The sheet music in the “Texas” category of the Spencer Collection portrays two different types of love: patriotic and romantic. The majority of songs about Texas are patriotic, showing pride in the state’s many positive qualities and accomplishments. Romantic songs similarly use Texas as an important setting, showing that patriotic love for Texas can deepen the romantic love between two people. Texas plays a significant role in both types of love, suggesting that locations can connect to and influence multiple interpretations of love, and that these different interpretations may be more closely related to each other than they appear at first glance.
Part 1: Patriotic Love in Texas
Quite a few songs in the Spencer Collection are patriotic anthems, often commissioned by various Texan groups to commemorate specific events and instill a sense of pride in their common heritage. For example, the 1892 song “Turn Texas Loose” is a victorious march that declares Texas’s pride in her independence and integrity: “Turn Texas loose, our Lone Star State, / Her graceful limb’s unbind / Loose her from bonds which adverse fate, / Has linked with judgment blind; / Then her majestic march will show, / Her progress and her pow’r, / While gracious gifts to high and low, / With loving hands she’ll show’r.”
Claiming that Texas rises above the corruptions of government, “Turn Texas Loose” shows the type of patriotic love, specifically admiration for the independence and high ideals that Texans share, that is common to much of the music found in this collection.
Besides patriotic songs about the state of Texas, there are songs about specific cities as well. In 1916, Mrs. John Wesley Graham, the State Chairman of the Music Department for the Texas Woman’s Fair, commissioned an anthem to Houston titled “Hurrah! for Houston: ‘The Best Old Town in Dixie’.” Mainly describing Houston’s economic prosperity, as well as its pleasant weather and beautiful buildings, the song is full of phrases like, “Oh my heart’s firmly anchored down in Houston,” and “Here, life’s entrancing and health enhancing / One joyous round of delight.”
In the late 19th and early 20th century, sheet music was very popular in middle-class homes, as playing piano at home was one of the main sources of entertainment before the era of records and radio. Many pieces of sheet music were published with additional advertisements on the back, and even the content of the song could be intended to spread certain opinions; so “Hurrah! For Houston” is likely meant partially as an advertisement for the Texas Woman’s Fair. However, it is also an expression of love for the city of Houston, as told by the people who live there. As with the other examples of Texas music in the Spencer Collection, the song is effusive about the joys of living in Texas and the sense of camaraderie among its residents.
The mayor of Dallas also commissioned an advertisement-heavy song, titled “Meet Me in Dallas: ‘Be Sure and Meet Me’,” to convince the Democratic National Convention to hold their 1916 meeting in Dallas. The song’s lyrics say, “Meet me in the city of the hour / In the heart of Texas fairest flower . . . Dallas folks will meet you, / Texas folks will greet you.” Although the song tried its best to paint a glowing picture of Dallas, the Democratic National Convention was held at St. Louis instead; however, it is still a prime example of patriotic love for Texas, as it is very clear that Texans, from all cities, believe that their state is the best.
Another commemorative song shows off the contributions that Texans have made to the progress of the United States. “The Nest of Our Country’s Eagles”6 is a tribute to the Air Force pilots at Randolph Field in Universal City, Texas. Written during World War II, the song is undeniably patriotic, honoring the brave Texans who fought for both their state and their country.
Similarly, “We Fly with Uncle Sam” is another World War II Air Force song indicating a great deal of patriotism for the United States, not just Texas. While this song makes no mention of Texas specifically, it was written and distributed by Texans in the San Antonio area, where there was (and still is) an Air Force base. By displaying their love for America, these Texans were implicitly displaying their love for Texas as well; as the song says, they were “Ready to fly in the sunshine or the rain, / We fly for Uncle Sam, / And our dear old U. S. A.”.
The five songs above exemplify the patriotic love that Texans have for their state and for their country. Additionally, the songs that were commissioned by certain people or groups specifically highlight attributes of Texas cities and life that contribute to the overall positive image of the state. The narrative about Texas, as written by Texans, is one of pride and patriotism, and the sheet music in the Spencer Collection suggests that Texans love their state and want others to know about it. This idea also carries over into later works distributed both in print and in film.
Part 2: Patriotic Love in Hollywood
Just as earlier sheet music presented a specific patriotic image of Texas, later sheet music adapted from films also portrays a certain narrative about the state. Several songs in the Texas category of the Spencer Collection are selections from movie musicals produced in the 1930s and 1940s. These movies feature Texan settings and characters, and contribute to a particular “popular” image of Texas that is still present today. While this image is simplistic and stereotypical, with depictions of tough cowboys, ranchers, and rodeos, the overall message is still positive, suggesting yet more patriotic love for the state.
