Panel #1: Ordained Destinies and National Ecologies in Three 19C British Poems

Moderator: Susan Oliver (University of Essex)
Allison Dushane (Angelo State University), “‘Preternatural Agency’: Coleridge’s Sybilline Leaves and Ethics in the Anthropocene”
Sam Baker (University of Texas at Austin), “Ann Radcliffe’s Stonehenge: A Gothic Poem for a Secular Age”
Devin Griffiths (University of Southern California), “Waking Dover Beach”

2 thoughts on “Panel #1: Ordained Destinies and National Ecologies in Three 19C British Poems”

  1. I just wanted to note that I had trouble hearing the audio from the ABL participants. I could hear the responses from the remote participants, but I couldn’t hear the questions from those on site.

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth. We did have some wireless microphone interference issues at ABL. Those issues have been resolved and shouldn’t impact things going forward.

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