237; “Strictly from Hunger,” 236; “Waiting for Santy,” 236;
“Westward, Ha!” 238
Pitt, William: 222
place-names: 182-89; classic, 186
Plomer, William: 228
plot: in fiction, 255, 275
politics: in Intruder in the Dust, 209-10
Pound, Ezra: 245
Pre-Raphaelites: 241, 245
Proust, Marcel: 274-75
Puritan, place-names: 186
Quennell, Peter: 275
readers: 269, 270, 273
religion: 222
reviews, book: 177-276; by Eudora Welty, 177-276; by Virginia Woolf, 190-92
Rivers, place-names: 188
Robin Hood: 180
Ruskin, John: 275
satire: 237
Saturday Evening Post: 214, 215
Scotland: 183
Sicily: 264, 267
slang: 183
Smith, Harrison: 214
Smith, John: 189
Smith, Logan Pearsall: 199
Spanish: 184; explorers, 185, 187; place-names, 185, 188
Stallybrass, Oliver: 227, 228, 233
Stephen, Dorothy: 199-200
Stephen, Thoby: 197
Sterne, Laurence: 191
Stewart, George R.: 182-89, Names on the Land, 182-89; Storm, 182
Stockholm: 213
Stratchey, Lytton: 191, 193, 196, 200, 228; Eminent Victorians, 200
Summers, Jill Faulkner: 212-13
Sussex: 193
Sydney-Turner, Saxon: 197
Thornton, Mariane: 221-26; recollections
Thyme, Beatrice: 199
time: in fiction, 209, 253, 254, 257
Thompson, George H.: 233
Tolstoy, Leo: 245
Trautman, Joanne: 193
trust: 205
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich: 249
United States: 243, 249
Virginia: 213
Vogue: 237
Walpole, Hugh: 201
Washington, George: 189
Wasson, Ben: 213
Wells, H. G.: 201, 245
Welty, Eudora: in Ireland, 276; as reader, 250, 276; reviews by, 177-276; youth,
West: 177, 179, 180, 185; Bean’s Rangers, 178; exploration, 187; romantic view of,
White, E. B.: 203-06; Charlotte’s Web, 203-06
White, Patrick: 264-68, The Cockatoos, 264-68; “The Cockatoos,” 267-68; “FiveTwenty,” 266; “The Full Belly,” 265-66; “The Night the Prowlers,” 266-67; “Sicilian
Vespers,” 267
Whichelo, Alice Clara: 224
Wilberforce, William: 222, 223
Williams, Joan: 218, 219
Wolfe, Thomas: 216
Women: in fiction, 231
World War I: 195; air raids, 195; conscientious objectors, 105; rations, 195
World War II: 265
Woolf, Leonard: 190, 193, 197, 198; Beginning Again, 194; honeymoon, 193;
“Prelude,” 195; “Three Jews,” 195;
Woolf, Virginia: 190-92, 192-202; Asheham, 193, 195; on aristocracy, 199;
barrenness, 200; childhood, 198; The Common Reader, 190, 191; death, 190; diaries,
201; drowning, 202; Emma Vaughn (cousin), 195; family deaths, 193; German
prisoners, 195; Granite and Rainbow, 190-92; Hogarth House, 194; honeymoon,
193; illness, 197, 200; insanity, 194; intimacy, 197; Jacob’s Room, 193; “Kew
Gardens,” 195; Letters Volume II, 193-202; “The Mark of the Wall,” 195; marriage,
197; Mrs. Dalloway’s Party, 198; novel writing, 192; printing press, 194, 195;
recovery, 200-01; relationship with L. Stratchey, 200; relationship with L Woolf,
200; reviews, 190-91; self-consciousness, 200; sensitivity of, 196-97; soul, 201; To
the Lighthouse, 192, 198; The Voyage Out, 194, The Waves, 191, 197
writing: action, 179; immediacy, 179; landscape, 179; romanticized, 178; with
directness, 178; with spontaneity, 178;
Yankee, place-names: 186
Yeats, W. B.: 245
Yoknapatawpha County: 207
Young, John: 189
Youngstown, Ohio: 189