For example, one song claims outright that Texas is better than any other state. “I Never Met a Texan (Who Won’t Love Texas Till the Day He Dies)” is from the 1948 Warner Brothers film Two Guys from Texas, a musical comedy starring Jack Carson and Dennis Morgan, who play two down-on-their-luck entertainers posing as cowboys. In “I Never Met a Texan,” patriotic love is displayed through one-upmanship, as Jack Carson sings “I once met a New Yorker / a fancy talker / he hated N. Y. / I once met a Virginian, / his home opinion / would make Virginians cry…”
Continuing through a list of several other states, Carson concludes that only Texans are happy to live in their home state – implying that this is because Texas is superior to the others. Here, the Hollywood image of Texas does indeed portray Texans as patriotic and fiercely loyal to their state.
Another similar song compares Texas to heaven. “Texas, Brooklyn, and Heaven,” from the 1948 Golden Productions movie of the same name, claims that Texas is one of the best places on earth, stating, “Before you learned your A, B, C’s you learned that good things happen in threes like Texas, Brooklyn, and Heaven . . . Angels live all over the place in Texas, Brooklyn, and Heaven.”3 Although this comparison is a little extreme, the enthusiasm and love for Texas is undeniable. Again, a Hollywood film represents Texas as a wonderful and desirable place to live.
Besides claiming Texas’s superiority, many Hollywood songs focus on things that are quintessential parts of Texas, like the Texas Rangers. “The Texas Ranger Song,”4 from Paramount Pictures’ 1936 film The Texas Rangers, describes a stereotypical day in the life of the Rangers, riding, shooting, and defeating villains. While perhaps not the most accurate depiction, this song captures the type of heroism that most people associate with the Texas Rangers.
Obviously, this is a romanticized image of the Texas Rangers – but that is exactly what makes this song a good example of another Hollywood “love song” to Texas. The idealistic representation of Texas and the Texas Rangers serves as a patriotic homage to the state.
“At the Rodeo” also describes a quintessential part of Texas. This song, another number from Two Guys From Texas, provides listeners with a general description of the rodeo experience: “There’ll be peanuts and popcorn and sody / at the rodeo, / . . . You’ll see a lot of new faces / And some that you’ve seen before, / . . . You’ll find cowboys from Waco and Lody / at the rodeo…”5 Again, this is a pretty stereotypical illustration of Texan life, but still fairly positive, and accurate enough that it allows listeners to picture what being at a Texas rodeo in the 1940s was like.
Songs from Hollywood films also define the kinds of people who come from Texas. RKO Pictures’ 1953 film The French Line stars Jane Russell as a Texan oil heiress looking for love. She and Mary McCarty perform the song “Any Gal from Texas,” which portrays true Texas girls as “straight-shootin’, hard ridin’, [and] law abidin’.”7 According to this song, Texas girls are independent, resourceful, and unafraid to get what they want. Again, this reinforces the mostly positive stereotype that Texans are tough, but also devoted to their home state.
Listen to “Any Gal From Texas” here:
Part 3: Romance and Patriotism
Even romantic songs can have a patriotic element to them, as shown by the pieces below. Through these songs, we see that Texas is a significant setting for each love story, whether it creates an atmosphere for romance or helps to ease heartbreak. This is particularly evident in selections from movies, which use specific details about Texas to enhance storytelling and provide a clearer image of Texas. Though the main focus of a love song is usually the singer’s loved one, there is also an undercurrent of love for Texas as well, combining romantic themes with patriotic.
In “’Neath the Purple on the Hills,” from the 1945 film Sing Me a Song of Texas, the lyrics describe a romance that began in a specific part of Texas. The scenery paints a romantic picture, as the singer reminisces: “How I’d love to wander back / Where the Colorado thrills / Down in that Blue Bonnet Valley / ’Neath the purple on the hills. / Where the Texas stars keep shinin’ / On the sage beyond the trail / Where we first wandered hand in hand…”1. Here, we see that the majority of the song is spent describing the setting, which indicates that Texas is extremely significant to that particular love story.
Similarly, “Beside the Alamo,” from the 1953 Universal-International film The Man From the Alamo, paints a picture of a romantic night where another relationship first began: “I lost my heart one evening, / the stars were all aglow, / One summer night in Texas, / Beside the Alamo”.
Again, the setting (this time an important Texas landmark) plays a significant role in creating a romantic atmosphere. Many love stories, even the stories of our own first dates, engagement proposals, etc., put emphasis on location because it provides a deeper understanding of the specific relationship. Often, the place itself becomes just as valuable as the relationship; so the fact that Texas is the setting of these love songs shows that it is a wonderful, special place. This in turn adds to the positive popular image of Texas that is more obvious in patriotic songs.
