Get Involved

There are so many ways to be involved with the Women’s Colloquium here at Baylor. From receiving emails to taking part in activism here on campus, all Baylor faculty and staff are welcome to join us in advancing our mission. You can choose to be as active as you like!

Join our mailing list

Stay up to date about meetings, opportunities for activism, and academic programming. We have members who are active even in semesters where they cannot attend in-person. The mailing list is the primary avenue for staying up to date with events, meetings, and other opportunities to be together.

Come to our meetings 

The Women’s Colloquium meets in-person twice a semester and seeks to co-host other events across campus. We all lead busy lives as faculty and staff at Baylor, so we do not require attendance at each event to be a member. In fact, you can be a member and attend a meeting, every meeting, or by serving on a committee. We welcome all levels of participation.