
Geology 1107, Evolution and Extinction
Course description: This course emphasizes what the fossil records tells us about evolutionary processes, major extinction events in Earth history, the relationship between the Earth’s changing climates and environments and evolution, and the implications of future climate change for life on Earth. Introductory undergraduate course. No prerequisites. Meets Baylor’s Grand Challenges course requirements.


Geology 3342, Field Studies in Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Course description: Study of sediments and sedimentary rocks in the field. The interpretation of geologic history, based on outcrop investigation. Includes numerous written and oral reports, weekly field trips, and occasional weekend field trips. A weekly lab is required. Upper level undergraduate course. Prerequisites required.


Geology 4331, Evolutionary History of Plants
Course description: The evolutionary history of plants as studied through the fossil record, including preservation, plant morphology and anatomy, and techniques used to reconstruct paleoenvironment and paleoecology. A weekly lab, which includes one weekend fieldtrip, is required. Advanced undergraduate and graduate student level. Prerequisites required.


Geology 5314a, Advanced Topics in Paleoclimatology: Paleoclimate Proxies
Course description: Survey of methods used for reconstructing ancient climates with a primary focus on terrestrial and marine proxies for paleoclimate and atmospheric conditions, such as CO2 through discuss of primary literature. Topics will vary. Advanced undergraduate and graduate student level seminar.


Geology 5314b, Advanced Topics in Paleoclimatology: Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future 
Course description: Survey of some of the important changes in the earth’s climate through the discussion primary literature and the proxies and models used to determine and interpret the causes and effects of these changes. Topics will vary. Advanced undergraduate and graduate student level seminar.


Geology 5389, Earth System Science
Course descriptions: Focused on the Earth’s four systems (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and solid Earth), the internal and external forcing factors that influence them, and how they effect the Earth’s climate both independently and by interacting together.

Geology 5V90, Advanced Topics in Geochronology 
Course description: Focused on geochronologic methods used to generate absolute and relative dates for geological, paleontological, and archeological context.  Topics will vary, but will provide a background in the physics of radioactive decay, some commonly used radioactive dating methods, non-radiometric dating methods for younger samples, and methods used for relative dating.