Not only does Texas provide a romantic setting for love’s beginnings, but it can soothe the pain of love’s endings. In “The Hooking Cow Blues,” a homesick cowboy tells his sweetheart to recommit to their relationship or he will return to Texas: “Out in Texas with the hooking cows, / is where I always long and always crave to be. / Tell me honey / Do you ever think of me? / I have told you these same things before. / The way you treat me honey I will have to go. / If you love me you will have to tell me so”3. In this case, the allure of Texas is so strong that it actually starts to conflict with the relationship, so here, patriotic love overcomes romantic love.
Patriotic love can also inspire romantic love, as in “Flying Cadet Dream Girl,” written in 1933. This song describes a beautiful female pilot that the writer “found ʼneath the Texas moon,”4 and the cover shows photos of Randolph Air Field in San Antonio. As in the more patriotic pieces in the collection, “Flying Cadet Dream Girl” displays a sense of pride in its Texas heritage, but also uses its location in Texas as a backdrop for the romance that takes place.
The “Lady Bird Cha Cha Cha” also combines patriotic admiration with romantic love. Inspired by the first lady of the United States from 1963-1969, Lady Bird Johnson, this song is a lighthearted ditty, with the singer inviting his sweetheart onto the dance floor to dance the “Lady Bird Cha Cha Cha.” A note on the cover states that the song was “composed by the authors for our first lady who cares about the beautification of the United States.”5 Johnson’s platform was indeed the beautification of American cities and highways, and she and her husband, 36th U. S. president Lyndon B. Johnson, were both from Texas. Although the explicit message of the song is romantic, the song is obviously meant to express the authors’ patriotic love for Johnson and for Texas. Here, as with other songs in the collection, patriotism and romance intersect to give a more nuanced interpretation to the song.
Even simple love songs can have multiple interpretations. These five pieces from the Spencer Collection display both romantic and patriotic themes, whether they are love stories set in Texas or lighthearted songs inspired by political figures. In particular, it seems that location is a significant element in love stories, and the focus on Texas in these songs indicates that it is an important place. In each song, the romance is enhanced by a love for Texas as well, so that there is an underlying sense of patriotism in these Texas-centered pieces. Both types of love have overlapping meanings, but closely connect to Texas, showing the overall complexity of love and suggesting that location, and the culture, memories, and emotions associated with it, can be a useful aid in interpreting various expressions of love in music and other sources.
Text and curation by Rachel Risk
Section One
Northrup, Theodore H. “Turn Texas Loose.” 1892. Galveston: Thos. Goggan. Print.
Filleau, E. A. “Hurrah! For Houston: The Best Old Town in Dixie.” 1916. Houston: E. A. Filleau. Print.
“Popular Songs of the Day.” The Library of Congress Celebrates the Songs of America, Library of Congress,
Gardner, Jack. “Meet Me in Dallas: ‘Be Sure and Meet Me’.” 1915. Dallas: George McBlair. Print.
Bosse, Paula. “‘Meet Me in Dallas’ by Jack Gardner (1915).” Flashback: Dallas, 4 Feb. 2014.
Lamm, William R. “The Nest of Our Country’s Eagles.” 1942. San Antonio: William R. Lamm. Print.
Royall, Corinne Tayloe. “We Fly with Uncle Sam.” 1941. San Antonio: Milton Uhl Reproduction Service Co. Print.
Section Two
“Two Guys from Texas Full Synopsis.” Turner Classic Movies,
Styne, Jule. “I Never Met a Texan (Who Won’t Love Texas Till the Day He Dies).” 1948. New York: M. Witmark & Sons. Print.
Drake, Ervin. “Texas, Brooklyn, and Heaven.” 1948. New York: George Simon, Inc. Print.
Coslow, Sam. “The Texas Ranger Song.” 1936. New York: Famous Music Corp. Print.
Styne, Jule. “At the Rodeo.” 1948. New York: Remick Music Corp. Print.
“The French Line Full Synopsis.” Turner Classic Movies,
Myrow, Josef. “Any Gal from Texas.” 1953. New York: Mills Music, Inc. Print.
Section Three
Snodgrass, Logan. “’Neath the Purple on the Hills.” 1945. New York: Northern Music Corp. Print.
Skinner, Frank. “Beside the Alamo.” 1953. Hollywood: Skinner Music Company, Inc. Print.
Williams, Douglas. “The Hooking Cow Blues.” 1918. New York: Pace & Handy Music Co. Inc. Print.
Wilson, Paul B. “Flying Cadet Dream Girl.” 1933. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Paul B. Wilson. Print.
Starr, Samuel D. “Lady Bird Cha Cha Cha.” 1968. Hammond, Indiana: De’Besth Music Pub. Co. Print.